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QUALIFICATION: Diploma of Hospitality Management

UNIT CODE & TITLE: SITXHRM002 Roster staff
FIRST AND SURNAME: Manilyn Estrella

By submitting this assessment, I declare that:

 I have read assessment instructions provided in the “Hospitality User Guide.”

 This assessment is all my own work and I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with
any other student(s).
 No material written by another person except where due reference is made. I am aware that a false
declaration may lead to the withdrawal or taking other actions against the academic misconduct.
 If I found to have plagiarised, cheated or colluded, action will be taken against me according to the
ATCWA plagiarism policy and procedure which explained to me.
 I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout the assessment task.
 I have been made aware of my rights and responsibilities in conducting this assessment.
 I agree to the way in which I have being assessed.
 I am aware that there is a limit to the number of submissions (2) that I can make for each
assessment, and I am submitting all documents required to complete this assessment.
 I have organised and named the assessment I am submitting according to the instructions provided.
 I am aware that my assessor may not be able to assess this assessment and may request the
assessment be resubmitted according to the assessment submission procedure.
 It is my responsibility to keep a copy of each assessment submitted to Assessor and if requested,
available to resubmit.
 I was provided with the opportunity to discuss my specific needs with my assessor before conducting
this assessment.
 I was made aware of my rights to reassessment.
 I was made aware of my right to appeal against the decisions made in this assessment.

Manilyn Estrella estrellamanilyn 5/5/2021

Student Name: Signature: Date:

SITXHRM002 Assessment 1
Version: 002 Page 1 of 15
Responsibility: Compliance Campus: All
Last Published: 30 April 2021 RTO No.: 41279
Next Review: 29 April 2022 CRICOS No.: 03437B
Instructions for learner:
To achieve a satisfactory outcome for this assessment, you must answer ALL questions
Written answer question guidance
 The following written questions use a range of “instructional words” such as
“identify” or “explain”, which tell you how you should answer the question. Use the
definitions below to assist you to provide the type of response expected.

 Note that the following guidance is the minimum level of response required.

Analyse – when a question asks you to analyse something, you should do so in in detail, and
identify important points and key features. Generally, you are expected to write a response
one or two paragraphs long.

Compare – when a question asks you to compare something, you will need to show how two
or more things are similar, ensuring that you also indicate the relevance of the
consequences. Generally, you are expected to write a response one or two paragraphs long.

Contrast – when a question asks you to contrast something, you will need to show how two
or more things are different, ensuring you indicate the relevance or the consequences.
Generally, you are expected to write a response one or two paragraphs long.

Discuss – when a question asks you to discuss something, you are required to point out
important issues or features and express some form of critical judgement. Generally, you are
expected to write a response one or two paragraphs long.

Describe – when a question asks you to describe something, you should state the most
noticeable qualities or features. Generally, you are expected to write a response two or three
sentences long.

SITXHRM002 Assessment 1
Version: 002 Page 2 of 15
Responsibility: Compliance Campus: All
Last Published: 30 April 2021 RTO No.: 41279
Next Review: 29 April 2022 CRICOS No.: 03437B
Evaluate – when a question asks you to evaluate something, you should do so putting
forward arguments for and against something. Generally, you are expected to write a
response one or two paragraphs long.

Examine – when a question asks you to examine something, this is similar to “analyse”,
where you should provide a detailed response with key points and features and provide
critical analysis. Generally, you are expected to write a response one or two paragraphs

Explain – when a question asks you to explain something, you should make clear how or why
something happened or the way it is. Generally, you are expected to write a response two or
three sentences long.

Identify – when a question asks you to identify something, this means that you are asked to
briefly describe the required information. Generally, you are expected to write a response
two or three sentences long.

List – when a question asks you to list something, this means that you are asked to briefly
state information in a list format.

Outline – when a question asks you to outline something, this means giving only the main
points, Generally, you are expected to write a response a few sentences long.

Summarise – when a question asks you to summarise something, this means (like “outline”)
only giving the main points. Generally, you are expected to write a response a few sentences

SITXHRM002 Assessment 1
Version: 002 Page 3 of 15
Responsibility: Compliance Campus: All
Last Published: 30 April 2021 RTO No.: 41279
Next Review: 29 April 2022 CRICOS No.: 03437B
1. List two sources of information that you could access to find information about the
Hospitality Industry (General) Award.



2. List two further sources of information that you could access, to find out information on
work agreements for the hospitality industry.



3. Why is it important to check the relevant award conditions when preparing a roster?

SITXHRM002 Assessment 1
Version: 002 Page 4 of 15
Responsibility: Compliance Campus: All
Last Published: 30 April 2021 RTO No.: 41279
Next Review: 29 April 2022 CRICOS No.: 03437B
4. How is an enterprise agreement different from a modern award?

5. Explain how industrial agreements can affect the preparation of rosters.

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Version: 002 Page 5 of 15
Responsibility: Compliance Campus: All
Last Published: 30 April 2021 RTO No.: 41279
Next Review: 29 April 2022 CRICOS No.: 03437B
6. Identify at least two factors of how each of the following award provisions will impact the
rostering process.

Provision Factors

Mandated breaks
between shifts

Maximum allowed shift


Standard pay rates

Overtime pay rates


Penalty pay rates

7. List four impacts of contractor fees, if you had to include them in a staff roster.


SITXHRM002 Assessment 1
Version: 002 Page 6 of 15
Responsibility: Compliance Campus: All
Last Published: 30 April 2021 RTO No.: 41279
Next Review: 29 April 2022 CRICOS No.: 03437B

8. Outline two considerations when rostering permanent or casual staff.



9. Using the table below and referring to the Hospitality Industry (General) Award 2010, (this
can be found at the Fair work Australia government website, identify the
key elements of the award.

Area Key Element

Leave entitlement

Mandated breaks
between shifts

Maximum allowed shift


SITXHRM002 Assessment 1
Version: 002 Page 7 of 15
Responsibility: Compliance Campus: All
Last Published: 30 April 2021 RTO No.: 41279
Next Review: 29 April 2022 CRICOS No.: 03437B
10. Using the table below and referring to the Hospitality Industry (General) Award 2010,
(this can be found at the Fair work Australia government website,
provide the overtime payable.

Period of overtime Overtime payable (as a percentage)

Monday to Friday: First
two hours

Monday to Friday: After

first two hours

Midnight Friday to
midnight Sunday

A rostered day off

1. Using the table below and referring to the Hospitality Industry (General) Award 2010, (this
can be found at the Fair work Australia government website, provide the
appropriate penalty rate for each period.

Penalty rate for full-time Penalty rate for casual employees

and part-time employees (incl 25% loading)
Monday to Friday
Public holidays

SITXHRM002 Assessment 1
Version: 002 Page 8 of 15
Responsibility: Compliance Campus: All
Last Published: 30 April 2021 RTO No.: 41279
Next Review: 29 April 2022 CRICOS No.: 03437B
2. Dixon Hospitality has an enterprise agreement with its staff, rather than following
the Hospitality Award. Complete the table below for full time staff:

Area Details
Name of Agreement

Leave entitlement

Hours required to work

Mandated breaks between shifts

Maximum allowed shift hours

Overtime payable

3. Using the National Employment Standards (NES), provide the maximum weekly hours for
the following.

Status Maximum weekly hours

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Version: 002 Page 9 of 15
Responsibility: Compliance Campus: All
Last Published: 30 April 2021 RTO No.: 41279
Next Review: 29 April 2022 CRICOS No.: 03437B



4. Provide two examples of organisational initiatives for each of the following, that could have
an impact on the preparation of staff rosters.

Initiative Impact



5. Using the table below, identify three issues that you may come across for each leave
provision listed when preparing a staff roster

SITXHRM002 Assessment 1
Version: 002 Page 10 of 15
Responsibility: Compliance Campus: All
Last Published: 30 April 2021 RTO No.: 41279
Next Review: 29 April 2022 CRICOS No.: 03437B
Provision 3 Issues

Compassionate reasons

Illness or injury

Jury service

Long service

Maternity or paternity

Rehabilitation of injured


Recreation (holiday)

6. Why are rosters used and why are they important for controlling staff costs?

SITXHRM002 Assessment 1
Version: 002 Page 11 of 15
Responsibility: Compliance Campus: All
Last Published: 30 April 2021 RTO No.: 41279
Next Review: 29 April 2022 CRICOS No.: 03437B

SITXHRM002 Assessment 1
Version: 002 Page 12 of 15
Responsibility: Compliance Campus: All
Last Published: 30 April 2021 RTO No.: 41279
Next Review: 29 April 2022 CRICOS No.: 03437B
17. Provide four functions of a software program that can support the development of a roster.

8. What are two different formats used for staff rosters?

9. Identify four items that you would need to include on a roster.

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Version: 002 Page 13 of 15
Responsibility: Compliance Campus: All
Last Published: 30 April 2021 RTO No.: 41279
Next Review: 29 April 2022 CRICOS No.: 03437B
10. Using the table below, summarise two different methods used to communicate a roster.

Media 2 Methods


Paper based

11. Provide two advantages of rostering team members that have diverse social and cultural backgrounds,
as well as skills.



12. Identify four human resource policies and procedures that could be used to find out about
leave provisions and managing socio-cultural workforce issues.


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Version: 002 Page 14 of 15
Responsibility: Compliance Campus: All
Last Published: 30 April 2021 RTO No.: 41279
Next Review: 29 April 2022 CRICOS No.: 03437B
13. Referring to the hospitality industry specifically, provide three examples of operational
requirements that can have an impact on roster development.




14. Explain how a wage budget can impact rostering.

SITXHRM002 Assessment 1
Version: 002 Page 15 of 15
Responsibility: Compliance Campus: All
Last Published: 30 April 2021 RTO No.: 41279
Next Review: 29 April 2022 CRICOS No.: 03437B

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