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Homework Workbook pages

10,11 and 12
Page 10
a) The verb “take” because it is the only irregular verb that exists in
the form of past simple.
b) The verb “hear”. All verbs are irregular verbs in the past simple
form, but "hear" is the only verb that changes the morphology of
the word. “Cut”, “put” and “hit” remain the same and “hear”
changes to heard.
c) The verb “find”, because “drink”, “sing” and “begin” are irregular
verbs in the past simple form and in that form, in all those verbs the
letters “in” pass to “an”: “drink” changes to drank, “sing” changes to
sang and “begin” changes to began.
d) The verb “lead”, because in the past simple form, the irregular verbs
“break”, “steal” and “speak” change to, respectively, broke, stole
and spoke, and we can see that in all these verbs there is a phonetic
repetition of the vowels "o" and "e", which it does happen in the
verb "lead" that passes to led.
e) The verb “fly”, because the irregular verbs "bring", "buy" and
"think" in the past simple form, all repeat the same suffix "-ought":
"bring" - brought, "buy" - bought and "think" - thought. This doesn´t
happen with the verb "fly".
f) The verb “sleep”, because, although in the past simple form all
verbs end with the consonant "t", "sleep" is the only verb that
doesn´t remain completely equal (changes the stem of the word),
remaining with only an "e", and maintaining the "p": " sleep "- slept.
All the other verbs replace the consonant "d" with "t": "build" -
built, "send" - sent, "spend" - spent.
g) The verb “feel” , because, in the third column, that of the past
participle, in the verbs "drive", "eat" and "take", their end is "-en":
"drive" - driven, "eat" - eaten, "take" - taken. The verb "feel"
becomes felt.

Henrique Alves nº15 10º B Discipline: Inglês

h) The verb “swim” , because in the past simple form, this verb is the
only one in the group that doesn´t replace the last two letters with
the suffix "-ew": "draw" - drew, "grow" - grew, "know" - knew and
"swim" - swam.
i) The verb “run”, given that, it is the only verb that in past simple,
doesn´t add a "t", like "dream" - dreamt, "learn" - learnt and "burn"
- burnt.
j) The verb “put”, because it is the only verb that remains the same
when passing to the past simple form.

a) knew
b) tried
c) felt
d) was
e) sent
f) didn´t speak
g) went
h) happened
i) saw

a) How old were you?
I was 15 years old.
b) Who was the first boy?
It was a classmate Robert.
c) Who did invite?
Robert invited/ Robert was the one who invited.
d) Where was the meet?
The meet was in the Café.
e) How did you get there?
We went on foot.
f) What did you do?
We went to the cinema.
g) Which film did you see?

Henrique Alves nº15 10º B Discipline: Inglês

We saw The Hunger Games.
h) Did you enjoy the date?
Yes, I did enjoy.

Page 11
a) No, she wasn´t.
She was playing basketball.
b) No, they weren´t.
They were eating.
c) No, he wasn´t.
He was lying on the grass.
d) No, they weren´t.
They were studying.

A. When my brother arrived, I was playing games.
B. While they were walking in the park, it started to rain.
C. While she was watching TV, it broke down.
D. While I was doing my homework, my mother was calling me.

Page 12
1. considered
2. stood
3. named
4. called
5. told
6. read
7. was
8. died
9. was looking
10. was
11. said

Henrique Alves nº15 10º B Discipline: Inglês

12. was
13. didn´t have
14. was working
15. came
16. took
17. opened
18. saw
19. could
20. reached
21. took
22. fell
23. heard
24. laughed
25. walked
26. got
27. met
28. turned
29. locked
30. doesn´t hold
31. let
32. left
33. was standing
34. said
35. watched
36. promised
37. didn´t turn

Henrique Alves nº15 10º B Discipline: Inglês

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