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A private investigator named Marshall Rows is tracking a secretive organization and enters the town

of Molerock to find out the truth behind the disappearance of his adoptive mother. Finding a poster
about a missing orphan child he disguises as a social welfare worker and meets an English teacher
named Daniel Humpty who considered the child his own and is eager to help the agent in any way he
can. Presenting some of his leads he pinpoints a location in the mountains that seem to be where the
other missing children lead to. While on their trek to the location, he comes upon a half eaten corpse
of a guard and hides it from the teacher. Arriving at their destination, they hop over a huge metal
fence that separates the forest from a huge facility. The inside of the building is in a complete disarray
and seems completely deserted as they enter when suddenly, the entire building goes on lockdown
and they’re locked inside. A voice from the intercoms blares through the speakers asking them for
help in exchange for lifting the lockdown. The voice commands them to find the fragment sector so
that they may have a fighting chance against the forces within the facility. At his wit’s end, the teacher
demands answers from the agent and he divulges into some but insist that they move not wanting to
wait for what’s in store for them. Forced to follow the orders they are given, they venture deeper into
the facility to find the fragment sector. They enter an elevator that leads them down to an
underground area where carnage and blood covers a good amount of the walls and floor. While
traversing the confines of the facility, they notice the foot prints of small children and weirdly hand
prints on the floor. They follow a map that leads them to the fragment sector and find a ????


An anxious and by the books yet clumsy private investigator named Marshal Rowes arrives at the
town of Molerock after receiving a call from an esoteric and charismatic woodworker named Daniel
Humpty to inspect the mansion directly in front of his house. According to him, the mansion changes
physically, rooms that weren’t there appear the moment he closes his eyes and nobody believes him.
Marshal arrives at Daniel’s house and they start negotiating when asked about how long it has been
happening, Daniel reveals that it has been happening since he moved in. Noticing an old portrait of a
woman hung on the wall Marshal asks who it is. Daniel says that it’s his Grandmother. Marshal asks
more questions to which Daniel answers no to most of it, except for when asked if he’s ever seen it
shift in real time. Daniel reveals that he’d seen it shift physically once and describes it as though the
space around the area that shifts becomes a mirror and reflects the image in front of it before it
settles into a slightly different mansion. Marshal goes to leave for a motel and Daniel insists he stay so
that he may observe the mansion in case it shifts. Reluctantly, Marshal agrees and takes advantage of
the opportunity to observe the mansion. Midnight comes and just as he is about to fall asleep, the
mansion begins shifting to add a room where there were none. He ends up observing and taking
notes all night. Morning comes, Daniel finds Marshal passed out on the couch and wakes him up. But
not without appreciating his face a little bit. Marshal wakes up flustered and asks to use the bathroom
while Daniel prepares breakfast for them. They eat and Daniel asks for what he found staring at the
mansion all night. Marshal begins to explain the complicated process of planar shifting entities to
Daniel and simplifies it into the house or something inside the house is or contains an entity that has
been exposed to planar dissonance which could be causing the unnatural shifting of the house. Daniel
takes this all in stride and appears to just accept everything he’s heard and Marshal is a little bit
suspicious. While talking about getting marshal a new after shave, they are interrupted by a call from
a friend of Daniel. Marshal goes out with Daniel to spend the day as he can only inspect the house at
night when no one would see him trespassing. They go to the antique shop where Daniel works.
Marshal spends the day learning about woodworking from Daniel and stops to admire a very phallic
piece and Daniel immediately hides it from him telling him its a horse. They stop by the grocery store
for a bit of food before coming home. They arrive at Daniel's house and Daniel prepares dinner for
him and Marshal. Marshal is completely enamored by Daniel’s cooking saying that he has never eaten
anything home cooked before. This worries Daniel and tries to learn more about his guest. Marshal,
almost revealing a part of himself, switches from friendly to hostile asking if Daniel is with the
government. Daniel swears he isn’t and Marshal takes a complete body inspection as well as
sweeping the house for any evidences of Daniel being affiliated with the government. He finds
nothing and apologizes for his actions, Daniel brushes it off saying that everyone’s got something
they’re running away from. Marshal says that anything personal is classified by organization standards
and apologizes again. Confused with the mention of an organization, Marshal says that info about
them is classified as well. The night progresses as Marshal revisits his notes and observes the
mansion. Daniel keeping an eye on the mansion as well clutching a photo of his grandma. Night falls
and Marshal, armed with his briefcase, prepares to enter the mansion when Daniel asks to come.
Marshal says no and leaves. While crossing the road, he gets hit by a yellow car. Although it wasn’t
hard Marshal falls flat on the ground in pain. A woman in a completely black outfit comes to check on
Marshal. She looks totally unfazed and maybe slightly annoyed as she asks if he’s okay. Marshal asks if
she can see the briefcase he was carrying. The woman picks up the briefcase flung to Daniel’s house
and hands it to him. She asks how much to pay for the damages and marshal insists there no need.
Daniel comes rushing out of his house to help Marshal when he recognizes the woman and gives her a
giant hug. Daniel insists they go back inside the house and finds that Marshal has sprained his wrist.
While Daniel checks Marshal for injuries and fixes him with a sling, Cindy asks who Marshal was.
Daniel tells her he’s the private investigator he hired to look into the mansion. Cindy introduces
herself as Cindy Patience, Daniel’s college best friend. Marshal recognizes the last name and asks if
she’s related to Patience Puzzles the board game company. She flatly denies and looks at Daniel. A bit
intrigued and worried Marshal doesn't pry. Cindy asks what they were doing and Daniel explains
everything. Their conversation sidetracks into the topic of his grandmother June. They reminisce of
her days when Cindy came to visit Daniel’s house in college. Cindy loves June like a real mother. They
drop the conversation when Marshal tries to go up and continue his plan to jump over the fence.
Daniel asks how he’ll do it and Marshal agrees that he can’t. Daniel insist that he and Cindy comes to
help him and they agree Cindy reluctantly does so. They cross to the mansion and just as they get to
the fence, realize that it is too high. Marshal is suddenly struck with an idea. He pulls out a small black
cube the size of an avocado pit and tells Daniel and Cindy to hold him. He puts his arm through the
gap between the fences while holding the cube. Suddenly, all three of them are sucked into the cube
as it drop to the ground on the other side of the fence. Daniel and Cindy find themselves in a
bedroom room full of papers and bulletins and weirdly enough photos of a popular singer. Marshal
immediately starts singing Humpty Dumpty while helping up Cindy and Daniel. Marshal begins writing
on a piece of paper saying that this is his room and that they do what writes. Completely bewildered
at what happened, they nod and agree. Cindy asks Daniel if she is actually in coma after hitting
Marshal with her car. Daniel says unfortunately no. Marshal leads them to a bathroom and in front of
a mirror. Marshal asks them to grab him again and just as he reaches the end of the rhyme, all three
of their faces in the mirror glow brightly and they are thrown back into the real world. Now on the
other side of the fence Marshal immediately goes into a weird fighting stance saying to himself that
he didn’t think that through and that there might have been dogs inside. Cindy is distressed and
demands to know what just happened. Marshal says that he doesn't really know himself and insists
that they proceed with the plan. Cindy looks to Daniel with a completely perplexed look and Daniel
just sighs and says yeah that makes sense. Daniel urges them to keep going as they don’t have all
night. They arrive at the doorstep and find that it is locked. Cindy asks Marshal if he has anymore
weird gizmos and he says yes but not one for unlocking. Cindy deadpans and says of course and goes
down to unlock the door with a hairpin. The lock is to rusty and she coats the pin with her spit so it
can slide more easily inside. Daniel says a penetration joke and Cindy stifles a laugh and threatens to
break the pin in the lock if he doesn't stop. The door creaks open and they step inside.

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