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Jose Rizal the great hero of the Philippines who is brave enough to conquer all the challenges of

his life, though he cause on many arguments and unbelievable reactions from Spaniards he did not back
off till he took the chance of exposing the unequal treatment of the Spanish colonization to the people
of the Philippines. Rizal’s book of novels with bold and daring contents angered Spaniards and
awakening the minds of the Filipinos as well for they shall also be treated as equal and to the fact that
Filipinos owns this country Philippines Spaniards should at least realize that it is not their territory,
maybe because of high pride of the Spanish officials that every little mistake of the Filipinos should be
cruelly punished.

Jose Rizal known as his nickname “Pepe” would want some changes in this world he would
rather write and tell the hidden secrets of the Philippines that Spaniards used to hide, he thought to
himself if he would not do something then it would be the downfall of the Filipinos and to him as a
Filipino. He has the truth in him that he would risk to die with a stand on his idea and hoping for the
changes of his people and the Philippines. The Rizal’s is considered one of the biggest families during
their time Jose Rizal and his family have so much chaos and struggle to go through because of hatred,
jealously, false judge, and many more; from a young age he shows his talents such as drawing,
sketching, sculpting, and he also made poems and was received excellent grades from his teachers.

The life of Jose Rizal seems to be just fine but if you investigate and look for the hidden story
behind the family of Rizal there are complicated situations that are yet to discover like the gossips about
their family. The family tree of Jose Rizal has the complete family members in his father’s side but in
Jose Rizal’s mother Teodora Alonso side is a broken branch, maybe Jose Rizal didn’t include his mother’s
side in his family tree because he wouldn’t want to bring back the story about the scandal happened to
her mother to her family side which was when Teodora accused of poisoning her sister in law Teodora
Formoso. This reason was the start of the struggles of the Rizal family until everything went to Jose Rizal
realizing all what’s happening and he took the courage to fight for his family and the country.

Filipinos in the Spanish colonization era Filipinos are called “indyu” as for what Spanish believe
that Filipinos are “estupido”, “bastardo”, and “mal educado” which means stupid, a bastard, and ill
educated. The Spaniards were already used to look down and step on poor Filipinos but was surprised of
how Jose Rizal had showed to them representing that Filipinos cannot be dragged down but they can
rise themselves up with their own power of patriotism. Jose Rizal became the Filipinos pride and hope
because of his novels “Noli Me Tangere” and “ El Filibusterismo” that awakened Filipinos and took the
courage of uniting together having patriotism and fight against Spanish colonials. Jose Rizal took voyage
across the world and met many Filipinos and foreigners in different places, he’s experience abroad away
from his family and the country had him fought against himself from the depression and the loneliness
he felt. He studied in Universidad central de Madrid in Europe and took the course in medicine
ophthalmology to cure his mother’s eyes.

The life of Jose Rizal and his family was being threatened when the first book which is the “Noli
Me Tangere” released on the year 1887 and right before Jose Rizal can go to college his mother Teodora
Alonso always reminded him to be careful and try not to involve with the things that can harm him and
Jose kept that in mind but yet he created a daring novel his first book Noli Me Tangere. He was sent
back to Europe and begin to think about a new and another version of the Noli Me tangere and there
the second novel was created the “El Filibusterismo”. The Spaniards get angry and sues Jose Rizal and
they did anything they can think of just to make Jose Rizal imprisoned or will punish him to death they
make Jose Rizal go behind bars by putting illegal papers in Jose Rizal’s luggage and that’s when they

Jose Rizal goes to court but the judges announced him guilty, all the sacrifices that Jose Rizal
have done he hoped that all of it will be paid off and all of it will be worth it even if he knows well that
Spaniards will not let him live but to die in his beloved country. Jose Rizal wrote his last farewell a poem
called “Mi Ultimo Adios” for his family, for the Filipinos, and for the country Philippines. He was
executed in Bagumbayan and after that Filipinos got furious and make their move on revolution.

Jose Rizal has the biggest role in the country Philippines he have achieved so many things and
prove to the world the bravery and the changes he have made to his family, to the Filipinos, to his
country Philippines from then on the day he existed and to the current day to today’s generation his
bravery and love for his country will always be know, Jose Rizal will always be remembered in our
history and will never be forgotten.

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