DRAFT Minutes of Sutton Civic Society Annual General Meeting 27.01.21

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Minutes of the General Meeting 

Wednesday 27 January 2021 7:30pm – 9pm via Teams

Present: C. Orton (Chair), E. John (Secretary), P. Robinson (Vice-chair), A. Robinson

(Treasurer), C. Gent, K. Peek, L. Peek

1. Welcome and introductions

The chair welcomed everyone to the meeting.

2. Approval of minutes of previous meeting and matters arising

Minutes reviewed and approved, no matters arising.

3. Recent proposals for the town centre

ARGOS REDEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL: there is a pre-application proposal

to demolish and replace the existing Argos building, next to the Asda on the
High Street, with a 9-storey brick-faced block of 39 flats with retail at ground
floor level. More detail and the ability to submit comments here. The most
significant departure from the Sutton Town Centre Masterplan is the height of
the building (9 storeys as opposed to 2-4 storeys), but the roofline is also
completely out of character for the High Street. Parking is an issue, access to
car-club cars needed.

(postscript: Application was submitted on 5 February 2021,


Action: Secretary to draft objection for Clive to submit.

EDWARD HOUSE REGENERATION: the old building on the corner of

Marshall’s Road and the High Street (most recently known as John Marshall

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Sutton Civic Society is a non-profit company limited by guarantee, registered no. 11240207
House, 246-254 High Street, Sutton SM1 1PA) is to be brought back into use
using the Future High Streets funding. There are provisional plans to use the
ground floor as a shared maker-space, but proposals were at an early stage.


a planning application (DM2021/00043) was made to redevelop the Topps
Tiles shop and the car park at the back into two blocks of flats. It would
provide 34 flats (and no affordable housing) including studio, 1, 2, and 3
bedroom flats. The proposed height is in contrary to the local plan (3-4
storeys). It is a featureless box, which does not serve its "Northern Gateway"
location and would create a high-density development with loss of openness,
substantially overshadowing Victoria Gardens.

Action: Secretary to draft response re. overshadowing height, stepped

façade, loss of openness, public realm

HELENA HOUSE REJECTED: Sutton refused to grant planning permission

for a part-5, part-8 storey building with 41 flats on this site. The proposal was
rejected last September by Sutton (for details, see planning portal here), but
the developer intends to appeal.

(postscript: appeal lodged in February 2021 – see Planning Inspectorate page

reference APP/P5870/W/20/3264318)


REDEVELOPMENT: the works had commenced to demolish the modern
extension at the rear of the Grapes to carry out the redevelopment. The
development retains a smaller pub at the High Street-facing ground floor and
creates a new part three, part four and part five storey building at the rear
comprising 26 self-contained flats (see planning approval here).


obtained permission in March 2020 (planning details for application
DM2019/02113 here) to redevelop the former Matalan store on the High
Street/Marshall's Road - a welcome development. However, Lidl's subsequent
application to brick-up the High Street entrance, which would have allowed

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Sutton Civic Society is a non-profit company limited by guarantee, registered no. 11240207
access only from the car park at the rear (application DM2020/01338 here
and elevation/plan below) was refused on 23 December 2020 and has not yet
been appealed.

(postscript: this refusal has still not been appealed, and is now out of time)

The Society objected strongly to this proposal on grounds of transport and

access policy civic amenity and the impact on vibrancy of the High Street.

PRINCE REGENT: this has now been marked out and hoarded for

SOUND LOUNGE: Hannah and Kieron are aiming to open the Sound Lounge
to live gigs in the late Spring Summer.

Action: Secretary to invite them for next meeting.

WINNING POST: this was for sale, but had local listing rather than national
listing, notwithstanding its heritage value.

4. Sutton Green Fayre - 18 July 2021

Kerrie to think about event. Participate free of charge. Peter Struik organising.

5. LTNs and Sustainable Transport Strategy

LTNS: there were a diversity of views on the different LTNs. The effects had
been felt at Woodend as traffic from Benhill Wood Road including HGVs had
been channelled down into Sutton Garden suburb.


is consulting on a new Sustainable Transport Strategy (STS) for the London
Borough of Sutton. This new STS replaces the one published in 2015 and
sets out how a greater use of walking, cycling, and public transport will be
facilitated and encouraged for those who live and work in or visit the borough. 
The consultation is open for responses here and closes on 25 Mar 2021.

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Sutton Civic Society is a non-profit company limited by guarantee, registered no. 11240207
6. AOB


7. Further General Meeting Dates for 2021: 24 March 2021 (AGM), 26 May
2021, 28 July 2021, 29 September 2021, 24 November 2021  

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Sutton Civic Society is a non-profit company limited by guarantee, registered no. 11240207

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