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FICHA: 2144870


Sub-actividad 2: Quality management principles

Acción 1: Individualmente, ojee rápidamente la información que se encuentra debajo sobre los
principios de la gestión de la calidad:

One of the definitions of a “principle” is that it is a basic belief, theory or rule that has a major
influence on the way in which something is done. “Quality management principles” are a set of
fundamental beliefs, norms, rules and values that are accepted as true and can be used as a
basis for quality management.

The QMPs can be used as a foundation to guide an organization’s performance improvement.

They were developed and updated by international experts of ISO/TC 176, which is responsible
for developing and maintaining ISO’s quality management standards.

Acción 2: En su libreta de apunte, escriba un glosario de todas las palabras desconocidas por
usted. Debe escribirlas en inglés con su significado en español.

Maintaining: mantener

Something: alguna cosa

Developing: desarollando

Performance: actuacion

Improvement: mejora
Acción 3: Realice una lluvia de ideas con las palabras estudiadas y repase su significado y





Evidencia de producto: Diseñe un escrito en inglés de los aspectos más importantes de las

normas ISO

ISO standards are a set of internationally recognized standards that were created with the

main objective of helping companies establish levels of homogeneity in relation to

management, service provision and product development in the industry. The initials ISO are

the acronym for International Organization for Standardization, and its origins date back to

1946, as a union of other organizations that previously existed and whose objective was the

regulation and establishment of standards for manufacturing (International Federation of

National Standarzing (ISA) and The United Nations Standards Coordinating Committee

(UNSCC)) at the initial meeting, which took place at the Institute of Civil Engineers in
London, was attended by 64 delegates representing 25 countries. Since then and to date,

more than 23,000 standards have been created that cover a multitude of management

areas, technologies and production processes. It is a non-governmental organization, in

which they are present in 164 countries, with 781 technical committees and subcommittees

involved in the development of standards, and which have their Central Secretariat in

Geneva, Switzerland. It is none other than establishing recognized levels of quality,

efficiency and safety compliance in relation to the specific areas and activities that each

standard develops. Currently there are standards for quality management, environmental

management, information security management, risk management, etc., which allow

companies and organizations to be certified in different areas of compliance depending on

the activities and businesses that develop By establishing a methodology based on

the PDCA cycle (Plan-Do-Check-Act) also known as the Deming Cycle. The implementation

of this cycle in companies and organizations allows them to enter into a dynamic of

improvement in the management of internal processes, provision of services and product

development. One of the important advantages that organizations achieve with the

implementation of ISO standards is to provide differential value compared to the

competition as they are internationally recognized and certified standards, which are

periodically reviewed and audited in order to guarantee the fulfillment of these. This

improves the perception of companies both for customers and for shareholders, investors or

partners who may show interest in them. Other important improvements that are achieved

when implementing an ISO standard in an organization is the optimization of processes by

having more data and records about them, facilitating decision-making by management with
more specific and verifiable information at all times. In addition, the correct adaptation to

the regulations and requirements that may be had from clients or other entities and

organizations is facilitated, being able to demonstrate compliance with these in a

documentary and reliable way, which results in higher levels of trust both internally and

externally. third parties. The implementation of several ISO standards in an organization has

the added advantage of the ease of integration between them, providing a common

framework for all of them and allowing the existence of a single Management System. ISO

standards are a fundamental tool today for any organization that wishes to advance and

improve in today's complex markets, transmitting confidence and competitiveness. At

Global SUITE Solutions we offer the help and advice necessary for the complete adaptation

of your organization to the implementation of ISO standards and to obtain its certification.

In addition, we have the Global SUITE software, fully developed by our team, which allows

the implementation, management and maintenance of all the requirements demanded by

the standard in all types of organizations and sectors.

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