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DNA Isolation on Mangrove Leaves as a Technology Anti-Cancer
Atika M. I., Hasibuan P. A. Z*., Basyuni M
Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, 20155,
Department of Forestry, Faculty of Forestry, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, 20155, Indonesia

Objective: determine the concentration effectiveness, purity of DNA with DNA extraction of mangrove leaves are Nypa fruticans,
Ceriops tagal, and Rhizophora mucronata.
Methods: The parameters observed in this study are the value of DNA purity, concentration. The samples which are processed
were gill and fin tissues of common carp. DNA concentration and purity were measured by the spectrophotometric method. This
research was conducted in the Laboratory of Parasitology and Laboratory of Riset Terpadu, Gadjah Mada University. This research
was conducted in April 2019 with three samples are DNA Nypa fruticans, Ceriops tagal, and Rhizophora mucronata. Preparation
samples are cell lysis, washing RNA, elucus RNA, isolation cDNA, operation NanoVue.
Results: The purity of DNA can be seen from the absorbance ratio (R) of DNA obtained from the results of this study ranging from
1.7 – 1.9. The results of DNA isolation were pure if the ratio between 1.7 to 2.0. In this research, DNA concentration values
obtained were medium, reaching 5.15 μg/ml. That good concentration (C) for PCR ranges from 0.5 to 6.5 μg/ml. So that DNA
isolates that have high concentration values diluted to a certain concentration so that it can be used for the PCR process. Dilution
of DNA concentration was carried out to the concentration of DNA isolates to reach 5 μg/ml. Based on the purity and
concentration of DNA above, then the results of DNA isolation can be used for the amplification process use primer.
Conclusions: The value of concentration DNA is moderate, and high value is Nypa fruticans (5.05), which is almost the same as 5-
FU value (5.15). The purity of DNA can see the value of ratio absorbance where 1.7 to 2.0, showed that the sample was not
contaminated and met the requirements for further processing, namely DNA amplification.
Keywords: RNA, nucleic acids, NanoVue, isolation, DNA, concentration

A R T I C L E I N F O:
Cite this article as:
Atika M. I., Hasibuan P. A. Z., Basyuni M, DNA Isolation on Mangrove Leaves as a Technology Anti-Cancer Development, Asian Journal of
Pharmaceutical Research and Development. 2019

*Address for Correspondence:

Hasibuan, P. A. Z, Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, 20155,
INTRODUCTION again for 24 hours, after which the media was discarded and
Quantification and assessment of DNA/RNA and protein added with new media. The floating and attached cells were
purity and concentration is the first entry step in most of the collected by giving trypsin 0.025% and then transferred into
molecular biology protocols routinely employed in many conical tubes, cells washed each with 1 ml PBS and
labs. Molecular biologists routinely work with DNA. RNA, centrifugation 2500 rpm for 5 minutes, the top layer is
and have devised some simple, fast spectrophotometric removed and the sediment collected and resuspended in PBS
assays for these molecules [1]. With this concerned, use the and centrifugation 3000 rpm for 180 seconds, remove the up
UV absorbance of biological samples to obtain qualitative layer and add with 1 mL PBS. Discarded culture medium
and quantitative information, especially for nucleic acid [2]. then washed cells with PBS. PBS was taken, and trypsin
For this purview for quantifying the amount of nucleic acid in added as much as 0.10-0.25%. After the cell is released, add
preparation are (A) spectrophotometric estimation (B) the medium, and then transfer it to the 15 mL conicle,
fluorometric determination and (C) DNA quantification using proceed with suspending cell culture [10].
NanoDrop. Nowadays, UV analysis of DNA/Protein has been
the benchmark method for rapid quantification and assaying Cell lysis
purity of samples for various purposes. In conventional UV
spectrophotometers, the sample is usually placed on the Add 400 µL RB buffer and 4 µL β-mercaptoethanol (or 8 µl
sample beam in a silica cuvette [3]. The absorbance obtained Dithiothreitol 2M which has been prepared in a water-free
is compared with the standard, so the concentration is RNase), then resuspended. After that, homogenize the
obtained. However, when the number of samples is limited, mixture, incubate at room temperature for 5 minutes. Add
dilution or the use of ultra-low volume cuvettes is required 500 µL with 70% ethanol that has been prepared in (free of
and requires high precision [4]. DNA extraction and Dnase and RNase). RB column in the 2 mL tube and transfer
purification is the process of compiling DNA from other cell 500 mL of the mixture to the RB column. Centrifuge with the
components. Good extraction is supported by the results of strength of 14-16,000 x g for 1 minute, then discarded filtrate.
the quantity of DNA, the extract obtained [5]. Information Remove the remaining mixture in the same RB column, a
about DNA concentration and purity is needed to determine centrifuge with a strength of 14-26,000 x g for 60 secs.
the degree of contamination of a sample and whether the Discard the filtrate and place the column in 2 mL tube [10].
sample is good for use at a later stage. Therefore,
measurements were made of both quantity and purification of Washing RNA
genomic DNA [6]. As development progressed, using Add 400 µL buffer W1 to the RB column, a centrifuge with a
NanoVue, a typical sample volume of 2 μl was piped to a strength of 14-16,000 x g for 30 seconds. Discard the filtrate,
nonpolar surface, and then a very short path length of either then place it again in the RB column on the 2 mL tube and
0.2 mm or 0.5 mm was made by lowering the sample head to add 600 µl washing buffer (make sure ethanol has been
the top of the sample. With a small sample, all common
added) to the RB column. Centrifuge with the strength of 14-
software features of the instrument, including scanning for
16,000 x g for 30 seconds, then discard the filtrate. Place the
single or longer wavelengths. [7]. Absorbance measurements
dried RB column into the new 1.5 mL microcentrifuge tube.
absorbance ratios and concentrations can be used. In all these
Add 50 µL of water-free RNase to the center of the matrix
modes, the instrument uses track length. The benefit of this
small line is that the instrument can measure very small column. Let stand for a few moments to complete the RNase
sample volumes [8]. NanoVue also has a more specific set of free water perfectly. Then centrifuge with the strength of 14-
life science applications, including DNA and RNA 16,000 x g for 60 secs to pure RNA [10].
concentration and purity and protein measurement Elucus RNA
calculations [9]. This study aims to determine the
concentration effectiveness, purity of DNA with DNA Prepare the DNase 1 reaction in a 1.5 mL (free RNase)
extraction of mangrove leaves are Nypa fruticans, Ceriops microcentrifuge tube as follows:
tagal, and Rhizophora mucronata. Table 1 Preparation of the Dnase Reaction Solution
Composition Volume
MATERIAL AND METHODS RNA in RNase is water-free 1-40 µL
Experiment Design DNase I 0,5 µL/µg RNA
This research was conducted in the Laboratory of
Dnase I reaction buffer 5 µL
Parasitology and Laboratory of Riset Terpadu, Gadjah Mada
University. This research was conducted in April 2019 using RNase is water-free add 50 µL
NanoVue. Total Volume 50 µL
RNA Extraction Carefully pipette the DNAse I reaction solution in the
WiDr cells (7.5 x 108 cells/wells) were put in wells with a mixture (do not vortex) and then incubate the
total of 6 wells then incubated for 24 hours. After that, the microcentrifuge tube at 37ºC for a half hour. Stop the
cells were given exposure to the test solution, then incubated reaction by adding 1 µL of 20 mM EGTA (pH = 8.0), then
re-incubate the microcentrifuge tube at 65ºC for 600 secs. Nypa fruticans 0,101 50 5,05
After that, purification of the RNA sample again by adding
250 µL RB buffer to the DNase I reaction mixture, mixing Ceriops tagal 0,100 50 5
the vortex wells. Transfer all sample mixture into the new
RB centrifuge column with a strength of 14-16,000 x g for Rhizophora 0,100 50 5
60 secs, remove the filtrate [10]. mucronata
5-FU 0,103 50 5,15
Description: C = Concentration (µg/ml)
The total RNA used was 3000 µL, then PCR water was
added to a total volume of 12 µL. A total of 8 µL of mixed Good concentration (C) for PCR ranges from 0.5 to 6.5 μg/ml
solution (5 x RT-buffer 4 µL, random primary 1 µL, dNTP 2 [11]. So that DNA isolates that have high concentration
µL, and Rever Tra-Ace 1 µL) were added to each tube values diluted to a certain concentration so that it can be used
containing RNA, then resuspended and brought to the FK for the PCR process [12].
UGM Integrated Laboratory to be carried out PCR. The PCR
product is then stored at -20ºC in the Integrated Laboratory Table 3 Value of DNA Quantity
of Medical Faculty of Gadjah Mada University [10]. Samples Wavelength R
Operation NanoVue A260 A280 A320
Nypa fruticans 0,101 0,07 0,035 1,88
Step 1, place the sample in a vertical position then use a
low volume pipette (0-10 μl) to take about two μl of the Ceriops tagal 0,100 0,075 0,045 1,83
sample. When issuing very small aliquots, answering the
sample is absolutely accurate. Step 2, make the sample Rhizophora 0,100 0,075 0,04 1,71
carefully so that the object is above the middle black dot mucronata
between the midpoint of the alignment left, right, up and 5-FU 0,103 0,075 0,036 1,72
down. Avoid the emergence of bubbles into the sample. After
Description: R = Absorbance Ratio
the pusher is depressed, lift the pipette carefully so that it
does not exit the zone. Step 3 Observe the position and shape The purity of DNA can be seen from the absorbance ratio (R)
of the drop. If a program has been selected and the Auto- of DNA obtained from the results of this study ranging from
Read function is set to ON, the sample reading process will 1,7 – 1,9. The results of DNA isolation were pure if the ratio
begin automatically. Before cleaning the instrument case, the between 1,7 to 2,0 [13]. In this research, DNA concentration
power instrument turns off the power and unplug the power values obtained were medium, reaching 5,15 μg/ml. DNA
cable. Clean all external surfaces using a soft cloth. Mild purity values obtained in each sample can be seen in Table 2.
liquid detergent can be used to remove scars that are difficult The results indicate that each sample has been pure. DNA
to remove. isolates can be said to be pure when the values range from 1,7
to 2,0 and have been meeting the requirements needed in the
Data analysis molecular analysis [13]. The difference in the concentration
Data analysis was performed descriptively quantitative. Data of DNA obtained in each sample can be determined by the
obtained from DNA isolation results using several DNA physical treatment given as well as the ability of extraction
isolation methods and results amplification. From research, buffer in breaking down cells [14]. The process of physical
this tape is produced from each of the different isolation cell destruction by crushing a sample which can perfect the
methods compared to positive control and negative control to extraction buffer in breaking down cells. Besides that, the
get results the best quality based on DNA and the amount of extraction buffer used can determine the concentration of
DNA. DNA produced. In the remaining stages of protein, fat, and
polysaccharide precipitation can be removed by using salt.
C      The final stage of DNA isolation is the stage of DNA
washing. Washing DNA is carried out to separate other
compounds such as solutions and salts that come along with
R        DNA. The DNA washing process is done with the addition of
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The sample used in this study is mangrove leaves, namely
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Nypa fruticans, Ceriops tagal, and Rhizophora mucronata.
of DNA isolation can be used for the amplification process
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quality and quantity. Quantification results by calculating the for double-stranded DNA, fourty points for RNA, and thirty
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