Create A Journal Entry8

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Create a Journal Entry/ Narrative on the discussions done

during the synchronous session.

During the synchronous session in Purposive communication, there was an oral

recitation about the Communication Aids and Strategies using the Tools of Technology.
Thus, the first question of Ma'am Camatura is what is the relationship between
communication and technology? nowadays we are surrounded by most of technology
and we are integrating it into day to day basis like for instance, we’re using technology
for communication we do chat, meetings and present something. With the use of this
technology, such as phone, computer, laptop, it would be easier for us to be
connected without any hassle and it’s not time-consuming. And for the social platform
is every business needs to promote their company through social platforms. For a
company to expand and get the attention that they need, I believe that Instagram
and Facebook are the best social website to catch the eyes of people who need that
specific business. An example of what I mean by this is let’s say a person is promoting
their clothing line. The best way was to put their advertisement out there is Instagram
and Facebook because they are unique to others who are constantly searching up
clothing lines and fashion ideas.

And also there are six tips for delivering a presentation first is to prepare, when
we present our presentation make sure that you know your topic well. It's much easier
to explain something to other people if you have a good understanding of it yourself.
Practice your presentation out loud! This will help you get a more accurate feel for how
much time your presentation will take. Second is we need our presentations to start with
a bang. You can start with a compelling quote, a great story, a stunning statistic, or
even a provocative question. The key is to get people's attention. Then you can
introduce yourself and your topic. Also use these tools to close out your presentation
with a bang as well, because people do remember the beginning and the end of
everything. The third is to keep it short If you keep your presentation short, it will be
easier for the audience to remember the important information. The fourth is to use
stories to avoid being bored, take advantage of your own experiences to make things
interesting. Fifth is to be courteous, gracious, and professional all the time when
answering questions – when audience members ask questions or give comments thank
them for their input. Even if someone is being difficult, you must maintain the higher
ground, so stay cool. Remember that if an audience member is unreasonable and
rude, the other members of the audience will recognize that and judge them for their
behavior. If you respond courteously and professionally, then they will view you in a
positive light. Lastly is evaluate Every presentation is a chance to improve. By
systematically hand out evaluation forms (digital or analog) to the audience, you can
track how the content was perceived and how you did as a presenter.

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