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Quiz (1)

a) 1- mention the locations of manholes.

2-where we have to use combined system?

b) For a gravity sewer pipe that serve 20000 capita with w.c=250 l/c/d find depth of excavation at
point (b) . (ab=30 m, Dp at min flow =.3)
a) 1- Manholes are usually located at:
 Change in direction of sewer or intersection of sewers and at the end of each line.
 Change in cross‐section of sewer.
 Change in grade of sewer.
 In straight sewers. At regular intervals depending mainly upon the size of the sewer.


b) Qavg =.85*20000*250/(24*60*6010000 = .05 m3/s

m.f =.33 → Qmin =.33*.05 = .017 m3/s
from chart (Dp =.3) → Qp =.18 → Qfull =.094 m3/s
Sg =0 →use Smin VP=.74 , Vmin= .6 → Vfull = .81 m/s
From manning → D= .384 m =350 mm S=.0025
I.L AT (A) =12-1.2-.35=10.45
I.L AT (b) = 10.45-.0025*30=10.375
d.of .ex at (b) =12-10.375=1.625 m
Quiz (1)
a) 1- mention the functions of manholes.
2-where we need for pumping sewage?

b) design a gravity sewer pipe that serve 30000 capita with w.c=250 l/c/d . (ab=30 m, Dp at min
flow =.25)
a) 1-  Providing access into sewer lines for perform inspection, cleaning and maintenance.
 May be assist in ventilating the sewer lines.
 Helpfull in case of unspected overflow

2- For delivering of the sewage of the low basements of large commercial buildings.
 In areas with flat terrain, to lift the sewage to an intercepting sewer at a higher level.
 Pumps can discharge to a force main carrying sewage under pressure to the treatment
 Where it is necessary to convey the sewage over a bridge.
 Within sewage treatment plant.

c) Qavg =.85*30000*250/(24*60*60*10000) = .07 m3/s

m.f =.35 → Qmin =.35*.07 = .025 m3/s
p.f =.2.48 → Qmax =2.48*.07 = .17 m3/s
from chart (Dp =.25) → Qp =.11 → Qfull =.227 m3/s
Sg =.076
From manning → Vfull = 3.9 m/s
from chart (Qp =.17/.227) → VP =1.12 → Vmax =3.37 m3/s un safe
use Smax VP=1.12 , Vmax = 1.5→ Vfull = 1.34 m/s
From manning → D= .464 m =500 mm S=.0053

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