Fed M2 Seasonality

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Effects of seasonal adjustment

on the money stock

Robert D. Laurent

The emphasis placed on money stock changes end holiday buying. Housing starts in March
in the conduct and analysis of monetary reflect the beginning of favorable weather for
policy has recently increased interest in the building. Seasonal adjustments are based on
seasonal adjustment of the money stock. This an assumption that such influences are
new interest can be seen several ways. Money regular enough to be represented by calen-
market analysts, for example, are using an ap- dar months.
parent seasonal pattern in the seasonally ad-
justed money stock as an aid to prediction. The seasonal pattern
Also, annual revisions in the seasonal adjust-
ment factors the Federal Reserve uses in ad- Even casual examination of changes in
justing raw money figures seem to be getting the money stock shows a pronounced
bigger. The most recent revisions were the seasonal pattern. This is true regardless of the
largest ever. measure of the money stock. But it is most
These developments suggest there could pronounced for the narrowest measure—M1
be problems with the current procedure for (currency plus demand deposits)—on which
seasonally adjusting the money stock. As a this article focuses.
result, the Federal Reserve has appointed a
commission of outside economists and stat-
isticians to review the seasonal adjustment Unadjusted money data show
techniques used by the Board of Governors in a seasonal pattern
adjusting financial data. monthly percentage change in Ml *
This article examines the effect of 4—

seasonal adjustment on the money stock and

discusses some of the problems in seasonally
adjusting this series. Though the article con-
centrates on the money stock, much of the
discussion applies to any series in which the
adjustments for seasonal variations are large.
Data are seasonally adjusted to reveal un-
derlying trends. Retail sales always increase in 0
December, and housing starts always increase
in March. Without adjustment for these
patterns, changes can be deceiving, creating
an impression that the underlying trend in
retail sales or housing starts has suddenly
accelerated. Removal from the data of "nor- 3
mal" changes expected during these months
reveals the underlying trend. 4

Calendar months serve as proxies for

5 111111111[11
contemporaneous changes in economic F MA MJ A
forces. Retail sales in December reflect year- Data covers 1968-1977 inclusive.

12 Economic Perspectives
The money stock contracts for the first divided by the average monthly figure for the
two months of the year, and then expands year surrounding that month. The resulting
through the April tax date. It contracts in May, series of monthly figures, called the seasonal
then expands through June and July. August irregular ratios, shows whether the compo-
shows a mild contraction before an expansion nent tends to be high or low that month. The
that culminates in the year-end holiday high level of demand deposits in December,
season. for example, is reflected in seasonal irregular
The seasonal adjustment of money is ratios that from 1968 through 1977 were
complex. A simplified description of the ad- always above 1.02. Over that period,
justment is useful in explaining the effects— December demand deposits were always at
and problems—of the adjustment process. 1 least 102 percent of the surrounding 12-
The new money-stock figure published every month average.
month is adjusted by dividing previously Monthly seasonal irregular ratios form
determined seasonal adjustment factors into the base for the seasonal adjustment factors.
the raw (unadjusted) figures to obtain the Since the seasonal irregular ratios are ob-
seasonally adjusted money stock. Thus, a tained by dividing the unadjusted monthly
seasonal adjustment factor of 1.02 indicates figure by the average for the surrounding 12
the effect of that particular month is expected months, there is an implicit adjustment for
to raise the unadjusted data 2 percent above growth in the money stock. Also, the seasonal
the annual average. irregular ratio is based on an assumption that
The predetermined seasonal adjustment the effects of different months can be ex-
factors used to adjust data when they are first pressed as percentage changes in the unad-
published are the most current set of justed figure. If seasonal effects were assumed
factors—usually those used to adjust the constant—regardless of the size of the money
previous year's money stock. The seasonal ad- stock—then the 12-month surrounding
justment factor used to adjust the first- average would be subtracted from the unad-
published figure for November 1978, say, will justed figure.
be the same factor used in the 1978 revision of
the November 1977 figure. The factor used to The effect of changing seasonals
adjust a particular month's figure is revised
annually for several years after the first Seasonal adjustment factors can be ob-
published figure appears. In this article, the tained from seasonal irregular ratios in several
first published seasonally adjusted figure for a ways. One consideration is whether the
particular month is taken to be the first figure seasonal adjustment factors are assumed con-
for that month appearing in the Federal stant or whether they are assumed to change
Reserve Bulletin. over time. If they are assumed constant, equal
In the adjustment of Ml, separate weight is given to the same month every year.
seasonal adjustments are made to currency If the factors are believed to change over
and demand deposits and the two com- time, more weight is given to seasonal
ponents are then combined to obtain the irregular ratios in nearby years.
seasonally adjusted money stock. Unadjusted Current seasonal adjustment of the
monthly figures for each component are money stock assumes that seasonal factors are
changing. The rationale for a moving seasonal
is that the economic forces for which the
'For a more comprehensive description of the seasonals serve as proxy may be changing.
seasonal adjustment process, see Thomas A. Lawler,
"Seasonal Adjustment of the Money Stock: Problems and The importance of some holidays—or vaca-
Policy Implications," Economic Review, vol. 63: no. 6, p. tion habits—may change slowly over time,
23, (November-December, 1977), Federal Reserve Bank changing seasonal adjustment factors.
of Richmond. This article and its companion article dis-
cuss some of the issues raised here and list references to The extent to which the seasonal for any
other works on the same topic. calendar month is allowed to vary over

Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago 13

different years depends critically on the affect the money stock, would not be picked
relative weight given to the seasonal irregular up by a moving seasonal. Examples are
ratios for that month in determining the monetary policy changes and changes in tax
seasonal adjustment factor. The more weight dates and holidays.
given the current year's seasonal irregular
ratio, the more seasonal adjustment factors The smoothing effect of seasonal revisions
are allowed to vary from year to year.
At one extreme, every year's seasonal The process used to adjust money-stock
irregular ratio is given the same weight and data produces large subsequent revisions that
the seasonal adjustment factors are equal for smooth out the first-published figures. When
every year. The seasonal adjustment factor for the money stock figure is first published, the
a particular calendar month can, of course, seasonal adjustment factor used for the
change over time with the addition of new in- month gives no weight to the unadjusted
formation. At the other extreme, the seasonal money stock for that month. Later revisions,
irregular ratio is given all the weight, making however, use that month's seasonal irregular
the seasonal adjustment factor identical to the ratio in determining the seasonal adjustment
seasonal irregular ratio in that month. factor. As a result, revisions move the seasonal
The first extreme, having constant adjustment factor closer to the actual seasonal
seasonals, produces a fairly volatile money irregular ratio. This has the effect of smooth-
stock. The second, with more volatile ing seasonally adjusted changes in the money
seasonals, produces a money stock that stock.
moves smoothly with changes in trend Although extremes of the seasonal
growth. irregular ratio are given reduced weight in the
In practice, each seasonal adjustment determination of seasonal adjustment factors,
factor is determined by a seven-year span of the smoothing effect of seasonal revisions on
seasonal irregulars centered on that year, the extreme changes in the money stock is
weights declining as data move away from the pronounced. From 1968 to 1977, there were 17
center year. Thus, the November 1978 instances where the first published data
seasonal adjustment factor will eventually be showed monthly increases in the money stock
determined by November seasonal irregular of more than 1 percent and 16 instances
ratios from 1975 through 1981. This procedure where the data showed declines. In the 1978
allows seasonal adjustment factors to vary
significantly year to year, since the three mid-
dle years of the seven-year span are each
number of observations
The first published MI figures ...
given a fifth of the total weight in determining
the seasonal adjustment. 16
Seasonal adjustment factors, however,
are not obtained simply by the mechanical
manipulation of the seasonal irregular ratios. 12
Extreme seasonal irregular ratios are given
less weight in determining seasonal adjust-
ment factors. This provides a more stable 8
seasonal adjustment factor series and
prevents an inordinate response to extreme 6
changes in the data. More important, 4
seasonal adjustment factors are adjusted
judgmentally to take account of other factors.
Often of significant magnitude, these 0 I 11111111 1111111111111
judgmental adjustments can take account of monthly percentage change in M1'
-1.0 .9 .8 .7 .6 .5 .4 .3 .2 .1 0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 1.0 1.1 1,2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.74

sharply changing factors that, while known to . Ddld covers 1968-1977 inclusive.

14 Economic Perspectives
revision, every one of the 17 large increases percentage point.
had been reduced and 15 of the 16 declines Clearly, revisions in the seasonal adjust-
showed smaller declines. Only seven in- ment sharply reduce the dispersion of the
stances of money declines remain in the most monthly percentage changes in the money
recent revision. supply—and the revisions are significant. The
Two factors account for the difference average absolute change produced by
between the first-published data and later seasonal revisions was 0.220 percentage
revisions. One is changes in the underlying point—nearly half the mean percentage
raw data. The other is changes in seasonal ad- change before seasonal revision.
justment factors. Separation of the effects of
these two factors make it clear that almost all A problem for analysis
the smoothing comes from seasonal revisions.
From 1968 through 1977, the first- The pronounced smoothing that comes
published data show a mean monthly change from seasonal revisions raises several
in money of 0.461 percent. A measure of the questions about the seasonally adjusted
dispersion in the data is the average absolute money series. Aside from whether the first-
deviation from this mean value—the average published data or the later revisions reflect
difference (up or down) between each obser- seasonal adjustments more accurately,
vation and the average observation. The smoothing poses problems of consistency for
average absolute deviation of first-published analysts of monetary policy.
data is 0.376 percentage point. When the first- Most research that relates changes in the
published data are adjusted to reflect money stock to changes in economic activity
revisions in the raw data, the mean monthly uses the smoothed seasonally adjusted
change rises to 0.494 percent and the average money series. Though seasonal revisions do
absolute deviation falls slightly to 0.364 not usually change the general pattern of
percentage point. When these data are acceleration or deceleration in growth of the
further adjusted to reflect the 1978 revisions money stock, the revised series is con-
in seasonal adjustment, the mean monthly siderably smoother than the first-published
change becomes 0.490 percent and the data. By relating this smoothed series to
average absolute deviation falls to 0.267 variations in economic activity, analysts

. . . are not greatly affected by revisions in . but are considerably smoothed by revisions
the underlying raw data .. . in the seasonal adjustment factors
number of observations number of observations

16 — 16 —

14 14

12 — 12

10 — 10

8 8

.54131 1 1 1 , 6 1 91,1 ,1 „ 1,
6 6

4 4—

2 — 2 L

01 o_
—10 .9 .1

monthly percentage change in M1. monthly percentage change in M1"
• Data covers 1968-1977 inclusive. •Data covers 1968-1977 inclusive.

Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago 15

associate dampened accelerations or tors that produced them) is correct. Revisions
decelerations in money with fluctuations in in seasonal adjustments that produce the
economic activity. As a result, even small smoothest money-stock figures are not
changes in money growth seem to have fairly necessarily the best seasonals. As noted
large effects on economic activity. But the earlier, giving exclusive weight to each
money data used in analyzing current policy monthly seasonal irregular in determining
are the volatile first-published figures. In- the seasonal adjustment factor can purge the
serted into the historical relationship monthly data of all volatility except slight
between money and income, these un- changes in trend. But too much volatility can
smoothed data imply unduly large changes in be removed from the series.
economic activity. The smoothing effects of the seasonal
As an example of the smoothing process, revisions raise methodological questions in
the first-published M1 data for February 1971 assessing the seasonal adjustment process.
through January 1972 showed a six-month How can it be said that the seasonal adjust-
period in which the money stock grew at an ment is known, if it is known only after the un-
annual rate of 12.5 percent followed by six adjusted data has been observed? The
months in which the annual rate was 0.9 per- problem hangs on the difference between ex-
cent. Recent revisions of the data show, planation and prediction. Substantial revision
however, that the money stock grew at a rate of seasonals can explain away almost all the
of 9.2 percent in the first six months and 4.4 volatility in unadjusted money—after the
percent in the second. Revisions reduced the volatility has been seen. These same revised
deceleration in money growth from 11.6 seasonal adjustment factors, however, are
percentage points to 4.8 percentage points. much less useful at predicting future money
In another case, the direction of changes figures and removing the volatility in the first-
was actually reversed. First-published data published data.
from February 1972 through January 1973 The size of the seasonal revisions raises
showed M1 grew at an annual rate of 9.9 per- other questions about the seasonal adjust-
cent in the first six months and 6.5 percent in ment process. Since calendar months serve as
the second six months. The most recent revi- proxies for contemporaneous economic
sion shows a growth of 8.1 percent in the first forces, the seasonal adjustment of money
six months and 10.5 percent in the second. assumes that the forces are regular enough to
Revisions show that instead of slowing in the be represented by calendar months. If,
second six months, growth in the money however, these forces are changing by large
stock was picking up. and unpredictable amounts, then it does not
Consistent analysis requires adjustments seem reasonable to represent these forces
either to the money stock used in relating with seasonals. Instead, it might be better to
money to economic activity or the first- leave the influence of the forces in the
published money figures. Otherwise, the in- seasonally adjusted data and identify these
terpretation of recent monetary policy is apt forces as determinants of the adjusted data.
to exaggerate its consequences.
The most important question raised by The influence of policy
the smoothing of money growth rates
through seasonal revisions, however, is One reason seasonal adjustment is more
whether data are improved. Every seasonal complicated for money than for most
adjustment produces a seasonally adjusted seasonally sensitive economic series is the
money series. Without an independent crucial importance of policy in determining
measure of the "true" adjusted money supply the money stock. Monetary policy can have a
figures, there is no obvious way of deciding direct and immediate effect on the money
which of these seasonally adjusted series stock. Were this not so, it would make little
(and, therefore, the seasonal adjustment fac- sense to interpret monetary policy in terms of

16 Economic Perspectives
changes in the money stock. rates over the year but intensify the seasonal
Suppose that for two or three successive variation in money.
years monetary authorities ran an easy or tight While it is usually better to leave the
policy the same month, producing large or effects of policy in the seasonally adjusted
small rates of growth in money. Clearly, the numbers, policy effects producing a regular
policy effects should be kept in the seasonally seasonal in money seem different. If year in
adjusted money stock series. But unless some and year out, policy produces a seasonal
adjustment is made to take account of these movement in the money stock, it would seem
policy effects, the seasonal revision process is better to remove the policy effect from the
such that policy effects would be treated as a seasonally adjusted numbers. The difficulty is
shift in seasonal factors. They would be in distinguishing this recurring seasonal
removed from the revised seasonally adjusted pattern from the ephemeral effects of con-
data. Then, in later years when money tracyclical policy that happen to show some
figures revert to normal, the first-published seasonal pattern over a period of years.
data will be made more volatile by the interim
change in the seasonal. The importance of Summary
policy makes the judgmental contribution to The importance of money and the in-
seasonal adjustment of the money stock an creasing volatility of the money stock have
important factor. Effects of policy could, in focused attention on the seasonal adjustment
fact, explain the appearance of seasonals in of the money stock data. There is clearly a
seasonally adjusted data. pronounced seasonal in the money stock. It is
Policy considerations complicate not clear, however, exactly what the pattern is
seasonal adjustment in another way. To a or how it changes over time.
great extent, the seasonal variation in the One important characteristic of the
money supply is itself a product of monetary current method of seasonal adjustment is the
policy. The seasonal movement is actually a pronounced smoothing in the rate of growth
change in the demand for credit. Before the in the money stock produced by successive
Federal Reserve was established, the seasonal revisions of the seasonal adjustment factors.
effect was felt primarily on interest rates and This smoothing creates a danger of incon-
not nearly as much on money. The year-end sistency in the application of relationships es-
increase in credit demands, for example, timated with revised data to the analysis of
resulted largely in higher interest rates. The current monetary policy.
increase in money was only slight. More important, it raises the question of
Since the Federal Reserve was establish- whether the smoothing process produces
ed, it has acted to dampen the seasonal move- better seasonally adjusted data. The answer
ment in interest rates. This is done by in- involves serious problems of methodology as
creasing reserves and money when seasonal well as economics. Finally, the role of
demands for credit rise and reducing them monetary policy in determining the money
when credit demands fall. In this way, the stock makes judgmental modifications of
monetary authorities smooth out interest seasonal adjustment factors important.

Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago 17

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