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“4 SECTION A Answer ALL questions. 5 In an experiment to determine the focal length of'a convex lens, a group of fifth form students set up the apparatus shown in Figure 1. Xwire Sereen Lamp Lens Sereen Figure 1. Apparatus to determine the focal length of a convex lens ‘The students measured object distances (1) and corresponding image distances (v) and recorded the information in Table 1. TABLE 1: OBJECT DISTANCE (x) AND CORRESPONDING IMAGE DISTANCE (») wlem x [ } vfem iv 20.0 55.6 300 302 7 409 238 x00 | 222 600 ; 20.0 700 19.2 (@) Complete Table 1 to show values for and +, [Include units and calculate to three significant figures.] (6 marks) (b) On the grid provided on page 5, plot a graph of E against, (7 marks) 01238020/F 2018 GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE s 2 = z 5 ea 2 & DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA E E TPEIN THIS AREA RO NOT WR GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, VEY SH NEAR ON Od DE STENT ALA LON OD 01238020/F 2018 r “ 7 (© @_Caleulate the gradient of the grapi in (b) to one significant figure. (4 marks) Gi) State the value of the intercept, ¢, on the + axis. (Given that DONDE WRITER IN PAIS ARE (4 marks) GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01238020/F 2018 in m 1 (2) Complete Figure 2 to show the paths of rays 1, 2 and 3 as they pass through the convex Jens represented by the dotted line DONOTRITE DN eV Figure 2. Paths of rays 1,2.and 3 G marks) ‘Total 25 marks GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, 01238020/F 2018 r “ 1 2 (@) —@_Amatom consists of three types of particles: protons, neutrons and electrons. Complete the following table to show the charge of EACH particle, TABLE 2. CHARGE OF PARTICLES IN AN ATOM, Particle Charge Proton Neutron CRATE Electron @G marks) (ii)_For the element , Ra, determine the number of EACH of the three particles referred to in (a) (H). Protons .. TORT Neutrons marks) (iii) State ONE similarity and ONE difference between the isotopes of an element. Similarity Difference .. @marks) GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 012380208 2018 r * 1 (©) @_ Define the term “halt of a radioactive substance. fi marks) (i) The element thorium (Th) bas a halflife of 24 days and undergoes beta-decay. Caloulate the time it would take for 10 grams of thorium to decay to 1.25 grams. ig) = = (4 marks) SS | Total 15 marks E - 2 GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, 01238020/F 2018 r “ 7 3. (@)_—_Define the term “electric field’ (S marks) (b) Draw the electric field formed between the parallel plates shown in Figure 3. Figure 3. Parallel plates (2 marks) (©) A lightning strike is an example of an electrostatic hazard, (@__ State ONE other hazard of statie charge. (i mark) Gil) State ONE useful application of static charge. @mark) GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01258020F 2018 E 0 0 . E r ™ 7 (©The graph in Figure 4 shows the alternating voltage output from a generator. THIS AREA ‘Voltage (V) 10. i iin Figure 4. Alternating voltage output from a generator Using the graph in Figure 4, determine the (value of the peak to peak voltage Gi) period of the alternating voltage. in seconds IN THIS A. (marks) Total 15 marks GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE | DO NQT WRITE, 01238020/F 2018 pate BIN THIS AeA sah boxer TH AS AREA a] = Eg “bo Nor inet 4 @ © «iy 01238020/F 2018 -13- “a SECTION B Answer ALL questions. Define each of the following terms, Specific heat capacity ‘Heat capacity (5 marks) ‘Write the formula to show the relationship between the specific heat capacity, c, and heat capacity, C, of a body. GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE r “ 1 (©) Some students were asked fo carry out an experiment to determine the specific heat capacity of a metal. They used the apparatus shown in Figure $ voltage supply Metal block E Insulation Heater Re NE Figure 5. Apparatus to determine the specific heat capaci iy ofa metal ‘The switch was closed for a time interval 07 900 s and the following readings were obtained. Mass of metal bloc! Ske Change in temperature = 50 °C Ammeter reading = 8.5. Voltmeter reading = 12 V GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01238020/F 2018 r “ 1 Using the data on page 14, calculate the specific heat eapacity of the metal, stating any assuimption(s) made, (9 marks) Total 15 marks GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01238020/F 2018 r “ 1 5. a) (i)_ State Hooke’s law. “(3 marks) i) With the aid of a labelled, sketehed graph, explain what is meant by ‘elastic limit’ (@ marks) GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01238020/F 2018 b) (©) Winans DONOR IRE -17- ~] steel spring has a spring constant of 2 x 10°N m*, Calculate the weight of en object which when attached to the unloaded spring produces an extension of 50 mm. The elastic limit is NOT exceeded. Forei Extension Spring Constant (G marks) ‘The object attached to the spring in (b) fell from rest and hit the ground after two seconds, Calculate the velocity of the object on hitting the ground, [g-10ms"] (4 marks) ‘Total 15 marks GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01238020/F 2018 r “ 1 6 (a) The transformer is a commonplace technological tool used in our daily lives, Figure 6 shows ono type of transformer used in electricity distribution, State the name of the parts labelled A, B, C and D in Figure 6. “Gd marks) Gi) Identify the type of transformer shown in Figure 6. (I mark) Gi) State the formula that relates voltage, 1 to number of turns, nin a transformer. GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01238020/F 2018 TT -19- (©) A transformer has 5000 tums in its secondary coil and 50 tums in its primary coil. ‘The Loliage supplied to is primary coil is12.0 Vac, anda eurrentor6OA ferns: its primary coil Calculate () the input power of the transformer (4 marks) (il) the voltage across the secondary coil (2 marks) (i) the maximum secondary current ifthe transformer is 100% efficient a= ce = 3 G marks) = 7 Total 15 marks = END OF TEST = = TFYOU FINISH BEFORE TIME IS CALLED, CHECK YOUR WORK ‘ON THIS TEST, =

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