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Exercise 1
1. The prices of these items are....... 1. NEGOTIATE
2. They have always admired your...... 2. PERSEVERE
3. Their father died shortly after his....... 3. RETIRE
4. Cathy is a woman of great insight and...... 4. PENETRATE
5. She used to listen to......old tunes. 5. MELODY
6. 1 remember that her......was not welcomed. 6. INTERVENE
7. I hate being around spiteful or......people. 7. QUARREL
8. My friend finds living in the country...... 8. RESTRICT
9. This writer’s style is highly......and somehow eclectic. 9. SYMBOL
10. just coming into court. 10. PROSECUTE
Exercise 2
1. Here is a tool with a......of uses that could do. 1. MULTIPLE
2. His scornful......of the evidence as inadequate didn’t 2. DISMISS
convince us. 3. FLAW
3. Liza spoke the Queen’s ball. 4. DEFORM
4. His twisted foot is a......he has had since birth. 5. DETEST
5. No doubt everybody thinks that what they did was...... 6. RELIEF
6. The bypass will......traffic jams in the city centre. 7. LAMENT
7. The board started debating on the......state of affairs of the 8. RETURN
company. 9. PENNY
8. This form the end of the month. 10. SYNONYM
9. Unfortunately, when he died he left his widow......
10. 'Shy' and 'timid' are......words.
Exercise 3
1. We couldn’t understand the......of her previous decision. 1. REVERSE
2. She pretends to be of noble...... 2. ANCESTOR
3. We want to sell our car and we already have a......buyer. 3. PROSPECT
4. My parents were very......when I failed the exam. 4. SYMPATHY
5. We were surprised at the......of their talk. 5. INTIMATE
6 6. The .... committed during the war are hard to imagine. 6. ENORMOUS
7. The black clouds in the sky looked....... 7. OMEN
8. There’s been some......of support for the government’s 8. SLIP
policies. 9. PITY
9. She received only......looks from the audience. 10. VEG
10. I have been on for months now.
Exercise 4


1. Her clothes are always very......and expensive. 1. TASTE 10. A teacher shouldn’t be......with slow learners. 10. PATIENT
2. All our proposals met with their......refusal. 2. PERSIST
3. The .... tribes used to move from one place to another. 3. NOMAD
4. Your lecture on modern British art was extremely...... 4. INSTRUCT
5. She is so......about the new environmental project. 5. ENTHUSIASM
6. This child has not taken 6. NOURISH
7. In many countries......are allowed to travel free on buses 7. PENSION Exercise 8
and trams. 8. CARRY 1. In my opinion, the police action was an......on his private life.
8. Mosquitoes are known to be......of malaria. 9. SLOP 2. There is a public......of this story in today’s newspaper. 1. INTRUDE
9. She did the jobs about the house......dressed. 10. MEMORY 3. She has shrunk from society and prefers to live in....... 2. DENY
10. The megaliths have stood on the plain since times...... 4. It swim across the river on such windy weather. 3. OBSCURE
Exercise 5 5. We’ve heard you had an......journey. 4. PERIL
1. This young man proved to be a skilled...... 1. TELEGRAPH 6. Last Sunday there was a service in......of those killed in the 5. EVENT
2. He used quite......methods in his research. 2. REVOLUTION war. 6. REMEMBER
3. She was quite angry and didn’t conceal her utter...... 3. PLEASURE 7. He had to act with great......not to be caught. 7. PRUDENT
4. I made the......and all my guests shook hands. 4. INTRODUCE 8. The old gate closed with a......sound. 8. METAL
5. Her kindness and reliability were...... 5. PROVERB 9. We were lucky to have an......judge who gave a fair verdict. 9. PARTIAL
6. We should not forget that God is kind and...... 6. MERCY 10. They annoyed me by......gossiping about their neighbours. 10. CEASE
7. I have just sent in my......for a place at the university. 7. APPLY Exercise 9
8. The while ceiling......the room and made it look larger. 8. LIGHT 1. The gate is rather......; it needs painting.
9. I find working in a school very...... 9. REWARD 2. He seems to enjoy......and being in the limelight. 1. RUST
10. The change in her voice was scarcely...... 10. PERCEPTION 3. Only a......could hurt a sick man lying in his bed. 2. PUBLIC
Exercise 6 4. Finally, she gave in to his......and bought him the camera. 3. SADISM
1. Her children spend most of the day in the....... 1. NURSE 5. His clothes were......of the 1930s. 4. PERSUADE
2. Some people behave as if they were...... 2. MORTAL 6. An......child remembered the scar on the face of the stranger. 5. EVOKE
3. that job surprised all the staff. 3. APPOINT 7. Some football matches bring out a sense the 6. OBSERVE
4. This is not a word in common...... 4. USE supporters. 7. NATION
5. We all appreciated the......of his remarks. 5. OBJECTIVE 8. The success of our lessons depends on the......of our students, 8. APT
6. It was......that they were there at the right moment. 6. PROVIDENCE loo. 9. IDOL
7. After such a success, her future looks...... 7. ROSE 9. Some parents are worried about their children’s......of pop 10. DEPEND
8. 'Because', 'as', 'since' are......conjunctions. 8. CAUSE stars.
9. The......of our house saved money on heatmg bills. 9. INSULATE 10. He had to state on the paper whether he had any......
10. On an......I rang my sister up and told her my secret. 10. IMPEL Exercise 10
Exercise 7 1. She had......dreams before the tragedy. 1. PREMONITION
1. The......between the two champions was emulating for both. 1. RIVAL 2. After the quarrel he felt the his head. 2. PULSE
2. Their relationship was......and they saw each other off and on. 2. TEMPEST 3. For the time being, the the lack of capital. 3. IMPEDE
3. She gave all her brother. 3. SAVE 4. The......was satisfied with my answers. 4. EXAMINE
4. That actress was the......of Marilyn Monroe in the movie. 4. PERSON 5. The plane finally made a successful...... 5. LAND
5. She has only a......knowledge of the subject. 5. RUDIMENT 6. The future of Africa can be ensured only 6. RACE
6. His speech was rather harsh and...... 6. PROVOKE by......cooperation. 7. SAFE
7. Your performance is undoubtedly...... 7. MERIT 7. Fasten your......belts, please! 8. WORTH
8. Obsolete words are the ones that have fallen into....... 8. USE 8. The idea is......of serious consideration. 9. DOG
9. Stop being so......! This is a serious matter. 9. FLIP 9. Their......refusal to admit defeat became almost pitiful. 10. METEOR
10. I am amazed by his......rise in fame.

Exercise 11
1. Such a crime death in some countries. 1. PUNISH
2. He unveiled the sculpture with a......gesture. 2. CEREMONY
3. Her son suffered from......attacks of fever. 3. PERIOD
4. The plumber noticed the water pipe. 4. OBSTRUCT
5. The Queen will see you now, your...... 5. EXCEL
6. My daughter is going to study...... 6. DENTIST
7. The robber remained......throughout the trial. 7. PASSIVE
8. Although the food was bad, the bill was...... 8. EXCESS
9. Didn’t you know that his......was proverbial? 9. OBSTINATE
10. The engineer died from a massive doze of...... 10. RADIATE
Exercise 12
1. I bowed my head to her in....... 1. SALUTE
2. You should give me the......equivalents of these 2. METRE
measurements. 3. PERSUADE
3. We must admit that his arguments were so....... 4. EAST
4. An......wind was blowing on that gloomy morning. 5. SAND
5. My daughter has fair skin 6. SNOB
6. Tills group displays a sort of intellectual...... 7. PERTAIN
7. This thing is the matters we are discussing. 8. ARGUE ANSWER KEY
8. She is such an......girl that she has few friends. 9. PERJURE [thề
9. Harold was accused William, Duke of nói thật, nhưng nói Exercise 1.
Normandy. dối trước tòa] 1. negotiable 2. perseverance 3. retirement 4. penetration 5. melodious
10. It turned out to be an......version of the chronicle. 10. AUTHENTIC 6. intervention 7. quarrelsome 8. restrictive 9 symbolic 10. prosecution
Exercise 2.
1. multiplicity 2. dismissal 3. flawlessly 4. deformity 5. detestable
6. relieve 7. lamentable 8. returnable 9. penniless 10. synonymous
Exercise 3.
1 reversal 2. ancestry 3. prospective 4. sympalthetic 5. intimacy
6. enormities 7. ominous 8. slippage 9. pitying 10. vegan
Exercise 4.
1. tasteful 2. persistent 3. nomadic 4. instructive 5. enthusiastic
6. nourishment 7. pensioners 8. carriers 9. sloppily 10. immemorial
Exercise 5.
1. telegrapher 2. revolutionary 3. displeasure 4. introductions 5. proverbial
6. merciful 7. application 8. lightened 9. rewarding 10. perceptible
Exercise 6.
1 nursery 2. immortal 3. appointment 4. usage 5. objectivity
6. providential 7. rosy 8. causal 9. insulation 10. impulse
Exercise 7.
1. rivalry 2. tempestuous 3 savings 4. impersonation 5. rudimentary
6. provocative 7. meritorious 8. disuse 9. flippant 10. impatient
Exercise 8.
1. intrusion 2 denial 3. obscurity 4. perilous 5. eventful
6. remembrance 7. prudence 8. metallic 9. impanial 10. ceaselessly
Exercise 9.
1 rusty 2. publicity 3. sadist 4. persuasion 5. evocative
6. observant 7. nationalism 8. aptness 9. idolatry 10. dependants
Exercise 10.
1. premonitory 2. pulsating 3. impediment 4. examiner 5. landing
6. interracial 7. safety 8. unworthy 9. dogged 10. meteoric
Exercise 11.
1. punishable 2. ceremonious 3. periodic 4. obstruction 5. Excellency
6. dentistry 7. impassive 8. excessive 9. obstinacy 10. radiation
Exercise 12.
1. salutation
2. metric 3. persuasive 4. easterly 5. sandy
6. snobbery 7. pertinent 8. argumentative 9. perjury 10. inauthentic



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