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Reflexology rests on the ancient Chinese belief in qi (pronounced “chee”), or “vital energy.

” According to
this belief, qi flows through each person. When a person feels stressed, their body blocks qi. This can
cause an imbalance in the body that leads to illness. Reflexology aims to keep qi flowing through the
body, keeping it balanced and disease free.

In Chinese medicine, different body parts correspond with different pressure points on the body.
Reflexologists use maps of these points in the feet, hands, and ears to determine where they should
apply pressure. They believe their touch sends energy flowing through a person’s body until it reaches
the area in need of healing.

so far, there’s limited evidence that reflexology may help to: reduce stress and anxietyreduce pain, lift
mood, improve general well-being

In addition, people have reported that reflexology helped them: boost their immune system, fight
cancer, get over colds and bacterial infections, clear up sinus issues, recover from back problems,
correct hormonal imbalances, boost fertility, improve digestion, ease arthritis pain.

reflexology has been known to mankind for thousands of years, going back to the ancient cultures of
China and Egypt, as depicted in stone carvings dating back to 2330 B.C. In modern times an increasing
number of people are availing of this safe and natural therapy as a way of relaxing, balancing and
harmonizing the body. There are many factors in life, such as illness, stress, injury, that can create a
state of imbalance, a state of disease – but the body has a natural ability to heal itself.

Several different relaxation exercises are used in biofeedback therapy, including:

Deep breathing

Progressive muscle relaxation -- alternately tightening and then relaxing different muscle groups

Guided imagery -- concentrating on a specific image (such as the color and texture of an orange) to focus
your mind and make you feel more relaxed

Mindfulness meditation -- focusing your thoughts and letting go of negative emotions

Biofeedback training is a type of behaviour therapy that attempts to change learned responses to
stressors. It can be very successful in alleviating symptoms (e.g., pain and muscle tension) of a disorder,
and its effects can be especially lasting if used in combination with psychotherapy to help patients
understand their reactions to stress.

Complaints that have been treated by biofeedback training include migraine headaches, gastrointestinal
cramping (e.g., colitis), high blood pressure, tics, and the frequency and severity of epileptic seizures.
Some psychologists think that it is possible to bring under partial control any physiological process that
can be continuously monitored and displayed, including electrophysiological activity of the limbic system
and other homeostatic processes.

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