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Position Paper about Rizal’s Retraction

Retraction is first of all a statement that something you said or wrote at an earlier
time is not true or correct as stated by the Macmillan dictionary. One of the most critical
issues surrounding the study of the national hero's life, works and writings, Dr. Jose
Rizal, is the truth of certain acts and articles being published decades ago. With Rizal it
is said that he had carried out his presumed reconciliation on the Catholic Church,
otherwise known as “Retraction”. This issue started to fire and burning up the moment
Manila and Spanish newspapers published articles claiming Jose Rizal’s retraction right
after his execution. However, this causes a lot of doubts, raised issues and heated
debates with respect to the credibility of the documents presented most specially among

those people seeking and wanting for the truth regarding the controversy. Upon reading

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articles of both sides and for four years of being taught by the life, works and writings of

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Dr. Jose Rizal, my stand regarding this controversy is that, No, Rizal did not retract.

Although there are many views and evidence raised and presented by different authors
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as to the retraction of Rizal. Nevertheless, as of this moment there has been no
evidence and justification that would strongly end the undying debate.

The following claims are proof that Rizal did not withdraw or retract before he
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was executed. First was the version of Rizal's supposedly signed retraction document,
which was even kept secret and was printed only in newspapers. Once asked for the
original copy by Rizal's parents, it was said that it was lost. No member of Rizal’s family
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had ever seen the original text except the newspaper. No one saw the original except
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for one man Fr. Vicente Balaguer who is the prime source that sent Fr. Pio Pi the said
document. In this case, there was no concrete evidence as to the witnesses if the

document really existed, or was it really written by Dr. Jose Rizal. Once the copy was

sent to Fr. Pio on the year 1910 to verify the credibility of the document, Fr. Pio is not
certain on the handwriting of the said document and was not able to verify on his sworn

statement. Making their claims about the document weak, since it lacks concrete
evidence. After thirty-nine years the original copy of the retraction document was found
but is said to be a forgery by Ricardo Pascual PhD. Who was given the permission to
review the document, that later on in his book “Rizal beyond the Grave” there he

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concluded that the said document was a forgery. Another indication that Rizal did not
retract was the marriage certificate of Jose Rizal and Josephine Bracken was not
available when Fr. Balaguer reached the term, Jose Rizal married Josephine after he
had singed the retraction document which could support Fr. Balaguer’s claim.

In order to justify the confession of the friars that Rizal retracted, they must had
given a proper burial and announced his death on the Catholic register. His remains
were not buried on the Catholic cemetery in Paco but in the ground after claiming the he
has reconciled with the church. A professor of the History Department of the De La Salle
University Jose Victor Torres stated “Even though it would be easy to say he retracted
all that he wrote about the Church, it still did not change the fact that his writings began

the wheels of change in Philippine colonial society during the Spanish period—a change

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that led to our independence,”. This has made a strong point that can support my stand

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regarding this critical debate. Rizal retracting would contradict all his writings from the

very start, all his sacrifices for our nation would just be wasted as well as his death.
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Knowing Dr. Rizal he teaches everyone the true meaning of nationalism, with such
loyalty, patriotism to his country and the willingness to die for it. Professor Torres added

“The way Rizal is taught in schools today, the retraction means nothing,” because if
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Rizal really did retract, long ago studying his works and writings should be banned since
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it only the shows his opposition on the government and church during his time. Through
his writings especially the Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo it is clearly stated the
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cruelty of the priest and greatly bash the Catholic Church and broke a lot of rules and
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the abuses in the government.

The controversy of Rizal’s retraction lies on the readers mind and own

interpretation. However, one thing in common despite the different opinions is that Dr.

Jose Rizal’s work and writings arouse the mindset of many people to fight for our own
freedom and never let other country steal the land we came from, the nation we’ve been

fighting from the very start. It is our pride and honor and we are not the alien of our own
nation. His works and contribution is far greater and important compared to the issues
brought by this undying debate.


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