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1. GAURAV BANSAL 9971244884

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3. NEERAJ CHADAWAR 9654470466
4. NISHANTH P 9873117737
5. SANAT KUMAR 9873983426
6. SHOUNAK MONDAL 7827343221


Dr. Sumeet Kaur


1. Start & Run a Home Daycare (Self-Counsel Press Business Series) by
Catherine M. Pruissen (Jun 1, 2002)
2. Positive Discipline for Childcare Providers: A Practical and Effective Plan
for Every Preschool and Daycare Program by Jane Nelsen Ed.D. and Cheryl
Erwin (Aug 27, 2002)
3. Carl Goes to Daycare by Alexandra Day (Oct 1, 1993)
4. Daycare attendance before the age of two protects against atopy in
preschool age children Michelle M. Haby PhD, Guy B. Marks PhD,
FRACP, et al
5. How to Start a Home-Based Day-Care Business, 4th (Home-Based Business
Series) by Shari Steelsmith (Nov 1, 2003

6. Daycare Book by Alison Clark-Stewart

7. How To Open Up A Daycare by Kristen Middleton (Mar 17, 2010)
8. I Love Daycare (Teach Me About) by Joy Berry and Dana Regan (Oct 26, 2010)
9. How to Start a Home-Based Day-Care Business, 5th (Home-Based Business
Series) by Shari Steelsmith (Dec 1, 2006)

 Daycare Dos and Don'ts (10 tips to prepare yourself and your baby) By Gina
Roberts-Grey, LCSW


 Teach your child to handle anger By Christina Frank,


 Day care babies: More infections now, fewer later By Denise Mann,
 Should all Children in Daycare be Vaccinated Against the Flu?

 Moms Talk Q&A: Day Care
 Swine flu information for childcare providers
 Board rejects revised plan for Acton daycare
 Day care centers turn on TV for toddlers, study finds

 Daycare v/s Preschool

 Problems with your child at day care, such as crying when you leave, not getting
along with others, etc., let's work on this together.
 The Effects of Daycare Reconsidered

 Unexpected Death Due to Acute Airway Obstruction in Daycare Centers

 A Comparison of Child Day-Care Settings in Four Countries

 Preschoolers' sexual behavior at daycare centers: An epidemiological study
Frank Lindblad, Per A. Gustafsson et al
Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Huddinge University Hospital,
Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden

 Economic Effects of Quality Regulations in the Daycare Industry

Tasneem Chipty, Ann Dryden Witte

NBER Working Paper No. 4953
Literature Review

Day care or child care is care of a child during the day by a person other than the
child's legal guardians, typically performed by someone outside the child's immediate family.
Day care is typically an ongoing service during specific periods, such as the parents' time
at work. The service is known as child care in the United Kingdom and day care in North
America and Australia. Due to changing lifestyles Day Care centres are mushrooming
everywhere .Today nearly 47 % of American children attend Day Care at some point of their

1. Problems with your child at day care, such as crying when you leave, not getting along
with others, etc., let's work on this together.

Thousands of commercially-licensed day care centers operate successfully without taint,

rumor, or scandal of a child's mistreatment or abuse. But the truth is that many problems go
undetected because children are too young to speak up for themselves and parents don't
always know what to look for.

The article says 5 ways to look for what is wrong with your child. The parent needs to look
for warning signals and act accordingly.

a>  Your child develops new inappropriate behaviors. All kids go through stages in their
growth and social skills that are manifested through new types of activity or actions.
Some of these are questionable or downright bad, like biting other children or taking

toys from them. But if your child starts to display extremely different behaviors that

make you concerned, find out what's going on at the center.

b> Your child appears dirty or ill kept. Of course all kids enjoy playing in the dirt or mud
if allowed to do so. But if your little one shows dirty hands, muddy clothes, or torn
clothing on a regular basis when picked up from day care, there may be a problem.
c> Your child seems dazed or out of sorts. An emotionally distrait toddler or preschooler
is not uncommon, but one that appears so several days a week is not normal. Perhaps
your child needs a longer nap-time or more fluids to keep from getting dehydrated

d> Your child's classroom is unorganized and ill-kept. It's fairly typical to find a day care
center classroom in disarray. But children should be taught how to pick up after
themselves and put away toys and equipment under the teacher's supervision.

e> Your child's teacher manifests reckless or inadequate care of the children. If your
witness a teacher using profanity or belittling a child, mention it to her politely first.
Go to the supervisor if the teacher makes excuses or becomes irate.

2. Daycare Dos and Don'ts (10 tips to prepare yourself and your baby) By Gina Roberts-
Grey, LCSW (

This article discusses about the various steps to be followed by a parent so that neither the
parent or the child has a problem with the day care.
The process of attending daycare or dropping your child off at daycare can be an
overwhelming feat for many families. Wondering if your child is adjusting to the facility's
routine, making friends or coping with the separation from family and home can be quite
consuming for parents. Coupled with the financial expense of quality daycare and self-
imposed guilt of entrusting someone to care for your child, the subject of daycare generally
leads to parents carrying a mixed bag of emotions they struggle to sort through.
List of Dos and Donts include:

Playing 20 Questions

Once you've verified the safety and licensing records of your local daycare centers, ask for a

few referrals from fellow parents whose children attend the center. The ability to chat openly

about how other parents view the care and services provided or how other children enjoy the
daycare facility will help you all overcome some natural anxiety.

Practice Makes Perfect

You can build your child's security with attending daycare by starting with short time
intervals. A few weeks before your child will be at daycare all day, schedule short visits that
last 10 to 15 minutes long

Familiarity Breeds Comfort

Schedule or request the same caregiver for your child whenever possible. If you hand your
child over to a member of the daycare center's staff, try to establish a connection with one
individual your child feels comfortable with.

Set a Routine
Suzie Lux, site Supervisor of Siskiyou Child Care Center in Mt. Shasta, Calif., urges parents
to limit feeding an emotional or tearful goodbye scene. "A loving hug and kiss combined with
'I'll be back at 5 o'clock' is easier on you and your child," she says. "Parents need to realize
that a drawn-out separation promotes more tears and anxiety."

Don't Sneak Out

Lux also cautions that trying to avoid a scene will not prevent your child from becoming
upset when you drop her off. "When your child realizes you've slipped away, she will
experience the same emotional response as if she saw you leave," she says.

Practice What You Preach

Give your baby the chance to model your behavior and acceptance of attending daycare. Let
her watch you chatting with the staff to encourage your child to trust these people. When she
sees your smile and hears the calm interaction between you, she will sense your confidence in

her caregivers.

Have a Back-up Plan

Although your ultimate goal is for your entire family to become accustomed to daycare, it is
wise to expect a few glitches along the way. Bridget Lemazny of Twin Lakes, Wis., found
out having a family member or trusted friend who is readily available and resides close to
your child's daycare center as an emergency contact adds an additional layer of support.
3. Start & Run a Home Daycare (Self-Counsel Press Business Series) by Catherine M.
Pruissen (Jun 1, 2002)

Child Care is a much sought-after service today. If you love working with children and want
to run your own business, a home daycare could be the perfect choice. The initial cash
investment can be minimal, and the demand for safe, nurturing care for children is always
high. Providing quality child care and making a profit isn't child's play. Caring for children is
as challenging and multifaceted as parenting itself. In addition, you need to master record
keeping, licensing requirements, and all other tasks associated with running a small business.
This book will help you get started right and keep your daycare running smoothly and
successfully. From deciding whether a home daycare is for you to planning healthy,
appealing meals, from keeping the books to keeping the children happy, Start & Run a Home
Daycare provides the information you need to build a thriving business caring for children.

4. Positive Discipline for Childcare Providers: A Practical and Effective Plan for Every
Preschool and Daycare Program by Jane Nelsen Ed.D. and Cheryl Erwin

Empowering Methods for Effective Childcare

As a professional childcare provider, you want to create an environment that is inviting and
nurturing for children as well as encouraging for your adult staff. You want to find ways to
form a partnership with parents in their children's development. Simply put, you want to
provide an all-around quality childcare experience at every level. This book is also great for

parents who want to take an active role in assuring the best childcare for their children.

Positive Discipline for Childcare Providers offers a thorough, practical program that is easily
adaptable to any childcare or preschool situation and setting. Inside are workable solutions to
many of today's toughest childcare issues and everything you need to develop an enriching
experience for children, parents, and workers alike. You'll learn how to: 
·Create a setting where children can laugh, learn, and grow 
·Support healthy physical, emotional, and cognitive development in all children, including
those with special needs 
·Encourage parents to establish a partnership with you and provide the same kind, firm limits
and respectful environment at home 
·Uncover support and learning opportunities for yourself and fellow childcare providers 
·And much more! 
"In a magical way, Positive Discipline for Childcare Providers demonstrates techniques that
decrease misbehavior by increasing the child's sense of capability, courage, and community
5. Day care centers turn on TV for toddlers, study finds
A study from the Center for Child Health, Behavior and Development at Seattle Children's
Research Institute examined 168 child care programs and found that 70 percent of home-
based and 36 percent of center-based programs showed television to preschool kids.
"Most parents don't know what happens at their children's preschool," said author Dr. Dimitri
Christakis, who directs the Center for Child Health in Seattle, Washington. "They really want
to believe that they leave their children there, it's preparing them for school, it's a stimulating,
enriching environment. And I don't know that they're aware that in fact, a lot of time is spent
watching TV."
Researchers surveyed licensed home-based and center-based day cares in Michigan, Florida,
Washington and Massachusetts, that took care of children under the age of 5
Face-to-face interactions such as engaging with the children with toys or reading books are
more stimulating, experts said. Extensive TV watching for young children has been
associated with shorter attention span, childhood obesity and developmental issues such as
knowing fewer words and being less prepared for school, doctors said.

6. The Effects of Daycare Reconsidered


Do children of employed mothers differ from other children, even before mother's (re)entry

to the labor force? Preexisting differences among children may be an alternative explanation
for many apparent daycare outcome effects. Data from the 1994 wave of the National
Longitudinal Survey of Youth were available for 6603 singleton infants followed from birth.
Mothers of children with intrauterine growth retardation, birth defects, or extended
hospitalization at birth began working significantly later after the birth of the child, and
mothers of infants with higher development scores and more difficult temperament, and
mothers of healthy premature infants, began working significantly earlier. The associations
with newborn health persisted when the comparisons were made among siblings. The
magnitudes of the effects were large enough to have practical importance. After controlling
for both observed and unobserved differences between families, a mother was only 50% as
likely to have been employed at all in the first five years after the birth of a high risk infant. 

7. Unexpected Death Due to Acute Airway Obstruction in Daycare Centers
Sudden collapse due to acute upper aerodigestive tract obstruction in infants and young
children is most often caused by ingested food or toy parts.1,2 Although attention has been
previously drawn to the different pattern of food asphyxiation in children compared with
adults,2 the following two cases taken from the autopsy files of the Adelaide Children's
Hospital over a 20-year period demonstrate particular risk factors associated with
youngchildren eating in daycare centers

8. A Comparison of Child Day-Care Settings in Four Countries

A surprisingly wide variety of child day-care systems exist throughout the world, and each
system has its own particular purposes, benefits, and drawbacks. In some countries, child day
care is viewed as an integral part of the public educationprocess; in others it serves primarily
to provide working parents a safe haven for their children during work hours. The issue of
health and health care in the day-care setting is also viewed in a number of ways, from the
Chinese view that health care should be built into the daily routine of child day care to the
American approach of placing that responsibility primarily on the parent. This paper explores
the day-care settings found in four countries.

9. Daycare v/s Preschool


Day-care centre is a place where a child is taken care of by another person who is not his
family. This is an ongoing service which is during specific time periods and especially during
parents working hours. This is the sole reason why many parents choose day care over
preschool although preschool education is very important to form a basis of their child’s
Similarities between Day-care and Preschool: Both preschool and day-care have similar
requirements. Both of them charge almost the same which does not make much of a
difference if you are deciding to put your child into a preschool or a day care. These two both
have different activities which help the child to develop their different skills and

Dissimilarities between Day-care and Preschool: The basic difference between these two is
that preschool works on a specific education approach whereas a day-care is viewed as more
of a custodial of the children. Day-care is for children of ages infant to elementary and
whereas preschool is aimed at catering to students of ages 2 ½ and 5 or 6 years. Preschool
timings are limited whereas a day-care caters to all the working parents, which is a great


10. Daycare , Book by Alison Clark-Stewart

Today’s Parents experience unprecedented physical and Psychological stress related to the
provision of childcare. Statistics show that as the number of working mothers has surged in
the last two decades, the problems of negotiating the dual demands of work and home have
sharply increased in both complexity and number. The average working mother spends forty
hours a week on the job, about ten hours commuting, and another thirty-six caring for
children and the home. More than ever, the emotional welfare of American families depends
on good daycare.

A host of social changes have created new need for day-care centers. Common reasons are:

women working, women alone i.e. single parent families, fathers of limited help, fewer

families have older relatives living with them; changing values-parents today do not feel that
they need to make sacrifices for their children.

Alison Clarke-Stewart draws on extensive research to survey the social, political, and
economic landscape of daycare over the last decade. Her evaluation of options and
consequences enables parents to make informed choices for their own children and provides a
glimpse of how their choices will affect future generations. Clarke-Stewart approaches the
subject from several angles: she compares past and present as well as American and global
practices, and reviews the latest research into the effects of daycare on children's
development. She also looks at the emergence and current state of institutional daycare in
corporations and schools. As she explores the social and emotional environment of this field
she lays out the ingredients for success and offers a checklist Parents can use to assess their
own arrangements. With its sweeping view of daycare's role in contemporary childhood, and
its wealth of research findings, this book separates fact from fiction, allaying parents’ fears
and equipping them with the practical knowledge they need to secure the best daycare for
their children.


11. Daycare attendance and risk of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukaemia

British Journal of Cancer (2002) 86, 1419–1424.

Published online 6 May 2002

The relationship between daycare/preschool ('daycare') attendance and the risk of acute
lymphoblastic leukaemia was evaluated in the Northern California Childhood Leukaemia
Study. Incident cases (age 1–14 years) were rapidly ascertained during 1995–1999.
Population-based controls were randomly selected from the California birth registry,
individually matched on date of birth, gender, race, Hispanicity, and residence, resulting in a
total of 140 case–controls pairs. Fewer cases (n=92, 66%) attended daycare than controls
(n=103, 74%). Children who had more total child–hours had a significantly reduced risk of
ALL. The odds ratio associated with each thousand child–hours was 0.991 (95% confidence
interval (CI): 0.984–0.999), which means that a child with 50 thousand child–hours (who

may have, for example, attended a daycare with 15 other children, 25 h per week, for a total

duration of 30.65 months) would have an odds ratio of (0.991)50=0.64 (95% CI: 0.45, 0.95),
compared to children who never attended daycare. Besides, controls started daycare at a
younger age, attended daycare for longer duration, remained in daycare for more hours, and
were exposed to more children at each daycare. These findings support the hypothesis that
delayed exposure to common infections plays an important role in the aetiology of childhood
acute lymphoblastic leukaemia, and suggest that extensive contact with other children in a
daycare setting is associated with a reduced risk of acute lymphoblastic leukaemia

12. Daycare attendance before the age of two protects against atopy in preschool
age children
Michelle M. Haby PhD, 
Guy B. Marks PhD, FRACP, et al

Daycare attendance before the age of two protects against atopy in preschool age
Early attendance at daycare has been shown to protect against atopy, as defined by a positive
skin prick test. One proposed hypothesis for this association is that early exposure to other
children protects against atopy by facilitating the spread of infections among children. An
alternative hypothesis is that children attending daycare centers have less atopy due to lower
levels of exposure to indoor allergens. Our aim was to determine whether attendance at
daycare before age 2 years protects against atopy in Australian preschool age children and to
test the two alternative hypotheses, as well as a number of potential confounding factors. We
conducted a cross-sectional study of children aged 3–5 years living in one humid coastal city
(Lismore, n = 286) and one dry, inland city (Wagga Wagga, n = 364) in New South Wales,
Australia, in 1995. Atopy was assessed by skin prick tests to six common allergens. Daycare
attendance and other possible risk factors for atopy were measured by a parent-completed
Children who attended daycare before age 2 years had a reduced risk of atopy at 3–5 years.
The greatest effect was seen in children who attended a daycare center (odds ratio (OR), 0.26;
95% CI, 0.14–0.50) rather than family daycare (OR, 0.66; 95% CI, 0.41–1.04).

The results of this study do not support either of the proposed hypotheses, nor can the effect

be explained by any of the other potential confounders measured.

Reference :Haby, M. M., Marks, G. B., Peat, J. K. and Leeder, S. R. (2000), Daycare
attendance before the age of two protects against atopy in preschool age children. Pediatric
Pulmonology, 30: 377–384. doi: 10.1002/1099-0496(200011)30:5<377::AID-
13. Parent—Child interaction and daycare: Does quality of daycare matter?
Carole Peterson
Richard Peterson
Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada, Tacoma, Washington, USA

A Daycare Quality Assessment Instrument was developed and subsequently usedto select
two high-quality and two poor-quality daycare centers. Three- to 5-year-old children from
these centers as well as home-care controls were observed in the laboratory interacting with
their mothers during three types of episodes: while ignored, while attended to, and while
required to do a difficult task. Overall, behavior differed during the various episodes; more
importantly, the three groups did not behave equivalently. Children in poor-quality daycare
were less compliant with task instructions than were other children. Verbal interaction
patterns differed as well, with home-care children carrying on more sustained dialogues,
while children attending poor-quality daycare were more likely to have verbal interaction
limited to numerous single statements—that is, less dyadic interchange. Children attending
good-quality daycare were intermediate. Results were interpreted in terms of children
learning patterns of adult interaction at daycare that affect interactions with their mothers.


14. Economic Effects of Quality Regulations in the Daycare Industry

Tasneem Chipty, Ann Dryden Witte

NBER Working Paper No. 4953

We estimate reduced form models to discern the effect of state regulation of the quality of
center and family day care. Specifically, we consider the effects of the number of mandated
inspections, limits on group size and staff/child ratio, and staff training requirements on
equilibrium price and hours of care and the quality of care as measured by the actual
staff/child ratio. The specification of the reduced form model is derived from an eight
equation market model for wages and work hours, type of child care chosen, price and hours
of care and a set of hedonic equations for the characteristics of care. The results indicate
strongly that child care regulations do affect equilibrium price, hours of care, and staff/child
ratios. Child care regulations are binding. In equilibrium, only regulations regarding staff
training appear to have consistently desirable effects. Such regulations decrease equilibrium
price and hours of care and increase the staff/child ratio for both centers and family day care.
Regulations of group size and the staff/child ratio have significant effects, but the welfare
implications of the effects are more ambiguous. Tax deductions and subsidies for child care
have similarly ambiguous welfare effects. For example, households that take a tax deduction
for child care pay higher prices for care, consume more hours of care and consume higher
quality day care.

15. Preschoolers' sexual behavior at daycare centers: An epidemiological study

Frank Lindblad, Per A. Gustafsson et al
Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Huddinge University Hospital, Karolinska
Institute, Stockholm, Sweden

The frequency of sexual behaviors in a population of preschoolers (n = 251) attending

Swedish daycare centers was studied using a questionnaire given to the staff. Some behaviors
turned out to be frequently occurring, like searching for body contact and responding to such
contact. However, several behaviors were very uncommon (1% or fewer): touching an adult's
genitals; attempting to make the adult touch the child's genitals; using objects against own or
other childs genitals/anus; to masturbate obsessively, without pleasure or in a way that caused

pain. Other behaviors occurred more frequently but were still uncommon (less than 2% of the

children displayed such a behavior “sometimes” or “often/daily”): exhibiting own genitals;

playing sexually explorative games; initiating games with a similarity to adult sexual activity;
using sexual words; attempting to touch a woman's breast. Only masturbation and clinging
body contact were positively correlated with behavioral disturbance. The correlations
between age and single behaviors may be summarized as manifestations of the process of
socialization. The results offer an incipient frame of reference for statistically normal
expected sexual behaviors in preschoolers at daycare centers. The rarity of certain behaviors
implies that their occurrence in an individual case may necessitate special clinical attention.

Problem Statement

Looking at the possible drawbacks of Day-Care Centres - what is missing ? Is the

child safe at the day care centre ?

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