Assiment On Education

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The virus when erupted initially in 2020 slowly and gradually it hampered each and every sector. . The
transformation of ages from hunting to agriculture than to industrialization this was all to get own lives
better. The industrialization era where it made lives comfortable through industries, education, public
sector although. The 20th century bi polar world which are dominant in every sphere of life though
being sophisticated all of the activities halted just because of one virus they could not eradicate which
eventually hampered their means of production along with education system. In 2019 on 31 December
endorsed by WHO that new virus has emerged which is contagious so WHO presented precautionary
measurements to be applied by all of the states , these measurements to be made and maintained by all
in order to get saved from it , Virus was named as “Corona”. All of the countries closed their peripheries
that this contagious virus not be influxed to their region. The developed countries that were regarded
good in all terms soon crippled. The Hegemonic nation USA was hit the most by contagious virus as they
did not pay heed to precautions alongside European states were also hit making the tally ascending day
by day . soon virus crossed each and every periphery making every nation effected. The World health
organization officially said its emergence came from consumption of BATS, its epicenter was china
Wuhan city. The infected patients in china were increasing and making situation more worse, their quick
response to lock down all the major cities and sanitize it made it possible to curb corona virus, Though
corona virus reached every nation according to their sanity. Its implication on dynamic world made the
progress of industrialization constant. There are various incarnation of individual in world, the
conscience and sanity make it possible to add more to the perfection of nature and world. So the world
turned towards the technologies to be used in educational sector to make it purposeful for students so
acquiring various technologies of online system.

Literature review

The rise of covid 19 put education globally to halt due to rampant contagion virus but some contingency
plans had to be made to pave way out. Various functionaries such as teachers, students, and other staff
had to transfer to remote learning or long distance learning rather called online learning. So accordingly
to UNESCO education had to be kept in progress so as to meet lesser loss . Artificial intelligence was
already in radar map of UNESCO to introduce this to world as AI has made education more productive
and innovative. The use of online learning to various students and teacher varies and varied to some
easy and to some complex so the use of Algorithm made it purposeful for students by giving their
feedback without teacher by use of AI. Integrated communication modules were invented so as teacher
could talk directly engage with students. In the article of adam Robert he added that during the covid 19
the use of global digital library was at peak due to closure of multifarious educational imparting
institutes and the access to various books websites were made accessible so that everyone could get
benefited from it. And in the article of pardepor he elaborated that during the covid 19 by the help of
experts skillEd social enterprise was established which offers online platform, course creation,
optimization in unreliable internet connection areas. Andy Hargreaves in his article posted in
Washington post embarked that necessity is mother of invention he further added that digital learning
was only way out for students to acquire education during the spread of virus by maintaining social
distancing. Though on other side many of students, parents face this digital endless problems that kids
cannot concentrate at home while studying, high number of families living, internet connection
problem, devices breakage so he proposed balanced learning that by collaborating with Microsoft teams
and signing with bill gates to produce a software that can bare huge crowd without giving full efficiency
so production of Microsoft teams proved fruitful as it was subscription free demanding less connectivity
signals. As the world is of now computer age or science age.

Adam hayden in his article in wall street journal comparatively studied countries that in this particular
epoch which countries are up to hand with internet connection so south korea and Uruguay where each
and every family has connectivity and studied their educational technologies that are helping pupils in
acquiring education during rise of covid 19. In his article he said the most effective region whose
rendering power is less is that of Asia whose economies are crippling and cannot cope it out. Adam
hayden remarked that during this wake of covid 19 it brought various intellectuals ahead that teachers
were checking for plagiarism so that even taking classes from home students do not cheat.

The brief policy of united nations on education published in august 2020 was of distance learning they
were of the opinion that dropout numbering would ascend due to pandemic so virtual classes with
providing all of necessary equipments such as internet, devices, gadgets, the main problem was for the
disabled ones that how would they cope with it as already they are confronting with various problems
so for their enhancing featuring capability audio narration were produced, sign language was produced,
and simplified text, as well as provision of assistive devices and, in some cases, reasonable


Education is one of the most important factor in society and indvidual’s development so the break of
virus put every thing to halt as of education too so immediate actions were taken to confront this
menace (virus) and education is also regarded as sustainable goal , the shock on education was
unprecedented but the attainment of goals was primary function to be achieved so various intellectuals
and organization put their recommendations along with various technologies to cope it out possibly, as
education is the fundamental aspiration so various reforms were done to create a tention free
environment for all to seek and impart education.

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