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 & R: ths symbol es the
people n the roup so you our
audence can know the creators,
rancs and Robn.

On the lo o we put a camera

to symbol e meda and
flmn , also for more
We stated on our lo o that
we present all flm work as
we are creatn a flm. Based
n colla e studos.
We des ed ths lo o to symbolse our roup not as a flm roup but as a flm
producton team, whch makes shorts flms as we are n pro ress n makn an
openn sequence. Des nn ths lo o wll help us et reco nsed and et more
revews vews and hopefully a lar er audence. We added a camera on the lo o to
symbolse flmn and meda, ths wll help the audence reco n e that tǯs a
flmn roup. Before ths lo o we was buldn deas and tryn out dfferent
pro rams to create our lo o. We choose the colour reen because the colour
reen represents hard workn whch resembles the meann of my roup. Ths
lo o developed a lot snce the old lo o I thnk th s lo o s more professonal and
more or nal.

Ths lo o has a mountan
and a 5 crcles to
 c c represent a dea of 5 star
c flmn also we try to
c resemble ths the
c unversal studos lo o

As you can se we have c

stated the  & R on ths c
lo o just wth dfferent c
font and color c
As you can see we put
the flm studos on ths
lo o for the same reason
just n a dfferent font
and colour

The lo o above we created came from the dea of the paramount lo o, ts sort of
dentcal. As you can see the mountan and the stars resemble our lo o but we
decde to be more creatve and chan e our lo o because ths one doesnǯt seem
too professonal.

 c c
The pro ram we used was adobe Photoshop cs5.
Ths pro ram s very modern and creatve and s
up to date wth all modern lo o edtn . Ths
pro ram made t easy to create our lo o wth the
use of text, brushes and other tools. Reasons for
usn ths pro ram throu h our research ts sad
to be a 5 star photo edtn pro ram therefore we
thou h t would be ood to use the adobe
Photoshop cs5.

rom our research tǯs sad to be a 5

star raton of a edtors vew and
users vew ths s why we used the
pro ram.

Ths s the layers toolbox, whch made t easer to create

our lo o as you can see we used a mx of layers to create
our lo o also ths has made t easer to know what you
workn on and whch layer your workn on tll the fnal
Mc ayer 1 flm studos text
Mc ayer 2  & R text
Mc Back round layer the actual lo o
Mc ayer 3 the reen paste n
Mc ayer 4 old text
Mc ayer 5 fller
Proof of usn the pro ram below to make our lo o as you can see tǯs n ts fnal
sta es here just a lttle touch. The duraton of makn the lo o lasted about 1 day
was basc to make.

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