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Unmodeled disturbances torque exerted on RazakSAT’s attitude during sun tracking

Nor Hazadura Hamzah, Sazali Yaacob, Hariharan Muthusamy, Norhizam Hamzah, and Mohd Zamri Hasan

Citation: AIP Conference Proceedings 1775, 030081 (2016);

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Unmodeled Disturbances Torque Exerted on RazakSAT’s
Attitude during Sun Tracking Mode
Nor Hazadura Hamzah1,a), Sazali Yaacob2,b), Hariharan Muthusamy3,c),
Norhizam Hamzah4,d) and Mohd Zamri Hasan5,e)
Institute of Engineering Mathematics, Universiti Malaysia Perlis, Perlis, Malaysia
Universiti Kuala Lumpur Malaysian Spanish Institute, Kulim Hi-TechPark, Kedah, Malaysia
School of Mechatronic Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Perlis, Perlis, Malaysia
Astronautic Technology Sdn. Bhd., Selangor, Malaysia
Faculty of Engineering Technology, Universiti Malaysia Perlis, Perlis, Malaysia
Corresponding author:

Abstract. In space, environmental torques exerts continuously on a satellite and may influence and affect the satellite’s
attitude dynamics. The relative strength of the various torques will depend on both spacecraft environment and the
structure of the spacecraft itself. RazakSAT is the world first remote sensing satellite launched into Near Equatorial
Orbit (NEqO). Hence, the objective of this paper is to study the properties and behaviour of disturbance torque that
perturb RazakSAT’s attitude during orbiting in NEqO in sun tracking mode using in-flight attitude data. The results
show that the environmental torques exerted on RazakSAT during sun tracking mode is periodic and the magnitude of
the torques vary from 10-4 to 10-7. Understanding the behaviour of disturbance torque can be utilized in spacecraft
design to improve the satellite’s performance for future mission.

In space, environmental torques exerts continuously on a satellite and may affect the satellite’s attitude. Satellite
attitude is defined as the orientation of the satellite in the space relative to an inertial frame [1] such as Earth, moon,
sun or any other celestial object. Attitude analysis of a satellite is important for its mission accomplishment.
Examples of satellite mission are Earth observation, communication, scientific research and many other missions.
The environmental disturbance torque arises through the interaction of a vehicle with its environment. The space
environment is determined through the properties of the orbit such as altitude, inclination, etc. Basically, there are
four major environmental disturbance torques which are gravity gradient, Earth magnetic field, solar radiation
pressure and aerodynamic drag [1][2].
Hence, it is the intention of this work to study the properties and behaviour of environmental disturbance torques
acting on RazakSAT, the world first remote sensing satellite launched into Near Equatorial Orbit (NEqO).
RazakSAT is a mini satellite of Malaysia with 180 kg mass, orbiting in Low Earth Orbit (LEO) of altitude 680 km
with inclination of 9° from equatorial plane. It is an imaging satellite with mission to provide the high resolution
image of Malaysia in which the image can be applied to resource management and development [3]. It has been
launched on July, 14 in 2009. Figure 1 shows the structure of RazakSAT. Its shape is hexagonal and equipped with
three solar panels to supply power from sunlight.

International Conference on Mathematics, Engineering and Industrial Applications 2016 (ICoMEIA2016)

AIP Conf. Proc. 1775, 030081-1–030081-9; doi: 10.1063/1.4965201
Published by AIP Publishing. 978-0-7354-1433-4/$30.00

FIGURE 1. Structure of RazakSAT.

Generally, RazakSAT was in sun tracking mode most of the times throughout the mission for maximum power
generation [3] and attitude maneuvers are required for the imaging mode as shown in Figure 2. Hence it is important
to study the behaviour of the external disturbances that perturb RazakSAT’s attitude since it is required in attitude
prediction, consequently will affect the attitude control accuracy during imaging mode.

FIGURE 2. Operation modes of RazakSAT.

In the open literatures, there are many assumptions made regarding the external disturbance when dealing with
attitude dynamics. Most of the researchers only considered the gravity and magnetic torque while ignoring other
torques due to the fact that they are all very small compared to the gravity and magnetic torque [4][5]. Some
researchers only consider gravity gradient and assume the other disturbance torques are very small relative to the
control torque [6][7][8]. In this paper, the gravity gradient and magnetic torques are considered in the attitude
dynamics model, while other torques such as aerodynamic, solar radiation and other unresolved torques are assumed
as unmodeled torque.
There are some other researcher works that studied and analyzed the environmental torques from the in-flight
attitude data. For example Leuween [5] analyzed the torque exerted on Hipparcos satellite as observed in the
mission by fitting the torque from the gravity gradient first, then the remaining signals are fitted with magnetic
torques, finally assumed the final residuals as the contribution from solar radiation torque and other unresolved
issues such as Earth albedo torque, inaccuracies in magnetic and gravity gradient torques. Scheffer [9] calculated the
known forces acting on Pioneer 10 satellite in more detail and considered new sources of radiation since he expected
there were unmodeled forces that cause Pioneer 10 satellite deviate from the trajectories. Konig et al [10] reported
that there is residual between the measurement by accelerometer and the dynamics model of CHAMP and GRACE
satellites. They concluded that on the day time side the atmosphere is more heated and therefore exerts a larger drag
on the satellite.
This paper is organized as follows. The first section is the introduction, while the second section provides the
mathematical model of satellite attitude and environmental disturbance torque. Consequently, the third section
presents and discusses some of the observation on the resulted fitted torque. Finally the conclusion is drawn in the
last section.

Mathematical model is a mathematical representation of a physical system or a process. Models are never exact
and a single system may have many models [11]. With a model, one can achieve better understanding of the system
or process in order to control its state and monitor its behaviour. Usually, the engineers prefer the simpler model due
to the less computational complexity. In this work, the standard satellite attitude dynamics model with
environmental torque model of gravity gradient and magnetic disturbance torques are presented, whilst the
aerodynamic, solar radiation pressure and other unresolved torques are assumed as unmodeled torque in order to
simplify the model.

Satellite Attitude Dynamics Model

Mathematical model of satellite’s attitude is described by the dynamics equation of motion and kinematics
equation of motion [1], which provides the knowledge of satellite’s attitude and its angular velocity. The dynamics
equation of motion describes the dependence between external torques and the satellite’s angular velocity [12]. The
dynamics equation of motion is derived from Euler’s moment equation

்ܶ௢௧௔௟ ൌ  ݄ሶ ൅ ߱ ൈ ݄ (1)

with ்ܶ௢௧௔௟ denotes the total external torque vector, ݄ is the angular momentum vector of the satellite and ݄ሶdenotes
its first derivative, and finally ߱ is the angular velocity vector. By using the definition of ݄ ൌ ‫߱ܫ‬, the general
equations of motion in Equation (1) become

்ܶ௢௧௔௟̴௫ ‫ܫ‬௫ ߱ሶ ௫ ൅  ൫‫ܫ‬௭ െ ‫ܫ‬௬ ൯߱௬ ߱௭

቎்ܶ௢௧௔௟̴௬ ቏ ൌ ൦ ‫ܫ‬௬ ߱ሶ ௬ ൅  ሺ‫ܫ‬௫ െ ‫ܫ‬௭ ሻ߱௫ ߱௭ ൪ (2)
்ܶ௢௧௔௟̴௭ ‫ܫ‬௭ ߱ሶ ௫ ൅  ൫‫ܫ‬௬ െ ‫ܫ‬௫ ൯߱௫ ߱௬

Kinematics equation of motion describes the changes in orientation of a satellite due to external forces acting on
the body. The attitude kinematics used in this paper is Euler angles due to its straightforward physical interpretation
for analysis [13]. Euler angles are defined as the rotational angles about the satellite’s body axis as follows: ‫׎‬,
rotational angle about the ‫ݔ‬-axis (roll); ߠ, rotational angle about the ‫ݕ‬-axis (pitch); and ߮, rotational angle about the
‫ݖ‬-axis (yaw). The relation between the angular velocity and the Euler angles is given as

߱௫ ‫׎‬ሶ െ ߮ሶ ‫ ߠݏ‬െ ߱଴ ܿߠ‫߮ݏ‬

߱ ሶ
‫ ߱ ׵‬ൌ ൥ ௬ ൩ ൌ ቎ ߠ ܿ‫ ׎‬൅ ߮ሶ ‫ ߠܿ׎ݏ‬െ ߱଴ ሺܿ‫ ߮ܿ׎‬൅ ‫߮ݏߠݏ׎ݏ‬ሻ ቏ (3)
߱௭ െߠሶ ‫ ׎ݏ‬൅ ߮ሶ ܿ‫ ߠܿ׎‬െ ߱଴ ሺെ‫ ߮ܿ׎ݏ‬൅ ܿ‫߮ݏߠݏ׎‬ሻ
with ߱଴ is the orbital rate, while c and s denote cosine and sine function, respectively. Hence, the first derivatives of
angular velocity is
߱ሶ ௫
‫߱ ׵‬ሶ ൌ ቎߱ሶ ௬ ቏ (4)
߱ሶ ௭
with the elements are

߱ሶ ௫ ൌ ‫׎‬ሷ െ ൫߮ሶ ߠሶܿߠ ൅ ߮ሷ ‫ߠݏ‬൯ െ ߱଴ ൫െߠሶ‫ ߮ݏߠݏ‬൅ ߮ሶ ܿߠܿ߮൯

߱ሶ ௬ ൌ ߠሷܿ‫ ׎‬െ ߠሶ‫׎‬ሶ‫ ׎ݏ‬൅ ߮ሷ ‫ ߠܿ׎ݏ‬൅ ߮ሶ ‫׎‬ሶܿ‫ ߠܿ׎‬െ ߮ሶ ߠሶ ‫ݏ׎ݏ‬

െ߱଴ ൣ൫െ‫׎‬ሶ‫ ߮ܿ׎ݏ‬െ ߮ሶ ܿ‫߮ݏ׎‬൯  ൅ ൫‫׎‬ሶܿ‫ ߮ݏߠݏ׎‬൅ ߠሶ‫ ߮ݏߠܿ׎ݏ‬൅ ߮ሶ ‫߮ܿߠݏ׎ݏ‬൯൧

߱ሶ ௭ ൌ െߠሷ‫ ׎ݏ‬െ ߠሶ ‫׎‬ሶܿ‫ ׎‬൅ ߮ሷ ܿ‫ ߠܿ׎‬െ ߮ሶ ‫׎‬ሶ‫ ߠܿ׎ݏ‬െ ߮ሶ ߠሶ ܿ‫ߠݏ׎‬

െ߱଴ ൣ൫െ‫׎‬ሶܿ‫ ߮ܿ׎‬൅ ߮ሶ ‫߮ݏ׎ݏ‬൯ ൅ ൫െ‫׎‬ሶ‫ ߮ݏߠݏ׎ݏ‬൅ ߠሶܿ‫ ߮ݏߠܿ׎‬൅ ߮ሶ ܿ‫߮ܿߠݏ׎‬൯൧

A complete formulation of the satellite attitude dynamics is obtained by substituting the component of vectors in
Equations (3) and (4) into Equation (2) which leads to the highly nonlinear equations. Generally speaking, the
satellite’s attitude dynamics equations are three second order nonlinear equations [12].

However in this paper, it is assumed that the angular motion is approximated by infinitesimal angular motion
(i.e. small Euler angles and its derivatives) since there is no large attitude change during sun tracking mode. With
these assumptions, Equations (3) and (4) become

߱௫ ‫׎‬ሶ െ ߱଴ ߮
‫ ߱ ׵‬ൌ ൥߱௬ ൩ ൌ ቎ ߠሶ െ ߱଴ ቏ (5)
߱௭ ߮ሶ ൅ ߱଴ ‫׎‬
߱ሶ ௫ ‫׎‬ሷ െ ߱଴ ߮ሶ 
‫߱ ׵‬ሶ ൌ ቎߱ሶ ௬ ቏ ൌ ቎ ߠሷ ቏ (6)
߱ሶ ௭ ߮ሷ ൅ ߱଴ ‫׎‬ሶ
By substituting the components of vectors in Equations (5) and (6) into Equation (2), the linear attitude dynamics
equations of motion is obtained as follows

்ܶ௢௧௔௟̴௫ ‫ܫ‬௫ ‫׎‬ሷ ൅ ߱଴ ଶ ൫‫ܫ‬௬ െ ‫ܫ‬௭ ൯‫ ׎‬൅ ߱଴ ൫‫ܫ‬௬ െ ‫ܫ‬௭ െ ‫ܫ‬௫ ൯߮ሶ
቎்ܶ௢௧௔௟̴௬ ቏ ൌ ൦ ‫ܫ‬௬ ߠሷ ൪ (7)
்ܶ௢௧௔௟̴௭ ଶ
‫ܫ‬௭ ߮ሷ ൅ ߱଴ ൫‫ܫ‬௬ െ ‫ܫ‬௫ ൯߮ ൅ ߱଴ ൫െ‫ܫ‬௬ ൅ ‫ܫ‬௫ ൅ ‫ܫ‬௭ ൯‫׎‬ ሶ

External Torques Model

The total external torques acting on the satellite can be decomposed into two principal parts such that [12]
்ܶ௢௧௔௟ ൌ  ܶ௖ ൅ ܶௗ (8)
with ܶ௖ denotes the control torque to be used for controlling the attitude motion of the satellite, while ܶௗ represent
the model of disturbance torque that perturb the attitude, arise through the interaction of a vehicle with the space
environment. The major disturbance environmental torques that affect the attitude of a typical Earth-orbiting satellite
are gravity gradient, magnetic field, aerodynamic drag, and solar radiation pressure [14][2][12]. However in this
work, only gravity gradient and magnetic torques model are included in the dynamics model while the aerodynamic
drag, solar radiation pressure and other unresolved torques are assumed as unmodeled torque in order to simplify the
attitude dynamics model.
Gravity gradient torques, ܶ௚௚ arise due to small difference in gravitational attraction from one end of the
spacecraft to the other. This torque is influenced primarily by the spacecraft inertias. It is cyclic for inertially
oriented satellite. The simplified model of gravity gradient torque for a spacecraft can be described as [14]

൫‫ܫ‬௬ െ ‫ܫ‬௭ ൯‫׎‬

ܶ௚௚ ൌ െ͵߱଴ ଶ ቎ ሺ‫ܫ‬௫ െ ‫ܫ‬௭ ሻߠ ቏ (9)
Magnetic disturbance torques, ܶ௠௔௚ is resulted from the interaction between the spacecraft’s residual magnetic
field and the Earth´s magnetic field. Magnetic disturbance torques is influenced primarily by the residual spacecraft
magnetic dipole. It is a cyclic torque. The simplified model of magnetic torque for a spacecraft can be described as
ܶ௠௔௚ ൌ ‫ܤܦ‬ (10)

with ‫ ܦ‬is the residual dipole of the vehicle, and ‫ ܤ‬is the Earth’s magnetic field.
As been mentioned previously, the aerodynamic, solar radiation pressure, and other unresolved torques are
assumed as unmodeled torque. Aerodynamic disturbance torque, ܶ௔௘௥௢ is caused by the rapid spacecraft motion
through the tenuous upper atmosphere. This torque is influenced primarily by the spacecraft geometry, its center of
gravity location and the surface reflectivity. It is constant for inertially oriented satellite [14]. Solar radiation
pressure disturbance torque, ܶ௦௥௣ is due to the particles radiating outwards from the sun. This torque is influenced
primarily by the spacecraft geometry and center of gravity location. It is variable for inertially oriented satellite [14].
Other unresolved torques, ܶ௢௧௛௘௥ could be arise from many sources of uncertainty such as variations in the moment
of inertia during orbiting in space, Earth albedo, approximation made in satellite attitude dynamics model, etc.

RazakSAT’s Attitude Dynamics during Sun Tracking Mode
RazakSAT’s attitude dynamics model is obtained by substituting Equation (8) into Equation (7) with
ܶௗ ൌ ܶ௚௚ ൅ ܶ௠௔௚ ൅ ܶ௨௡௠௢ௗ௘௟௘ௗ (11)

Hence, the complete attitude dynamics of RazakSAT’s during sun tracking mode considered in this work is

‫ܫ‬௫ ‫׎‬ሷ ൅ ߱଴ ଶ ൫‫ܫ‬௬ െ ‫ܫ‬௭ ൯‫ ׎‬൅ ߱଴ ൫‫ܫ‬௬ െ ‫ܫ‬௭ െ ‫ܫ‬௫ ൯߮ሶ

ܶ௖ ൅ ܶ௚௚ ൅ ܶ௠௔௚ ൅ ܶ௨௡௠௢ௗ௘௟௘ௗ ൌ൦ ‫ܫ‬௬ ߠሷ ൪ (12)

‫ܫ‬௭ ߮ሷ ൅ ߱଴ ൫‫ܫ‬௬ െ ‫ܫ‬௫ ൯߮ ൅ ߱଴ ൫െ‫ܫ‬௬ ൅ ‫ܫ‬௫ ൅ ‫ܫ‬௭ ൯‫׎‬ ሶ

The real RazakSAT attitude data is obtained from Astronautics Technology Sdn Bhd, the company that
responsible for RazakSAT’s mission. The provided data during sun tracking mode are data on estimated attitude,
control torque, magnetometer output and magnetometer command. Hence by using the characteristics and properties
of RazakSAT in Table 1 together with the real data, the total external torque ሺ்ܶ௢௧௔௟ ሻ, control torque ሺܶ௖ ሻ, gravity
gradient torque ሺܶ௚௚ ሻ, and magnetic torque (ܶ௠௔௚ ሻ exerted on RazakSAT are computed. While, the unmodeled
torque (ܶ௨௡௠௢ௗ௘௟௘ௗ ሻ is obtained using Equation (12)

‫ܫ‬௫ ‫׎‬ሷ ൅ ߱଴ ଶ ൫‫ܫ‬௬ െ ‫ܫ‬௭ ൯‫ ׎‬൅ ߱଴ ൫‫ܫ‬௬ െ ‫ܫ‬௭ െ ‫ܫ‬௫ ൯߮ሶ

ܶ௨௡௠௢ௗ௘௟௘ௗ ൌ൦ ‫ܫ‬௬ ߠሷ ൪ െ ሺܶ௖ ൅ ܶ௚௚ ൅ ܶ௠௔௚ ሻ (13)

‫ܫ‬௭ ߮ሷ ൅ ߱଴ ൫‫ܫ‬௬ െ ‫ܫ‬௫ ൯߮ ൅ ߱଴ ൫െ‫ܫ‬௬ ൅ ‫ܫ‬௫ ൅ ‫ܫ‬௭ ൯‫׎‬ ሶ

Table 1 summarizes the characteristics and properties of RazakSAT.

TABLE 1. Characteristics and properties of RazakSAT .[15]

Characteristics Values
Moment of inertia, ‫ܫ‬௫ 25.4 kg.m2
Moment of inertia, ‫ܫ‬௬ 26.2 kg.m2
Moment of inertia, ‫ܫ‬௭ 21.0 kg.m2
Orbital rate, ߱଴ 0.001063 rad/s or 0.0609 deg/s
Orbital period 98 minutes/orbit

In this section, the resulted torques of three consecutive orbits experienced by RazakSAT during orbiting in
NEqO in sun tracking mode is presented and studied.
Figure 3 shows the total external torque, ்ܶ௢௧௔௟ exerted on RazakSAT, computed from Equation (7). From Figure
3, it can be seen that there are some spikes at random times. These well observed spikes is due to the variation of
disturbance torque that perturb the attitude, arise through the interaction of a vehicle with the space environment.
From the figure also it is observed that the magnitude of total torque exerted on RazakSAT is of order 10 -4 Nm.
While Figure 4 shows the control torque, ܶ௖ applied on RazakSAT which is plotted directly from the provided raw
data. The control torque applied on RazakSAT during sun tracking mode is very small with the magnitude of order
10-6 Nm.
Figure 5 shows the gravity gradient torque, ܶ௚௚ exerted on RazakSAT. This torque is fitted using Equation (9).
From Figure 5, it is deduced that the gravity gradient torque exerted on RazakSAT is very small with the magnitude
of order 10-7 Nm. This is because there is no large attitude change during sun tracking mode. Whilst Figure 6 shows
the magnetic torque, ܶ௠௔௚ exerted on RazakSAT. This torque is fitted using Equation (10). It can be seen that the
magnetic torque is cyclic which is agree with theory described in previous section. The magnitude of the magnetic
torque exerted on RazakSAT is of order 10-4 Nm, which is quite large compared to the gravity gradient torque.
Figure 7 shows the observed torques over three consecutive orbits after substracting the control, gravity gradient,
and magnetic torques from the total torques exerted on RazakSAT. Hence, the residual torques are the aerodynamic,
solar radiation and other unresolved torques which are represented as unmodeled torque, ܶ௨௡௠௢ௗ௘௟௘ௗ . From Figure 7,
it is shown that the response pattern is repeated for every 98 minutes, which is the orbital period of RazakSAT.
Hence, it is deduced that the unmodeled torque which represents the sum of the aerodynamic, solar radiation

pressure and other unresolved torques exerted on RazakSAT is periodic. From Figure 7 also, it can be seen that the
magnitude of the unmodeled torque of X axis in the next orbit decreased from the previous orbits. While the
magnitude of the unmodeled torque of Y and Z axes in the next orbit increased from the previous orbits. Hence, it
can be inferred that their cumulative effect over sufficiently long periods may be significant in governing the attitude
dynamics of RazakSAT. This cumulative effect could be due to the cumulative error in the dynamics model
computation. While some of the excitations could be explained by the random noise inherent in the gyros

The purpose of this work is to study the properties and behaviour of disturbance torques that RazakSAT typically
encounter during orbiting in Near Equatorial Orbit (NEqO) in sun tracking mode. Basically, there are four
environmental disturbance torques that a satellite encounters which are gravity gradient, magnetic, aerodynamic and
solar radiation pressure torques. However in this paper, only gravity gradient and magnetic torques models are
presented, while aerodynamic, solar radiation and other unresolved torques are assumed as unmodeled torque to
simplify the attitude dynamics model. The relative strength of the various torques depends on both spacecraft
environment and the structure of the spacecraft itself. For RazakSAT which orbited in NEqO, the magnetic torque
produced is greater than the gravity gradient torque during the sun tracking mode with order of 10 -4 Nm and 10-7 Nm
respectively. While the magnitude of unmodeled torque that represents the aerodynamic, solar radiation and other
unresolved torques exerted on RazakSAT during sun tracking mode is the order of 10 -4 Nm. Although the
magnitudes of the environmental torques are small, these small influences play major roles in governing the attitude
dynamics of a spacecraft, and hence cannot simply be neglected. Besides, the spacecraft designer need to bear in
mind that there are many sources that contributed to the uncertainty during orbiting in space and it is impossible to
predict or model the torque accurately. Hence by understanding the properties and behaviour of environmental
disturbance torques in Near Equatorial Orbit, this research work can be utilized in spacecraft design to improve the
satellite’s performance for future mission.

FIGURE 3. The total external torque ሺ்ܶ௢௧௔௟ ሻ exerted on RazakSAT.


FIGURE 4. The control torque ሺܶ௖ ) applied on RazakSAT.

FIGURE 5. The gravity gradient torque ሺܶ௚௚ ) exerted on RazakSAT.

FIGURE 6. The magnetic torque ሺܶ௠௔௚ ) exerted on RazakSAT.

FIGURE 7. The unmodeled torque ሺܶ௨௡௠௢ௗ௘௟௘ௗ ሻ exerted on RazakSAT.

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