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Exercise 2

Образуйте от следующих глаголов существительные с

помощью соответствующих суффиксов:

to arrive -
to govern -
to arm -
to agree -
to recover -
to inform -
to propose -
to pay -

От следующих прилагательных существительные с помощью соответствующих


kind -
quiet -
happy -
active -
stupid -
human -

От следующих существительных прилагательные с помощью соответствующих


the fool -
the child -
the fun -
the friend -
the month -
the danger -
the fame -

Answer keys to Exercise 2

to arrive - arrival 
to govern - government 
to arm - army 
to agree - agreement 
to recover - recovery 
to inform - information 
to propose - proposal 
to pay - payment
kind - kindness 
quiet - quietness 
happy - happiness 
active - activity 
stupid - stupidity 
human - humanism

the fool - foolish 

the child - childish 
the fun - funny 
the friend - friendly 
the month - monthly 
the danger - dangerous 
the fame - famous


You may not have heard of Jim Henson, but you have (0) certainly seen some of his
creations, the Muppets. Henson wanted to make education more (1) __________ for
children and to help them (2) __________ their experience. He had used puppets a little
when he was at school and he first performed in an (3) __________ show called Sam
and Friends. Young (4) ___________ liked the characters Henson created and he later
worked onSesame Street. Using characters living in the same (5) __________, Sesame
Street taught children about ideas such as (6) __________ as well as basic reading and
writing skills. In the world of Jim Henson's Muppets, (7) __________ and friendship are
as important as a sense of humour. The show (8) __________ became very popular
with young children. The (9) __________ of adults also enjoyed the Muppets and Jim
Hensons was one of the most (10) __________-respected puppeteeers of his
Упражнение взято из: "Skills for First Certificate: Use of English".


If Athens is all Greek to you, try visiting in November.

It’s festival time!

Lord Byron, champion of Greek (O) independence, could hardly DEPEND

have imagined it. Today, years after his (56) ….. , 2 mil- DIE

lion of his compatriots, although less (57) ….. , make HERO

the annual (58) ….. to Greece for the ‘Britain and Greece PILGRIM


The (59) ….. Ambassador speaks of the festival as a BRITAIN

(60) ….. of the strong links between the two countries, CELEBRATE

but also as ‘an (61) ….. to those who wish to create INSPIRE

new links,’ a (62) ….. that 2004 and the Athens Olym- REMIND

pies are not too far away. Everything about the festival highlights

the theme of (63) …..  . The commercial exhibition ‘Part- PARTNER

ners in Trade’ will focus on (64)…… goods and ser- INDUSTRY

vices, design, travel and software (65) ….. including DEVELOP 

opportunities for ‘Olympics 2004′.

Check your answers here

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Word formation, 9
January 23, 2007

For questions 56-65, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to
form a word that fits in the space in the same line. There is an example at the beginning (0). 

Example: 0:  impossible 


The weather made their progress (0) ..impossible.. As it POSSIBLE 

had been raining (56) … all night they had to  HEAVY

be very (57) … as they walked through the  CARE 

thick jungle. Their good (58) … would help   JUDGE 

them overcome the (59) … and get back to    SET

civilisation with only minor injuries.

Although things were (60) … they had to be   BEARABLE

(61) … because it was the only way they could  OPTIMIST

help each other through this difficult situation.

Their (62) … , chosen for his knowledge, would help LEAD 

them in every way. The (63) … of this training   IMPORTANT 

was to (64) … them for the special task ahead  HARD 

of them. However, they had never imagined how (65) … DANGER 

it would turn out to be.

Check your answers here

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Word formation, 8
January 21, 2007

For questions 56 – 65, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to
form a word that fits in the space in the same line. There is an example at the beginning (0).

Example:  0 brightly


Can you imagine what it’s like to be swimming underneath

(0) …..coloured coral and swerve to avoid a    BRIGHT 

tropical jellyfish? Or (56) …… find yourself hurtling  SUDDEN 

towards an atom’s nucleus? The cost? (57) .  …..  APPROXIMATE

75 minutes of time plus the purchase price of a movie ticket.

(58) ….. will only carry you so far. But as more than     IMAGINE 

500 million (59) ….. will attest, the experience of a     VIEW 

big screen with 3-D imagery is wonderful. That’s the story of

IMAX. ‘It’s the closest thing to passive virtual (60) …..    REAL 

It combines information with (61) ….. IMAX mov-    ENTERTAIN 

ies are very realistic. This cinematic technique marks the real

(62) …..between what we once knew and what’s   DIFFER 

developing now. IMAX is a (63) ….. newcomer to     RELATE 

the scene. The formula has been working well, (64) ……    SPECIAL 

in the Asia Pacific region, where most of IMAX’s (65) …..    GROW

has occurred. There are 144 IMAX theatres operating in 21 countries worldwide.

Check your answers here

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Word formation, 7
January 21, 2007

For questions 56-65, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to
form a word that fits in the space in the same line. There is an example at the beginning (0).


Beaumont, Georgia’s newest city, is a (0) ..planned.. city. PLAN

It is a (56) … place all year round because of the great  LOVE

(57) … of flowers and trees which grow in the city centre. VARY

No one can be (58) … with such natural surroundings.  SATISFY

The (59) ……growing population includes not only the   QUICK 

many (60) ……who work there for an international computer FOREIGN 

company, but also local officials. The (61) … conditions are   LIVE

excellent and all types of (62) … and sport are available. ENTERTAIN

There are many (63) … buildings to visit nearby and the HISTORY

 wooded countryside which is (64) … and particularly  PEACE

 beautiful in spring offers hours of cycling and walking.

A (65) … will come back again and again to sample the SIGHT

 pleasures Beaumont has to offer.

Check your answers here

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Word formation, 6
January 20, 2007

For questions 56 – 65, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to
form a word that fits in the space in the same line. There is an example at the beginning (0).


0  infection


Just a few years ago, most of us wouldn’t consider taking echinacea

or another herb to cure a cold or an (0)….. Today INFECT

many of us swear by the (56) …… properties of these  HEAL


(57)….. studies prove that such natural remedies are SCIENCE  

entering the mainstream of medicine. A (58)…..  num- GROW

ber of (59) ….. are now recommending alternative treat- PHYSICS

ments along with (60) ……therapies. Of course, for your TRADITION

own good health, never begin any (61) ….. or vitamin HERB

therapy without the (62) …..of a medical professional. DIRECT

To help you choose (63)….. , we have selected some WISE

remedies that are backed up by a (64) ….. amount of STAGGER

anecdotal evidence. So stock your shelves with these simple cures

and have a (65)…….. lifestyle.  HEALTH

Check your answers here

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Word formation, 5
January 19, 2007

For questions 56-65 read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form
a word that fits in the space in he same line. There is an example at the beginning (0)


Every time I think of that (0) ..terrifying..experience of the  TERRIFY

sinking cruise liner, the panic I felt then comes (56) …LIVE

again. The accident was tragic because of its (57) … , SUDDEN 

causing the (58) … of many passengers who would  DEAD

 otherwise have been saved.

All that some of the (59) … could do, was to sit   SURVIVE
(60) … in the lifeboats, waiting to be rescued.  PATIENT

I became (61) … many times during the long wait.  CONSCIOUS

I had to overcome any (62) … I felt so I would not  WEAK 

faint again. If I had not drawn another ship’s (63) …  ATTEND

our situation would have been (64) …. I     HOPE

try not to remember this (65) … experience     FRIGHT

that only leaves me with unhappy thoughts.

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Word formation, 4
January 18, 2007

For questions 56 – 65, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the
end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. There is an example at the
beginning (0).

Example:0: belief 


The Theme Parks are in four different climates – but the landscaping all has to look alike.

Contrary to popular(0) belief , Walt Disney’s first theme  BELIEVE

park was not Disneyland. It was a garden in Bel Air,California

whose (56) … were Bill and Jack Evans. However, DESIGN

this was only a dress (57) …..    REHEARSE

Four years later, Disney asked them to landscape Disneyland for him. Jack suffered a heart attack two
weeks after the

(58) …. , so Bill became Disney’s director of land-   OPEN

scape (59) …….   ARCHITECT

Nowadays, the Disney parks entertain a billion (60) …  VISIT

a year. There is (61) …. a corner of a Disney park      SCARCE

that does not have his (62) touch. Although he      PERSON

officially retired in 1975, he has continued to check on each

new project, most (63) …Animal Kingdom, in      RECENT 

Florida. Bill is a (64)…… , charming and modest     DELIGHT

man. He (65) … knows all the plants by both their  CERTAIN

common and Latin names and speaks to them regularly.

Check your answers here

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Word formation, 3
January 17, 2007

For questions 56-65, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to
form a word that fits in the space in the same line. There is an example at the beginning (0).


I will never forget the most (0) ..wonderful…moment in our careerWONDER

when we were given the highest score for our (56) … PERFORM

in the ice-skating championship (57) … at Helsinki. COMPETE

We received the (58) … score of nine marks  BELIEVABLE

of 6.0, which was the maximum score that could be given.

The (59) … of time that we had spent practising LONG

 our dance routine finally paid off. The (60) … that DIFFICULT

we had found with some of the (61) … pieces we MUSIC

had chosen was soon overcome and becoming (62) …. FAME

was only a matter of time.

Those were the (63) … days of being young and EXCITE

(64) … about everything and having the feeling that OPTIMISM

 our (65) … would never lessen. POPULAR

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Word formation, 2
January 17, 2007

For questions 56 – 65, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to
form a word that fits in the space in the same line. There is an example at the beginning (0).

Example: 0:  recently


Dear Sirs,

I (O) .. .recentlv flew Swiftair across Europe for the first time. RECENT

It was the most (56)… trip I have ever had on a ENJOY

plane. I cannot mention enough positive things about the (57) …  FLY

To begin with, we took off (58) …..The trip fol-  PUNCTUAL

lowed all the safety (59) …….. of IATA. The cabin   REGULATE 

(60)…………… were outstandingly polite. There were ATTEND

(61) …….. programmes for children and adults. I ENTERTAIN

should not forget to mention the (62) …….  food, the IMPRESS

great (63) ……… of drinks and beverages, and praise SELECT

the well written and (64) ……… magazines provided. USE

Overall, I would like to thank you for a very (65)………….. PLEASE

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Word formation, 1
January 11, 2007

For Questions 56-65, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each
line to
form a word that fits in the space in the same line. There is an example at the beginning


Computers have had the (0) ..ability…(ABLE) to play chess for many years now, and  their (56)
….. (PERFORM) in games against the best players in the world has shown
steady (57) …..(IMPROVE) . However, it will be years before the designers of computer games
machines can beat their (58) …..(BIG) challenge yet – the ancient board game called Go. The playing
area is (59) …..(CONSIDERABLE) larger than in chess  and there are far more pieces, so that the (60)
….. (COMBINE) of moves is almost  (61) …..(END) . The game involves planning so many moves
ahead that even the (62) …..(IMPRESS) calculations of the fastest modern computers  are (63) …..
(SUFFICIENT) to deal with the problems of the game.
In a recent (64) …..(COMPETE) for computer Gomachines, the best machine beat all its computer
rivals, but lost (65) …..(HEAVY) to three young schoolchildren, so there
is obviously still a lot of work to do!

Click here to know the right answers

Reading, 31
February 15, 2007


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Reading, 36
February 15, 2007

RASPUTIN: an alternative viewpoint

16 F
17 A
18 D
19 E
20 B
21 H

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Reading, 44
February 15, 2007

The female Tyson

16 C
17 G
18 F
19 B
20 H
21 D

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Extra word, 13
January 23, 2007


56 death
57 heroically
58 pilgrimage
59 British
60 celebration
61 inspiration
62 reminder
63 partnership
64 industrial
65 development(s)

Posted in Extra word | 3 Comments »

Extra word, 13
January 23, 2007


41 much
42 OK
43 he
44 native
45 The
46 has
47 down
48 OK
49 still
50 fully
51 there
52 all
53 OK
54 that
55 themselves

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Sentence transformation, 17
January 23, 2007

31.- Can you understand what this paper means?


Can you ……make sense of…… this paper?

32.- It wasn’t necessary to meet me at the airport yesterday.


You ……needn’t have met… me at the airport yesterday.

33.-It was unkind of you to talk to her like that.


You …should not have talked… to her like that.

34.-I saw the film although I strongly dislike thrillers.


I saw the film in …spite of my strong dislike… of thrillers.

35.-It’s not possible to play tennis because of the rain.


The rain ……makes it impossible…. to play tennis.

36.-I’ve never tasted such good food before.


It is the …best food I’ve ever.. tasted.

37.-Do your parents allow you to watch TV late at night?


Do your parents …let you watch…. TV late at night?

38.-”Did you write a note for Anna?” I asked my mother.


I asked my mother …whether/if she had written…. a note for Anna.

39.-He gave me the money first, and then he left.


He left ……after he had given me/after giving me….. the money.

40.-I don’t find it difficult to get up early any more.


I ……am used to getting…. up early.

Posted in Sentence Transformation | 4 Comments »

Gap filling, 24
January 23, 2007


Be prepared: you may have to go to the ends of the World (Wide Web) to achieve it.

All Iwanted to (O) .. was to get an Internet domain name of my (16) …own.. – the part of an
e-mail address to the right of the ‘@’ and the part of the World Wide Web address that typically
follows www. The (17) …problem.. is that Lewis is a (18) …very.. common name and (19) …was.. already taken.

So, (20) …like..millions of Internet users before me, I (21) …began / started.. looking elsewhere
(22) …for… a domain I could call home – the Internet equivalent of 40 acres, where I (23) …
could.. grow electronic mail, raise a small herd of web pages and maybe someday open a little
electronic collage industry of my own.

It (24) …used.. to be technically difficult for average computer users to get (25) …their.. own
personal Internet domain names. (26) …But.. if you could figure out (27) …how.. to do it,
registering a domain name was free and good names were plentiful.

No (28) …more / longer..! The Internet is now the world’s fastest growing economy, and the
commercialisation of the Internet (29) …has.. created a frenzy for domain names. An Internet
domain name is (30) …not.. just an equivalent of a telephone number and mailing address but
also a status symbol.

Posted in Gap filling | 1 Comment »

Multiple matching, 20
January 23, 2007


10 B
11 C
12 A
13 D
14 B
15 A

Posted in Part one | 1 Comment »

Reading, 45
January 23, 2007

Star signs

22 E
23 A
24 E 25 G (in any order)
26 B 27 C 28 E (in any order)
29 B
30 F
31 C
32 D 33 E (in any order)
34 F
35 D

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Reading, 43
January 23, 2007


10 A
11 A
12 C
13 B
14 A
15 D

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