Trabajo 7 English

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FICHA: 2144870



3.1 Actividades de reflexión inicial.

For the first activity the apprentices have:

Is the environment important?

Action 1: Click on the following link and watch the video, them take notes about the
information request.

1. What is the video about?

It is about the rules that cover the environment.

2, ¿Do you know how to you say medio ambiente, ambiental, contaminación,
cambio climático, calentamiento global, aspectos ambientales, impacto
ambiental, ciclo de vida in English?



3.Is the environment important for us? Why?

Action 2: Watch the video again and make a list of words that you understand. After
that, read the script and compare. Practice reading and pronunciation. No matter what
country we live in, you and me and millions of people like us are passionate about
protecting the environment and fighting climate change. But we know that the
environmental problem like pollution and climate change do not stop at borders. So tools
for tackling them need to be effective on a global scale. ISO environmental standards,
the tool for translating passion into effective action globally. When it comes to the
environment confidence as a nickname that’s recognized worldwide. Now you know it
too: It’s ISO

Iso and the enviroment


Iso enviroment standars

You and me and millions of people

Recognize worlwide

Action globally

What country we live

3.2 Actividades de contextualización e identificación de conocimientos

necesarios para el aprendizaje.

What do you know about ISO 14001?

Action 1: Read and think about the following 5 questions then, answer in your
notebook according to your knowledge.

What does EMS means?

Sistema de mento (EMS) ISO 14001 – Sistemas de Gestión Ambiental (SGA) es

una norma internacional que permite a las empresas demostrar el compromiso
asumido con la protección del medio ambiente a través de la gestión de los riesgos
medioambientales asociados a la actividad desarrollada.
Mention system (EMS) ISO 14001 - Environmental Management Systems (EMS) is an
international standard that allows companies to demonstrate the commitment assumed
with the protection of the environment through the management of environmental risks
associated with the activity carried out.

1. What is the ISO standard for EMS?

ISO 14001

2. How does ISO standard for EMS help to the organization?

ayuda a gestionar e identificar los riesgos ambientales que pueden producirse

internamente en la empresa mientras realiza su actividad

helps to manage and identify environmental risks that may occur internally in the
company while carrying out its activity

3. Who is ISO standard EMS for?

Para las organizaciones y por medio de ella les permite demostrar el compromiso
asumido con la protección del medio ambiente a través de la gestión de los riesgos
medioambientales asociados a la actividad desarrollada.

For organizations and through it, it allows them to demonstrate the commitment
assumed with the protection of the environment through the management of
environmental risks associated with the activity carried out.

4. Can an organization be ISO 14001 certified?

En Colombia la Superintendencia de Industria y Comercio, que es una entidad adscrita
al Ministerio de Desarrollo, es quien tiene la potestad para realizar la acreditación de
organismos de certificación en Sistemas de gestión como los de calidad con ISO 9000 y
los ambientales con ISO 14001.

In Colombia, the Superintendence of Industry and Commerce, which is an entity

attached to the Ministry of Development, is the one who has the power to carry out the
accreditation of certification bodies in management systems such as quality with ISO
9000 and environmental with ISO 14001.

ACTION 2: Read the information bellow where you can find facts about ISO 14001
and compare your answers. Before that, is important to understand the meaning of
the glossary. Then, build up a new concept as needed.

ISO 14001 es una norma acordada internacionalmente que establece los requisitos
para una gestión ambiental y les permite a las empresas demostrar su compromiso
para con el medio ambiente, también ayuda a identificar riesgos y a mejorar su
desempeño ambiental mediante un uso más eficiente de los recursos, por medio de
esta norma le permite mostrar el compromiso asumido hacia el medio ambiente Hay
más de 300.000 certificaciones ISO 14001 en 171 países de todo el mundo.
En Colombia la Superintendencia de Industria y Comercio, que es una entidad
adscrita al Ministerio de Desarrollo, es quien tiene la potestad para realizar la
acreditación de organismos de certificación en Sistemas de gestión como los de
calidad con ISO 9000 y los ambientales con ISO 14001.

ISO 14001 is an internationally agreed standard that establishes the requirements for
environmental management and allows companies to demonstrate their commitment to
the environment, it also helps to identify risks and improve their environmental
performance through a more efficient use of resources, for Through this standard, you
can show your commitment to the environment. There are more than 300,000 ISO
14001 certifications in 171 countries around the world. In Colombia, the
Superintendence of Industry and Commerce, which is an entity attached to the Ministry
of Development, is the one who has the authority to carry out the accreditation of
certification bodies in management systems such as quality with ISO 9000 and
environmental with ISO 14001.


 an internationally agreed standard: una norma acordada internacionalmente

 sets out the requirements: establece los requisitos
 environmental management system: Sistema de gestiòn ambiental
 environmental performance: desempeño ambiental
 efficient use: uso’ eficiente
 resources: recursos
 reduction of waste: reducciòn de residuos
 competitive advantage: ventaja competitiva
 trust of stakeholders: confianza de las partes interesadas
 Regardless: independientemente
 Assurance: garantìa
 company management: gestiòn de la empresa
 external stakeholders: partes interesadas externas
 environmental impact: impacto ambiental
 around the world: en todo el mundo

 ISO 14001 is an internationally agreed standard that sets out the requirements for
an environmental manage
 meant system (EMS).
 It helps organizations improve their environmental performance through more
efficient use of resources and reduction of waste, gaining a competitive
advantage and the trust of stakeholders.
 Designed for any type of organization, regardless of its activity or sector, it can
provide assurance to company management and employees as well as external
stakeholders that environmental impact is being measured and improved.
 There are more than 300,000 certifications to ISO 14001 in 171 countries around
the world.

ISO 14001 es una norma acordada internacionalmente que establece los requisitos
para una gestión ambiental.
Sistema de mento (EMS).
Ayuda a las organizaciones a mejorar su desempeño ambiental mediante un uso más
eficiente de los recursos y la reducción de desperdicios, obteniendo una ventaja
competitiva y la confianza de los grupos de interés.
Diseñado para cualquier tipo de organización, independientemente de su actividad o
sector, puede garantizar a la dirección de la empresa y a los empleados, así como a las
partes interesadas externas, que se está midiendo y mejorando el impacto ambiental.
Hay más de 300.000 certificaciones ISO 14001 en 171 países de todo el mundo.

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