Readin Worksheet 2ES

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Unit 03: Science and experiments

Rubric: Reading

The Level: 2nd Year ES

Before you read
Fireproof balloon experiment.
Can the balloon survive the flame? Let’s figure out that!

Required Materials:

You will need:

✓ A Candle
✓ lighter.
✓ 2 balloons
✓ Some water


1. Light your candle with the lighter

2. Blow up one of your balloons
3. Place the air- filled balloon over the candle.
❖ What does happen to the balloon?

The air-filled balloon ……………………...

4. Then, take the other balloon and fill it halfway with water. Make sure that you keep the balloon small
to avoid stretching the rubber too much.
5. Hold the balloon over the candle flame again and count to ten.
❖ Do you think the balloon will explode, splashing water everywhere?
❖ What does happen to the balloon?

The water-filled balloon ……………………...

 Why does the balloon burst or explode in the first experiment?

 Why doesn’t the balloon burst or explode in the second experiments?

➔Read the experimental report to check your answers.

As you read
The experiment report

The water within the balloon absorbs the heat from the candle and rises, drawing the heat away
from the balloon rubber so that the balloon survives the flame. Once the hot water rises away from
the flame to the top of the balloon it then cools down, dropping back towards the flame to then get
hot and rises again. The air- filled balloon pops because the air quickly expands and does not
absorbs enough of the heat energy from the rubber to protect the balloon. This allows the rubber of
the balloon to stretch very quickly, tearing the balloon. Heat from the candle will get transferred
into the balloon rubber and whatever is filling the balloon. This is known as heat conduction.
When you heat a gas or liquid, it expands and rises. Why is this so? The density of the gas or
liquid decreases as it heats up.
Indeed, in physics, heat can only be transferred through three means: conduction, convection
and radiation. Conduction is the transfer of heat through touching. It is the transfer of heat from
the warmer part of an object to the cooler part of the same object. It occurs in solids. Unlike
conduction, convection occurs in liquids and gases. However, radiation is the transfer of energy as
waves. It travels through empty spaces. Adapted from: www.FIZZICS .

Task01 1-Say if the following statements are true /false or not mentioned:
1- the air – filled balloon pops due to thicknessAdapted
of its rubber.
from: www. Fizzics Education. Com
2- The water within the balloon absorbs the heat and makes the balloon resists the flame.
3- The density of liquid or gas increases as they heat up.
4- Conduction is important for current weather conditions.

Task 02 2-What does the experiment illustrate. Choose the right answer:

1- Balloons vs fire 2- Heat transferring 3- Water properties

After you read

-Underline the right answer:
1. Conduction is the spreading of energy via ……
a- Liquids b- Waves c- Touching
2. Convection is the movement of energy from…..
a- The cooler part to the warmer part of the object.
b- The warmer part to the cooler part of the object.
c- None of them
3. Convection is heat transfer that occurs by touching the heat source.
a- True b- False
4. How is air heated in our atmosphere?
a- Radiation b-Conduction c-Convection
5. Light waves traveling through empty space
a. Conduction b. Convection c. Radiation
6. The reason why water boils causing the circular motion is due to?
a- Radiation b- Conduction c- Convection
7. When a metal spoon with a temperature of 20oC is placed into a cup of water with a temperature
of 90oC the spoon will heat up. This is an example of:
a- Radiation b- Conduction c-Convection
8. The transfer of energy in fluids or gases
a. Conduction b. Convection c. Radiation
9. What method of heat transfer can occur in a vacuum?
a- Conduction b- Convection c-Radiation
1) Complete the lyrics of “Radiation, Conduction, Convection Song”:

Listen carefully to the song and

fill in the blanks with the
Convection- Heat – liquids- radiation -
appropriate word from the box
conduction- three- molecules- solids-

When the days are cold All your toes get burned
This is what we are told So the heat in place
The transfer of ….(1)… Will be passed away
From hot to the cold To the ……(5)…..
When the heat will sail Of the nearby space
Through the air it’s said All this is conduction
It is… (2)…..using infrared Works well in … (6)…
The sun provides the truth Through this heat will come through
The rays come down on you Through …...(7)…bad it’s true
Fire place on inside Chorus
You feel the waves of fire They say when heat will make
No matter how the heat The fluids near it change
Different temperatures meet The liquids and gases
No matter where heat’s from Make …..(8)….. currents
Hot to cold how it’s done The air it changes right
Radiation heat From source of heat or light
It goes through the skies It’s moving to and from
… (3)… fluids rise Bringing heat with it now
It’s where the heat’s applied Chorus
Don’t get too close Don’t get too close
You touch the fire You touch the fire
Conduction heat goes by Conduction heat goes by
….. (4)…. Ways heat is supplied Three ways heat is supplied
If you’ve walked at all
On the sand that’s warm
When the light is out Singer: Mr. Parr

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