Testing Files With Different File Names

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Testing files with different file names:

1. Upload file (test files.docx)

2. Upload new version (test files 2.docx)
3. Download file. Open – it is test files 2.docx

4. Download first version. Open successfully test files.docx

5. Move file using File>>Edit>>Parent Folder.
6. Click on file. Note that in File Details, first version next to the Word icon is now listed as “test
files2_0.docx (V1)” and second (current) version next to the Word icon is listed as “test
files.docx” but filename as “test files2_0.docx”

7. Click Download. White screen. No download.

8. Click browser back button.
9. Click on file. Click “Download File” for first version. File downloads, but it is corrupted and can’t
be opened by Word.
10. Click on file, click Edit, move back to original parent folder.
11. Click on file. Note that in File Details, first version is back to “test files.docx (V1)” and second
(current) version is listed as “test files.docx” and filename is “test files2.docx”

12. Click on file. Click Download for current version. White screen. No download.
13. Click on file. Click “Download File” for first version. White screen. No download.
14. Clicking on the filenames next to the Word icons also goes to a white screen.

Files with same filename:

1. Upload file: “SameFile.docx”

2. Locally, modify document to distinguish as version 2. Save with same filename.
3. Upload file as new version of SameFile.docx. Note that File Name lists new file(current version)
as SameFile_0.docx

4. Click Download option. Successfully downloads the version 2 document.

5. Click Download File beneath V1. Successfully downloads the version 1 document.
6. Click Edit. Change the Folder using the drop-down. Click Submit.
7. Click file in its new folder. Note filenames. Everything looks the same as before.

8. Click Download. Successfully downloads the version 2 document.

9. Click Download File beneath the version 1 file. White screen. No download.
10. Click file. Click Edit. Change the Folder back to the original folder using the drop-down. Click
11. Click File. Note the filenames have changed. The original version (next to the Word icon) is listed
as SameFile_1.docx. The current version filename next to the Word icon is SameFile.docx, but
the “File Name” is also SameFile_1.docx.

12. Click Download to download current version. White screen.

13. Click File. Click Download File beneath first version. Download initiated but Word indicates it is
corrupted and won’t open.

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