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My Alaska´s holidays
This year I went to Alaska for Christmas, it was the best holidays
of my life because I love animals, and there I could see penguins,
polar bears, deer, foxes and many more. Alaska’s at the North
Pole, so we had to go by plane. In the plane I drew as I imagined
all the animals there, but I only hit some. We slept in a rural
house, made of wood, whit a fireplace and a small garden, in the
garden there were flowers and trees full of snow. It was very
cold, but we were wearing jackets, scarves, hats and gloves.
I love Alaska.

Ski is an Olympic sport. In Teruel it´s very popular, because there
are two ski resorts: “Javalambre” and “Valdelinares”, but this
year, with de covid the ski resorts were closed. Normally you can
ski from December until march. You must wear warm clothes
and glasses, you should also use a helmet, gloves and scarf. After
skiing you can eat in a restaurant.
The skiing is better with sun and good temperature. I like the ski
because l like the snow, it´s fun and l do sport.
Wild animals
The are many wild animals, my favourite is the wolf.
The wolf is more beautiful than a cheetah, but it's smaller. The
cheetah is the fastest animal in the world, but it's smaller than an
elephant. The elephant is the most intelligent, but is bigest than
a Koala. The Koala is cute and less colorful than a parrot. The
parrot can talk, and its bigger than a tarantula. The tarantula is
tiny and some are more dangerous than the snake.
I like de wild animals because are amazing and very interesting.

Last week I went to the amusement park "portaventura" with my
friends, in this park there were hundreds of attractions,
restaurants, characters and more. In the food there were some
good pizzas, with soft drinks and cake. When we had eaten we
went to all the attractions. There was one that was 6 laps in the
air, another that was 80 km, another that had to walk because it
was scary and there was also water. I like all types of attractions,
but the most, the "roller coasters", because I like the sensations
that you feel.
l had a great time that day.

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