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Running Header: PLOS: 6: COMMUNITY HEALTH 1

Benito Rumbo

California State University Channel Island

Health 499: Professor Winans

PLOs: 6: Community Health



The artifact that I will be using for this assignment is for my Health 102: Community

Health course. In this courses, I learned the skills of problem-solving by designing a Women’s

Community Health Clinic in Ventura County. In this assignment, I was asked to create a name,

location, primary population served, and what kind of service will the organization offer to the

community. I named the organization Women’s Safe Harbor: Women’s Community Health

Clinic of Ventura County. It would be located in Oxnard, CA 93033. The organization will serve

underserved low-income minority women. Women with children, and victims of domestic

violence. The service that it will offer would be housing, support groups, meals, clothing

resources, providing women with resume support, job search, and other educational resources.

This assignment made me aware of the importance of integrating health care with other

disciplines to assure community development.

In the assignment, I had to problem solved and research different types of service the

community that Venture county needs. I believe having these resources can assure more women

having support in order for them to navigate their life. The unfortunate reality is that Oxnard in

Venture county has one of the lowest high school graduation rates. Only 64.3% of the student

will graduate from high school. After high school, many of these individuals would need

financial support to afford the high cost of California housing. The reality is that even college

graduates have a difficult time affording California housing. It is important that organizations

exist to support the community for those who are low income.

Overall, this course was informative I learned a lot. In this class, we had three photograph

projects where we had to take photos of the community that needed more community impact. We

wrote a reflection regarding the images and how the image related to our personal health.

Community health is something that I am strongly passionate about. This course and other of my

Health Science courses made me aware that there is demand for community health. It allowed

me to be aware of the importance health inequality exist between other communities. I believe

more individuals need to do more of their part to try to impact and uplift other members who

come from a disadvantaged community. By partaking on this type of actions not only would the

minority person benefit from the influence, but the mentor who is influences the mentee. In

order to improve the course, I believe more public speaking is needed. In the course, the

professor always had us public speak, but it was not formal. I believe that having specific days

that consist of formal speaking can enhance our skills. I was enrolled in the course during the

semester of the pandemic. That semester this course was the most enjoyable course, but since we

went virtual there was not much personal interaction compare to when the course was in person.

I however enjoyed the instructor so much that I took him for three of my Health Science course.

During my time as enrolled student he made me more passionate about public health.

The other suggestion I have for the Health Science program is to have an emphasize or

minor that focus on community health. I believe this an area that many student are passionate

about, but there are not a lot of course being offered. Many of us will be going into careers of

service and community health could help us with the transaction of leadership.

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