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Keyword Index

Entrepreneur- Game Changer, More Freedom, No Resistance, No Resources, Lack of

market know how, tedious task of introducing the product, 100% commitment.

Intrapreneur- Accelerated stages, Controlled Risk, Encountered Opposition, Multiple

career opportunities, 100% commitment, Business Ownership.

Discovery- is where idea generation takes place, this time, the entrepreneur began to
wonder the horizon and began to notice that something is not yet available that is
needed by the people whether today or in the future.

Developing a business plan- it allows you to create concrete strategic and

contingency plans, evaluate the current market conditions, developing financial
forecasts, and listing all the resources needed.

Resourcing- it involves gathering of all resources needed as contained in the business


Managing company- Monitor all the actions and progress if it is in accordance with the
plan established in the previous stages.

Harvesting- it involves reaping all awards and accomplishments from your long
journey. Struggles have been paid off during this stage.

1. Entrepreneurs’ Personal Characteristics:

 Passion- their love of solving problems by creating new and innovative product
or services is unconditional.
 Resilience- It is known to be that there is no success without a failure.
 Strong sense of self- tend to encourage themselves by believing that this not
the end of the scene.
 Flexibility- tend to provide some space for any adjustment to their decisions and
 Vision- tend to perceive that opportunities are everywhere.
 Risk-Taking- for entrepreneurs are another opportunity for them to test
themselves if they can do it or not.
2. Entrepreneurial Personality Characteristics:
 Self (Biggest Coach)
 Parents
 Teachers or Mentors
 Friends

3. Entrepreneurial Attitudes:
 Self-Profiling
 Consulting with Mentors
 Positive Habits
 Reflect and Review

4. Moving Forward: The Entrepreneurs’ Social Network

 Online Social Networks for Entrepreneurs

-Entrepreneur Connect, PartnerUp, StartupNation, LinkedIn, Biznik, Perfect
Business, Go Big Network, Cofoundr, The Funded, Young Entrepreneur.
 Offline or External Social Networks
 Professional Organizations, Chamber of Commerce in the Philippines,
Government Organizations.
5. Entrepreneurial Work Style:
 Do it yourself person
 Micromanager
 Perfectionist
 The Visionary
 The Commander
 Economics- Using economic tools to determine price, product, place, promotion
allows entrepreneur to be successful in his/her venture.
 Statistics/Mathematics- it is a techniques estimate demand/production/cost and
a scientific guide for decision making.
 Management- Using these tools in management, entrepreneur critically plan,
organize, direct, and control the limited resources to attain its objectives and
 Accounting- recording of data and/or transactions plays an important role in
entrepreneurship especially because this reflects entity’s financial position, net
loss or net profit earned.
 Computer/Gadgets- use of computers or gadgets essentially play a big role for
everybody, regardless of background and/or profession. It also makes
entrepreneurial marketing reach bigger and wider arenas.

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