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Loan moratorium has been extended to all the lenders for EMI from the months of 1st March to

31st May, which was later extended till 31st August as well.
((Loan moratorium: A moratorium period is a period during a loan term when the borrower is not
obligated to make a payment. It is a waiting period before the borrower starts making fixed
monthly payments.))
Opening Statements:
Client: On the onset of the session, I would like to thank the other party and Mr./Ms. Mediator
present here for attempting to resolve the conflict amicably by coming to this session today. I am
the Managing Director of *company* I come here, not to engage in any condemnation, but to
reach to a constructive result which may prove beneficial to both the parties. I hope to maintain
the fruitful and symbiotic relationship that both the parties have had since such a long time.
Although, I do come here with the interests of my ‘company’ at large, I sincerely wish that we
work towards a collaborative effort to find a solution to our shared goal. *insert facts* This
pandemic has brought upon us a fair share of challenges for both the parties and only our
bilateral cooperation can help reduce the adverse impact. I urge you to be respective and
accommodative to our concerns as well.
*Over to you, Ms. Counsel*

Counsel: Good morning, everyone present in this session. My name is Nehal Gupta, and I am the
counsel for the Managing Director of “Chariot Hotel Group”. Today, my client and I are here
because the things haven’t worked out the way both the parties anticipated. We hope to address
all the issues that concerns us and hope that such issues may not arise in the future and we are
able to come to an amicable settlement. My role here today, is solely in advisory capacity to
protect my client and their company’s interests. I will only be dealing with issues that concerns
legal aspects or proposals that are floated on the table today. I shall also be looking into any
calculations, evaluations, creations, or devolution of any rights and liabilities that may arise.
Further, I would like to add, my client has the full authority to settle during the course of this
session and has the final authority to take any decision. Today, we would like to briefly discuss
the issue of payment of lease arrears by Chariot Hotels to AASA. As stated by my client, Chariot
Hotels and AASA have had a stable relationship since a long time and we have never
encountered such a dispute of payments, yet in these testing times during the Pandemic where
the functioning of the Hotel Group was completely halted, my client was unable to pay the lease
arrears. Although, after the month of July’20, the government allowed Chariot to work as a
quarantine facility, they were unable to break even the income and the expenditure. Currently,
now as it is functioning with 50% capacity, the hotel group will take more than a year to return to
its normal financial condition. With this, I urge you to be accommodative to my client’s concerns
as well. We hope that we have an extremely productive dialogue with you where we can reach a
settlement that benefits the both of us.
*Over to you madam mediators*
Closing Statement:
Counsel- Thank you so much. We really appreciate all that was said during the session. You did
acknowledge our state of affairs. I would also like to thank the mediators for being impartial and
supportive of this entire session and all the efforts they put in to create an open platform. I would
like to quickly summarize what we believed happened during the session, *insert concluding
Counsel’s Opening Statement: Counsel for Teacher’s Union
The universal protocol has been so that institutions are open for 50% capacity. As my client aptly
put that we regard the children’s health over their grades.
Cost allowing the children to come to school; resources will be less employed (cost benefit
We can see the new clusters that are being formed in lieu of physical presence. Taking a recent
example of Boston university, where young adults were set to join the university but had to
vacate the premises within a week as there was a spike in cases. It is safe to presume that young
children may not be of that mental capacity to take necessary precautions throughout the day.
It is also seen that with the advent of new virus strains, which are yet to be researched upon, have
entered the nation and creating another wave of turmoil. Under this pretext, it would be
beneficial for the teachers, school administration parents, and their children to not indulge in
changing the teaching setting and maintain consistency, in case the local government decides to
impose lockdown again.

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