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It can improve one's sense It trains how a person It can help you understand
It teaches people to value
It can be used as a of discipline, control, controls his/her emotions yourself more in terms of your
and respect other people's
practical self-defense. mental fortitude, and self- and practices restraint capabilities, weaknesses,
confidence. lives as human beings. desires, fears, etc. as a person.
towards the opponent.

It helps improve one's It trains the mind for It trains one's social skills It can serve as an outdoor It is possible to tap onto
mobility, flexibility, improved alertness, through interacting with physical activity that could your intuition based on
balance, body coordination, focus, and precision while one partner or other people improve one's mood based on your level of focus and
and reflexes. doing movements. who practice arnis. how rewarding the training is. immersion while training.

The practice of extreme focus

It can serve as a It helps develop one's It can help everyone gain It can be a form of a
and mind-body coordination
full-body workout for virtue of perseverance and more acquaintances and RESPONSIBLE stress
during training gives a person
stronger stamina and courage to deal with friends with similar release and anxiety relief
a clear sense of internal and
cardiovascular health. opponents or danger. interests in arnis. of a person. external self.

It can serve as training for Fulfilling experiences while

It enforces positive It can help a person find It can evoke a feeling of
training, with a thorough
the bones and muscles in our belongingness in a community patriotism for our country
encouragement and understanding of one's self and
body and facilitate stronger that is also interested in or and fondness for our own
other people, can help a person
bones and toned muscles. value for martial arts. trains/practices with arnis martial art as a Filipino. find his/her sense of purpose.

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