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Quantitative analysis of the sensitivity of

porous silicon optical biosensors

Cite as: Appl. Phys. Lett. 88, 163108 (2006);
Submitted: 04 November 2005 . Accepted: 07 March 2006 . Published Online: 19 April 2006

Huimin Ouyang, Christopher C. Striemer, and Philippe M. Fauchet


The structural and luminescence properties of porous silicon

Journal of Applied Physics 82, 909 (1997);

Porous silicon microcavities as optical chemical sensors

Applied Physics Letters 76, 2523 (2000);

Vapor sensing using the optical properties of porous silicon Bragg mirrors
Journal of Applied Physics 86, 1781 (1999);

Appl. Phys. Lett. 88, 163108 (2006); 88, 163108

© 2006 American Institute of Physics.


Quantitative analysis of the sensitivity of porous silicon optical biosensors

Huimin Ouyang,a兲 Christopher C. Striemer, and Philippe M. Fauchet
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and the Center for Future Health,
University of Rochester, Rochester, New York 14620
共Received 4 November 2005; accepted 7 March 2006; published online 19 April 2006兲
The optical response of porous silicon affinity biosensors depends strongly on their
nanomorphology because the sensing species does not completely fill the pores but is instead
attached to the pore walls. The performance and sensitivity of porous silicon microcavity biosensors
are calculated as a function of pore size using a simplified effective medium approximation.
Excellent agreement is obtained between the model predictions and the experimental results after
binding of aminopropyltriethoxysilane and glutaraldehyde in mesoporous and macroporous silicon
microcavities. Detection of layers thinner than 0.01 nm should be possible. © 2006 American
Institute of Physics. 关DOI: 10.1063/1.2196069兴

The large internal surface area 共⬃100 m2 / cm3兲 of po- dex of PSi and causes a redshift of the resonance dip
rous silicon 共PSi兲 makes it a good host material for the sen- 关Fig. 1共a兲兴. To quantitatively analyze ⌬npore 共the increase of
sitive detection of gases,1 liquids,2,3 and biological refractive index of the pores due to the binding of a thin
molecules.4,5 PSi-based label-free affinity optical biosensors layer of molecules on the pore wall兲 a simplified effective
with a variety of configurations such as single layer Fabry- medium approximation based on volume ratios is used:18
Pérot cavities,6 Bragg mirrors,7 rugate filters,8 and
microcavities4,9,10 have been experimentally demonstrated
for the detection of toxins,11 DNA,5 and proteins.6,12 The size
⌬npore = npore
after before
− npore =4 冉 t

− 2 共nlayer − npore

of molecules captured inside the pores can be controlled by tⰆD

tuning the PSi nanostructures 共porosity and pore size兲, which ⬇ 4 共nlayer − npore
兲, 共1兲
can be achieved by varying the etching parameters.13 How-
ever, a quantitative understanding of how the performance where D is the diameter of the pores, t is the thickness of the
and sensitivity of PSi optical biosensors depend on the nano- layer binding on the pore wall, nlayer is the refractive index of
before after
structures 共porosity and pore size兲 is still lacking. the binding layer, and npore and npore are the refractive indi-
The figure of merit describing the sensitivity of affinity ces of the pore before and after binding 关see Fig. 1共b兲 inset兴.
sensors is ⌬␭ / ⌬n, where ⌬␭ is the wavelength shift resulting In our case, the pores are filled with air before binding, thus
from the capture of biological or chemical molecules and ⌬n npore = nair = 1. Using this equation we simulated the
is the change of the ambient or pore refractive index. Our redshift of the spectra for microcavities with fixed porosities
simulations show that for PSi affinity sensors with an aver- 共75% for the high porosity layer and 65% for the low
age porosity of 75%, ⌬␭ / ⌬n ⬃ 550 nm at a detection wave- porosity layer兲 but different pore diameters ranging from
length of 800 nm.14 When the refractive index inside the 20 to 180 nm. The original resonance wavelength of the mi-
pores is increased homogenously, ⌬␭ / ⌬n is the same for crocavity is 800 nm. The redshift of the resonance wave-
sensors with different pore sizes but the same porosity. How- length ⌬␭ due to binding on the pore walls is plotted in Fig.
ever, in biosensing applications, the sensing species are at- 1共b兲 as a function of the optical thickness of the coating
tached only to the internal surfaces 共pore walls兲 instead of L = tnlayer and the pore diameter D.
completely filling the pores. In this case, the pore size be- For a 30 Å thick binding layer, a PSi microcavity with
comes an important parameter, because for a PSi layer of a 20 nm pores produces a redshift of 78 nm, while a microcav-
given porosity, the internal surface area 共or the total number ity with 180 nm pores gives a redshift of only 10 nm. Thus,
to optimize the sensitivity, the pore size should be as small as
of available binding sites兲 decreases as the pore size in-
possible while still allowing for easy infiltration of the bio-
creases. In this letter, we quantitatively characterize the per-
logical material. If the minimum detectable wavelength shift
formance of PSi microcavity biosensors by modeling the
and minimum acceptable pore diameter are known, one can
wavelength shift resulting from binding events in sensors
calculate the minimum detectable coating thickness, i.e., the
with different pore sizes. Experiments were performed to
sensitivity of the sensor. As shown in Fig. 1共c兲, for a detec-
demonstrate the influence of the pore size on the optical re-
tion system capable of resolving a wavelength shift of
sponse and to verify the theoretical predictions.
0.1 nm, the minimum detectable coating optical thickness is
The reflectance spectrum of PSi microcavity, which is
approximately 0.03 Å for a microcavity with 20 nm pores,
characterized by a sharp resonance dip,15 was simulated by whereas for a microcavity with 80 nm pores, it is approxi-
the transfer matrix method.16 The effective refractive index mately 0.13 Å.
of a PSi layer is defined by its porosity and the refractive To experimentally verify the simulation, we used two
indices of silicon and the pores.17 Binding of biological mol- different types of PSi microcavities: mesoporous silicon mi-
ecules on the pore wall increases the effective refractive in- crocavities with an average pore diameter of ⬃20 nm and
macroporous silicon microcavities with an average pore di-
Electronic mail: ameter of ⬃120 nm.12 Figure 2 shows the morphology of the

0003-6951/2006/88共16兲/163108/3/$23.00 88, 163108-1 © 2006 American Institute of Physics

163108-2 Ouyang, Striemer, and Fauchet Appl. Phys. Lett. 88, 163108 共2006兲

FIG. 3. 共a兲 Redshift increase as the concentration of APTES increases for

both mesoporous and macroporous silicon microcavities. The redshift satu-
rates when one monolayer of APTES is formed inside the pores. 共b兲 Redshift
increase due to the binding of a two-layer coating made of glutaraldehyde
and APTES. A fixed amount of glutaraldehyde was applied to sensors that
FIG. 1. 共Color online兲 共a兲 Illustration of the microcavity reflectance spec- were treated with different APTES concentrations. The redshift saturates
trum redshift upon binding. 共b兲 Simulation of microcavity spectrum redshift when two layers of molecules completely coat the pores.
as a function of coating layer optical thickness 共L = tnlayer兲 for different pore
sizes. The inset illustrates the coating of a thin layer on the pore wall.
共c兲 Redshift of the spectra with subangstrom coating thickness. Aminopropyltriethoxysilane 共APTES兲 and glutaralde-
hyde are common coupling agents that promote adhesion
mesoporous and macroporous silicon microcavities. Both between oxidized silicon surfaces and organic molecules.19
microcavities have layers with porosities of approximately Furthermore, APTES and glutaraldehyde are small molecules
65% and 75%, corresponding to refractive indices of 1.60 that can form uniform thin layers on the internal surface of
and 1.33 in the infrared calculated by the Bruggeman effec- PSi, which makes them good model systems to quantitatively
tive medium approximation. characterize the optical response of PSi biosensors. The mi-
crocavities were first thermally oxidized at 900 ° C to create
an oxide layer on the PSi internal surface to promote cova-
lent attachment of APTES. After oxidation, the resonant
wavelength of the microcavity is ⬃800 nm. Then the micro-
cavities were exposed to APTES solutions with different
concentrations 关APTES was diluted in a H2O:methanol 共1:1兲
mixture兴. Each sensor was exposed to the solutions for
20 min then rinsed with de-ianized 共DI兲 water and methanol
and dried with nitrogen. The silanized sensors were then
baked in an oven at 100 ° C for 10 min before the optical
The reflectance spectra were taken using an Ocean Op-
tics HR 2000 spectrometer with a R200-7 reflection probe
共six illumination fibers around one read fiber兲. As shown in
Fig. 3共a兲, the redshift of the resonance wavelength increases
as the concentration of APTES increases for both mesopo-
rous and macroporous silicon microcavities. The curves satu-
rate when all the available binding sites are occupied, i.e.,
when a monolayer of APTES coats the pore walls.
FIG. 2. 关共a兲 and 共b兲兴 Top view and cross sectional scanning electron micros-
After the silanization, the microcavities were exposed to
copy 共SEM兲 images of a mesoporous silicon microcavity with 20 nm pore
size etched in 共100兲 p-type 共0.01 ⍀ cm兲 silicon wafers using a solution of a 2.5% glutaraldehyde solution in 20 mM HEPES buffer
15% hydroflouric acid 共HF兲 in ethanol; 关共c兲 and 共d兲兴 Top view and cross 共pH = 7.4兲 for 30 min, then rinsed with DI water and dried
sectional SEM images of a macroporous silicon microcavity with 120 nm with nitrogen. Glutaraldehyde reacts with the amino groups
pore size etched in 共100兲 n-type 共0.01 ⍀ cm兲 silicon wafers using a solution on the silanized surface and coats the internal surface of the
containing 5.5% HF in water. These PSi microcavities consist of two Bragg
mirrors 共a periodic stack of layers with two different porosities and quarter-
pores with another thin layer of molecules. It can be seen
wavelength optical thickness兲 and a defect layer 共half-wavelength optical from Fig. 3共b兲 that after the binding of glutaraldehyde to the
thickness兲. silanized surface, the maximum total redshift is twice that
163108-3 Ouyang, Striemer, and Fauchet Appl. Phys. Lett. 88, 163108 共2006兲

using mesoporous and macroporous microcavities are in ex-

cellent agreement with the simulations.
In conclusion, PSi optical biosensors with different pore
sizes have been quantitatively characterized using a simpli-
fied effective medium approximation. The wavelength shifts
measured with microcavities after the binding of thin layers
of molecules with different thicknesses were in excellent
agreement with simulations. Simulations show that binding a
very small amount of biological targets, equivalent to a con-
tinuous layer less than 0.1 Å thick, can be detected with a
high Q 共⬎2000兲 microcavity and a measurement system ca-
FIG. 4. Redshift of microcavities due to the presence of a thin coating layer pable of resolving a wavelength shift of 0.1 nm.
as a function of pore size and layer thickness. The solid curves are the
calculated redshifts as a function of the pore size using t = 8 and 15 Å thick The authors would like to thank Dr. Benjamin L. Miller
coating layers with nlayer = 1.46. The data points are the measured redshift for
and Dr. Lisa A. DeLouise of the University of Rochester for
mesoporous 共20 nm兲 and macroporous 共120 nm兲 microcavities after coating
of APTES and APTES+ glutaraldehyde. The error bars are from multiple helpful discussions, and acknowledge the financial support
trials. from the National Science Foundation and the Infotonics
Center of Excellence. The authors thank the Laboratory for
Laser Energetics at the University of Rochester for providing
due to the binding of APTES alone shown in Fig. 3共a兲. This access to the spectroscopic ellipsometer.
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mation described above. The simulated redshift as a function The change in refractive index of the cylindrical pore after infiltration
of the pore size is plotted as the solid curves in Fig. 4. The of a uniform layer coating is estimated by ⌬npore = 关Vlayer / Vporenlayer + 共1
− Vlayer / Vpore兲npore
兴 − npore
and Vlayer / Vpore = ␲共D / 2兲2 − ␲共D / 2
top curve corresponds to a coating layer with t = 15 Å, and − t兲2 / ␲共D / 2兲2 = 4共t / D − t2 / D2兲, where Vlayer is the volume of the coating
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