RTN 380 V100R008C00 Commissioning and Configuration Guide 03

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OptiX RTN 380 Radio Transmission System


Commissioning and Configuration


Issue 03
Date 2018-03-10


Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2018. All rights reserved.
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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 380 Radio Transmission System
Commissioning and Configuration Guide About This Document

About This Document

Related Versions
The following table lists the product versions related to this document.

Product Name Version

OptiX RTN 380 V100R008C00

iManager U2000–T V200R017C50

Intended Audience
This document describes how to commission OptiX RTN 380, including preparations, site
commissioning, system commissioning, and network-wide service data configuration.

This document is intended for:

l Installation and commissioning engineers

l Data configuration engineers
l System maintenance engineers

Symbol Conventions
The symbols that may be found in this document are defined as follows.

Symbol Description

Indicates an imminently hazardous situation

which, if not avoided, will result in death or
serious injury.

Indicates a potentially hazardous situation

which, if not avoided, could result in death
or serious injury.

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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 380 Radio Transmission System
Commissioning and Configuration Guide About This Document

Symbol Description

Indicates a potentially hazardous situation

which, if not avoided, may result in minor
or moderate injury.

Indicates a potentially hazardous situation

which, if not avoided, could result in
equipment damage, data loss, performance
deterioration, or unanticipated results.
NOTICE is used to address practices not
related to personal injury.

Calls attention to important information,

best practices and tips.
NOTE is used to address information not
related to personal injury, equipment
damage, and environment deterioration.

General Conventions
The general conventions that may be found in this document are defined as follows.

Convention Description

Times New Roman Normal paragraphs are in Times New Roman.

Boldface Names of files, directories, folders, and users are in

boldface. For example, log in as user root.

Italic Book titles are in italics.

Courier New Examples of information displayed on the screen are in
Courier New.

Command Conventions
The command conventions that may be found in this document are defined as follows.

Convention Description

Boldface The keywords of a command line are in boldface.

Italic Command arguments are in italics.

[] Items (keywords or arguments) in brackets [ ] are optional.

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OptiX RTN 380 Radio Transmission System
Commissioning and Configuration Guide About This Document

Convention Description

{ x | y | ... } Optional items are grouped in braces and separated by

vertical bars. One item is selected.

[ x | y | ... ] Optional items are grouped in brackets and separated by

vertical bars. One item is selected or no item is selected.

{ x | y | ... }* Optional items are grouped in braces and separated by

vertical bars. A minimum of one item or a maximum of all
items can be selected.

[ x | y | ... ]* Optional items are grouped in brackets and separated by

vertical bars. Several items or no item can be selected.

GUI Conventions
The GUI conventions that may be found in this document are defined as follows.

Convention Description

Boldface Buttons, menus, parameters, tabs, window, and dialog titles

are in boldface. For example, click OK.

> Multi-level menus are in boldface and separated by the ">"

signs. For example, choose File > Create > Folder.

Change History
Updates between document issues are cumulative. Therefore, the latest document issue
contains all updates made in previous issues.

Updates in Issue 03 (2018-03-10) Based on Product Version V100R008C00

This document is the third release of the V100R008C00 version.

Change Description

— Fixed the known bugs.

Updates in Issue 02 (2017-09-15) Based on Product Version V100R008C00

This document is the second release of the V100R008C00 version.

Issue 03 (2018-03-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential iv

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 380 Radio Transmission System
Commissioning and Configuration Guide About This Document

Change Description

— Fixed the known bugs.

Updates in Issue 01 (2017-04-30) Based on Product Version V100R008C00

This issue is the first release for the product version V100R008C00.

Issue 03 (2018-03-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential v

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 380 Radio Transmission System
Commissioning and Configuration Guide Contents


About This Document.....................................................................................................................ii

1 Safety Precautions......................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 General Safety Precautions.............................................................................................................................................2
1.2 Warning and Safety Symbols..........................................................................................................................................3
1.3 Electrical Safety..............................................................................................................................................................4
1.4 Environment of Flammable Gas.....................................................................................................................................5
1.5 Storage Batteries.............................................................................................................................................................6
1.6 Radiation.........................................................................................................................................................................8
1.6.1 Safe Usage of Optical Fibers....................................................................................................................................... 8
1.6.2 Electromagnetic Exposure........................................................................................................................................... 8
1.6.3 Forbidden Areas.......................................................................................................................................................... 9
1.6.4 Laser............................................................................................................................................................................ 9
1.6.5 Microwave................................................................................................................................................................. 10
1.7 Working at Heights....................................................................................................................................................... 10
1.7.1 Hoisting Heavy Objects.............................................................................................................................................10
1.7.2 Using Ladders............................................................................................................................................................ 11
1.8 Mechanical Safety........................................................................................................................................................ 13
1.9 Other Precautions......................................................................................................................................................... 14

2 Commissioning Preparations.................................................................................................... 16
2.1 Preparing Documents and Tools...................................................................................................................................16
2.2 Determining the Commissioning Method.................................................................................................................... 17
2.3 Checking Commissioning Conditions.......................................................................................................................... 18
2.3.1 Checking Site Commissioning Conditions................................................................................................................18
2.3.2 Checking System Commissioning Conditions.......................................................................................................... 18

3 Commissioning Process............................................................................................................. 19
3.1 Site Commissioning Process (Without 1+1 Protection)............................................................................................... 19
3.2 Site Commissioning Procedure (with 1+1 Protection)................................................................................................. 20
3.3 System Commissioning Process................................................................................................................................... 24

4 Site Commissioning (Using the Web LCT to Configure Data).......................................... 26

4.1 Powering On OptiX RTN 380...................................................................................................................................... 27
4.1.1 Powering on OptiX RTN 380 (with a PI).................................................................................................................. 27
4.1.2 Powering on Equipment (Power Supplied by a power sourcing equipment)............................................................30

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OptiX RTN 380 Radio Transmission System
Commissioning and Configuration Guide Contents

4.2 Connecting the Web LCT to the Equipment.................................................................................................................31

4.3 Creating NEs Using the Search Method.......................................................................................................................35
4.4 Delivering a Commissioning Data Script to an NE Using the Web LCT.................................................................... 37
4.5 Configuring Site Commissioning Data.........................................................................................................................38
4.5.1 Changing an NE ID................................................................................................................................................... 38
4.5.2 Changing an NE Name.............................................................................................................................................. 39
4.5.3 Setting the VLAN ID and Bandwidth for an Inband DCN....................................................................................... 40
4.5.4 Creating a LAG......................................................................................................................................................... 41
4.5.5 Configuring a Single Hop of Microwave Link..........................................................................................................42
4.5.6 Synchronizing Data on Active and Standby NEs in a 1+1 Protection Group........................................................... 43
4.6 Checking Alarms.......................................................................................................................................................... 44
4.7 Aligning Antennas........................................................................................................................................................ 45
4.7.1 Main Lobe and Side Lobes........................................................................................................................................ 45
4.7.2 Aligning Single-Polarized Antennas......................................................................................................................... 48
4.8 Checking the Microwave Link Status and Receive Power...........................................................................................50

5 System Commissioning..............................................................................................................52
5.1 Configuring Network-wide Service Data..................................................................................................................... 53
5.2 Testing Ethernet Services............................................................................................................................................. 53
5.2.1 Testing Ethernet Services Configured on a Per NE Basis......................................................................................... 53
5.2.2 Testing Ethernet Services Configured in End-to-End Mode..................................................................................... 56
5.3 Verifying CPRI Service Configurations....................................................................................................................... 58
5.4 Testing AMAC Shifting................................................................................................................................................61
5.5 Testing ATPC................................................................................................................................................................62
5.6 Testing Protection Switching........................................................................................................................................63
5.6.1 Testing ERPS Switching............................................................................................................................................63
5.6.2 Testing 1+1 Protection Switching..............................................................................................................................66
5.6.3 Testing MPLS APS Protection Switching................................................................................................................. 68
5.7 Checking the Clock Status............................................................................................................................................71
5.8 Testing the Fade Margin over a Microwave Link.........................................................................................................72
5.9 Testing Ethernet Service Performance..........................................................................................................................74
5.9.1 Testing Ethernet Service Performance (Based on RFC 2544)...................................................................................74
5.9.2 Testing the Latency, Throughput, and Packet Loss Ratio......................................................................................... 75
5.9.3 Testing the Long-term Packet Loss Ratio..................................................................................................................79

6 Handling of Common Faults During Site Deployment...................................................... 83

6.1 Handling the Failure of the Receive Power to Meet the Design Requirements........................................................... 83

7 Configuring Networkwide Service Data................................................................................ 85

7.1 Configuration Preparations...........................................................................................................................................86
7.1.1 Preparing Documents and Tools................................................................................................................................86
7.1.2 Checking Configuration Conditions.......................................................................................................................... 86
7.1.3 U2000 Quick Start..................................................................................................................................................... 86 Logging In to a U2000 Client.................................................................................................................................86

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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 380 Radio Transmission System
Commissioning and Configuration Guide Contents Shutting Down a U2000 Client.............................................................................................................................. 87 Using the Help........................................................................................................................................................ 88 Navigating to Common Views................................................................................................................................89 Navigating to Main Topology..............................................................................................................................89 Navigating to NE Explorer.................................................................................................................................. 89 Navigating to the NE Panel................................................................................................................................. 90
7.2 General Configuration Process..................................................................................................................................... 91
7.3 Common Network Scenarios of Configuration Examples........................................................................................... 92
7.3.1 Overview................................................................................................................................................................... 92
7.3.2 Microwave Chain Network....................................................................................................................................... 94
7.3.3 Microwave Ring Network......................................................................................................................................... 95
7.3.4 Hybrid Network Consisting of Radio Equipment and Optical Fibers.......................................................................95
7.3.5 Large-Capacity Microwave Backhaul Network Configured with 1+1 Protection.................................................... 96
7.3.6 Network for Transparently Transmitting CPRI Services over Microwave Signals.................................................. 97
7.4 Configuring the Network Topology..............................................................................................................................98
7.4.1 Basic Concepts.......................................................................................................................................................... 98 Introduction to DCN............................................................................................................................................... 98 IP DCN................................................................................................................................................................. 102 Fiber/Cable Types.................................................................................................................................................107
7.4.2 Configuration Process (Network Topology)............................................................................................................107
7.4.3 Configuration Example (Network Topology)..........................................................................................................110 Networking Diagram............................................................................................................................................ 110 Configuration Procedure.......................................................................................................................................111
7.5 Configuring Microwave Links....................................................................................................................................115
7.5.1 Configuration Process (Microwave Links)..............................................................................................................115
7.5.2 Configuration Example (Microwave Links on a Chain Network).......................................................................... 117 Networking Diagram............................................................................................................................................ 118 Configuration Procedure.......................................................................................................................................119
7.5.3 Configuration Example (Microwave Links with 1+1 Protection)...........................................................................121 Networking Diagram............................................................................................................................................ 121 Configuration Procedure.......................................................................................................................................122
7.5.4 Configuration Example (PLA-Protected Microwave Links)...................................................................................127 Networking Diagram............................................................................................................................................ 127 Configuration Procedure.......................................................................................................................................128
7.6 Configuring Ethernet Services ...................................................................................................................................130
7.6.1 Port Description....................................................................................................................................................... 130
7.6.2 Ethernet Service Types............................................................................................................................................ 132 Transparently Transmitted Point-to-Point E-Line Service................................................................................... 132 VLAN-based E-Line Service................................................................................................................................133 QinQ-Based E-Line Services................................................................................................................................135 IEEE 802.1D Bridge-based E-LAN Services.......................................................................................................138 IEEE 802.1Q Bridge-based E-LAN Services.......................................................................................................139

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OptiX RTN 380 Radio Transmission System
Commissioning and Configuration Guide Contents 802.1ad Bridge-based E-LAN Services................................................................................................................140

7.6.3 Configuration Process..............................................................................................................................................142 Per-NE Configuration Process (Transparently Transmitted Point-to-Point E-Line Services)............................. 142 End-to-End Configuration Process (Transparently Transmitted Point-to-Point E-Line Service)........................ 145 Per-NE Configuration Process (VLAN-based E-Line Services)..........................................................................148 End-to-End Configuration Process (VLAN-based E-Line Service).....................................................................151 Per-NE Configuration Process (IEEE 802.1D Bridge-based E-LAN Services)...................................................154 End-to-End Configuration Process (IEEE 802.1D Bridge-Based E-LAN Service).............................................157 Per-NE Configuration Process (IEEE 802.1Q Bridge-based E-LAN Services)...................................................160 End-to-End Configuration Process (IEEE 802.1Q Bridge-based E-LAN Service)............................................. 162
7.6.4 Configuration Example (Transparently Transmitted Point-to-Point E-Line Services)........................................... 165 Networking Diagram............................................................................................................................................ 165 Procedure of Configuration on a Per-NE Basis (Ethernet Protection)................................................................. 167 Procedure of Configuration on a Per-NE Basis (Service Information)................................................................ 168 Per-NE Configuration Process (Configuring QoS).............................................................................................. 170 Procedure of Configuration on a Per-NE Basis (Ethernet Service Verification)..................................................173 End-to-End Configuration Procedure (Ethernet Protection)................................................................................ 176 End-to-End Configuration Procedure (Configuring Service Information)...........................................................177 End-to-End Configuration Procedure (Configuring QoS)....................................................................................178 End-to-End Configuration Procedure (Verifying Service Configurations).......................................................... 180
7.6.5 Configuration Example (VLAN-based E-Line Services)........................................................................................181 Networking Diagram............................................................................................................................................ 181 Procedure of Configuration on a Per-NE Basis (Service Information)................................................................ 182 Per-NE Configuration Process (Configuring QoS).............................................................................................. 184 Procedure of Configuration on a Per-NE Basis (Ethernet Service Verification)..................................................188 End-to-End Configuration Procedure (Configuring Service Information)...........................................................191 End-to-End Configuration Procedure (Configuring QoS)....................................................................................192 End-to-End Configuration Procedure (Verifying Service Configurations).......................................................... 195
7.6.6 Configuration Example (IEEE 802.1D Bridge-based E-LAN Service).................................................................. 195 Networking Diagram............................................................................................................................................ 195 Per-NE Configuration Procedure (Ethernet Protection)....................................................................................... 197 Per-NE Configuration Procedure (Service Information)...................................................................................... 198 Per-NE Configuration Process (Configuring QoS).............................................................................................. 199 Per-NE Configuration Procedure (Ethernet Service Verification)........................................................................203 End-to-EndConfiguration Procedure (Ethernet Protection)................................................................................. 206 End-to-End Configuration Procedure (Service Information)............................................................................... 206 End-to-End Configuration Procedure (Configuring QoS)....................................................................................207 End-to-End Configuration Procedure (Ethernet Service Verification).................................................................210
7.6.7 Configuration Example (IEEE 802.1Q Bridge-based E-LAN Services).................................................................210 Networking Diagram............................................................................................................................................ 210 Procedure of Configuration on a Per-NE Basis (Service Information)................................................................ 212 Per-NE Configuration Process (Configuring QoS).............................................................................................. 214

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OptiX RTN 380 Radio Transmission System
Commissioning and Configuration Guide Contents Procedure of Configuration on a Per-NE Basis (Ethernet Service Verification)..................................................218 End-to-End Configuration Procedure (Service Information)............................................................................... 221 End-to-End Configuration Procedure (Configuring QoS)....................................................................................222 End-to-End Configuration Procedure (Verifying Service Configurations).......................................................... 225
7.7 Configuring CPRI Services........................................................................................................................................ 225
7.7.1 Configuration Process (CPRI Services).................................................................................................................. 225
7.7.2 Configuration Example (CPRI Services)................................................................................................................ 226 Networking Diagram............................................................................................................................................ 227 Configuration Procedure.......................................................................................................................................227
7.8 Configuring Clocks.....................................................................................................................................................228
7.8.1 Configuration Process (Configuring a Clock)......................................................................................................... 229
7.8.2 Configuration Example (Clock on a Microwave Chain Network)..........................................................................230 Networking Diagram............................................................................................................................................ 230 Configuration Procedure.......................................................................................................................................231
7.8.3 Configuration Example (Clock on a Microwave Ring Network)............................................................................233 Networking Diagram............................................................................................................................................ 233 Configuration Procedure.......................................................................................................................................234
7.9 Common Service Configuration Operations.............................................................................................................. 237
7.9.1 Configuring the Network Topology.........................................................................................................................237 Creating an NE by Using the Search Method.......................................................................................................237 Creating an NE Manually..................................................................................................................................... 238 Changing an NE ID.............................................................................................................................................. 239 Changing an NE Name......................................................................................................................................... 240 Setting the VLAN ID and Bandwidth for an Inband DCN.................................................................................. 241 Configuring Access Control................................................................................................................................. 242 Creating a Fiber/Cable by Using the Search Method........................................................................................... 243 Creating a Fiber/Cable Manually......................................................................................................................... 244
7.9.2 Configuring Microwave Links................................................................................................................................ 245 Creating a Microwave 1+1 Protection Group.......................................................................................................246 Managing a Hop of Microwave Link................................................................................................................... 248 Synchronizing Data Between Main and Standby NEs (1+1)............................................................................... 249 Creating a PLA Group.......................................................................................................................................... 250
7.9.3 Configuring Ethernet Services on a Per-NE Basis.................................................................................................. 251 Creating a LAG.................................................................................................................................................... 251 Creating an ERPS Instance...................................................................................................................................254 Setting Protocol Parameters for an ERPS Instance.............................................................................................. 255 Creating a Point-to-Point Transparently Transmitted E-Line Service..................................................................256 Creating a VLAN-based E-Line Service.............................................................................................................. 257 Creating an IEEE 802.1D Bridge-based E-LAN Service.....................................................................................258 Creating an IEEE 802.1Q Bridge-based E-LAN Service.....................................................................................259 Changing Logical Ports Mounted to a Bridge...................................................................................................... 260 Deleting an E-Line Service...................................................................................................................................261

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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 380 Radio Transmission System
Commissioning and Configuration Guide Contents Deleting an E-LAN Service................................................................................................................................262 Creating a DS Domain........................................................................................................................................263 Modifying the Mapping for a DS Domain......................................................................................................... 264 Changing the Ports Applied to a DS Domain and Their Trusted Packet Types................................................. 265 Enabling/Disabling DSCP Demapping at an Egress Port.................................................................................. 267 Enabling/Disabling Outbound Demapping at the Egress Port of a DiffServ Domain....................................... 268 Creating a WRR Policy...................................................................................................................................... 269 Creating a Port WRED Policy............................................................................................................................ 270 Modifying the Port Policy.................................................................................................................................. 271 Creating a Port Policy.........................................................................................................................................272 Creating Traffic...................................................................................................................................................273 Setting the Port That Uses the Port Policy......................................................................................................... 274 Setting Egress Queue Scheduling Policies......................................................................................................... 275 Creating a DS Domain Profile............................................................................................................................276 Creating a Port WRED Policy Profile................................................................................................................ 277 Creating a WRR Policy Profile.......................................................................................................................... 278 Creating a Port Policy Profile............................................................................................................................. 279 Downloading a QoS Policy Profile to an NE or Port......................................................................................... 280 Releasing the QoS Policy Bound to an Interface............................................................................................... 281
7.9.4 Configuring Ethernet Services (in End-to-End Mode)............................................................................................282 Searching for Native Ethernet Services................................................................................................................282 Creating a Transparently Transmitted Point-to-Point E-Line Service..................................................................283 Creating a VLAN-based E-Line Service.............................................................................................................. 284 Creating an IEEE 802.1D Bridge-based E-LAN Service.....................................................................................285 Creating an IEEE 802.1Q Bridge-based E-LAN Service.....................................................................................287
7.9.5 Configuring CPRI Services..................................................................................................................................... 288
7.9.6 Configuring Clocks..................................................................................................................................................290 Configuring the System Clock Source................................................................................................................. 290 Configuring Protection for Clock Sources........................................................................................................... 291 Configuring a Clock Source Group...................................................................................................................... 292

Issue 03 (2018-03-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential xi

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 380 Radio Transmission System
Commissioning and Configuration Guide 1 Safety Precautions

1 Safety Precautions

About This Chapter

This topic describes the safety precautions that you must follow when installing, operating,
and maintaining Huawei devices.

1.1 General Safety Precautions

This topic describes essential safety precautions that instruct you in the selection of measuring
and testing instruments when you install, operate, and maintain Huawei devices.
1.2 Warning and Safety Symbols
Before using the equipment, note the following warning and safety symbols on the
1.3 Electrical Safety
This topic describes safety precautions for high voltage, lightning strikes, high leakage
current, power cables, fuses, and ESD.
1.4 Environment of Flammable Gas
This topic describes safety precautions for the operating environment of a device.
1.5 Storage Batteries
This topic describes safety precautions for operations of storage batteries.
1.6 Radiation
This topic describes safety precautions for electromagnetic exposure and lasers.
1.7 Working at Heights
This topic describes safety precautions for working at heights.
1.8 Mechanical Safety
This topic describes safety precautions for drilling holes, handling sharp objects, operating
fans, and carrying heavy objects.
1.9 Other Precautions
This topic describes safety precautions for removing and inserting boards, binding signal
cables, and routing cables.

Issue 03 (2018-03-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 380 Radio Transmission System
Commissioning and Configuration Guide 1 Safety Precautions

1.1 General Safety Precautions

This topic describes essential safety precautions that instruct you in the selection of measuring
and testing instruments when you install, operate, and maintain Huawei devices.

All Safety Precautions

To ensure the safety of humans and a device, follow the marks on the device and all the safety
precautions in this document when installing, operating, and maintaining a device.
The "CAUTION", "WARNING", and "DANGER" marks in this document do not cover all
the safety precautions that must be followed. They are supplements to the safety precautions.

Local Laws and Regulations

When operating a device, always comply with the local laws and regulations. The safety
precautions provided in the documents are in addition/supplementary to the local laws and

Basic Installation Requirements

The installation and maintenance personnel of Huawei devices must receive strict training and
be familiar with the proper operation methods and safety precautions before any operation.
l Only trained and qualified personnel are permitted to install, operate, and maintain a
l Only certified professionals are permitted to remove the safety facilities, and to
troubleshoot and maintain the device.
l Only the personnel authenticated or authorized by Huawei are permitted to replace or
change the device or parts of the device (including software).
l The operating personnel must immediately report the faults or errors that may cause
safety problems to the person in charge.

Grounding Requirements
The grounding requirements are applicable to the device that needs to be grounded.
l When installing the device, always connect the grounding facilities first. When removing
the device, always disconnect the grounding facilities last.
l Ensure that the grounding conductor is intact.
l Do not operate the device in the absence of a suitably installed grounding conductor.
l The device must be connected to the protection ground (PGND) permanently. Before
operating the device, check the electrical connections of the device, and ensure that the
device is properly grounded.

Human Safety
l When there is a risk of a lightning strike, do not operate the fixed terminal or touch the
l When there is risk of a lightning strike, unplug the AC power connector. Do not use the
fixed terminal or touch the terminal or antenna connector.

Issue 03 (2018-03-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 2

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 380 Radio Transmission System
Commissioning and Configuration Guide 1 Safety Precautions

The preceding requirements apply to wireless fixed station terminals.
l To avoid electric shocks, do not connect safety extra-low voltage (SELV) circuits to
telephone-network voltage (TNV) circuits.
l Do not look into optical ports without eye protection. Otherwise, human eyes may be
hurt by laser beams.
l Before operating the device, wear an ESD protective coat, ESD gloves, and an ESD
wrist strap. In addition, you need to get off the conductive objects, such as jewelry and
watches, to prevent electric shock and burn.
l In case of fire, escape from the building or site where the device is located and press the
fire alarm bell or dial the telephone number for fire alarms. Do not enter the burning
building again in any situation.

Device Safety
l Before any operation, install the device firmly on the ground or other rigid objects, such
as on a wall or in a rack.
l When the system is working, ensure that the ventilation hole is not blocked.
l When installing the front panel, use a tool to tighten the screws firmly, if required.
l After installing the device, clean up the packing materials.

1.2 Warning and Safety Symbols

Before using the equipment, note the following warning and safety symbols on the
Table 1-1 lists the warning and safety symbols of the OptiX RTN 380 and their meanings.

Table 1-1 Warning and safety symbols of the OptiX RTN 380
Label Label Name Description

ESD protection label Indicates that the equipment is

sensitive to static electricity.

Radiation warning label Indicates that the equipment

generates electromagnetic

High temperature warning label Indicates that the equipment

surface temperature may exceed
70°C when the ambient
temperature is higher than 55°C.
Wear protective gloves to handle
the equipment.

Grounding label Indicates the grounding position

of a chassis.

Issue 03 (2018-03-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 3

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 380 Radio Transmission System
Commissioning and Configuration Guide 1 Safety Precautions

1.3 Electrical Safety

This topic describes safety precautions for high voltage, lightning strikes, high leakage
current, power cables, fuses, and ESD.

High Voltage

l A high-voltage power supply provides power for device operations. Direct human contact
with the high voltage power supply or human contact through damp objects can be fatal.
l Unspecified or unauthorized high voltage operations could result in fire or electric shock,
or both.

The requirements apply only to wireless base stations or devices with antennas and feeders.

Do not perform operations on high voltage, AC power, towers, or backstays in stormy
weather conditions.

High Leakage Current

Before powering on a device, ground the device. Otherwise, the safety of humans and the
device cannot be ensured.

If a high leakage current mark is labeled near the power connector of the device, you must
connect the PGND terminal on the shell to the ground before connecting the device to an A/C
input power supply. This is to prevent the electric shock caused by leakage current of the

Issue 03 (2018-03-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 4

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 380 Radio Transmission System
Commissioning and Configuration Guide 1 Safety Precautions

Power Cables

Do not install or remove the power cable with a live line. Transient contact between the core
of the power cable and the conductor may generate electric arc or spark, which may cause fire
or eye injury.

l Before installing or removing power cables, you must power off the device.
l Before connecting a power cable, you must ensure that the label on the power cable is

Device with Power On

Installing or removing a device is prohibited if the device is on.

Do not install or remove the power cables of the equipment when it is powered on.

Short Circuits
When installing and maintaining devices, place and use the associated tools and instruments
in accordance with regulations to avoid short-circuits caused by metal objects.


If the fuse on a device blows, replace the fuse with a fuse of the same type and specifications
to ensure safe operation of the device.

1.4 Environment of Flammable Gas

This topic describes safety precautions for the operating environment of a device.

Issue 03 (2018-03-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 5

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX RTN 380 Radio Transmission System
Commissioning and Configuration Guide 1 Safety Precautions

Do not place or operate devices in an environment of flammable or explosive air or gas.

Operating an electronic device in an environment of flammable gas causes a severe hazard.

1.5 Storage Batteries

This topic describes safety precautions for operations of storage batteries.

Before operating a storage battery, you must read the safety precautions carefully and be
familiar with the method of connecting a storage battery.

l Incorrect operations of storage batteries cause hazards. During operation, prevent any
short-circuit, and prevent the electrolyte from overflowing or leakage.
l If the electrolyte overflows, it causes potential hazards to the device. The electrolyte may
corrode metal parts and the circuit boards, and ultimately damage the circuit boards.
l A storage battery contains a great deal of energy. Misoperations may cause a short-
circuit, which leads to human injuries.

Basic Precautions
To ensure safety, note the following points before installing or maintaining the storage

l Use special insulation tools.

l Wear an eye protector and take effective protection measures.
l Wear rubber gloves and a protection coat to prevent the hazard caused by the
overflowing electrolyte.
l When handling the storage battery, ensure that its electrodes are upward. Leaning or
reversing the storage battery is prohibited.
l Before installing or maintaining the storage battery, ensure that the storage battery is
disconnected from the power supply that charges the storage battery.


A battery short-circuit may cause human injuries. Although the voltage of an ordinary battery
is low, the instantaneous high current caused by a short-circuit emits a great deal of energy.

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Commissioning and Configuration Guide 1 Safety Precautions

Avoid any short-circuit of batteries caused by metal objects. If possible, disconnect the
working battery before performing other operations.

Hazardous Gas

Do not use any unsealed lead-acid storage battery. Lay a storage battery horizontally and fix it
properly to prevent the battery from emitting flammable gas, which may cause fire or device

Working lead-acid storage batteries emit flammable gas. Therefore, ventilation and
fireproofing measures must be taken at the sites where lead-acid storage batteries are placed.

Battery Temperature

If a battery overheats, the battery may be deformed or damaged, and the electrolyte may

When the temperature of the battery is higher than 60°C, you need to check whether the
electrolyte overflows. If the electrolyte overflows, take appropriate measures immediately.

Battery Leakage

In the event of acid overflow or spillage, neutralize the acid and clean it up appropriately.

When handling a leaky battery, protect against the possible damage caused by the acid. When
you find the electrolyte leaks, you can use the following substances to counteract and absorb
the leaking electrolyte:

l Sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3)

l Sodium carbonate (Na2CO3)

In the event of acid overflow or spillage, neutralize the acid and clean it up as recommended
by the battery manufacturer and any local regulations for acid disposal.

If a person contacts battery electrolyte, clean the skin that contacts the battery electrolyte
immediately by using water. In case of a severe situation, the person must be sent to a hospital

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Commissioning and Configuration Guide 1 Safety Precautions

1.6 Radiation
This topic describes safety precautions for electromagnetic exposure and lasers.

1.6.1 Safe Usage of Optical Fibers

The laser beam can cause damage to your eyes. Hence, you must exercise caution when using
optical fibers.

When installing or maintaining optical fibers, avoid direct eye exposure to the laser beams
launched from the optical interface or fiber connectors. The laser beam can cause damage to
your eyes.

Cleaning Fiber Connectors and Optical Interfaces

If fiber connectors or flanges are contaminated, optical power commissioning is seriously
affected. Therefore, the two endfaces and flange of every external fiber must be cleaned
before the fiber is led into the equipment through the optical distribution frame (ODF) for
being inserted into an optical interface on the equipment.

The fiber connectors and optical interfaces of the lasers must be cleaned with the following
special cleaning tools and materials:

l Special cleaning solvent: It is preferred to use isoamylol. Propyl alcohol, however, can
also be used. It is prohibited that you use alcohol and formalin.
l Non-woven lens tissue
l Special compressed gas
l Cotton stick (medical cotton or long fiber cotton)
l Special cleaning roll, used with the recommended cleaning solvent
l Special magnifier for fiber connectors

1.6.2 Electromagnetic Exposure

This topic describes safety precautions for electromagnetic exposure.

If multiple transmit antennas are installed on a tower or backstay, keep away from the
transmit directions of the antennas when you install or maintain an antenna locally.

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Commissioning and Configuration Guide 1 Safety Precautions

Ensure that all personnel are beyond the transmit direction of a working antenna.

1.6.3 Forbidden Areas

The topic describes requirements for a forbidden area.
l Before entering an area where the electromagnetic radiation is beyond the specified
range, the associated personnel must shut down the electromagnetic radiator or stay at
least 10 meters away from the electromagnetic radiator, if in the transmit direction.
l A physical barrier and an eye-catching warning flag should be available in each
forbidden area.

1.6.4 Laser
This topic describes safety precautions for lasers.

When handling optical fibers, do not stand close to, or look into the optical fiber outlet
directly without eye protection.

Laser transceivers are used in the optical transmission system and associated test tools. The
laser transmitted through the bare optical fiber produces a small beam of light, and therefore it
has very high power density and is invisible to human eyes. When a beam of light enters eyes,
the eyes may be damaged.
In normal cases, viewing an un-terminated optical fiber or a damaged optical fiber without
eye protection at a distance greater than 150 mm does not cause eye injury. Eye injury may
occur, however, if an optical tool such as a microscope, magnifying glass, or eye loupe is used
to view an un-terminated optical fiber.

Safety Instructions Regarding Lasers

To avoid laser radiation, obey the following instructions:
l All operations should be performed by authorized personnel who have completed the
required training courses.
l Wear a pair of eye-protective glasses when you are handling lasers or fibers.
l Ensure that the optical source is switched off before disconnecting optical fiber
l Do not look into the end of an exposed fiber or an open connector when you are not sure
whether the optical source is switched off.
l Use an optical power meter to measure the optical power and ensure that the optical
source is switched off.
l Before opening the front door of an optical transmission device, ensure that you are not
exposed to laser radiation.

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Commissioning and Configuration Guide 1 Safety Precautions

l Do not use an optical tool such as a microscope, a magnifying glass, or an eye loupe to
view the optical connector or fiber that is transmitting optical signals.

Instructions Regarding Fiber Handling

Read and abide by the following instructions before handling fibers:

l Only trained personnel are permitted to cut and splice fibers.

l Before cutting or splicing a fiber, ensure that the fiber is disconnected from the optical
source. After disconnecting the fiber, cap to the fiber connectors.

1.6.5 Microwave
When installing and maintaining the equipment of Huawei, follow the safety precautions of
microwave to ensure the safety of the human body and the equipment.

Strong radio frequency can harm the human body.

When installing or maintaining an aerial on the tower or mast that is installed with multiple
aerials, switch off the transmitter in advance.

1.7 Working at Heights

This topic describes safety precautions for working at heights.

When working at heights, be cautious to prevent objects from falling down.

The requirements for working at heights are as follows:

l The personnel who work at heights must be trained.

l Carry and handle the operating machines and tools with caution to prevent them from
falling down.
l Safety measures, such as wearing a helmet and a safety belt, must be taken.
l Wear cold-proof clothes when working at heights in cold areas.
l Check all lifting appliances thoroughly before starting the work, and ensure that they are

1.7.1 Hoisting Heavy Objects

This topic describes the safety precautions for hoisting heavy objects that you must follow
when installing, operating, and maintaining Huawei devices.

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Commissioning and Configuration Guide 1 Safety Precautions

When heavy objects are being hoisted, do not walk below the cantilever or hoisted objects.

l Only trained and qualified personnel can perform hoisting operations.

l Before hoisting heavy objects, check that the hoisting tools are complete and in good
l Before hoisting heavy objects, ensure that the hoisting tools are fixed to a secure object
or wall with good weight-bearing capacity.
l Issue orders with short and explicit words to ensure correct operations.
l Ensure that the angle between the two cables is less than or equal to 90 degrees during
the lifting, as shown in Figure 1-1.

Figure 1-1 Hoisting heavy objects

1.7.2 Using Ladders

This topic describes safety precautions for using ladders.

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Commissioning and Configuration Guide 1 Safety Precautions

Checking Ladders
l Before using a ladder, check whether the ladder is damaged. After checking that the
ladder is in good condition, you can use the ladder.
l Before using a ladder, you should know the maximum weight capacity of the ladder.
Avoid overweighing the ladder.

Placing Ladders
The proper slant angle of the ladder is 75 degrees. You can measure the slant angle of the
ladder with an angle square or your arms, as shown in Figure 1-2. When using a ladder, to
prevent the ladder from sliding, ensure that the wider feet of the ladder are downward, or take
protection measures for the ladder feet. Ensure that the ladder is placed securely.

Figure 1-2 Slanting a ladder

Climbing Up a Ladder
When climbing up a ladder, pay attention to the following points:
l Ensure that the center of gravity of your body does not deviate from the edges of the two
long sides.
l Before operations, ensure that your body is stable to reduce risks.
l Do not climb higher than the fourth rung of the ladder (counted from up to down).
If you want to climb up a roof, ensure that the ladder top is at least one meter higher than the
roof, as shown in Figure 1-3.

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Figure 1-3 Ladder top being one meter higher than the roof

1.8 Mechanical Safety

This topic describes safety precautions for drilling holes, handling sharp objects, operating
fans, and carrying heavy objects.

Drilling Holes

Do not drill holes on the cabinet without prior permission. Drilling holes without complying
with the requirements affects the electromagnetic shielding performance of the cabinet and
damages the cables inside the cabinet. In addition, if the scraps caused by drilling enter the
cabinet, the printed circuit boards (PCBs) may be short-circuited.

l Before drilling a hole on the cabinet, remove the cables inside the cabinet.
l Wear an eye protector when drilling holes. This is to prevent eyes from being injured by
the splashing metal scraps.
l Wear protection gloves when drilling holes.
l Take measures to prevent the metallic scraps from falling into the cabinet. After the
drilling, clean up the metallic scraps.

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Commissioning and Configuration Guide 1 Safety Precautions

Sharp Objects

Wear protection gloves when carrying the device. This is to prevent hands from being injured
by the sharp edges of the device.

l When replacing parts, place the objects such as the parts, screws, and tools properly. This
is to prevent them from falling into the operating fans, which damages the fans or device.
l When replacing the parts near fans, keep your fingers or boards from touching operating
fans before the fans are powered off and stop running. Otherwise, the hands or the
boards are damaged.

Carrying Heavy Objects

Wear protection gloves when carrying heavy objects. This is to prevent hands from being

l The carrier must be prepared for load bearing before carrying heavy objects. This is to
prevent the carrier from being strained or pressed by the heavy objects.
l When you pull a chassis out of the cabinet, pay attention to the unstable or heavy objects
on the cabinet. This is to prevent the heavy objects on the cabinet top from falling down,
which may hurt you.

l Generally, two persons are needed to carry a chassis. It is prohibited that only one person
carries a heavy chassis. When carrying a chassis, the carriers should stretch their backs
and move stably to avoid being strained.
l When moving or lifting a chassis, hold the handles or bottom of the chassis. Do not hold
the handles of the modules installed in the chassis, such as the power modules, fan
modules, and boards.

1.9 Other Precautions

This topic describes safety precautions for removing and inserting boards, binding signal
cables, and routing cables.

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Removing and Inserting a Board

When inserting a board, wear an ESD wrist strap or ESD gloves, and handle the board gently
to avoid distorting pins on the backplane.

l Slide the board along the guide rails.

l Do not contact one board with another to avoid short-circuits or damage.
l When holding a board in hand, do not touch the board circuits, components, connectors,
or connection slots of the board to prevent damage caused by ESD of the human body to
the electrostatic-sensitive components.

Binding Signal Cables

Bind the signal cables separately from the high-current or high-voltage cables.

Routing Cables
In the case of extremely low temperature, heavy shock or vibration may damage the plastic
skin of the cables. To ensure the construction safety, comply with the following requirements:

l When installing cables, ensure that the environment temperature is above 0°C.
l If the cables are stored in a place where the ambient temperature is below 0°C, transfer
them to a place at room temperature and store the cables for more than 24 hours before
l Handle the cables gently, especially in a low-temperature environment. Do not perform
any improper operations, for example, pushing the cables down directly from a truck.

High Temperature

If the ambient temperature exceeds 55°C, the temperature of the front panel surface marked

the flag may exceed 70°C. When touching the front panel of the board in such an
environment, you must wear the protection gloves.

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OptiX RTN 380 Radio Transmission System
Commissioning and Configuration Guide 2 Commissioning Preparations

2 Commissioning Preparations

About This Chapter

This chapter describes the preparations that must be made prior to commissioning equipment.
The preparation process is as follows:
2.1 Preparing Documents and Tools
This section lists the documents and tools to be obtained prior to equipment commissioning.
2.2 Determining the Commissioning Method
According to the scale of a microwave transmission network, commissioning engineers can
use the single-hop commissioning method or system commissioning method.
2.3 Checking Commissioning Conditions
Ensure that the equipment meets the requirements for site commissioning or system
commissioning prior to performing any commissioning tasks.

2.1 Preparing Documents and Tools

This section lists the documents and tools to be obtained prior to equipment commissioning.

Obtain the following documents before equipment commissioning:

l Engineering design documents, including:

– Network Plan
– Engineering Design
l Commissioning guide, including:
– OptiX RTN 380 Microwave Transmission System Commissioning and Configuration

Prepare the tools listed in Table 2-1 before equipment commissioning.

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Commissioning and Configuration Guide 2 Commissioning Preparations

Table 2-1 Tools

Tool Application Scenario

Adjustable wrench, screwdriver, telescope, Aligning antennas

interphone, hex key (delivered with
antennas), multimeter, north-stabilized
indicator, and received signal strength
indicator (RSSI) test cable (delivered with
OptiX RTN 380)

A laptop with the Web LCT installed l Configuring site commissioning data
l Checking the microwave link status and
receive power
l Testing adaptive modulation (AM)
l Checking alarms

Network management system (NMS) server Performing system commissioning items


For details about the requirements and methods for installing the Web LCT, see the iManager U2000
Web LCT User Guide.

2.2 Determining the Commissioning Method

According to the scale of a microwave transmission network, commissioning engineers can
use the single-hop commissioning method or system commissioning method.


In the following instructions for both types of commissioning methods, site commissioning and system
commissioning are defined as follows:
l Site commissioning refers to the commissioning of one microwave link hop and the sites at both ends of
the hop. Site commissioning is carried out with commissioning tools connected to the NE at a single site.
l System commissioning refers to the commissioning and configuring of all NEs on a network. System
commissioning is carried out with commissioning tools connected to a gateway NE.

Single-Hop Commissioning
Single-hop commissioning is preferred for small-scale microwave transmission networks (for
example, a network with only one or two microwave link hops). By performing single-hop
commissioning, you can complete all site and system commissioning tasks at one time. The
major steps are outlined as follows:

1. On both ends of a microwave link, power on the equipment.

2. configure commissioning data using the Web LCT.
3. Use the Web LCT to complete the site commissioning items.

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Commissioning and Configuration Guide 2 Commissioning Preparations

4. Use the Web LCT to complete the system commissioning items.

System Commissioning
System commissioning is usually carried out for large-scale microwave transmission
networks. The major steps are outlined as follows:

1. Power on the equipment.

2. configure commissioning data using the Web LCT.
3. Use the Web LCT to complete the site commissioning items.
4. Use the U2000 to complete the system commissioning items at the site where services

2.3 Checking Commissioning Conditions

Ensure that the equipment meets the requirements for site commissioning or system
commissioning prior to performing any commissioning tasks.

2.3.1 Checking Site Commissioning Conditions

Before performing site commissioning, ensure that the site and weather conditions meet the
requirements for site commissioning.

The requirements are listed as follows:

l Hardware installation has been completed and has passed the installation check.
l Power is available for the equipment.
l Service signal cables have been properly routed.
l Onsite conditions meet the requirements for antennas to work at their given heights, and
the commissioning personnel are trained to work at these heights.
l There are no adverse weather conditions (such as strong wind, rain, snow, or fog) that
could hinder or affect commissioning.

2.3.2 Checking System Commissioning Conditions

Before performing system commissioning, ensure that the equipment and weather meet the
requirements for system commissioning.

The requirements are listed as follows:

l Site commissioning at both ends of a microwave link has been completed.

l Data communication network (DCN) communication on the microwave transmission
network is normal.
l There are no adverse weather conditions (such as strong wind, rain, snow, or fog) that
could hinder or affect commissioning.

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OptiX RTN 380 Radio Transmission System
Commissioning and Configuration Guide 3 Commissioning Process

3 Commissioning Process

About This Chapter

Based on the objects to be commissioned, commissioning involves two stages: site

commissioning and system commissioning.

3.1 Site Commissioning Process (Without 1+1 Protection)

Site commissioning refers to the commissioning of one radio link hop and the sites at both
ends of the hop. Site commissioning ensures that the sites and the radio link between the sites
work properly. Site commissioning is a preparation for system commissioning.
3.2 Site Commissioning Procedure (with 1+1 Protection)
For sites configured with 1+1 protection, the commissioning procedure is different.
3.3 System Commissioning Process
System commissioning refers to the commissioning of an entire microwave transmission
network. System commissioning ensures that various services are transmitted properly and
protection is implemented across the network.

3.1 Site Commissioning Process (Without 1+1 Protection)

Site commissioning refers to the commissioning of one radio link hop and the sites at both
ends of the hop. Site commissioning ensures that the sites and the radio link between the sites
work properly. Site commissioning is a preparation for system commissioning.

You can use the following tools to configure site without 1+1 protection commissioning data
for OptiX RTN 380:
l Web LCT

Site Commissioning Items (Using the Web LCT to Configure Data)

Engineers can configure site commissioning data using the Web LCT onsite if they:
l Are familiar with how to configure radio link data on OptiX RTN 380.
l Are familiar with the radio link plan for the target sites.
l Have a laptop on which the Web LCT is installed.

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Commissioning and Configuration Guide 3 Commissioning Process

Commissioning Item Remarks

Powering on the Equipment Required.

Connecting the Web LCT to the Equipment Required.

Creating NEs Using the Search Method Required.

Configuring Site Commissioning Data or Delivering a Required.

Commissioning Data Script to an NE Using the Web

Checking Alarms Required.

Aligning Single-Polarized Antennasa Required.

Checking the Radio Link Status and Receive Power Required.


a: Before aligning antennas, power on the equipment and configure site commissioning data at both ends
of the radio link.

3.2 Site Commissioning Procedure (with 1+1 Protection)

For sites configured with 1+1 protection, the commissioning procedure is different.

Sites configured with 1+1 protection only support configuration of commissioning data using the Web LCT,
and do not support configuration of commissioning data using a USB flash drive or delivery of
commissioning data scripts using the Web LCT.

Site Commissioning Items (Configuring Commissioning Data Using the Web

Commissioning engineers can configure commissioning data using the Web LCT on site
l The commissioning engineers are familiar with the microwave link data plan for target
l The commissioning engineers have a laptop on which the Web LCT has been installed.

Site commissioning can be performed according to Figure 3-1 or Figure 3-2 depending on
the number of data configuration engineers responsible for configuring 1+1 protection at both


l Antenna alignment engineers align antennas, activate radio links, and turn over the subsequent
commissioning to the data configuration engineers responsible for configuring 1+1 protection.
l The data configuration engineers responsible for configuring 1+1 protection completes the configuration
of 1+1 protection.
l An engineer familiar with site commissioning can align antennas and configure 1+1 protection on

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Figure 3-1 Coordinately configuring 1+1 protection for sites at both ends
Near-end site Far-end site

Main Main

Web LCT Antenna Antenna Web LCT

Standby Standby

Antenna alignment Data configuration Antenna alignment Data configuration engineer

engineer engineer responsible for engineer responsible for configuring
configuring 1+1 protection 1+1 protection

Active NE Standby NE Active NE Standby NE

1 1
Power on the Power on the
equipment. equipment.

2 Configure site
Configure site
commissioning Change an NE ID. commissioning
Change an NE ID. data. data.

3 Configure NE 3
Configure NE Check alarms. communication Check alarms.
communication parameters.

4 Change an NE name. 4
Change an NE name. Align antennas Align antennas
Configure the VLAN ID
Configure the VLAN ID and bandwidth for
5 5
and bandwidth for inband DCN.
Check the status Check the status
inband DCN.
and receive power and receive power
of the active Configure a hop of of the active
Configure a hop of microwave link. microwave link. microwave link.
microwave link.
6 6
Power on the Power on the
equipment. equipment.

7 7
Configure site Configure site
commissioning Change an NE ID. commissioning Change an NE ID.
parameters. data.

Configure NE Configure NE
communication communication
parameters. parameters.

If an optical splitter is used 8.1 Change an NE name. Change an NE name.

to form 1+1 protection, this If an optical splitter is 8.1
Configure a LAG for
step does not need to be used to form 1+1
1+1 protection. Configure a LAG
performed. Configure the VLAN ID protection, this step does Configure the VLAN ID
for 1+1 protection.
and bandwidth for not need to be performed. and bandwidth for
8.2 inband DCN. inband DCN.
Configure a 1+1 8.2
protection group. Configure a 1+1
protection group.
Synchronizing Data on 9
Active and Standby NEs in a Synchronizing Data on
1+1 Protection Group Active and Standby NEs in a
1+1 Protection Group
10 Check alarms. 10 10
Check alarms. Check alarms. Check alarms.
11 11
Check the status and Check the status
No operation receive power of the and receive power
microwave links. of the microwave

For sites at both ends of a link, perform the following simultaneously:

1. Power on the active equipment according to Powering on the Equipment and keep the
standby equipment in the off status.
2. Configure commissioning data for the active equipment according to Configuring Site
Commissioning Data. At this time, do not configure the IF 1+1 protection group (or the
link aggregation group used for 1+1 protection if the protection involves LAG).
3. Check alarms on the active equipment according to Checking Alarms.
4. Align single-polarized antennas according to Aligning Antennas to activate microwave
links between the active equipment.
5. Check the status and receive power of the microwave link between the active equipment
according to Checking the Microwave Link Status and Receive Power.
6. Power on the standby equipment according to Powering on the Equipment.
7. Configuring Commissioning Data for the standby NE.

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8. Configure IF 1+1 protection group data for active NE. (and the link aggregation
group used for 1+1 protection if the protection involves LAG).
9. 4.5.6 Synchronizing Data on Active and Standby NEs in a 1+1 Protection Group.
10. Check alarms on the active and standby equipment according to Checking Alarms.
11. Check the status and receive power of microwave links according to Checking the
Microwave Link Status and Receive Power.

Figure 3-2 Independently configuring 1+1 protection for the near-end site
Near-end site Far-end site

Main Main

Web LCT Antenna Antenna Web LCT

Standby Standby

Antenna alignment Antenna alignment

engineer engineer

Active NE Standby NE Active NE Standby NE

1 1
Power on the Power on the
equipment. equipment.

2 2
Change an NE ID. Configure site Change an NE ID. Configure site
commissioning commissioning
data. data.
Configure NE Configure NE
communication 3 communication 3
parameters. Check alarms. parameters. Check alarms.

Change an NE Change an NE
name. name.
4 4
Align antennas Align antennas
Configure the VLAN ID Configure the VLAN
and bandwidth for ID and bandwidth for
inband DCN. inband DCN. 5
Check the status
Check the status
Configure a hop of Configure a hop of and receive power
and receive power
microwave link. microwave link. of the active
of the active
microwave link.
microwave link.

Power on the

Configure site
commissioning Change an NE ID.
The data configuration data.
engineers responsible for Configure NE
configuring 1+1 protection communication
configure the following for sites parameters.
at both ends using DCN at the
near end. If an optical splitter is used
8.1 Change an NE
to form 1+1 protection, this Configure a LAG name.
step does not need to be for 1+1 protection.
Configure the VLAN
8.2 ID and bandwidth for
inband DCN.
Configure a 1+1
protection group.
Lock the 1+1
protection group of
11 the active devices to
Power on the the active unit.
Synchronizing Data on
Active and Standby NEs in a
Change an NE ID. 1+1 Protection Group
12 Configure site
Configure NE

Change an NE

If an optical splitter is used 13.1 Configure the VLAN

to form 1+1 protection, this ID and bandwidth for
Configure a LAG
step does not need to be inband DCN.
for 1+1 protection.

Configure a 1+1
protection group.

14 Synchronizing Data on
Active and Standby NEs in
a 1+1 Protection Group

Lock the 1+1

15 protection group of
the active devices to
the active unit.

16 Check alarms. 16 16 16
Check alarms. Check alarms. Check alarms.

17 17
Required Check the status Check the status
and receive power and receive power
Optional of the microwave of the microwave
links. links.
No operation
18 18
Clear forced Clear forced
switchover switchover
command. command.

1. Power on the active equipment at both ends according to Powering on the Equipment
and keep the standby equipment in the off status.

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2. Configure commissioning data for the active equipment at both ends according to
Configuring Site Commissioning Data. At this time, do not configure the IF 1+1
protection group (or the link aggregation group used for 1+1 protection if the protection
involves LAG).
3. Check alarms on the active equipment at both ends according to Checking Alarms.
4. Align single-polarized antennas according to Aligning Antennas to activate microwave
links between the active equipment.
5. Check the status and receive power of the microwave link between the active equipment
according to Checking the Microwave Link Status and Receive Power.
6. Power on the standby equipment on the far end according to Powering on the
7. Configure commissioning data for the active equipment at far end according to
Configuring Site Commissioning Data. At this time, do not configure the IF 1+1
protection group (or the link aggregation group used for 1+1 protection if the protection
involves LAG).
8. Configure IF 1+1 protection group data for the active NE on the far end (and the link
aggregation group used for 1+1 protection if the protection involves LAG).
9. 4.5.6 Synchronizing Data on Active and Standby NEs in a 1+1 Protection Group on
the far end.
10. Forcibly switch the 1+1 protection group of active NEs to the active unit according to
Microwave 1+1 Protection Switching.

11. Power on the standby equipment on the near end according to Powering on the
12. Configure commissioning data for the active equipment at near end according to
Configuring Site Commissioning Data. At this time, do not configure the IF 1+1
protection group (or the link aggregation group used for 1+1 protection if the protection
involves LAG).
13. Configure IF 1+1 protection group data for the active NE on the near end (and the
link aggregation group used for 1+1 protection if the protection involves LAG).
14. 4.5.6 Synchronizing Data on Active and Standby NEs in a 1+1 Protection Group on
the near end.
15. Forcibly switch the 1+1 protection group of active NEs to work at the active unit
according to Microwave 1+1 Protection Switching.

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16. Check alarms on the active and standby equipment according to Checking Alarms.
17. Check the status and receive power of microwave links according to Checking the
Microwave Link Status and Receive Power.
18. Clear forced switchover commands for the main equipment at the near end and the far
end according to Microwave 1+1 Protection Switching

3.3 System Commissioning Process

System commissioning refers to the commissioning of an entire microwave transmission
network. System commissioning ensures that various services are transmitted properly and
protection is implemented across the network.

Table 3-1 System commissioning items

Commissioning Item Remarks

5.1 Configuring Network-wide Service Data Required.

5.2 Testing Ethernet 5.2.1 Testing Ethernet Required when Ethernet

Services Services Configured on a services are configured on a
Per NE Basis per NE basis.

5.2.2 Testing Ethernet Required when Ethernet

Services Configured in services are configured in
End-to-End Mode end-to-end mode.

5.4 Testing AMAC Shifting Required.

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OptiX RTN 380 Radio Transmission System
Commissioning and Configuration Guide 3 Commissioning Process

Commissioning Item Remarks

5.6 Testing Protection Testing ERPS Switching Required.

5.6.3 Testing MPLS APS Required.
Protection Switching

5.7 Checking the Clock Status Required.

5.8 Testing the Fade Margin over a Microwave Link Optional.

5.9 Testing Ethernet 5.9.2 Testing the Latency, Required.

Service Performance Throughput, and Packet
Loss Ratio

5.9.3 Testing the Long- Required.

term Packet Loss Ratio

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OptiX RTN 380 Radio Transmission System 4 Site Commissioning (Using the Web LCT to Configure
Commissioning and Configuration Guide Data)

4 Site Commissioning (Using the Web LCT

to Configure Data)

About This Chapter

Site commissioning using the Web LCT requires that commissioning engineers be capable of
configuring NE data.

The commissioning process is as follows:
4.1 Powering On OptiX RTN 380
You can verify whether the hardware system and power system are functional by observing
the equipment power-on process.
4.2 Connecting the Web LCT to the Equipment
Properly connecting the Web LCT to the equipment is a prerequisite for configuring
commissioning data for the equipment.
4.3 Creating NEs Using the Search Method
The search method is generally used to create an NE during site commissioning.
4.4 Delivering a Commissioning Data Script to an NE Using the Web LCT
This section describes how to deliver a commissioning data script to an NE using the Web
LCT. The function is available when a site commissioning data script has been prepared. With
this function, onsite configuration is not required.
4.5 Configuring Site Commissioning Data
During site commissioning, you do not need to configure Ethernet service data. By default,
the NE creates an IEEE 802.1D bridge-based Ethernet local area network (E-LAN) service for
transmitting Ethernet services.
4.6 Checking Alarms
Checking alarms generated by equipment helps you to determine whether the equipment is
functioning properly.
4.7 Aligning Antennas
Antenna alignment is the most important activity in site commissioning, as antenna alignment
has a direct effect on microwave link performance.

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4.8 Checking the Microwave Link Status and Receive Power

After antenna alignment, check whether the status of a microwave link is normal and whether
the receive power meets requirements.

4.1 Powering On OptiX RTN 380

You can verify whether the hardware system and power system are functional by observing
the equipment power-on process.


l Power on the equipment within 24 hours of unpacking.

l During maintenance, the power-off time of the equipment cannot be longer than 24 hours.

4.1.1 Powering on OptiX RTN 380 (with a PI)

This section describes how to power on OptiX RTN 380 with an indoor PI. You can verify
whether the OptiX RTN 380 and indoor PI are functional by observing the equipment power-
on process.


This section uses a PI-DC A11 as an example to describe how to power on an integrated OptiX RTN 380
when a PI is used for power supply. For other types of PIs, see their respective product overview and
installation guide.
l Hardware installation has been completed and has passed the installation check.
l The power supply is available. The voltage, polarity, and fuse capacity of the power
supply are correct.
l The power supply (for example, the cabinet power distribution box) is switched off.
l Power cable connections are correct. The polarity is not reversed.

Table 4-1 lists the fuse capacity recommended for OptiX RTN 380.

Table 4-1 Fuse capacity

Chassis Recommended Fuse Capacity

OptiX RTN 380 6A

The fuse capacity ranges from 6 A to 12 A in practice.

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l If the output power voltage of the power supply does not meet test requirements, do not
switch on the power supply and propose corresponding rectification suggestions.
l If any power cable connection is incorrect, rectify the connection before power-on.
Otherwise, the circuit breaker on the power distribution box will be disconnected and even
the power cable may be burnt.

Step 1 Connect to the power supply.




Step 2 Verify that the outdoor network cable and PI power cable are correctly connected. Connect the
PI to the power supply and observe the PI indicators.

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Power supply equipment

Blue: -48 V (-)

Black: 0 V ground cable (+)

Normally, the DC IN and P&E OUT indicators on the PI should be steady green.

l If the DC IN indicator is steady green but the P&E OUT indicator blinks green, check whether the
outdoor network cable or OptiX RTN 380 is short-circuited.
l If the DC IN indicator is steady green and the P&E OUT indicator is off, check whether the outdoor
network cable or PI is faulty.

Step 3 Observe the system indicator on OptiX RTN 380 to check whether the NE is successfully
powered on.

Normally, the system indicator on the OptiX RTN 380 should be steady green.

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Commissioning and Configuration Guide Data)

If the system indicator is steady red, check whether the microwave link, the outdoor network cable or
OptiX RTN 380 is faulty.


4.1.2 Powering on Equipment (Power Supplied by a power

sourcing equipment)
OptiX RTN 380 supports power supply by a power sourcing equipment. This section
describes how to power on OptiX RTN 380 to which power is supplied by a IDU 905 2E. The
procedure for powering on OptiX RTN 380 to which power is supplied by other power
sourcing equipment is similar.

l Hardware installation has been completed for an OptiX RTN 380 and has passed
l The power sourcing equipment has been powered on and has passed acceptance.

Step 1 Use an outdoor GE network cable to connect the P&E port of the OptiX RTN 380 and the
Power over Ethernet port of the power sourcing equipment. Power on the OptiX RTN 380.

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Commissioning and Configuration Guide Data)

Step 2 Observe the STAT indicator on the OptiX RTN 380 to check whether it is successfully
powered on.
Normally, the STAT indicator on the cover of the maintenance compartment should be steady

l If the STAT indicator on the maintenance compartment is red, check whether the outdoor GE
network cable connects the P&E port of the OptiX RTN 380 and the Power over Ethernet port of the
power sourcing equipment properly or whether the OptiX RTN 380 is running properly.
l If the STAT indicator on the maintenance compartment blinks red about every 1s, check whether the
microwave link is interrupted.


4.2 Connecting the Web LCT to the Equipment

Properly connecting the Web LCT to the equipment is a prerequisite for configuring
commissioning data for the equipment.

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Commissioning and Configuration Guide Data)

l OptiX RTN 380s have been powered on.
l The WLAN module is normal.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials

Web LCT (Win7 operating system)

Background Information
This section describes how to connect the OptiX RTN 380 to the Web LCT through WLAN.
If the WLAN module is abnormal, connect the OptiX RTN 380 to the Web LCT through the
Ethernet network management interface or through the Ethernet network management
interface of an NE that communicates with the OptiX RTN 380 through the DCN. The IP
address of the Ethernet ports on the computer that houses the Web LCT must be in the same
network segment as the NE IP address. The two IP addresses must be different.

Figure 4-1 Ways for connecting the Web LCT to an OptiX RTN 380





Networking with OptiX RTN 900


l If a site has several cascaded OptiX RTN 380s, connect the laptop to only one of the OptiX RTN 380s.
Other OptiX RTN 380s can be connected through the internal DCN. If the a GE electrical interface is set
as the NMS interface, it can be connected to the Web LCT.
l Use either a crossover cable or a straight-through cable to connect the laptop to the OptiX RTN 380. For
the wire sequences of crossover cables and straight-through cables, see Cable in the OptiX RTN 380
Microwave Transmission System Product Description.

Step 1 Start the laptop and log in to the operating system.

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Commissioning and Configuration Guide Data)

Step 2 Use the Wi-Fi Connection tool delivered with the Web LCT to set up a Wi-Fi connection
between the laptop and NE.
1. Access the Wi-Fi Connection tool directory (such as WebLCT\weblct\tools\wificonn)
and run WifiConnection.exe.
2. Select the SSID of the NE to set up a WLAN connection.
– The default SSID is EMn-The last six digits of a MAC address in hexadecimal
format-NE ID.
– Default password: Modify_123.

Right-click it.

After the connection is set up, the

connection status of the related NE
becomes "Connected".

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OptiX RTN 380 Radio Transmission System 4 Site Commissioning (Using the Web LCT to Configure
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– If the WLAN Connection tool does not find the SSID of the NE, perform the following
n Check whether there is a block between the laptop and the NE.
n Check whether the distance between the laptop and NE is longer than the typical WLAN
transmission distance. (The typical transmission distance between the WLAN module
and laptop is 30m. An external WLAN network adapter can be installed on the laptop to
extend the typical transmission distance to 70 m.)
n If the distance between the laptop and NE is shorter than the typical WLAN transmission
distance, view the status of the WLAN indicator in the maintenance compartment. If the
WLAN indicator is red (indicating the abnormal state), replace the WLAN module or
connect the laptop to the NMS port in the maintenance compartment to check the
WLAN configuration.
– Generally, it takes about 20s to set up connection through WLAN, please be patient.
– If a WLAN connection fails to be set up, check whether:
n The connection password is correct.
n The IP address is automatically allocated.
n Another laptop is connected to the NE though WLAN. Only one device can access an
NE through WLAN at a time. If another device needs to access the NE, it is
recommended that you use the WLAN Connection tool to disconnect the first device and
then access the second device. The disconnection method is similar to the connection

After the Web LCT and the OptiX RTN 380 are properly connected, the indicator at the
Ethernet port of the laptop is steady green. A message is displayed indicating that the
network has established a local connection if the operating system has been configured
to do so.
Step 3 After the WLAN connection is set up successfully, double-click the Start Web LCT icon on
the desktop.
The system displays the USER LOGIN window of the Web LCT.

Step 4 Set User Name, Password, and Verification Code, and click Login.
l User Name: admin
l Password: Changeme_123
At the first login to the Web LCT, change the password as prompted.

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Commissioning and Configuration Guide Data)

If the entered user name and password are correct, the NE List page is displayed.


Follow-up Procedure
If you cannot access the USER LOGIN window or the NE List page, configure the Internet
Explorer using the following method:

4.3 Creating NEs Using the Search Method

The search method is generally used to create an NE during site commissioning.

l The Web LCT is communicating properly with NEs.
l You must be an NM user with NE operator authority or higher.
l If the NE connection mode is SSL or Normal+SSL (default), and NEs connect to the
Web LCT through WLAN, NEs are accessed using the SSL protocol. If the NEs connect
to the Web LCT through an Ethernet cable, it is also recommended to use the SSL
l Follow the following steps to replace the SSL certificate if it is not matched.

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– Delete the WebLCT\conf\certificate directory on the Web LCT.

– Copy the server\etc\ssl\nemanager\default directory on the U2000 to the path
WebLCT\conf on the Web LCT. Rename default to certificate. Note that the
installation path on the Web LCT should not contain Chinese characters, spaces, or
special characters.
– Restart the Web LCT.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


The following procedure:
l Searches for NEs using the Search by user port method if the NEs are connected
directly to the Web LCT using WLAN.
l Searches for NEs using the NE Search method if the NEs are connected directly to the
Web LCT using Ethernet cables.
l Searches for NEs using the IP auto discovery method if the site has multiple NEs, and
are connected directly to the Web LCT using LAN.

The default user name for NE login: lct.

The default password for NE login: Changeme_123.

Step 1 Search for NEs using the Search by user port method if the NEs are connected directly to the
Web LCT using WLAN.

You can search for NEs using this method if service ports on the NEs are enabled with access control to
function as NMS ports.

Step 2 Search for NEs using the NE Search method if the NEs are connected directly to the Web
LCT using Ethernet cables.

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Commissioning and Configuration Guide Data)

You can search for NEs using this method if P&E ports on the NEs are configured as NMS ports.

Step 3 Search for NEs using the IP auto discovery method if the site has multiple NEs.


4.4 Delivering a Commissioning Data Script to an NE

Using the Web LCT
This section describes how to deliver a commissioning data script to an NE using the Web
LCT. The function is available when a site commissioning data script has been prepared. With
this function, onsite configuration is not required.

l The equipment has been connected to the Web LCT.
l The commissioning data script for the site has been prepared.

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Commissioning and Configuration Guide Data)

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1 Deliver a commissioning data script.

By default, "User Name" is "szhw" and "Password" is "Changeme_123".


4.5 Configuring Site Commissioning Data

During site commissioning, you do not need to configure Ethernet service data. By default,
the NE creates an IEEE 802.1D bridge-based Ethernet local area network (E-LAN) service for
transmitting Ethernet services.

4.5.1 Changing an NE ID
Change the NE ID according to the engineering plan to ensure that each NE ID is unique.
This task does not interrupt services.

You must be an NM user with NE maintainer authority or higher.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


The following procedure changes an NE ID to the planned value listed in the following table.

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Parameter Value

New ID 320

After changing the NE ID, you need to log in to the NE again.

Step 1


4.5.2 Changing an NE Name

For easier identification of an NE in Main Topology, name the NE according to its
geographical location or the device to which it is connected.

You must be an NM user with NE operator authority or higher.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


The following procedure changes an NE name to the planned value listed in the following

Parameter Value

Name Site2-1

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Step 1


4.5.3 Setting the VLAN ID and Bandwidth for an Inband DCN

The VLAN ID used by an inband data communication network (DCN) must be different from
the VLAN ID used by services. The bandwidth of an inband DCN must meet the
requirements of the transmission network for managing messages.

You must be an NM user with NE operator authority or higher.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


The following procedure sets the VLAN ID and bandwidth to the planned values listed in the
following table for an inband DCN.

Parameter Value

VLAN ID 4092

Bandwidth(Kbit/s) 1000Kbit/s

Step 1

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4.5.4 Creating a LAG

If links must be configured with 1+1 protection based on E-LAG, the access ports must be
added into an E-LAG.

You must be an NM user with NE operator authority or higher.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


The following procedure:
l Create a LAG for configuring 1+1 protection according to the planned parameter values
listed in the following table.

Parameter NE

LAG No. Assign Automatically (default value).

LAG Name LAG_02

LAG type Static (default value)

Revertive Non-Revertive

Load sharing type Non-load sharing (default value)

LAG priority for the main NE 32768 (default value)

Main port GE(o)

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Step 1


4.5.5 Configuring a Single Hop of Microwave Link

By performing this task, you can set the basic attributes for the local NE and the peer NE on a
single hop of microwave link.

l You must be an NM user with NE operator authority or higher.
l The sites at the two ends of a microwave link hop are communicating properly.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Web LCT also supports this operation and the steps are the same as those on the U2000.

The following procedure configures basic information for the hop of microwave link.
The planned parameter values are listed in the following table.
Parameter Link

Link ID 2

IF Channel Bandwidth 250MHz

AMAC Disabled

Modulation Mode 16QAM

TX Frequency(MHz) 73500

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Parameter Link

T/R Spacing (MHz) 10000

ATPC Disabled

TX power (dBm) 10

Power to Be Frequency(dBm) -40

TX Status unmute

Antenna Polarization V

Step 1


4.5.6 Synchronizing Data on Active and Standby NEs in a 1+1

Protection Group
This section describes how to synchronize data of an active NE to its standby NE.

l You must be an NM user with NE operator authority or higher.
l An IF 1+1 protection group has been created.
l The active and standby NEs are cascaded through ports of the same type, for example,
COMBO ports.
l This operation is performed on the active NE.

Tools, Instruments, and Materials


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Web LCT also supports this operation and the steps are the same as those on the U2000.

Background Information
The following steps synchronize data from an active NE to its standby NE.

Step 1


4.6 Checking Alarms

Checking alarms generated by equipment helps you to determine whether the equipment is
functioning properly.

l The Web LCT has been connected to the equipment.
l Basic data has been configured for the equipment.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


The following procedure checks the alarms on an NE.

Step 1 Check alarms.

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4.7 Aligning Antennas

Antenna alignment is the most important activity in site commissioning, as antenna alignment
has a direct effect on microwave link performance.

4.7.1 Main Lobe and Side Lobes

Before aligning antennas, engineers must be familiar with the following concepts regarding
the main lobe and side lobes.

The electric field strength of the radiated power of an antenna varies in space. The differences
of the power distribution can be shown in an azimuth diagram. Generally, there are two
azimuth diagrams illustrating the horizontal and vertical sections. These are the horizontal
azimuth diagram and vertical azimuth diagram. Figure 4-2 is a vertical azimuth diagram
showing many lobes. The lobe with the strongest radiated power is the main lobe, while the
others are side lobes. The first side lobe can be used for aligning the antenna.

Figure 4-2 Main lobe and side lobes

Main lobe
First side lobe
Second side lobe

Locating of the Main Lobe

Antenna alignment aligns the main lobe of the local antenna with the main lobe of the
opposite antenna, to achieve the maximum received signal strength at the opposite antenna.

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The main lobe width of a microwave antenna is narrow, specifically, between 0.6° and 3.7°.
For instance, in the case of a 1.2 m antenna at a working frequency of 23 GHz, the azimuth is
only 0.9° when the signal level drops from the signal peak to zero. Once a signal is detected,
very small alignment adjustments are required to locate the main lobe.
Antenna movement across the main lobe results in a rapid rise and drop in the signal level.
Whether the main lobe is aligned properly can be verified by comparing the received signal
peaks. Typically, the main lobe signal peak is 20-25 dB higher than the first side lobe signal
Figure 4-3 shows the head-on view of a free-space model for radio propagation with
concentric rings of side lobe peaks and troughs radiating outward from the main lobe.

Figure 4-3 Horizontal section and front view of the antenna




Center of the main lobe

Outer edge of the main lobe, 3 to
10 dB lower than the main lobe
Trough between the main lobe
and the first side lobe, 30 dB
lower than the main lobe
First side lobe, 20-25 dB
90o lower than the main lobe
Trough between the first side lobe
and the second side lobe, 30 dB or
more lower than the main lobe
0o Second side lobe, where
signals are very weak
a Horizontal section b Head-on
of the antenna view

Tracking Path
Side lobe signal readings are sometimes mistaken for main lobe readings when signals are
tracked on different elevations (or azimuths). Figure 4-4 shows a horizontal radio propagation
model of an antenna, and signal levels at three different elevation positions (1-7 represent the
measured signal level values of the received signal strength indicator [RSSI] port of the OptiX
RTN 380).

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Figure 4-4 Three tracking paths

Head-on view of tracking paths for
different elevations Signal level for each path

6 7
C C'
C 6 7 C' 5
B 4 5 B'
B B'
1 2 3
A A'
1 3

A A'

l Line AA' indicates that the main lobe of the antenna is almost aligned properly. The
main lobe is at point 2, and the first side lobes are at points 1 and 3. Slightly adjust the
azimuth of the antenna at point 2 until the peak signal appears.
l Line BB' indicates that the elevation of the antenna slightly deviates from the main lobe.
The signal peaks appear at points 4 and 5. The signal peak at point 4 is higher than the
signal peak at point 5 because of the antenna characteristics. As a result, point 4 may be
mistaken for the peak point of the main lobe signal. The correct method is to set the
azimuth of the antenna to the middle position between the two signal peaks. Then, adjust
the elevation of the antenna until the three signal peaks of line AA' appear. Slightly
adjust the elevation and azimuth of the antenna at point 2 until the peak signal appears.
l Line CC' indicates that the elevation of the antenna completely deviates from the main
lobe and is almost aligned with the first side lobe. The signal peak of the first side lobe at
point 6 and the signal peak of the first side lobe at point 7 appear as one signal peak. As
a result, points 6 and 7 may be mistaken for the peak point of the main lobe signal. The
correct method is to set the azimuth of the antenna to the middle of points 6 and 7. Then,
adjust the elevation of the antenna until the three signal peaks of line AA' appear.
Slightly adjust the elevation and azimuth of the antenna at point 2 until the peak signal
When the side lobe peak on one side is higher than the side lobe peak at the other side, as
shown in Figure 4-5, a common error is moving the antenna from left to right along line DD',
or top to bottom along line EE'. As a result, point 1 may be mistaken for the peak point of the
main lobe signal. The correct method is to adjust the elevation in the middle of points 1 and 2
or the azimuth in the middle of points 1 and 3. Several adjustments are required to ensure that
the three signal peaks of line AA' can appear. Slightly adjust the elevation and azimuth of the
antenna at point 2 as shown in Figure 4-4 until the peak signal appears.

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Figure 4-5 Aligning the antenna with the first side lobe


D D'
1 2
D D'
E E'


4.7.2 Aligning Single-Polarized Antennas

When aligning single-polarized antennas, align the main lobes by adjusting the azimuth and
elevation of the antennas at both ends.

l The antennas have been installed according to the network plan.
l The preceding site commissioning items have been completed at both ends of a
microwave link.
l The weather conditions at both ends are suitable for outdoor operations, and there is no
threat of rain, snow, fog or other unfavorable conditions that could interfere with the
l Onsite conditions meet the requirements for antennas to work at their given heights, and
the commissioning personnel are trained to work at these heights.
l A properly calibrated multimeter is available.
l The automatic transmit power control (ATPC) function has been disabled (this function
is disabled by default).
l The adaptive modulation (AM) function has been disabled (this function is disabled by

Tools, Equipment, and Materials

l Adjustable wrench
l Interphone
l Hex key (delivered with antennas)
l North-stabilized indicator
l Telescope
l Multimeter
l Received signal strength indicator (RSSI) test cables (delivered with OptiX RTN 380)

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OptiX RTN 380 Radio Transmission System 4 Site Commissioning (Using the Web LCT to Configure
Commissioning and Configuration Guide Data)

You can change the azimuth and elevation of the antennas by adjusting the nuts or screws. For
details, see the antenna installation guide. Steps provided in this section are for reference only.

Step 1 Calculate the voltage value (VBNC) for the RSSI port corresponding to the planned received
signal level (RSL) based on the RSSI and RSL curves.
The curve diagram for VBNC and RSL is delivered along with the OptiX RTN 380.

Step 2 Determine the azimuth of the antenna at the local end based on the installation position and
height of the antenna. Then, adjust the elevation of the antenna to the horizontal position.
For a special microwave link (for example, a microwave link with one end on a mountain top and the other
end at the foot of the mountain), the inclination between the link and the horizontal line is greater than the
half-power angle of the antenna. Slightly adjust the elevation of the antenna so the main lobes are aligned

Step 3 Connect a multimeter to the RSSI port on the OptiX RTN 380 at the local end using an RSSI
test fiber and test the voltage value VBNC. Turn the multimeter to the DC power level with the
voltage value 20 V.
It is recommended that you fix the multimeter to the tower with adhesive tape at your plain view, so that
you can observe the RSSI voltage value while aligning antennas.

Figure 4-6 Testing the RSSI voltage using a multimeter

Step 4 Adjust the azimuth and elevation of the antenna as follows:

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1. Keep the remote antenna fixed.

2. Loosen the antenna brackets, rotate the antenna horizontally within a large range, and
observe the value of VBNC on the multimeter. When the value is not 0, secure the antenna
3. Loosen the fine adjustment bolts, rotate the antenna horizontally, and observe the peak
values of VBNC on the multimeter.
Normally, three signal peaks are tracked, as shown in Figure 4-7.

Figure 4-7 Signal peaks


1 3

If the number of tracked signal peaks is fewer than three, even after a wide rotation and
careful observation of the multimeter, refer to 4.7.1 Main Lobe and Side Lobes for help
with handling the exception.

4. Adjust the antenna azimuth until the signal strength reaches position 2 shown in Figure
4-7. When the signal strength is at position 2, the value of VBNC is the peak value.
5. Slightly adjust the elevation and azimuth at point 2 until VBNC reaches the peak value
within the tracked range.
6. Secure the antenna at the local end.
When securing the antenna, ensure that VBNC remains at the peak value.

Step 5 Repeat Step 2 to Step 4 to adjust the antenna at the remote end. When VBNC reaches the peak
value, secure the antenna at the remote end.
Step 6 Repeat Step 2 to Step 4 for two to four times. When VBNC at the local end and VBNC at the
remote end reach the peak value, secure the antennas at both ends.

l Perform slight adjustments in this step.

l After the adjustments are complete and antennas at both ends are secured, the VBNC value must reach or
exceed the VBNC value obtained in Step 1.


4.8 Checking the Microwave Link Status and Receive

After antenna alignment, check whether the status of a microwave link is normal and whether
the receive power meets requirements.

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l Antennas have been aligned.
l The basic data of NEs on the entire network has been configured.
l You must be an NM user with NE maintainer authority or higher.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


The following procedure checks the microwave link status and receive power.

Step 1 Check the microwave link status and receive power.

If the receive power does not meet design requirements, handle the fault by following instructions in 6.1
Handling the Failure of the Receive Power to Meet the Design Requirements.


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5 System Commissioning

About This Chapter

This chapter describes the specific commissioning procedures for all system commissioning
5.1 Configuring Network-wide Service Data
After site commissioning is performed for each hop of microwave link, data communication
network (DCN) communication between NEs is normal. Then, you can connect the U2000 to
an NE and configure network-wide service data.
5.2 Testing Ethernet Services
By testing Ethernet services, you can check whether the Ethernet services are available over
microwave links. Ethernet services can be tested using the ETH OAM function, and no
dedicated tester is required.
5.3 Verifying CPRI Service Configurations
On OptiX RTN 380, pseudo random binary sequence (PRBS) tests can be performed to verify
CPRI service configurations.
5.4 Testing AMAC Shifting
By simulating the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of received signals, you can determine whether
to trigger AMAC shifting on OptiX RTN 380.
5.5 Testing ATPC
OptiX RTN 380 supports the ATPC meter-free test.
5.6 Testing Protection Switching
If services on a microwave network are protected, you need to test typical protection schemes
to verify the protection switching function.
5.7 Checking the Clock Status
Checking the clock status for all NEs on a microwave transmission network ensures that the
NE clocks are synchronized.
5.8 Testing the Fade Margin over a Microwave Link
The fade margin over a microwave link can be evaluated by measuring the mean square errors
(MSEs) at different received signal levels (RSLs).
5.9 Testing Ethernet Service Performance

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This section describes how to test Ethernet service performance using the NE-inherent test

5.1 Configuring Network-wide Service Data

After site commissioning is performed for each hop of microwave link, data communication
network (DCN) communication between NEs is normal. Then, you can connect the U2000 to
an NE and configure network-wide service data.

For details about how to configure network-wide service data, see 7 Configuring Networkwide Service

5.2 Testing Ethernet Services

By testing Ethernet services, you can check whether the Ethernet services are available over
microwave links. Ethernet services can be tested using the ETH OAM function, and no
dedicated tester is required.

5.2.1 Testing Ethernet Services Configured on a Per NE Basis

To test Ethernet services configured on a per NE basis, you must create ETH OAM manually.

Ethernet services have been configured.
If the Ethernet services to be tested are low-priority services, it is recommended that you perform the test
when weather conditions are favorable and the microwave link works in the highest-order modulation

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Test Connection Diagram

The following procedure uses the Ethernet services from P&E on NE 1 to P&E on NE 2 as an
example, as shown in Figure 5-1.

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Figure 5-1 Connection diagram for testing Ethernet services

Step 1 Create an MD.

Step 2 Create an MA.

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Step 3 Create an MEP.

Step 4 Create a remote MEP.

Step 5 Perform an LB test.

Perform an LB test by considering the MEP whose ID is 1 as the source MEP and the MEP
whose ID is 2 as the sink MEP.

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l If the value of LossRate in Result is 0, the test is successful.

l If the value of LossRate in Result is not 0, handle the problem based on the procedures
in the following table.

Cause Handling Procedure

Connecting to the peer end fails within Check whether services are interrupted.
the specified period.

Packets are lost. Check whether the service traffic is

higher than the transmission bandwidth.

Check the link for bit errors.


5.2.2 Testing Ethernet Services Configured in End-to-End Mode

The ETH OAM that is automatically created by services can be used to test Ethernet services
configured in end-to-end mode.

Ethernet services have been configured.
If the Ethernet services to be tested are low-priority services, it is recommended that you perform the test
when weather conditions are favorable and the microwave link works in the highest-order modulation

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


The Web LCT does not support this operation.

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Test Connection Diagram

The following procedure uses the Ethernet services from P&E port on NE 1 to P&E port on
NE 2 as an example, as shown in Figure 5-2.

Figure 5-2 Connection diagram for testing Ethernet services

The following procedure:

1. Verifies Ethernet line (E-Line) services transmitted in Native Ethernet mode.
2. Verifies Ethernet local area network (E-LAN) services transmitted in Native Ethernet

Step 1 Verify E-Line services transmitted in Native Ethernet mode.

Step 2 Verify E-LAN services transmitted in Native Ethernet mode.

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5.3 Verifying CPRI Service Configurations

On OptiX RTN 380, pseudo random binary sequence (PRBS) tests can be performed to verify
CPRI service configurations.

You must be an NM user with NE maintainer authority or higher.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials



Web LCT also supports this operation and the steps are the same as those on the U2000.

For OptiX RTN 380, PRBS tests can be performed in the air interface direction and the CPRI
port direction.
The PRBS test in the air interface direction checks connectivity from the local baseband
processing unit to the peer CPRI port. Figure 5-3 shows the test connection diagram and
loopback location.

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Figure 5-3 PRBS test in the air interface direction

The PRBS test in the CPRI port direction checks connectivity from the local baseband
processing unit to the local CPRI port. Figure 5-4 shows the test connection diagram and
loopback location.

Figure 5-4 PRBS test in the CPRI port direction


port processing unit processing unit port



Local NE Peer NE

1 Physical loopback

l During a PRBS test, the services in the tested path are unavailable.
l If the NEs at both ends are connected to other devices, only a physical loopback can be
performed on the CPRI port. Other types of loopback may cause the PRBS frame to be
incorrectly transmitted to the downstream devices.
l If the NEs at both ends are not connected to other devices, an inloop rather a physical
loopback can be perform on the CPRI port.

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Step 1 Perform a loopback on the CPRI port of the peer NE. For details, see Figure 5-3.

Step 2 Configure a PRBS test in the air interface direction.

Step 3 Views the test result.

Step 4 Perform a loopback on the CPRI port of the local NE. For details, see Figure 5-4.

Step 5 Configure a PRBS test in the CPRI port direction.

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Step 6 View the test result.


5.4 Testing AMAC Shifting

By simulating the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of received signals, you can determine whether
to trigger AMAC shifting on OptiX RTN 380.

l Antennas have been aligned.
l The adaptive modulation (AMAC) function has been enabled for the microwave link to
be tested.

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l Weather conditions are favorable.

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The U2000 does not support this operation.

The following procedure tests the AMAC shifting function on an NE.

Step 1 Testing One-Touch AMAC Switching.


5.5 Testing ATPC

OptiX RTN 380 supports the ATPC meter-free test.

l Antennas have been aligned.
l The ATPC function has been enabled for the microwave link to be tested, and the link is
l Weather conditions are favorable.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Web LCT also supports this operation and the steps are the same as those on the U2000.

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The following procedure tests the ATPC function on a microwave link.

Step 1


5.6 Testing Protection Switching

If services on a microwave network are protected, you need to test typical protection schemes
to verify the protection switching function.

5.6.1 Testing ERPS Switching

You can verify the Ethernet ring protection switching (ERPS) function by checking the port
status of the ERPS protection group before and after switching.

l ERPS has been configured for OptiX RTN 380s on a ring network.
l Ethernet links on the ring network are connected correctly.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Web LCT also supports this operation and the steps are the same as those on the U2000.

The following procedure queries the port status change on the ring protection link (RPL)
owner node in an ERPS protection group before and after switching to check whether the
ERPS function is running properly.

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Test Connection Diagram

In Figure 5-5, the Ethernet services between NE 2 and NE 6are protected by ERPS, and NE 2
is the RPL owner node.

Figure 5-5 Configuration for testing ERPS

Step 1 Before switching, query the status of the ERPS protection group that is configured on NE 2.

Step 2 Test the availability of the Ethernet services. For details, see 5.2.1 Testing Ethernet Services
Configured on a Per NE Basis.
The value of LossRate in Detection Result should be 0.

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Step 3 Set TX Status to mute for NE6.

Step 4 After switching, query the status of the ERPS protection group that is configured on NE 2.

Step 5 Test the availability of the Ethernet services. For details, see 5.2.1 Testing Ethernet Services
Configured on a Per NE Basis.
The value of LossRate in Detection Result should be 0.
Step 6 Set TX Status to unmute for NE 6.

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5.6.2 Testing 1+1 Protection Switching

You can verify the 1+1 protection functions by checking the changes of the main and standby
devices before and after switching.

l Antenna alignment has been completed.
l Ethernet services and 1+1 protection have been configured.
l Static link aggregation groups (LAGs) have been configured for third-party
devices,when the devices are connected without optical splitters.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Test Connection Diagram

When the optical splitters are not used ,the basic configurations are as follows:
l Main OptiX RTN 380s: NE 11 and NE 12
l Standby OptiX RTN 380s: NE 21 and NE 22

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Figure 5-6 Test connection diagram

The Ethernet services protected by 1+1 hot standby (HSB) between NE 11 and NE 12 shown
in Figure 5-6 are tested.
The same testing way can be used for the topology with optical splitters.

Step 1 Configure Reversion Mode for the 1+1 HSB protection group on NE 11.
1. In NE Explorer, choose NE 11 from the object tree and choose Configuration > IF 1+1
Protection from Function Tree.
2. In Protection Group, select the desired protection group and set Reversion Mode to
3. Click Apply.
4. Click Close.
Step 2 Query the protection group status on NE 11 before switching.
1. In NE Explorer, choose NE 11 from the object tree and choose Configuration > IF 1+1
Protection from Function Tree.
2. In Protection Group, select the desired protection group and click Query.
3. Ensure that Active NE of Device in Protection Group is NE 11.
Step 3 Test availability of the tested Ethernet services before switching. For details, see 5.2 Testing
Ethernet Services. The value of LossRate in Test Result should be 0.
Step 4 Cold reset NE 11.
1. Optional: Double-click the subnet to which NE 11 belongs.
2. Double-click NE 11 in Main Topology.
The NE panel is displayed.
3. Select the MXUF4 board, right-click, and choose Cold Reset from the shortcut menu.
The Warning dialog box is displayed.
4. Click OK.
Step 5 After NE 11 is cold reset (which takes about 3 minutes), query the protection group status on
NE 11.

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1. In NE Explorer, choose NE 11 from the object tree and choose Configuration > IF 1+1
Protection from Function Tree.
2. In Protection Group, select the desired protection group and click Query.
3. Ensure that Active NE of Device in Protection Group is NE 21.
Step 6 Test availability of the tested Ethernet services after switching. For details, see 5.2 Testing
Ethernet Services. The value of LossRate in Test Result should be 0, indicating that the 1+1
protection switching is successful.
Step 7 Restore Reversion Mode to the original value.


5.6.3 Testing MPLS APS Protection Switching

By checking the change in the status of MPLS tunnels before and after the MPLS APS
switching, you can verify whether the MPLS APS protection function is normal.

l The MPLS tunnel protection group must be created properly.
l You must be an NM user with NE operator authority or higher.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Web LCT also supports this operation and the steps are the same as those on the U2000.

Background Information
1:1 protection
In normal situations, services are transmitted in the working tunnel. That is, services are
transmitted and received in a different tunnel respectively. When the working tunnel is faulty,
the equipment at the transmit end transmits services through the protection tunnel, and the
equipment at the receive end receive services through the protection tunnel after a negotiation
through the APS protocol. Therefore, service switching is realized.

Test Connection Diagram

Figure 5-7 shows the connection diagram for testing MPLS APS protection switching. NE A
and NE B are the OptiX RTN 380 NEs.

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Figure 5-7 Connection diagram for testing the MPLS APS protection

Step 1 Query the switching status of the current MPLS tunnel 1:1 protection group on NE A and NE
1. In the NE Explorer, select NE A and then choose Configuration > APS Protection
Management from the Function Tree.
2. Click the Tunnel APS Management tab, right-click the tested protection group, and
then choose Query Switching Status from the shortcut menu, to check the MPLS
protection group configured on the NE.

3. Choose the protection group for switching, and check its switching status. In normal
situations, the switching status should be Normal, and Tunnel Status for both the
working and protection tunnels should be Available.

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If Tunnel Status for the working or protection tunnel is not Available, rectify tunnel-related faults.

Step 2 Switch the services to the protection tunnel manually and forcedly.
1. In the NE Explorer, select NE A and then choose Configuration > APS Protection
Management from the Function Tree.
2. Click the Tunnel APS Management tab and choose the protection group for switching.
3. Right-click the tested protection group, and then choose Forced Switching from the
shortcut menu.
The Confirm dialog box is displayed.
4. Click OK.
The Operation Result dialog box is displayed.
5. Click Close.

Step 3 Query the switching status of the MPLS 1:1 protection groups on NE A and NE B after the
1. In the NE Explorer, select NE A and then choose Configuration > APS Protection
Management from the Function Tree.
2. Click the Tunnel APS Management tab and choose the protection group for switching.
3. Right-click the tested protection group and then choose Query Switching Status from
the shortcut menu, to check Switching Status of the tunnel protection group.
In normal situations, the switching status should be Forced Switching.
4. Query Active Tunnel of the tunnel protection group.
In normal situation, Working should be Standby, and Protection should be Active.

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l If Forced Switching is performed at the previous step, the state of the protection group should be
Forced Switching.
l If Manual Switching to Protection is performed at the previous step, the state of the protection
group should be Manual (Working to Protection) Switching.

Step 4 Restore the services on NE A and NE B to the working tunnel.

1. In the NE Explorer, select NE A and then choose Configuration > APS Protection
Management from the Function Tree.
2. Click the Tunnel APS Management tab and choose the protection group for switching.
3. Right-click the tested protection group and then choose Clear from the shortcut menu.
The Confirm dialog box is displayed.
4. Click OK.
The Operation Result dialog box is displayed.
5. Click Close.
6. Click Query.
Services is restored to the working tunnel.


5.7 Checking the Clock Status

Checking the clock status for all NEs on a microwave transmission network ensures that the
NE clocks are synchronized.

l Clock configuration has been completed.
l The links that transmit clock signals are functioning properly.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Web LCT also supports this operation and the steps are the same as those on the U2000.

The following procedure checks the clock status of NEs on a network.

Step 1 Check the clock status of an NE.

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Step 2 Repeat Step 1 to check the clock status of the other NEs on the network.


5.8 Testing the Fade Margin over a Microwave Link

The fade margin over a microwave link can be evaluated by measuring the mean square errors
(MSEs) at different received signal levels (RSLs).

l Weather conditions are favorable.
l Antennas have been aligned, and the RSLs at both ends of the microwave link meet
l The configured transmit power is the same as the actual transmit power.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Web LCT also supports this operation and the steps are the same as those on the U2000.

The procedure for testing the fade margin is as follows:
l Test the mapping between RSLs and MSEs at multiple sites.
l Calculate the RSL corresponding to the MSE demodulation threshold to determine the
receiver sensitivity.
l Subtract the receiver sensitivity from the current RSL to obtain the fade margin.

The following procedure tests the fade margin over a microwave link.

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1. When the fade margin is being tested, all the services carried on the microwave link may
be interrupted.
2. For microwave links configured with 1+1 protection, forcibly switch services to the main
link before testing the main link. Forcibly switch services to the standby link before
testing the standby link.
3. For a CCDP group, before testing a channel, mute the channel in the other polarization

Step 1 Disable the adaptive modulation (AM) and automatic transmit power control (ATPC)
functions on the microwave link between two sites.

Step 2 Test the fade margin over the microwave link.

Step 3 Enable the AM and ATPC functions for the microwave link base on Step 1.
Restore Modulation Mode of the Guaranteed AM Capacity and Modulation Mode of the Full AM
Capacity to their initial values when enabling the AM function.


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5.9 Testing Ethernet Service Performance

This section describes how to test Ethernet service performance using the NE-inherent test

5.9.1 Testing Ethernet Service Performance (Based on RFC 2544)

This section describes how to use RFC 2544-compliant functions to test the packet loss ratio,
delay, and throughput for Ethernet services.

l The antennas have been aligned.
l Ethernet services have been configured.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


The OptiX RTN 380 that uses SHUF3 boards does not support services.


l Performance tests for E-Line services, E-LAN services, and a mixture of E-Line and E-
LAN services are supported.
l During the test, do not modify any configuration.
l The ports at the ends of the Ethernet service to be tested must be Ethernet ports.
l During the test, only the tested Ethernet services at the tested port are interrupted in
normal cases.
l Large test traffic may affect other services and even cause packet loss of other services.
l An NE cannot function as an initiator and a reflector at the same time.

Connection Diagram for the Test

The test procedure takes the Ethernet service between NE A (PORT1) and NE B
(PORT2)Figure 5-8, as shown in , as an example. Ethernet services on NE A and NE B are E-

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Figure 5-8 Test connection diagram

In an RFC 2544-compliant test on E-LAN services, the test initiator sends test packets or delay packets
at a specific traffic volume. The reflector end returns the packets based on the specific filter criteria (for
example, by VLAN and MAC address). The initiator end computes the network performance based on
the number of locally transmitted and received packets or timestamp information about delay packets.

Step 1


5.9.2 Testing the Latency, Throughput, and Packet Loss Ratio

This section describes how to test the latency, throughput, and packet loss ratio of VLAN-
based Ethernet line (E-Line) services with different frame lengths.

l Antenna alignment has been completed.

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l The source and sink NEs of the Ethernet services have been configured with VLAN-
based E-Line services.

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l The source and sink ports (test ports) of the tested Ethernet services must be Ethernet
ports. During the test, all Ethernet services over the test ports are interrupted.
l If the tested Ethernet services contain quality of service (QoS), OAM, link aggregation
group (LAG), or other protocol data, the test results may be inaccurate. It is recommended
that you disable the functions before performing the test.
l If the source port of the tested services carries other services, the test results may be
inaccurate. It is recommended that you disable the other services at the source port before
performing the test.
l For V100R006C00 and later versions, the tests are supported for intra-NE LAG/-enabled
microwave links, but are not supported for cascaded microwave links.
l Meter-free test results may be inaccurate if a warm/cold reset occurs during a test. In case
of a warm/cold reset, you need to initiate a second test.

Test Connection Diagram

The Ethernet services between P&E on NE1 and P&E on NE2 shown in Figure 5-9 are
tested. Both NE1 and NE2 are configured with VLAN-based E-Line services.

Figure 5-9 Test connection diagram

The Ethernet services between NE1 and NE2 carry the VLAN ID 100.
The VLAN ID of the E-Line service to be tested must be the same as the default VLAN ID of the test port.
Otherwise, the source and sink NEs cannot be successfully created.

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Step 1 Disable the inband DCN of the test ports.

NE1 is used as an example:

Step 2 Disable the access control of the test ports.

NE1 is used as an example:

This operation may cause DCN interruption.

Step 3 Configure the TAG attributes for the test ports.

NE1 is used as an example:

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Step 4 Configure a sink NE for the test.

Step 5 Configure a source NE for the test and initiate the test.

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l The test results may deviate from the actual values, as compared with the results of a test performed using
a meter. When the bandwidth of tested services is less than 70 Mbit/s, the deviation of the packet loss
ratio is less than 1%. When the bandwidth of tested services is higher than or equal to 70 Mbit/s, the
deviation of the packet loss ratio is less than 0.2%. If the packet loss ratio is not 0 and its deviation is
within these ranges, perform the test multiple times. If the results of the multiple tests show that a few
packets are lost and the packet loss ratio of services with long frames is higher than that of services with
short frames, you can consider that no packet is lost.
l The throughput test result of services with long frames deviates from the actual result by less than 5%.
l The latency result and packet loss ratio result are the results of bidirectional services.


5.9.3 Testing the Long-term Packet Loss Ratio

This section describes how to test the long-term packet loss ratio of VLAN-based Ethernet
line (E-Line) services with different frame lengths.

l Antenna alignment has been completed.
l The source and sink NEs of the Ethernet services have been configured with VLAN-
based E-Line services.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials



l Do not modify data configuration during the test.
l During the Ethernet service test, all Ethernet services over the test ports are interrupted.
l If the tested Ethernet services contain quality of service (QoS), OAM, link aggregation
group (LAG), or other protocol data, the test results may be inaccurate. It is recommended
that you disable the functions before performing the test.
l If the source port of the tested services carries other services, the test results may be
inaccurate. It is recommended that you disable the other services at the source port before
performing the test.
l For V100R006C00 and later versions, the tests are supported for intra-NE LAG-enabled
microwave links, but are not supported for cascaded microwave links.
l Meter-free test results may be inaccurate if a warm/cold reset occurs during a test. In case
of a warm/cold reset, you need to initiate a second test.

Test Connection Diagram

The Ethernet services between P&E on NE1 and P&E on NE2 shown in Figure 5-10 are
tested. Both NE1 and NE2 are configured with VLAN-based E-Line services.

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Figure 5-10 Test connection diagram

The Ethernet services between NE1 and NE2 carry the VLAN ID 100.

Step 1 Disable the inband DCN of the test ports.
NE1 is used as an example:

Step 2 Disable the access control of the test ports.

NE1 is used as an example:

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This operation may cause DCN interruption.

Step 3 Configure the TAG attributes for the test ports.

NE1 is used as an example:

Step 4 Configure a sink NE for the test.

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Step 5 Configure a source NE for the test and initiate the test.

The test results may deviate from the actual values. When the number of received packets and that of sent
packets are different and the difference is less than a millionth, you can consider that no packet is lost.


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Commissioning and Configuration Guide 6 Handling of Common Faults During Site Deployment

6 Handling of Common Faults During Site


About This Chapter

This chapter describes how to handle common faults during site deployment.
6.1 Handling the Failure of the Receive Power to Meet the Design Requirements
This section describes how to handle the fault of receive power failing to meet the design

6.1 Handling the Failure of the Receive Power to Meet the

Design Requirements
This section describes how to handle the fault of receive power failing to meet the design

Fault Symptom
No hardware alarm is reported on an NE. However, the receive power is at least 3 dB less
than the designed receive power, and the microwave link reports an MW_LOF alarm.

Cause Analysis
No hardware alarm is reported, so the equipment is running normally. Diagnose the fault from
the following aspects:
l NE configurations
l Link transmission conditions and network plan
l Hardware installation and antenna alignment

Step 1 Check NE configurations by browsing the configuration data of the microwave link according
to Managing a Hop of Microwave Link.

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l Verify that the actual transmit and receive frequencies at both ends of the link match and
meet the network plan requirements.
l Verify that the channel bandwidths and modulation schemes at both ends of the link are
the same and meet the network plan requirements.
l Verify that the transmit power at both ends of the link meets the network plan
l Verify that the adaptive modulation (AM) and automatic transmit power control (ATPC)
functions are disabled during antenna alignment.
Step 2 Check the link transmission conditions and network plan.
l Verify that antennas are aligned under favorable weather conditions, free from the impact
of rainfall, snow, or fog.
l Verify the line of sight (LOS) on the microwave link based on a map and observation.
l Verify that the antenna positions and directions meet the network plan requirements by
using a compass.
l Verify that the height difference between the antennas is within the adjustment range and
that the network design parameters are correct by consulting network planning engineers.
Step 3 Check hardware installation and antenna alignment.
l Verify that the polarization directions of the antennas meet the network plan
requirements. When an OptiX RTN 380 or hybrid coupler is being installed, the
polarization directions of feed ports are the same.
l Verify that the main lobes of the antennas are aligned.


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Commissioning and Configuration Guide 7 Configuring Networkwide Service Data

7 Configuring Networkwide Service Data

About This Chapter

This document uses configuration examples to describe the flow and procedure for
configuring the equipment. With this document, you can get familiar with the data
configuration methods and complete various configuration tasks in actual application.


This document describes the service configuration on the U2000-T.

7.1 Configuration Preparations

Before configuring the NE data, you must make the required preparations.
7.2 General Configuration Process
Select a proper configuration process based on the actual configuration scenarios.
7.3 Common Network Scenarios of Configuration Examples
This section provides the initial configuration examples which are based on five network
scenarios and cover all operations in the general configuration process.
7.4 Configuring the Network Topology
You can manage a transport network by using the U2000 only after configuring the network
7.5 Configuring Microwave Links
Before configuring services on a microwave link, you need to configure the microwave link.
7.6 Configuring Ethernet Services
Ethernet services include Native Ethernet line (E-Line) services and Native Ethernet local
area network (E-LAN) services.
7.7 Configuring CPRI Services
The OptiX RTN 380 supports transparent transmission of CPRI services.
7.8 Configuring Clocks
To ensure that clocks of all the nodes on the transmission network are synchronized, configure
the clocks for these nodes according to a unified clock synchronization policy.
7.9 Common Service Configuration Operations
This section provides hyperlinks to common service configuration operations.

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7.1 Configuration Preparations

Before configuring the NE data, you must make the required preparations.

7.1.1 Preparing Documents and Tools

Related documents and tools must be available to ensure the proper configuration of data.

l Network planning documents
l OptiX RTN 380 Radio Transmission System Commissioning and Configuration Guide

l A computer where the U2000 server software is installed
l A computer where the U2000 client software is installed
For requirements and methods for installing U2000 software and hardware, see the documents that
accompany the U2000.

7.1.2 Checking Configuration Conditions

Before beginning the configuration process, confirm that local conditions meet requirements.

Ensure that the following requirements are met:
l All the NEs on the network must be powered on properly.
l Data communication network (DCN) communication between the gateway NE and the
non-gateway NEs must be normal.
l The network communication between the U2000 server and the gateway NE must be
l The U2000 client can log in to the U2000 server and has network operator rights or
l The gateway NE must log in to the computer where the U2000 software is installed.

7.1.3 U2000 Quick Start

This chapter describes basic operations on the U2000 client. Logging In to a U2000 Client

The U2000 uses the client/server architecture and allows multiple clients. You can log in to
the U2000 server from a U2000 client to manage OptiX RTN NEs.

l The U2000 system has been started on the U2000 server.

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l The IP address of the U2000 client is in the access control list (ACL) configured in the
U2000 system.
l The U2000 client is communicating with the U2000 server properly.

Tools, Instruments, and Materials


Step 1

----End Shutting Down a U2000 Client

Shut down a U2000 client when it will not to be used.

You must be an NM user with NE operator authority or higher.

Tools, Instruments, and Materials


Step 1

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----End Using the Help

The Help provides help information about the U2000.

You must be an NM user with NE operator authority or higher.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1


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OptiX RTN 380 Radio Transmission System
Commissioning and Configuration Guide 7 Configuring Networkwide Service Data Navigating to Common Views

This section describes how to navigate to the common views of the U2000 and the functions
of the views. Navigating to Main Topology

The U2000 provides the Main Topology view for network topology management.

You must be an NM user with NE operator authority or higher.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Step 1

----End Navigating to NE Explorer

The U2000 provides the NE Explorer view for equipment management. The NE Explorer
view consists of the function tree pane, object tree pane, and configuration pane.

You must be an NM user with NE operator authority or higher.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


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Step 1

----End Navigating to the NE Panel

NE Panel displays the boards configured on an NE. Different colors represent different board

You must be an NM user with NE operator authority or higher.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


The following procedure navigates to NE Panel.

Step 1

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7.2 General Configuration Process

Select a proper configuration process based on the actual configuration scenarios.

Initial Configuration
Initial configuration of a microwave network refers to initial configuration of network-wide
service data using the network management system (NMS) after site commissioning is
complete. Figure 7-1 shows the configuration flowchart.

Figure 7-1 Flowchart for initial configuration

Required Start

Configure the network topology.

Configure microwave links.

Configure Native Ethernet services.

Configure CPRI/OBSAI services.

Configure the clock.


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The steps in the configuration flowchart are described in Table 7-1.

Table 7-1 Initial configuration

Operation Remarks

7.4 Configuring the Network Required.


7.5 Configuring Microwave Links Required.

7.6 Configuring Ethernet Services or Required.

Configuring CPRI Services NOTE
Ethernet services and CPRI services are mutually
exclusive. Therefore, configure one service at a time.

7.8 Configuring Clocks Required during the configuration of Native

Ethernet services.


The configuration sequence provided in Table 7-1 is for reference only and needs to be adjusted based on
actual scenarios. For detailed configuration methods based on local scenarios, see the configuration examples
corresponding to 7.3 Common Network Scenarios of Configuration Examples.
The RTN 380H is available at two types: RTN 380H using MXUI5 as the system control board and RTN
380H using MXXI5 as the system control board. The RTN 380H using MXXI5 can work in either of the
following modes: common mode and enhanced mode (default mode). In the common mode, the RTN 380H
using MXXI5 requires the same configuration method as the RTN 380H using MXUI5. In this document, the
RTN 380H using MXUI5 is used as an example to describe the configuration except for configuration tasks
specifically for the enhanced mode.

7.3 Common Network Scenarios of Configuration

This section provides the initial configuration examples which are based on five network
scenarios and cover all operations in the general configuration process.

7.3.1 Overview
This section provides the relationships between configuration examples and various networks.

See the table below, √ indicates that a configuration example is provided and - indicates that no
configuration example is provided.

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Table 7-2 Configuration examples for different networks

Operation Microwa Microwa Hybrid Large- Network
ve Chain ve Ring Network Capacity for
Network Network Consistin Microwav Transpare
g of e ntly
Radio Backhaul Transmitt
Equipme Network ing CPRI
nt and Configur Services
Optical ed with over
Fibers 1+1 Microwav
Protectio e Signals

Configure the √ - - - -
network topology

Configure √ - - √ -
microwave links

Config Transparen - - √ - -
ure tly
Native transmitted
Ethern point-to-
et point E-
service Line
s service

VLAN- √ - - - -
based E-

IEEE - √ - - -
based E-

IEEE √ - - - -
based E-

Configure CPRI - - - - √

Config Clock on a √ - - - -
ure the microwave
clock chain

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Operation Microwa Microwa Hybrid Large- Network

ve Chain ve Ring Network Capacity for
Network Network Consistin Microwav Transpare
g of e ntly
Radio Backhaul Transmitt
Equipme Network ing CPRI
nt and Configur Services
Optical ed with over
Fibers 1+1 Microwav
Protectio e Signals

Clock on a - √ - - -

7.3.2 Microwave Chain Network

A microwave chain network consists of three sites and four OptiX RTN 380s.

Figure 7-2 shows the topology of the network. Ethernet services are received on NE2 and
NE4 and are transmitted to the local backhaul network through NE1.

Figure 7-2 Networking diagram for a microwave chain network

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7.3.3 Microwave Ring Network

This section describes a microwave ring network consisting of six OptiX RTN 380 devices
located at three sites.
Figure 7-3 shows the topology of the network. Ethernet services are received on NE6 and
NE3 and are transmitted to the local backhaul network through NE5.

Figure 7-3 Networking diagram for a microwave ring network

7.3.4 Hybrid Network Consisting of Radio Equipment and

Optical Fibers
This section describes a hybrid network consisting of radio equipment and optical fibers. In
this network, a hop of large-capacity OptiX RTN 380 equipment replace optical fibers to form
a ring network with OptiX optical transmission equipment.
As shown in Figure 7-4, OptiX RTN 380s can provide high-bandwidth microwave links for
transmitting Ethernet services on a metro optical Ethernet in areas where optical fibers are
difficult to lay out.

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Figure 7-4 Networking diagram of a hybrid ring network consisting of radio equipment and
optical fibers

7.3.5 Large-Capacity Microwave Backhaul Network Configured

with 1+1 Protection
This section describes a large-capacity microwave backhaul network consisting of four OptiX
RTN 380 devices and OptiX RTN 900 equipment. The equipment forms 1+1 protection.
As shown in Figure 7-5, the OptiX RTN 380 can provide large-capacity backhaul links for
convergence nodes. In addition, it can form 1+1 protection with an OptiX RTN 900 NE to
protect services on the backhaul links.

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Figure 7-5 Networking diagram of a large-capacity microwave backhaul network configured

with 1+1 protection

7.3.6 Network for Transparently Transmitting CPRI Services over

Microwave Signals
In this example, one microwave link hop transparently transmits one channel of 1.25 Gbit/s
CPRI services.
Figure 7-6 shows the network topology for transparently transmitting CPRI services. On this
network, NE1 receives one 1.25 Gbit/s CPRI service from the remote radio unit (RRU) and
transparently transmits the CPRI service to NE2 over one hop of microwave link; NE2 then
transmits the CPRI service to the baseband unit (BBU). In this manner, a remote RRU can
also be connected to the BBU.

Figure 7-6 Transparently transmitting CPRI services over microwave signals

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7.4 Configuring the Network Topology

You can manage a transport network by using the U2000 only after configuring the network

7.4.1 Basic Concepts

Before configuring the network topology, familiarize yourself with the basic concepts. Introduction to DCN

Through the data communication network (DCN), the NMS communicates with transmission
NEs to manage and maintain them.

DCN Composition
The DCN contains two types of node: NMS and NE. The DCN between the NMS and NEs is
called external DCN. The DCN among NEs is called internal DCN. The external DCN
consists of data communication devices, such as Ethernet switches and routers. The internal
DCN consists of NEs that are connected using DCN channels. Unless otherwise specified, the
DCN mentioned in this document refers to internal DCN.

DCN Channel
DCN channels fall into two types: outband DCN channel and inband DCN channel.

l Oubtband DCN channels do not occupy any service bandwidth. The RTN 300 supports
two types of outband DCN channel:
– D1 to D3 bytes in microwave frames
– Channels over NMS ports

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l Inband DCN channels occupy some service bandwidth. The RTN 300 supports two types
of inband DCN channel:
– Some Ethernet service bandwidth of microwave links
– Some Ethernet service bandwidth of Ethernet links

DCN Solutions
The RTN 300 provides the following DCN solutions:
l IP DCN solution
In the IP DCN solution, network management messages are encapsulated into IP packets.
NEs forward the IP packets based on the IP addresses contained in them. This solution
supports a maximum of 200 NEs and ensures high network stability. This solution is the
default and preferred solution.

This solution supports a maximum of 120 NEs in RTN 380Housing an SHUF3 Board.

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l L2 DCN solution
In the L2 DCN solution, network management messages are encapsulated into IP
packets, which are carried by Ethernet frames. NEs forward the Ethernet frames based
on the MAC addresses contained in them. This solution supports a maximum of 120
NEs. However, this solution has the risk of broadcast packet flooding and provides poor
network stability.

This solution supports a maximum of 30 NEs in RTN 380Housing an SHUF3 Board.

The RTN 300 also supports the HWECC solution, which is eliminated gradually.

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NE Types on the DCN

Two types of NE are available on the DCN: gateway NE and non-gateway NE.

Gateway NE: The application layer of the NMS directly communicates with the application
layer of a gateway NE. Generally, an NE at the boundary between the internal DCN and
external DCN is a gateway NE. An NE located inside a DCN can also function as a gateway
NE. The NEs between the NMS and the gateway NE inside a DCN forward DCN packets at
L2 or L3.

Non-gateway NE: The application layer of the NMS communications with the application
layer of a non-gateway NE through the application layer of a gateway NE. The NEs between
the gateway NE and non-gateway NE forward DCN packets at L2 or L3.

DCN Flags
An NE on the DCN must be configured with two DCN flags: NE ID and NE IP address.

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An NE ID is used for application layer communication. An NE ID contains three bytes among

which the most significant byte represents the extended ID and the other two bytes represent
the basic ID. For example, if the extended ID is 9 and the basic ID is 1, the NE ID is
represented as 9-1.

An NE IP address is used for IP communication. By default, the NE IP address and NE ID of

an NE are associated. Specifically, the last three bytes of the NE IP address correspond to the
three bytes of the NE ID. For example, if an NE ID is changed to 9-1, the corresponding NE
IP address automatically changes to
When an NE IP address is changed manually, the association relationship between the NE ID
and NE IP address becomes ineffective. IP DCN
This section describes the basic knowledge about IP DCN.

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Application of the IP DCN Solution

Huawei's IP DCN solution allows an NMS to manage NEs by encapsulating NMS messages
in the IP protocol stack and transmitting them over DCN channels between the NEs. This
solution is preferred if a network has only RTN 300s or a combination of RTN 300s and third-
party equipment supporting the IP protocol stack.

IP DCN Protocol Stack

To implement IP DCN, all NEs on the DCN must support the IP protocol stack. IP DCN uses
the standard TCP/IP protocol stack architecture.

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l Layer 1 of the protocol stack is the physical layer, which provides data transmission
channels for data terminal equipment. The RTN 300 provides the following DCN
– NMS port: all the bandwidth at the NMS port
– DCC channel: three Huawei-defined DCC bytes in a microwave frame at a
microwave port
– Inband DCN: a portion of Ethernet service bandwidth at an Ethernet or a
microwave port
l Layer 2 is the data link layer, which provides reliable data transmission to the physical
link layer. DCCs and inband DCNs use the PPP protocol to set up data links. Therefore,
IP addresses of adjacent NEs do not need to be in the same IP network segment.
l Layer 3 is the network layer, which specifies the network layer address for a network
entity and provides forwarding and addressing functions. NEs implement network layer
functions using the IP protocol. The routes used for IP forwarding can be direct routes
discovered by link layer protocols, manually configured static routes, or dynamic routes
generated by the OSPF protocol. The RTN 300 provides various OSPF features; for
details, see Specifications.
l Layer 4 is the transport layer, which provides end-to-end communication services for the
upper layer. NEs support the TCP/UDP protocol.

Forwarding DCN Packets Based on the IP Protocol Stack

In IP DCN, the packets are forwarded in either gateway access mode or direct access mode.
In gateway access mode, the packets are forwarded as follows:
1. The NMS forwards application layer packets to the gateway NE through the TCP
2. The gateway NE extracts the packets from the TCP/IP protocol stack and delivers them
to the application layer.
3. The application layer of the gateway NE queries the NE ID carried by the packets. If the
NE ID is not the gateway NE's ID, the gateway NE queries the core routing table of the
application layer by the destination NE address to obtain the route to the destination NE
and the communication protocol stack of the transit NE. Because the transit NE uses the
IP protocol stack, the gateway NE transfers the packets to the transit NE through the IP
protocol stack.
4. The network layer of the transit NE queries the destination IP address of the packets. If
the address is not the transit NE's address, the transit NE queries the IP routing table to
obtain the route to the destination NE and then transfers the packets.
5. The network layer of the destination NE passes the packets to its application layer
through the transport layer only if the destination IP address of the packets is the same as
the IP address of the destination NE. The application layer then processes the packets.

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In direct access mode, the packets are transferred in a different way.

The original gateway NE acts as an ordinary transit NE, and packets are transferred at the
network layer.

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Traversing the L2 Network

In actual networking, the RTN 300 is often connects to a third-party L2 network. In this
scenario, IP DCN packets have to traverse the L2 network based on the access control
function at RTN 300's Ethernet ports.
A third-party L2 network may be located between the NMS and a network consisting of
OptiX RTN 300s or between two networks consisting of OptiX RTN 300s.
When the third-party L2 network is located between the NMS and the network comprised of
RTN 300s, the L2 network transmits Ethernet services and DCN packets between the NMS
and the gateway NE. In this example, the NMS uses the LAN switch to remove the VLAN ID
carried by NMS messages and the access control function is enabled on the Ethernet port of
the gateway NE. After the access control function is enabled:
l The Ethernet port functions as an Ethernet NMS port on the gateway NE.
l The IP address of the Ethernet port must be in the same network segment as that of the
NMS IP address and in a network segment different from that of NE IP addresses.
l The NMS communicates with the gateway NE based on the IP address of the Ethernet

When the third-party L2 network is located between two networks comprised of RTN 300s,
NMS messages are encapsulated as L2 services for transmission. In this example, the access
control function is enabled on the Ethernet ports of the two networks for connecting to the
third-party L2 network and their IP addresses are in the same network segment.
The third-party L2 network creates a dedicated L2VPN service for the DCN packets carrying
a specific inband DCN VLAN ID.

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Commissioning and Configuration Guide 7 Configuring Networkwide Service Data Fiber/Cable Types

You can obtain the clear fiber/cable connection relationship between NEs by using the fiber
management function of the U2000. You can also use the U2000 to manage fibers and cables,
including Ethernet fibers/cables, microwave links.
l Ethernet fibers/cables
Ethernet fibers/cables refer to the Ethernet fiber/cable connections between Ethernet
optical/electrical ports on different sets of equipment.
l Microwave links
Microwave links refer to the radio connections between different sets of radio
equipment. That is, the microwave links indicate the connection relationship between
different IF ports.

Fibers and cables are topological objects on the U2000. Therefore, operations on the fibers or cables do not
affect the normal running of the NEs.

7.4.2 Configuration Process (Network Topology)

This section provides the process for configuring NEs, DCNs, and fibers/cables.
Figure 7-7 shows the flowchart for configuring the network topology.

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Figure 7-7 Flowchart for configuring the network topology

Required Start

Create an NE.

Set NE attributes.

Set the DCN .

Create fibers/cables.


When the Web LCT is used for configuration, there is no need to create fibers/cables.

The steps in the configuration flowchart are described as follows:

Creating NEs

Table 7-3 Process of creating NEs

Step Operation Remarks

1 Creating NEs It is recommended that you perform this

on the U2000 Creating an operation to add one or more NEs to a large
NE by Using existing network on the U2000.
the Search
Method It is recommended that you perform this

Creating an operation to create NEs on the U2000 in
NE Manually other cases.

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Configuring NE Attributes

Table 7-4 Process of configuring NE attributes

Step Operation Remarks

1 Required.
Changing an

2 Optional.
Changing an
NE Name

Configuring DCN

Table 7-5 Process of configuring DCN

Step Operation Remarks

1 Setting the Required.

VLAN ID and If the VLAN ID and bandwidth planned for this
Bandwidth for an inband DCN do not assume their default values
Inband DCN (the default VLAN ID is 4094 and the default
bandwidth is 512 kbit/s).

2 Configuring Optional.

Access Control By default, access control is enabled for Ethernet
interfaces. Perform this step if you want to
modify the IP address or disable the function.

Creating Fibers/Cables

Table 7-6 Process of creating fibers/cables

Step Operation Remarks

1 Creating It is recommended that you perform this operation

fibers/ Creating to create fibers/cables.
cables a Fiber/
Cable by
Using the

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Step Operation Remarks It is recommended that you perform this operation

Creating to create fibers/cables that cannot be created using
a Fiber/ the search method (for example, when the fiber/
Cable cable has not been connected).

7.4.3 Configuration Example (Network Topology)

In this example, the default DCN solution (IP DCN solution) provided by the RTN 300 is
used. Networking Diagram

This section describes the networking of NEs.
Figure 7-8 shows a microwave chain network configured according to the following
l A microwave chain network consists of three sites and four OptiX RTN 380s, which are
managed by the U2000.
l The local backhaul network is a third-party network and cannot be managed together
with the OptiX RTN equipment. NE1 is configured as the gateway NE, and it
communicates with U2000s using the access control function.
l The NEs use the D1 to D3 bytes in microwave links or partial Ethernet bandwidth in GE
links for data communication network (DCN) communication that is implemented using

Figure 7-8 Networking diagram for a microwave chain network

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This section describes the procedure for configuring a microwave chain network.

Data Preparation
Item Value in This Example Planning Principle

DCN l Use the IP DCN l The default IP DCN

solution. solution is
l Change the VLAN IDs recommended.
of all inband DCN l The VLAN ID of inband
channels to 4094 DCN channels must be
(default) and the different from service
bandwidth to 512 kbit/s VLAN IDs.

NE ID and NE IP address See the following figure. l Each NE must have a

unique NE ID and IP
l If access control is
enabled for the port
connected to the NMS, it
is recommended to
maintain the correlation
between NE IP addresses
and NE IDs (by not
manually modifying NE
IP addresses). Modifying
an NE ID does not affect
the correlation between
the NE ID and the
corresponding IP address
of a non-gateway NE. If
the IP address of a non-
gateway NE is not
changed manually, the
NE automatically
changes the IP address to
be the planned value
after the NE ID is
changed. (For example,
it the NE ID is NE9-22,
the NE IP address is
automatically changed to

Gateway NE NE1 -

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Item Value in This Example Planning Principle

Access Control Access control is enabled on If access control is enabled

the P&E port (IP address: on the Ethernet port of the of NE1. Access gateway NE, ensure that the
control is enabled for other IP address of this Ethernet
interfaces by default and the port is in the same network
setting is not modified. segment as the IP address of
the NMS but in a different
network segment from the
IP address of the gateway

Figure 7-9 Allocated IDs and IP addresses

If the NE ID and NE name are changed during commissioning on a per-NE basis, skip the operations.

Step 1 Creating an NE by Using the Search Method.

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In this example, the IP address of the P&E interface of the gateway NE has been modified to the planned
value during NE commissioning.

Normally, the icons of NE1 to NE4 should be displayed on the main topology and all the NE
data should be uploaded successfully.
Step 2 Change an NE ID.
NE1 is used as an example.

Step 3 Change an NE Name.

NE1 is used as an example.

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Step 4 Configuring Access Control.

Step 5 Creating a Fiber/Cable by Using the Search Method

1. Create a microwave link on the RTN subnet using the search method.
The microwave link between NE1 and NE2 is used as an example.

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2. Create an Ethernet link on the RTN subnet using the search method.
The Ethernet link between NE2 and NE3 is used as an example.


7.5 Configuring Microwave Links

Before configuring services on a microwave link, you need to configure the microwave link.

7.5.1 Configuration Process (Microwave Links)

The core operation of configuring microwave links is managing a hop of microwave link.
Figure 7-10 shows the flowchart for configuring microwave links.

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Figure 7-10 Flowchart for configuring microwave links

Microwave Links with 1+1 Microwave Links on
Protection a Chain Network

Start Start

Release the QoS policy Configure a hop of

Required bound to a cascade port microwave link.

Create a microwave 1+1 Create a microwave link
protection group. after it is found.

Configure a hop of End

microwave link.

Synchronizing Data Between

Main and Standby NEs

Create a microwave link

after it is found.



The preceding flowcharts provide basic processes of configuring microwave links.

The steps in the flowchart are described as follows:

Configuring Microwave Links

Table 7-7 Process of configuring microwave links with 1+1 HSB protection
Operation Remarks

Release the QoS policy bound to a Required.

cascade port

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Operation Remarks

Creating a Deleting an E-Line Required. Ensure that the 1+1 cascade ports
microwave Service or are not configured with services. Otherwise,
1+1 Deleting an E-LAN 1+1 protection configuration will fail.
protection Service NOTE
group By default, an OptiX RTN 380 creates a bridge-
based E-LAN service. All ports of the OptiX RTN
380 are mounted to the bridge. The Ethernet ports
that do not participate in 1+1 protection will result
in a 1+1 protection configuration failure.
Therefore, you must delete this E-LAN service. Creating a LAG This step is ignored when an optical splitter

is used and is required when no optical
splitter is used.
Configure a LAG on each of the main OptiX
RTN 380s and each of the standby OptiX
RTN 380s. The LAG has only one member
port that receives and transmits Ethernet
services. Creating a Required.

Microwave 1+1
Protection Group Managing a Hop of Microwave Required. Only the main NE needs to be

Link configured with a microwave link. Synchronizing Data Between Configuration data is synchronized between

Main and Standby NEs (1+1) the main and standby NEs. Creating a Fiber/Cable by Using In normal cases, Main Topology displays the
the Search Method previously created microwave links.

Table 7-8 Configuring microwave links with 1+0 protection

Operation Remarks Managing a Hop of Microwave Required.

Link Creating a Fiber/Cable by Using In normal cases, Main Topology displays the
the Search Method previously created microwave links.

7.5.2 Configuration Example (Microwave Links on a Chain

This section describes how to configure 1+0 microwave links.

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This section describes the networking of NEs.
Configure the microwave links on the chain network according to the following requirements:
l Enable AMAC for all microwave links, because they carry Ethernet services.
l Table 7-9 provides the requirements on the services from NodeB 1 and RAN 1.

Table 7-9 Capacity of services from NodeB 1 and RAN 1

Service Capacity NodeB 1 RAN 1

Capacity of high-priority 40 100

Ethernet services (Mbit/s)

Capacity of low-priority 60 600

Ethernet services (Mbit/s)


High-priority services are services that require transmission guarantees. High-priority services must not
be discarded in modulation scheme shifts. Low-priority services are services that do not require
transmission guarantees. Low-priority services can be discarded in modulation scheme shifts. The
common service priorities are provided in Table 7-10.

Table 7-10 Common service priorities

Service Type Priority

Voice, signaling, and OM Ethernet High


Streaming media, background, and Low

interactive Ethernet services, for
example, Internet services

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Figure 7-11 Networking diagram for microwave links on a chain network


l On the NMS, the logical port of a microwave port is 1-MXUF4-1(IF).

l On the NMS, the logical port of a P&E port is 1-MXUF4-2(P&E).
l On the NMS, the logical port of a COMBO port is 1-MXUF4-3(COMBO).
l On the NMS, the logical port of a COMBO port that functions as the 1+1 cascading port is 1-
MXUF4-3. This port applies only when the DCN is configured.
l On the NMS, the logical port of a GE optical port is 1-MXUF4-4(GE(o)).
l On the NMS, the logical port of a GE electrical port is 1-MXUF4-5(GE(e)). Configuration Procedure

This section describes the procedure for configuring microwave links on a microwave chain

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Data Preparation

Figure 7-12 Microwave link configurations on a chain network


l The following procedure takes configuring the link between NE1 and NE2 as an example.
Configuring the link between NE3 and NE4 is similar.
l The following procedure configures basic information for the hop of microwave link shown in the
following figure by configuring NE1.

Step 1

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7.5.3 Configuration Example (Microwave Links with 1+1

This section describes how to configure a microwave link hop configured with 1+1 HSB
protection. Networking Diagram

This section describes the networking of NEs.
Figure 7-13 shows a hop of important microwave link. Two OptiX RTN 380 devices are
cascaded at each site for receiving two channels of GE services (from RAN 1 and RAN 2)
from the OptiX RTN 900 convergence node. 1+1 HSB protection is configured to guarantee
reliable transmission of the GE services.
l Enable AMAC for the microwave links.
l Table 7-11 provides the requirements on the services from the RAN 1 and RAN 2.

Table 7-11 Capacity of services from RAN 1 and RAN 2

Service Capacity RAN 1 RAN 2

Capacity of high-priority 100 100

Ethernet services (Mbit/s)

Capacity of low-priority 800 800

Ethernet services (Mbit/s)


High-priority services are services that require transmission guarantees. High-priority services must not
be discarded in modulation scheme shifts. Low-priority services are services that do not require
transmission guarantees. Low-priority services can be discarded in modulation scheme shifts. The
common service priorities are provided in Table 7-12.

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Table 7-12 Common service priorities

Service Type Priority

Voice, signaling, and OM Ethernet High


Streaming media, background, and Low

interactive Ethernet services, for
example, Internet services

Figure 7-13 Networking diagram for 1+1 HSB protection


l On the NMS, the logical port of a microwave port is 1-MXUF4-1(IF).

l On the NMS, the logical port of a P&E port is 1-MXUF4-2(P&E).
l On the NMS, the logical port of a COMBO port is 1-MXUF4-3(COMBO).
l On the NMS, the logical port of a COMBO port that functions as the 1+1 cascading port is 1-
MXUF4-3. This port applies only when the DCN is configured.
l On the NMS, the logical port of a GE optical port is 1-MXUF4-4(GE(o)).
l On the NMS, the logical port of a GE electrical port is 1-MXUF4-5(GE(e)). Configuration Procedure

This section describes the procedure for configuring large-capacity backhaul microwave links
with 1+1 protection.

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Data Preparation

Figure 7-14 Data Planning

Table 7-13 LAG plan

Item Value in This Example Planning Principle

Static (default value) Configure the same aggregation

type at both ends. Static
LAG type aggregation is recommended.

Revertive mode Non-Revertive Configure the same revertive mode

at both ends. Non-Revertive is

Load sharing mode Non-Sharing (default value) Configure the same load sharing
mode at both ends. Configure a
load non-sharing LAG to provide

System priority 32768 (default value) The default value is recommended.

The system priority can be set only
in static aggregation.

Master ports l LAG1:P&E It is recommended that you set the

l LAG2:GE(e) main ports consistently for the
equipment at both ends.

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For the IDU or any other LACP device connected to the RTN 300, a non-load-sharing static LAG needs
to be separately configured for each channel of services.

Table 7-14 1+1 HSB plan

Item Value in This Example Planning Principle

Service Protection Type LAG (default value) –

Revertive Mode Revertive Mode (default value) In 1+1 HSB protection, you can
initiate configuration
synchronization only on a main NE
in the working state. To ensure that
the working NE is the main NE,
"Revertive Mode" is recommended

WTR Time 600s (default value) –

Enable Reverse Switching Enabled (default value) –

Service Port l Service 1: P&E It is recommended to set the main

l Service 1: GE(e) port consistently at both ends. A
service port cannot be configured
as a cascade port.

Cascade COMBO Any GE port can function as a

cascade port. Cascade port
configurations must be consistent
at both ends. A cascade port cannot
be configured as a service port.


The following procedure takes configuring NE1 as an example.

Step 1 Delete the default E-LAN service.

By default, an OptiX RTN 380 NE is configured with a bridge-based E-LAN service which is mounted to all
ports. In this example, the COMBO port functions as a 1+1 cascade port cannot carry Ethernet services. If it
carries Ethernet services, 1+1 protection cannot be created. Therefore, delete the E-LAN service before
configuring E-LAN or E-Line services according to the service plan.

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Step 2 Configure a LAG for each Ethernet service access port on the main and standby NEs. This
step explains how to configure LAG1 on NE1 and NE3.
take NE1 for example:

Step 3 Create a microwave 1+1 protection group on the main and standby NEs.
take NE1 for example:

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Step 4 Manage a hop of microwave link.


The following procedure configures basic information for the hop of microwave link shown in the
following figure by configuring NE1.

Step 5 Synchronize data between the main and standby NEs in the 1+1 protection group.

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7.5.4 Configuration Example (PLA-Protected Microwave Links)

This section describes how to configure a PLA-protected microwave link. Networking Diagram

This section describes the networking of NEs.

As shown in Figure 7-15, to balance the Ethernet bandwidth utilization on links, the Ethernet
service transmission channels in the link between NE1 and NE2 and the link between NE3
and NE4 need to be bound as a single transmission channel (namely, a PLA group). PLA
without NE-level protection is configured between NE1 and NE3 and between NE2 and NE4.

Figure 7-15 Networking of links with PLA protection

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This section describes the procedure for configuration.

Data Preparation

Figure 7-16 Data Planning


The following procedure takes configuring NE1 as an example.

Step 1 Delete the default E-LAN service.

By default, an OptiX RTN 380 NE is configured with a bridge-based E-LAN service which is mounted to all
ports. In this example, the COMBO port functions as a 1+1 cascade port cannot carry Ethernet services. If it
carries Ethernet services, 1+1 protection cannot be created. Therefore, delete the E-LAN service before
configuring E-LAN or E-Line services according to the service plan.

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Step 2 Release the QoS policy bound to a cascade port.

take NE1 for example:

Step 3 Create a PLA protection group on the master and slave NEs.
take NE1 for example:

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Step 4 Manage a hop of microwave link.

take NE1 for example:


7.6 Configuring Ethernet Services

Ethernet services include Native Ethernet line (E-Line) services and Native Ethernet local
area network (E-LAN) services.

7.6.1 Port Description

OptiX RTN 380 equipped with an MXUF4 board provides four GE ports. OptiX RTN 380
equipped with an SHUF3 board provides four GE ports.

Figure 7-17 shows the physical Ethernet ports on the OptiX RTN 380. Table 7-15 equipped
with an MXUF4 board provides the logical ports and functions of the physical Ethernet ports.

Figure 7-17 Ports on the OptiX RTN 380 equipped with an MXUF4 board

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Table 7-15 Description of ports on the OptiX RTN 380 equipped with an MXUF4 board
Physical Logical Port Description

P&E 1- A P&E port can function as an electrical GE port.


COMBO 1- A COMBO port is a versatile composite port and can be configured as a

MXUF4-3(COM GE service port or CPRI port.

GE(o) 1- A GE port with an SFP module can function as an optical GE port.


GE(e) 1- A GE(e) port can function as an electrical GE port.


Figure 7-18 shows the physical Ethernet ports on the OptiX RTN 380 equipped with an
SHUF3 board. Table 7-16 provides the logical ports and functions of the physical Ethernet

Figure 7-18 Ports on the OptiX RTN 380 equipped with an SHUF3 board


Table 7-16 Description of ports on the OptiX RTN 380 equipped with an SHUF3 board
Physical Logical Port Description

P&E 1- A P&E port can function as an electrical GE port.


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Physical Logical Port Description


COMBO 1- l When 1+1 HSB protection has not been configured for OptiX RTN 380,
SHUF3-3(COM the COMBO port functions as an optical GE port to transmit/receive
BO ) Ethernet services.
l When 1+1 protection has been configured for OptiX RTN 380, the
COMBO port functions a cascade port in a 1+1 protection group and is
used to cascade two OptiX RTN 380s.

GE 1-SHUF3-4(GE) A GE port with an SFP module can function as an optical GE port.

7.6.2 Ethernet Service Types

Native Ethernet services are classified into six types. Transparently Transmitted Point-to-Point E-Line Service

The transparently transmitted point-to-point Ethernet line (E-Line) service is the basic E-Line
model. Point-to-point transmission does not involve service bandwidth sharing, service
isolation, or service distinguishing. Instead, Ethernet services are transparently transmitted
between two service access points.

Service Model
Table 7-17 describes the transparently transmitted point-to-point E-Line service model.

Table 7-17 Transparently transmitted point-to-point E-Line service model

Service Model Traffic Flow Service Direction Encapsulation Description

Model 1 PORT (source) UNI-UNI Null (source) The source port

PORT (sink) Null (sink) transparently
transmits all the
received Ethernet
frames to the sink

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Service Model Traffic Flow Service Direction Encapsulation Description


Model 2 PORT (source) UNI-UNI 802.1Q/QINQ The source port

NOTE PORT (sink) (source) processes the
In service model 2, 802.1Q/QINQ incoming Ethernet
ports process
(sink) frames based on
Ethernet frames their TAG attribute
based on their Tag
or QinQ-class
attribute or QinQ-
class domain. domain, and then
Therefore, service sends the processed
model 2 is not a real Ethernet frames to
transparent the sink port. The
transmission model sink port processes
and is not
the Ethernet frames
based on its TAG
attribute, and then
exports the
processed Ethernet

Typical Application
Figure 7-19 shows the typical application of transparently transmitted point-to-point E-Line
service model.

Figure 7-19 Typical application of Transparently transmitted point-to-point E-Line service

NE 1 NE 2

Port 1 E-Line Port 2 Port 2 E-Line Port 1

Service 1 Transmission Service 1

In model 1, Ethernet service 1 is transmitted to NE1 through port 1, regardless of whether the
Ethernet service carries an unknown VLAN ID or no VLAN ID. Port 1 transparently
transmits Ethernet service 1 to port 2. Port 2 transmits Ethernet service 1 to NE2. Service
processing on NE2 is the same as that on NE1.

In model 2, Ethernet service 1 is transmitted to NE1 through port 1, regardless of whether the
Ethernet service carries an unknown VLAN ID or no VLAN ID. Port 1 and Port 2 process the
incoming packets based on their own TAG attributes or QinQ-class domain. Then, Port 2
sends Ethernet service 1 to NE2. Service processing on NE2 is the same as that on NE1. VLAN-based E-Line Service

You can use VLANs to separate Ethernet line (E-Line) services, which allows the E-Line
services to share one physical transmission channel. E-Line services separated in this manner
are called VLAN-based E-Line services.

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Service Model
Table 7-18 provides information about the VLAN-based E-Line service model.

Table 7-18 VLAN-based E-Line service model

Service Type Service Flow Service Direction Encapsulation Service
Type at a Port Description

VLAN-based E- PORT+VLAN UNI-UNI (UNI IEEE 802.1Q The source port

Line service (source) stands for user-to- (source) processes incoming
PORT+VLAN network interface.) IEEE 802.1Q (sink) Ethernet frames
(sink) based on its tag
attribute, and then
sends Ethernet
frames containing a
specific VLAN ID
to the sink port. The
sink port processes
the Ethernet frames
based on its tag
attribute, and then
transmits the
processed Ethernet

Typical Application
Figure 7-20 shows a typical application of the VLAN-based E-Line service model. Services
1, 2, 3, and 4 from four NodeBs converge through a transmission network to a radio network
controller (RNC).
l Services 1, 2, 3, and 4 carry different VLAN IDs.
l On NE 1, services 1 and 2 are received at port 2 and port 3, respectively, and forwarded
through port 1. They share the same channel but are isolated by VLANs.
l On NE 2, services 3 and 4 are received at port 2 and port 3, respectively, and forwarded
through port 1. They share the same channel but are isolated by VLANs.
l On NE 3, services 1 and 2 are received at port 2, services 3 and 4 are received at port 3,
and all four services are forwarded through port 1. All the services share the same
channel but are isolated by VLANs.
l Ports 2 and 3 on NE 1, NE 2, and NE 3 process incoming Ethernet frames based on their
tag attributes and transmit the Ethernet frames to port 1. Port 1 processes outgoing
Ethernet frames based on its tag attribute. Because the services have different VLAN
IDs, they can share ports 1 on NE 1, NE 2, and NE 3.

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Figure 7-20 VLAN-based E-Line service model

Service 1
VLAN ID: 100 Service 1
VLAN ID: 100 NE 1 Service 1
Service 2 Port 2
Service 2 VLAN ID: 100
VLAN ID: 200 NodeB 1
Service 3 VLAN ID: 200 E-Line
VLAN ID: 300 Port 1
Service 4 Port 3
NE 3 E-Line
VLAN ID: 400 Service 2
E-Line VLAN ID: 200
Port 1 Port 2 NodeB 2
Port 3 Network
Port 2
E-Line Service 3
Port 1 NodeB 3 VLAN ID: 300
Port 3
Service 3 E-Line
VLAN ID: 300
Service 4 NE 2 Service 4
VLAN ID: 400 VLAN ID: 400
NodeB 4 QinQ-Based E-Line Services

S-VLAN tags can be used to separate several E-Line services so that these services share one
physical channel for transmission. Therefore, S-VLAN tags can separate more services than
C-VLAN tags. These services are called QinQ-based E-Line services.

Service Model
Table 7-19 shows the QinQ-based E-Line service models.

Table 7-19 QinQ-based E-Line service models

Service Service Flow Service Port Encapsulation Service Description
Model Direction Mode

Model 1 PORT (source) UNI-NNI Null (source) The source port adds the S-
QinQ link (sink) QinQ (sink) VLAN tag that corresponds
to the QinQ link to all the
received Ethernet frames,
and then transmits the
Ethernet frames to the sink
port to which the QinQ link
is connected.

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Service Service Flow Service Port Encapsulation Service Description

Model Direction Mode

Model 2 PORT (source) UNI-NNI 802.1Q (source) The source port processes
QinQ link (sink) QinQ (sink) Ethernet frames according
to the Tag attribute. It adds
the S-VLAN tag that
corresponds to the QinQ
link to all the Ethernet
frames, and then transmits
the Ethernet frames to the
sink port where the QinQ
link configured.

Model 3 PORT+C-VLAN UNI-NNI 802.1Q (source) The source port processes

list (source) QinQ (sink) Ethernet frames according
QinQ link (sink) to the Tag attribute. It adds
the S-VLAN tag that
corresponds to the C-VLAN
to all the Ethernet frames,
and then transmits the
Ethernet frames to the sink
port where the QinQ link

Model 4(1) PORT+S-VLAN UNI-UNI QinQ (source) The source port transmits
list (source) QinQ (sink) the Ethernet frames that
PORT+S-VLAN carry a specific S-VLAN tag
list (sink) (corresponding to the source
QinQ) to the sink port to
which the sink QinQ is

Model 4(2) QinQ link NNI-NNI QinQ (source) The source port transmits
(source) QinQ (sink) the Ethernet frames that
QinQ link (sink) carry a specific S-VLAN tag
(corresponding to the source
QinQ link) to the sink port
to which the sink QinQ link
is connected. If the source
and sink QinQ links have
different S-VLAN tags, S-
VLAN tag swapping occurs.

Typical Application
Figure 7-21 shows the typical application of service model 1.

Service 1 and service 2 contain tagged frames and untagged frames. Service 1 is transmitted
to NE1 through port 1, and service 2 is transmitted to NE1 through port 2. Port 1 adds an S-
VLAN tag to service 1, and port 2 adds another S-VLAN tag to service 2. Service 1 and
service 2 are then transmitted to Port 3. Port 3 transmits service 1 and service 2 to NE2.

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NE2 processes service 1 and service 2 in the same manner as NE1.

Figure 7-21 Typical application of service model 1

NE 1 NE 2
Port 1 Port 1
E-Line Transmission E-Line
Service 1 Port 3 Port 3 Service 1
Service 2 e E-Lin Service 2
E-Lin e
Port 2 Port 2

Strip S-VLAN Label Add S-VLAN Label Add S-VLAN Label Strip S-VLAN Label

Data( 1) S-VLAN(300) Data(1) S-VLAN(300) Data(1) Data(1)

Data(2) S-VLAN(400) Data(2) S-VLAN(400) Data(2) Data(2)

Figure 7-22 shows the typical application of service model 2.

Service 1 and service 2 carry different unknown C-VLAN tags. Service 1 is transmitted to
NE1 through port 1, and service 2 is transmitted to NE1 through port 2. Port 1 adds an S-
VLAN tag to service 1, and port 2 adds another S-VLAN tag to service 2. Service 1 and
service 2 are then transmitted to port 3. Port 3 transmits service 1 and service 2 to NE2.

NE2 processes service 1 and service 2 in the same manner as NE1.

Figure 7-22 Typical application of service model 2

Strip S-VLAN Label Add S-VLAN Label

C-VLAN Data( 1) S-VLAN(300) C-VLAN Data(1)

C-VLAN Data(2) S-VLAN(400) C-VLAN Data(2)

NE 1 NE 2
Port 1 Port 1
Service 1
Port 3 Transmission Port 3 E-Line Service 1
Unknown CVLAN Network Unknown CVLAN
Service 2 e E-Lin Service 2
Unknown CVLAN E-Lin e Unknown CVLAN
Port 2 Port 2

Add S-VLAN Label Strip S-VLAN Label

S-VLAN(300) C-VLAN Data(1) C-VLAN Data( 1)

S-VLAN(400) C-VLAN Data(2) C-VLAN Data(2)

Figure 7-23 shows the typical application of service model 3.

Service 1 and service 2 carry different C-VLAN tags. Service 1 is transmitted to NE1 through
port 1, and service 2 is transmitted to NE1 through port 2. Port 1 adds an S-VLAN tag to
service 1, and port 2 adds another S-VLAN tag to service 2. Service 1 and service 2 are then
transmitted to port 3. Port 3 transmits service 1 and service 2 to NE2.

NE2 processes service 1 and service 2 in the same manner as NE1.

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Figure 7-23 Typical application of service model 3

Strip S-VLAN Label Add S-VLAN Label

C-VLAN(100) Data( 1) S-VLAN(300) C-VLAN(100) Data(1)

C-VLAN(200) Data(2) S-VLAN(400) C-VLAN(200) Data(2)

NE 1 NE 2
Port 1 Port 1
Service 1 E-Line Service 1
Port 3 Transmission Port 3 E-Line
VLAN ID: 100 Network VLAN ID: 100
Service 2 e E-Lin Service 2
VLAN ID: 200 E-Lin e
Port 2 Port 2 VLAN ID: 200

Add S-VLAN Label Strip S-VLAN Label

S-VLAN(300) C-VLAN(100) Data(1) C-VLAN(100) Data( 1)

S-VLAN(400) C-VLAN(200) Data(2) C-VLAN(200) Data(2)

Figure 7-24 shows the typical application of service model 4.

Service 1 and service 2 carry the same S-VLAN tag. Service 1 is transmitted to NE1 through
port 1, and service 2 is transmitted to NE1 through port 2. Port 1 changes the S-VLAN tag
carried in service 1 and port 2 changes the S-VLAN tag carried in service 2 so that the service
1 and service 2 carry different S-VLAN tags. Service 1 and service 2 are then transmitted to
port 3. Port 3 transmits service 1 and service 2 to NE2.
NE2 processes service 1 and service 2 in the same manner as NE1.

Figure 7-24 Typical application of service model 4

Switching S-VLAN Label

S-VLAN(100) Data( 1) S-VLAN(300) Data(1)

S-VLAN(100) Data(2) S-VLAN(400) Data(2)

NE 1 NE 2
Port 1 Port 1
Service 1
Port 3 Transmission Port 3 E-Line Service 1
S-VLAN ID: 100 Network S-VLAN ID: 100
Service 2 e E-Lin Service 2
S-VLAN ID: 100 Port 2 E-Lin e
Port 2 S-VLAN ID: 100

Switching S-VLAN Label

S-VLAN(300) Data( 1) S-VLAN(100) Data(1)

S-VLAN(400) Data(2) S-VLAN(100) Data(2) IEEE 802.1D Bridge-based E-LAN Services

Ethernet local area network (E-LAN) services that are forwarded based only on the MAC
address table are called IEEE 802.1D bridge-based E-LAN services.

Service Model
Table 7-20 shows the IEEE 802.1D bridge-based E-LAN service model.

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Table 7-20 IEEE 802.1D bridge-based E-LAN service model

Service Type Tag Type Encapsulation Logical Port Learning Switching
Type at a Port Type Mode Sub-domain

IEEE 802.1D Tag-Transparent Null PORT SVL None

bridge-based E-
LAN service

Typical Application
Figure 7-25 shows a typical application of the IEEE 802.1D bridge-based E-LAN service
model. Services from NodeB 1 and NodeB 2 converge at NE1 and then are transmitted to the
radio network controller (RNC). The services do not need to be separated; therefore, an IEEE
802.1D bridge is used at NE1 to schedule services.

Figure 7-25 IEEE 802.1D bridge-based E-LAN service model

NE 2
Port 2 Port 1

NodeB 1
NE 1 bridge
Port 1
Port 2
Transmission Network
Port 3
bridge Port 1
Port 2
NodeB 2
bridge IEEE 802.1Q Bridge-based E-LAN Services

You can use VLANs to separate Ethernet local area network (E-LAN) services and divide an
IEEE 802.1Q bridge into multiple independent switching sub-domains. E-LAN services
separated in this manner are called IEEE 802.1Q bridge-based E-LAN services.

Service Model
Table 7-21 provides information about the IEEE 802.1Q bridge-based E-LAN service model.

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Table 7-21 IEEE 802.1Q bridge-based E-LAN service model

Service Type Tag Type Encapsulation Logical Port Learning Switching
Type at a Port Type Mode Sub-domain

IEEE 802.1Q C-Aware IEEE 802.1Q PORT+VLAN Independent A bridge

bridge-based E- VLAN learning divided into
LAN service (IVL) switching sub-
domains by

The maximum number of VLANs supported by the configured for all the Ethernet services is fixed to 1024. If
more than 1024 VLANs are bound to a V-UNI, the logical type of the V-UNI must be PORT, and a VLAN
filtering table must be created to restrict E–LAN services transmitted from the V-UNI.

Typical Application
Figure 7-26 shows a typical application of the IEEE 802.1Q bridge-based E-LAN service
model. Services 1, 2, 3, and 4 from four NodeBs converge through a transmission network to
a radio network controller (RNC).
l Services 1 and 2 have the same VLAN ID of 100, and services 3 and 4 have the same
VLAN ID of 200.
l Because the VLAN ID of services 1 and 2 is different from that of services 3 and 4,
IEEE 802.1Q bridges are configured: one each for NE 1, NE 2, and NE 3. The bridges
are divided into switching sub-domains by VLAN for service isolation over each bridge.

Figure 7-26 IEEE 802.1Q bridge-based E-LAN service model

NE 2 VLAN 100 Service 1

Port 2 VLAN ID: 100
NodeB 1
Service 1, 2
Port 1
VLAN ID: 100
Service 3, 4 Port 3
NE 1 VLAN 100 Port 2 Service 2
VLAN ID: 200 VLAN ID: 100
Domain 1
(VLAN ID: 100) 802.1q bridge NodeB 2
Port 1
VLAN 200 Transmission Network
RNC Port 3 NE
NE 3 VLAN 200 Service 3
2 Port 2 VLAN ID: 200
NodeB 3
802.1q bridge Port 1
Domain 2
(VLAN ID: 200) Port 3

Service 4
VLAN ID: 200
802.1q bridge NodeB 4 802.1ad Bridge-based E-LAN Services

S-VLANs can be used to divide a bridge into sub-switching domains. Services from different
users are separated when they are transmitted in different sub-switching domains. These
services are called 802.1ad bridge-based E-LAN services.

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Service Model
Table 7-22 shows the 802.1ad bridge-based E-LAN service model.

Table 7-22 802.1ad bridge-based E-LAN service model

Service Model TAG Learning Sub-switching Logical Port Encapsulation
Attribute Mode Domain Type Mode at a

802.1ad bridge- S-Aware IVL A bridge is PORT (UNI Null or 802.1Q

based E-LAN divided into port)
service sub-switching
domains based PORT+C- 802.1Q
on S-VLAN VLAN list
tags. (UNI port)

VLAN list
(NNI port)

The maximum number of VLANs supported by the configured for all the Ethernet services is fixed to 1024. If
more than 1024 VLANs are bound to a V-UNI, the logical type of the V-UNI must be PORT, and a VLAN
filtering table must be created to restrict E–LAN services transmitted from the V-UNI.

Typical Application
Figure 7-27 shows the typical application of the 802.1ad bridge-based E-LAN service model.
NE2 and N3 receive services G and H and send them to the convergence node NE1. Services
G and H carry a same C-VLAN tag, so S-VLAN tags are added for differentiating and
separating these services.

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Figure 7-27 Typical application of the 802.1ad bridge-based E-LAN service model
NE 2

Add S-VLAN tag Strip S-VLAN tag

S-VLAN(300) C-VLAN(100) Data(G) C-VLAN(100) Data( G)

S-VLAN(400) C-VLAN(100) Data(H) C-VLAN(100) Data(H)

NE 2

Port 1
User G2
Port 3
NE 1 Port 2
Transmission User H2
SVLAN 300 Network CVLAN 100
Port 1 Port 3
User G1 802.1ad
CVLAN 100 bridge
NE 3
Port 2
User H1
CVLAN 100 Port 4 SVLAN 300
Port 1
802.1ad Network
User G3
bridge CVLAN 100
Port 3 Port 2
NE 1 User H3
Strip S-VLAN tag Add S-VLAN tag

C-VLAN(100) Data( G) S-VLAN(300) C-VLAN(100) Data(G)
C-VLAN(100) Data(H) S-VLAN(400) C-VLAN(100) Data(H)
NE 3

Add S-VLAN tag Strip S-VLAN tag

S-VLAN(300) C-VLAN(100) Data(G) C-VLAN(100) Data( G)

S-VLAN(400) C-VLAN(100) Data(H) C-VLAN(100) Data(H)

You can also configure QinQ-Based E-Line Services on NE2 and NE3 for service access.

7.6.3 Configuration Process

The service configuration process differs according to the specific service type. Per-NE Configuration Process (Transparently Transmitted Point-to-Point

E-Line Services)
This section describes the processes of configuring the service information, and quality of
service (QoS) information of a transparently transmitted point-to-point Ethernet service (E-
Line) and the process of verifying the service configurations.

Figure 7-28 shows the flowchart for configuring transparently transmitted point-to-point E-
Line services.

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Figure 7-28 Flowchart for configuring transparently transmitted point-to-point E-Line



Optional Delete an E-LAN


Configure LAGs.

Configure E-Line

Configure QoS.

Verify Ethernet

Synchronize 1+1


The steps in the configuration flowchart are described as follows:

Deleting an E-LAN Service

Table 7-23 Process of deleting an E-LAN Service

Operation Remarks Deleting an E- Required when an NE is being initially configured.

LAN Service NOTE
Because an OptiX RTN 380 carries IEEE 802.1D bridge-based
Ethernet local area network (E-LAN) services by default, you need
to delete the default services manually before you configure
transparently transmitted point-to-point E-Line services on it.

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Configuring LAGs

Table 7-24 Process of configuring LAGs

Operation Remarks Creating a LAG Required when Ethernet ports need to use LAGs.

Configuring Transparently Transmitted Point-to-Point E-Line Services

Table 7-25 Process of configuring transparently transmitted point-to-point E-Line services

Operation Remarks Creating a Point-to- Required.

Point Transparently
Transmitted E-Line

Configuring QoS

Table 7-26 Process of configuring QoS

Operation Remarks Modifying the Required if the default mappings for the Differentiated
Mapping for a DS Domain Services (DS) domain are inapplicable. Changing the Required when the default weighted round robin (WRR)
Ports Applied to a DS policies do not meet the requirements.
Domain and Their Trusted
Packet Types Creating a WRR Required if the priority type of an Ethernet service is not
Policy CVLAN, which is the default packet type trusted by the
DiffServ domain. Modifying the Required when the queues at a port need to be configured
Port Policy with the scheduling algorithm, queue shaping, and drop
algorithm. Creating Traffic Required when a flow at a port requires access control list
(ACL), class of service (CoS), committed access rate
(CAR), or shaping operations. Setting the Port Required when you need to apply created port policies to
That Uses the Port Policy ports.

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Verifying Ethernet Service Configurations

Table 7-27 Process of verifying Ethernet service configurations

Operation Remarks

Testing Ethernet Services Configured The connectivity of Ethernet services is verified

on a Per NE Basis using an Ethernet OAM test.

Synchronizing 1+1 Configurations

Table 7-28 Process of synchronizing 1+1 configurations

Operation Remarks Synchronizing Data Optional. When 1+1 links carry Ethernet services, perform
Between Main and this operation to synchronize service configurations on the
Standby NEs (1+1) active NE to the standby NE. End-to-End Configuration Process (Transparently Transmitted Point-to-

Point E-Line Service)
This section describes the process of configuring a transparently transmitted point-to-point E-
Line service in an end-to-end manner. The process includes configuring E-Line service
information and QoS and verifying service configurations.

Figure 7-29 shows the flowchart for configuring a transparently transmitted point-to-point E-
Line service.

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Figure 7-29 Flowchart for configuring a transparently transmitted point-to-point E-Line



Optional Delete an E-LAN


Configure LAGs.

Configure E-Line

Configure QoS.

Verify Ethernet

Synchronize 1+1


The operations in the configuration flowchart are described as follows.

Deleting the Existing E-LAN Service

Table 7-29 Process of deleting the existing E-LAN service

Operation Remarks Deleting an E-LAN Required when an NE is being initially configured.

Service NOTE
By default, an IEEE 802.1D bridge-based E-LAN service is
configured on the OptiX RTN 380. Therefore, you need to
delete the E-LAN service before configuring a transparently
transmitted point-to-point E-Line service.

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Configuring LAGs

Table 7-30 Process of configuring LAGs

Operation Remarks Creating a LAG Required when Ethernet ports need to use LAGs.

Configuring a Transparently Transmitted Point-to-Point E-Line Service

Table 7-31 Process of configuring a transparently transmitted point-to-point E-Line service

Operation Remarks Creating a Fiber/Cable Optical. Perform this operation to create microwave

by Using the Search Method links or Ethernet fibers/cables for the service path if
they have not been created on the topology of the
U2000. Creating a Required.

Transparently Transmitted
Point-to-Point E-Line Service

Configuring QoS

Table 7-32 Process of configuring QoS

Operation Remarks Creating a DS Required.

Domain Profile Creating a Port Required.

Policy Profile Creating a Port Required.

WRED Policy Profile Downloading a Required.

QoS Policy Profile to an
NE or Port

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Verifying Service Configurations

Table 7-33 Process of verifying the service configurations

Operation Remarks End-to-End Perform an Ethernet OAM test to verify the connectivity

Configuration Procedure of the Ethernet service.
(Verifying Service

Synchronizing 1+1 Configurations

Table 7-34 Process of synchronizing 1+1 configurations

Operation Remarks Synchronizing Data Optional. When 1+1 links carry Ethernet services, perform
Between Main and this operation to synchronize service configurations on the
Standby NEs (1+1) active NE to the standby NE. Per-NE Configuration Process (VLAN-based E-Line Services)

This section describes the processes of configuring the service information, and quality of
service (QoS) information for a VLAN-based Ethernet line (E-Line) service and the process
of verifying the service configurations.

Figure 7-30 shows the flowchart for configuring VLAN-based E-Line services.

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Figure 7-30 Flowchart for configuring VLAN-based E-Line services


Optional Delete an E-LAN


Configure LAGs.

Configure E-Line

Configure QoS.

Verify Ethernet

Synchronize 1+1


The steps in the configuration flowchart are described as follows:

Deleting an E-LAN Service

Table 7-35 Process of deleting an E-LAN Service

Operation Remarks Deleting an E- Required when an NE is being initially configured.

LAN Service NOTE
Because an OptiX RTN 380 carries IEEE 802.1D bridge-based
Ethernet local area network (E-LAN) services by default, you need
to delete the default services manually before you configure
transparently transmitted point-to-point E-Line services on it.

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Configuring LAGs

Table 7-36 Process of configuring LAGs

Operation Remarks Creating a LAG Required when Ethernet ports need to use LAGs.

Configuring VLAN-based E-Line Services

Table 7-37 Process of configuring VLAN-based E-Line services

Operation Remarks Creating a VLAN- Required.

based E-Line Service

Configuring QoS

Table 7-38 Process of configuring QoS

Operation Remarks Modifying the Required if the default mappings for the Differentiated
Mapping for a DS Domain Services (DS) domain are inapplicable. Changing the Required when the default weighted round robin (WRR)
Ports Applied to a DS policies do not meet the requirements.
Domain and Their Trusted
Packet Types Creating a WRR Required if the priority type of an Ethernet service is not
Policy CVLAN, which is the default packet type trusted by the
DiffServ domain. Modifying the Required when the queues at a port need to be configured
Port Policy with the scheduling algorithm, queue shaping, and drop
algorithm. Creating Traffic Required when a flow at a port requires access control list
(ACL), class of service (CoS), committed access rate
(CAR), or shaping operations. Setting the Port Required when you need to apply created port policies to
That Uses the Port Policy ports.

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Verifying Ethernet Service Configurations

Table 7-39 Process of verifying Ethernet service configurations

Operation Remarks

Testing Ethernet Services The connectivity of Ethernet services is verified using an

Configured on a Per NE Ethernet OAM test.

Synchronizing 1+1 Configurations

Table 7-40 Process of synchronizing 1+1 configurations

Operation Remarks Synchronizing Data Optional. When 1+1 links carry Ethernet services, perform
Between Main and this operation to synchronize service configurations on the
Standby NEs (1+1) active NE to the standby NE. End-to-End Configuration Process (VLAN-based E-Line Service)

This section describes the process of configuring a VLAN-based E-Line service in an end-to-
end manner. The process includes configuring E-Line service information and QoS and
verifying service configurations.

Figure 7-31 shows the flowchart for configuring a VLAN-based E-Line service.

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Figure 7-31 Flowchart for configuring a VLAN-based E-Line service


Optional Delete an E-LAN


Configure LAGs.

Configure E-Line

Configure QoS.

Verify Ethernet

Synchronize 1+1


The operations in the configuration flowchart are described as follows.

Deleting the Existing E-LAN Service

Table 7-41 Process of deleting the existing E-LAN service

Operation Remarks Deleting an E-LAN Required when an NE is being initially configured.

Service NOTE
By default, an IEEE 802.1D bridge-based E-LAN service is
configured on the OptiX RTN 380. Therefore, you need to
delete the E-LAN service before configuring a transparently
transmitted point-to-point E-Line service.

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Configuring LAGs

Table 7-42 Process of configuring LAGs

Operation Remarks Creating a LAG Required when Ethernet ports need to use LAGs.

Configuring a VLAN-based E-Line Service

Table 7-43 Process of configuring a VLAN-based E-Line service

Operation Remarks Creating a Fiber/Cable Perform this operation to create microwave links or

by Using the Search Method Ethernet fibers/cables for the service path if they have
not been created on the topology of the U2000. Creating a VLAN-based Required.

E-Line Service

Configuring QoS

Table 7-44 Process of configuring QoS

Operation Remarks Creating a DS Required.

Domain Profile Creating a Port Required.

Policy Profile Creating a Port Required.

WRED Policy Profile Downloading a Required.

QoS Policy Profile to an
NE or Port

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Verifying Service Configurations

Table 7-45 Process of verifying the service configurations

Operation Remarks End-to-End Configuration Perform an Ethernet OAM test to verify the

Procedure (Verifying Service connectivity of the Ethernet service.

Synchronizing 1+1 Configurations

Table 7-46 Process of synchronizing 1+1 configurations

Operation Remarks Synchronizing Data Optional. When 1+1 links carry Ethernet services, perform
Between Main and this operation to synchronize service configurations on the
Standby NEs (1+1) active NE to the standby NE. Per-NE Configuration Process (IEEE 802.1D Bridge-based E-LAN Services)

This section describes the processes of configuring the service information, and quality of
service (QoS) information for an IEEE 802.1D bridge-based Ethernet local area network (E-
LAN) service and the process of verifying the service configurations.

Figure 7-32 shows the flowchart for configuring IEEE 802.1D bridge-based E-LAN services.

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Figure 7-32 Flowchart for configuring IEEE 802.1D bridge-based E-LAN services

Removing the Ports Mounted
with E-LAN Services

Configure Ethernet Protection

Configure E-LAN services.

Configure QoS.

Verify Ethernet services.

Synchronize 1+1


The flowchart provides the basic process of configuring E-LAN services. In addition, configuring
MSTP, split horizon groups, and MAC address entries may be required. For details about these
operations, see the Feature Configuration Guide

The steps in the configuration flowchart are described as follows:

Changing the Ports Mounted with E-LAN Services

Table 7-47 Process of changing the ports mounted with E-LAN services

Operation Remarks Changing Logical Optional. This operation removes the ports to be created as
Ports Mounted to a Bridge slave ports of LAGs from the ports that the system
configures by default as ports mounted with E-LAN

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Configuring Ethernet Protection

Table 7-48 Process of configuring ethernet protection

Operation Remarks Creating a LAG Required when Ethernet ports need to use LAGs. Creating an ERPS Required.


Configuring IEEE 802.1D Bridge-based E-LAN Services

Table 7-49 Process of configuring IEEE 802.1D bridge-based E-LAN services

Operation Remarks Creating an IEEE Optional.

802.1D Bridge-based E- NOTE
LAN Service IEEE 802.1D bridge-based services are configured for the OptiX
RTN 380 by default. This step is required only when IEEE 802.1D
bridge-based services need to be reconfigured for the OptiX RTN

Configuring QoS

Table 7-50 Process of configuring QoS

Operation Remarks Modifying the Required if the default mappings for the Differentiated
Mapping for a DS Domain Services (DS) domain are inapplicable. Changing the Required when the default weighted round robin (WRR)
Ports Applied to a DS policies do not meet the requirements.
Domain and Their Trusted
Packet Types Creating a WRR Required if the priority type of an Ethernet service is not
Policy CVLAN, which is the default packet type trusted by the
DiffServ domain. Modifying the Required when the queues at a port need to be configured
Port Policy with the scheduling algorithm, queue shaping, and drop

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Operation Remarks Creating Traffic Required when a flow at a port requires access control list
(ACL), class of service (CoS), committed access rate
(CAR), or shaping operations. Setting the Port Required when you need to apply created port policies to
That Uses the Port Policy ports.

Verifying Ethernet Service Configurations

Table 7-51 Process of verifying Ethernet service configurations

Operation Remarks

Testing Ethernet Services The connectivity of Ethernet services is verified using an

Configured on a Per NE Ethernet OAM test.

Synchronizing 1+1 Configurations

Table 7-52 Process of synchronizing 1+1 configurations

Operation Remarks Synchronizing Data Optional. When 1+1 links carry Ethernet services, perform
Between Main and this operation to synchronize service configurations on the
Standby NEs (1+1) active NE to the standby NE. End-to-End Configuration Process (IEEE 802.1D Bridge-Based E-LAN

This section describes the process of configuring an IEEE 802.1D bridge-based E-LAN
service in an end-to-end manner. The process includes configuring E-LAN service
information and QoS and verifying service configurations.

Figure 7-33 shows the flowchart for configuring an IEEE 802.1D bridge-based E-LAN

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Figure 7-33 Flowchart for configuring an IEEE 802.1D bridge-based E-LAN service

Removing the Ports Mounted
with E-LAN Services

Configure Ethernet Protection

Configure E-LAN services.

Configure QoS.

Verify Ethernet services.

Synchronize 1+1


The operations in the configuration flowchart are described as follows.

Changing the Ports Mounted with E-LAN Services

Table 7-53 Process of changing the Ports Mounted with E-LAN Services
Operation Remarks Optional. This operation removes the ports to be created as slave ports
Changing of LAGs from the ports that the system configures by default as ports
Logical Ports mounted with E-LAN services.
Mounted to a

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Configuring Ethernet Protection

Table 7-54 Process of configuring ethernet protection

Operation Remarks Required when Ethernet ports need to use LAGs.

Creating a
LAG Required when Ethernet services need to use ERPS.

Creating an
ERPS Instance

Configuring an IEEE 802.1D Bridge-based E-LAN Service

Table 7-55 Process of configuring an IEEE 802.1D bridge-based E-LAN service

Operation Remarks Creating a Fiber/Cable Perform this operation to create microwave links or

by Using the Search Method Ethernet fibers/cables for the service path if they have
not been created on the topology of the U2000. Creating an IEEE Optional.

802.1D Bridge-based E-LAN

Verifying Service Configurations

Table 7-56 Process of verifying the service configurations

Operation Remarks End-to-End Perform an Ethernet OAM test to verify the connectivity of the
Configuration Ethernet service.
(Ethernet Service

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Synchronizing 1+1 Configurations

Table 7-57 Process of synchronizing 1+1 configurations

Operation Remarks Synchronizing Data Optional. When 1+1 links carry Ethernet services, perform
Between Main and this operation to synchronize service configurations on the
Standby NEs (1+1) active NE to the standby NE. Per-NE Configuration Process (IEEE 802.1Q Bridge-based E-LAN Services)

This section describes the processes of configuring the service information, and quality of
service (QoS) information for an IEEE 802.1Q bridge-based Ethernet local area network (E-
LAN) service and the process of verifying the service configurations.

Figure 7-34 shows the flowchart for configuring IEEE 802.1Q bridge-based E-LAN services.

Figure 7-34 Flowchart for configuring IEEE 802.1Q bridge-based E-LAN services

Required Start

Delete an Ethernet

Configure Ethernet

Configure E-LAN

Configure QoS.

Verify Ethernet

Synchronize 1+1


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The flowchart provides the basic process of configuring E-LAN services. In addition, configuring
MSTP, split horizon groups, and MAC address entries may be required. For details about these
operations, see the Feature Configuration Guide

The steps in the configuration flowchart are described as follows:

Deleting an E-LAN Service

Table 7-58 Process of deleting an E-LAN Service

Operation Remarks Deleting an E- Required when an NE is being initially configured.

LAN Service NOTE
Because an OptiX RTN 380 carries IEEE 802.1D bridge-based
Ethernet local area network (E-LAN) services by default, you need
to delete the default services manually before you configure
transparently transmitted point-to-point E-Line services on it.

Configuring Ethernet Protection

Table 7-59 Process of configuring ethernet protection

Operation Remarks Creating a LAG Required when Ethernet ports need to use LAGs. Creating an ERPS Required.


Configuring IEEE 802.1Q Bridge-based E-LAN Services

Table 7-60 Process of configuring IEEE 802.1Q bridge-based E-LAN services

Operation Remarks Creating an IEEE Required.

802.1Q Bridge-based E-
LAN Service

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Verifying Ethernet Service Configurations

Table 7-61 Process of verifying Ethernet service configurations

Operation Remarks

Testing Ethernet Services The connectivity of Ethernet services is verified using an

Configured on a Per NE Ethernet OAM test.

Synchronizing 1+1 Configurations

Table 7-62 Process of synchronizing 1+1 configurations

Operation Remarks Synchronizing Data Optional. When 1+1 links carry Ethernet services, perform
Between Main and this operation to synchronize service configurations on the
Standby NEs (1+1) active NE to the standby NE. End-to-End Configuration Process (IEEE 802.1Q Bridge-based E-LAN

This section describes the process of configuring an IEEE 802.1Q bridge-based E-LAN
service in an end-to-end manner. The process includes configuring E-LAN service
information and QoS and verifying service configurations.

Figure 7-35 shows the flowchart for configuring an IEEE 802.1Q bridge-based E-LAN

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Figure 7-35 Flowchart for configuring an IEEE 802.1Q bridge-based E-LAN service

Required Start

Delete an Ethernet

Configure Ethernet

Configure E-LAN

Configure QoS.

Verify Ethernet

Synchronize 1+1


The flowchart provides the basic process of configuring E-LAN services. In addition, configuring
MSTP, split horizon groups, and MAC address entries may be required. For details about these
operations, see the Feature Configuration Guide

The operations in the configuration flowchart are described as follows.

Deleting the Existing E-LAN Service

Table 7-63 Process of deleting the existing E-LAN service

Operation Remarks Required when an NE is being initially configured.

Deleting an E- NOTE
LAN Service By default, an IEEE 802.1D bridge-based E-LAN service is configured on the
OptiX RTN 380. Therefore, you need to delete the E-LAN service before
configuring an IEEE 802.1Q bridge-based E-LAN service.

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Configuring Ethernet Protection

Table 7-64 Process of configuring ethernet protection

Operation Remarks Required when Ethernet ports need to use LAGs.

Creating a
LAG Required when Ethernet services need to use ERPS.

Creating an
ERPS Instance

Configuring an IEEE 802.1Q Bridge-based E-LAN Service

Table 7-65 Process of configuring an IEEE 802.1Q bridge-based E-LAN service

Operation Remarks Perform this operation to create microwave links or Ethernet fibers/

Creating a cables for the service path if they have not been created on the topology
Fiber/Cable by of the U2000.
Using the
Search Method Required.
Creating an Set parameters according to the service plan and parameter plan.
IEEE 802.1Q
E-LAN Service

Configuring QoS

Table 7-66 Process of configuring QoS

Operation Remarks Creating a DS Required.

Domain Profile Creating a Port Required.

Policy Profile Creating a Port Required.

WRED Policy Profile

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Operation Remarks Downloading a Required.

QoS Policy Profile to an
NE or Port

Verifying Service Configurations

Table 7-67 Process of verifying the service configurations

Operation Remarks End-to- Perform an Ethernet OAM test to verify the connectivity of the Ethernet
End service.

Synchronizing 1+1 Configurations

Table 7-68 Process of synchronizing 1+1 configurations

Operation Remarks Synchronizing Data Optional. When 1+1 links carry Ethernet services, perform
Between Main and this operation to synchronize service configurations on the
Standby NEs (1+1) active NE to the standby NE.

7.6.4 Configuration Example (Transparently Transmitted Point-to-

Point E-Line Services)
This section uses a transparently transmitted point-to-point E-Line service as an example to
describe how to configure Ethernet services according to the network plan. Networking Diagram

This section describes the networking of NEs.

As shown in Figure 7-36, a hop of large-capacity OptiX RTN 380 equipment replace optical
fibers to form a ring network with OptiX optical transmission equipment. Configure Ethernet
services according to the following requirements:

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Table 7-69 Service requirements

Requirement Description Requirement Satisfaction

Servic The Ethernet service capacity l NE 1 and NE 2 provide three GE ports (two
e on a ring network does not optical ports and one electrical port) for
access exceed 3 Gbit/s. Microwave receiving Ethernet services, configuring a
capaci links need to transparently load sharing link aggregation group (LAG),
ty transmit Ethernet services. and configuring transparently transmitted
point-to-point E-Line services.
Servic Links between the OptiX
e optical transmission equipment l NE91 and NE92 each provides three GE
protec and the OptiX RTN 380 ports (two optical ports and one electrical
tion equipment need protection. port) that work in auto-negotiation mode. A
load-sharing LAG is configured for the
ports, with the electrical GE ports as the
main ports.

QoS The priorities of Ethernet Configure DiffServ and perform service

services transmitted over a scheduling and forwarding based on DSCP
microwave network are values.
identified by DSCP values. All
the NEs on the microwave
network have the same
mapping between PHBs and
DSCP values for Ethernet

Figure 7-36 Networking diagram for transparently transmitted point-to-point E-Line services

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l On the NMS, the logical port of a microwave port is 1-MXUF4-1(IF).

l On the NMS, the logical port of a P&E port is 1-MXUF4-2(P&E).
l On the NMS, the logical port of a COMBO port is 1-MXUF4-3(COMBO).
l On the NMS, the logical port of a COMBO port that functions as the 1+1 cascading port is 1-
MXUF4-3. This port applies only when the DCN is configured.
l On the NMS, the logical port of a GE optical port is 1-MXUF4-4(GE(o)).
l On the NMS, the logical port of a GE electrical port is 1-MXUF4-5(GE(e)). Procedure of Configuration on a Per-NE Basis (Ethernet Protection)

This section describes the procedure for configuring Ethernet protection.

Data Preparation

Table 7-70 LAG plan

Item Value in This Example Planning Principle

Static (default value) Configure the same aggregation

type at both ends. Static
LAG type aggregation is recommended.

Load sharing mode Sharing Configure the same load sharing

mode at both ends. Configure a
load non-sharing LAG to provide
protection, and a load sharing LAG
to increase bandwidth.

System priority 32768 (default value) The default value is recommended.

The system priority can be set only
in static aggregation.

Master and slave ports l Master port: P&E It is recommended that you set the
l Slave port: COMBO and GE(o) main and slave ports consistently
for the equipment at both ends.

Minimum number of active links 2 To trigger switching upon failure

of a member link in a LAG when
LAG exists with other types of
protection, set the minimum
number of active links to the total
number of links in the LAG.
Otherwise, retain the default value
of 1.

Step 1 Delete an E-LAN Service.

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Step 2 Create a LAG.

----End Procedure of Configuration on a Per-NE Basis (Service Information)

This section describes the procedure for configuring service information.

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Data Preparation

Step 1 Delete an E-LAN Service.

Step 2 Create a Point-to-Point Transparently Transmitted E-Line Service.

NE1 is used as an example.

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----End Per-NE Configuration Process (Configuring QoS)

This section describes the process of configuring QoS on a per-NE basis.

Data Preparation
Item Value in This Example Planning Principle

Mapping between DSCP See the following figure. l DiffServ configuration

values, PHBs, and queue should be the same for
scheduling modes each service port.
l If the type of packets
trusted by service ports is
DSCP, enabling DSCP
demapping function for
egress ports of a DS
domain is not required,
as the DSCP demapping
function may change
DSCP values.

Step 1 Modify the mapping for a DS domain.

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Step 2 Change the ports that use a DS domain and their trusted packet types.
Delete a port that uses the DS domain.

Add a port that uses the DS domain.

Modify the packet type trusted by the port.

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Step 3 Create a WRR policy.

Step 4 Create a port policy.

Step 5 Create traffic.

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Step 6 Set the port that uses the port policy.

----End Procedure of Configuration on a Per-NE Basis (Ethernet Service

This section describes the procedure for verifying Ethernet service configurations.

Data Preparation
This section describes how to test the connectivity of the Ethernet service over the microwave link between
NE1 and NE2.

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Step 1 Create an MD.

Step 2 Create an MA.

Step 3 Create an MEP.

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Step 4 Create a remote MEP.

Step 5 LB test.

Perform an LB test by considering the MP whose ID is 1 as the source MP and the MP whose
ID is 2 as the sink MP.

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l If the value of LossRate in Result is 0, the test is successful.

l If the value of LossRate in Result is not 0, handle the problem based on the procedures
in the following table.
Cause Handling Procedure

Connecting to the peer end fails within Check whether services are interrupted.
the specified period.

Packets are lost. Check whether the service traffic is

higher than the transmission bandwidth.

Check the link for bit errors.

----End End-to-End Configuration Procedure (Ethernet Protection)

This section describes the procedure for configuring Ethernet protection.

Data Preparation

Table 7-71 LAG plan

Item Value in This Example Planning Principle

LAG type Static (default value) Configure the same aggregation

type at both ends. Static
aggregation is recommended.

Load sharing mode Sharing Configure the same load sharing

mode at both ends. Configure a
load non-sharing LAG to provide
protection, and a load sharing LAG
to increase bandwidth.

System priority 32768 (default value) The default value is recommended.

The system priority can be set only
in static aggregation.

Master and slave ports l Master port: P&E It is recommended that you set the
l Slave port: COMBO and GE(o) main and slave ports consistently
for the equipment at both ends.

Minimum number of active links 2 To trigger switching upon failure

of a member link in a LAG when
LAG exists with other types of
protection, set the minimum
number of active links to the total
number of links in the LAG.
Otherwise, retain the default value
of 1.

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Step 1 Configure a LAG.

----End End-to-End Configuration Procedure (Configuring Service Information)

This section describes the procedure for configuring Ethernet service information.

Data Preparation
Data Value in This Example Planning Guidelines

Service information l Service name: l Set names for E-Line

NE1toNE2 services according to the
l Source: NE1 (P&E) network plan.
l Sink: NE2 (P&E) l Leave the VLAN IDs
empty for the source and
sink NEs of transparently
transmitted point-to-
point E-Line services.

Port information Retain the default settings l Enable ports.

for all ports. l Set Encapsulation Type
to null.
l It is recommended that
you set Working Mode
to Autonegotiation.

Ethernet fibers/cables and microwave links have been searched out in the operation of 7.4
Configuring the Network Topology.

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Step 1 Create a transparently transmitted point-to-point E-Line service.

----End End-to-End Configuration Procedure (Configuring QoS)

This section describes the procedure for configuring QoS in an end-to-end manner.

Data Preparation
Data Value in This Example Planning Guidelines

Mapping between packet See the following figure. l The DiffServ

priorities, PHBs, and queue configuration should be
scheduling modes the same for each service
l When the type of packets
trusted by each service
port in a DiffServ
domain is DSCP, you can
disable the demapping
function at the egress
ports of the DiffServ
domain. This can prevent
the DSCP value from
being changed.

Step 1 Create a DS domain profile.

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Step 2 Create a port policy profile.

Step 3 Create a port WRED policy profile.

Step 4 Download a QoS policy profile to an NE or port.

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----End End-to-End Configuration Procedure (Verifying Service Configurations)

This section describes how to verify Ethernet service configurations.

In this example, ETH OAM is configured during the service information configuration.
Therefore, you can perform an LB test to verify service configurations.

Step 1 Verify Ethernet service configurations.

The service NE1toNE2 is used as an example.


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7.6.5 Configuration Example (VLAN-based E-Line Services)

This section uses a VLAN-based E-Line service as an example to describe how to configure
Ethernet services according to the service plan. Networking Diagram

The section describes the networking of NEs.
Configure Ethernet services according to 7.3.2 Microwave Chain Network and the following

Table 7-72 Service requirements

Requirement Description Requirement Satisfaction

Servic Configure a port working in NE 2 and NE 4 provide an electrical P&E port

e auto-negotiation mode for for receiving services.
access receiving a channel of
capaci electrical GE signals from
ty NodeB 1.
Configure a port working in
auto-negotiation mode for
receiving a channel of
electrical GE signals from
RAN 1.

Servic No -

Servic Separate services from NodeB Configure VLAN-based E-Line services on

e 1 and RAN 1 from each other NE1, NE2, NE3, and NE4.
separa using VLAN IDs:
tion l VLAN ID of NodeB 1: 100
l VLAN ID of RAN 1: 200

QoS The priorities of Ethernet Configure DiffServ and perform service

services transmitted over a scheduling and forwarding based on DSCP
microwave network are values.
identified by DSCP values. All
the NEs on the microwave
network have the same
mapping between PHBs and
DSCP values for Ethernet

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Figure 7-37 Networking diagram for VLAN-based E-Line services


l On the NMS, the logical port of a microwave port is 1-MXUF4-1(IF).

l On the NMS, the logical port of a P&E port is 1-MXUF4-2(P&E).
l On the NMS, the logical port of a COMBO port is 1-MXUF4-3(COMBO).
l On the NMS, the logical port of a COMBO port that functions as the 1+1 cascading port is 1-
MXUF4-3. This port applies only when the DCN is configured.
l On the NMS, the logical port of a GE optical port is 1-MXUF4-4(GE(o)).
l On the NMS, the logical port of a GE electrical port is 1-MXUF4-5(GE(e)). Procedure of Configuration on a Per-NE Basis (Service Information)

This section describes the procedure for configuring service information.

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Data Preparation

Step 1 Delete an E-LAN Service.

Step 2 Create a VLAN-based E-Line Service.

NE1 is used as an example.

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----End Per-NE Configuration Process (Configuring QoS)

This section describes the process of configuring QoS on a per-NE basis.

Data Preparation
Item Value in This Example Planning Principle

Mapping between DSCP See the following figure. l DiffServ configuration

values, PHBs, and queue should be the same for
scheduling modes each service port.
l If the type of packets
trusted by service ports is
DSCP, enabling DSCP
demapping function for
egress ports of a DS
domain is not required,
as the DSCP demapping
function may change
DSCP values.

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Step 1 Modify the mapping for a DS domain.

Step 2 Change the ports that use a DS domain and their trusted packet types.
Delete a port that uses the DS domain.

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Add a port that uses the DS domain.

Modify the packet type trusted by the port.

Step 3 Create a WRR policy.

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Step 4 Create a port policy.

Step 5 Create traffic.

Step 6 Set the port that uses the port policy.

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----End Procedure of Configuration on a Per-NE Basis (Ethernet Service

This section describes the procedure for verifying Ethernet service configurations.

Data Preparation
This section describes how to test the connectivity of the Ethernet service over the microwave link between
NE1 and NE2.

Step 1 Create an MD.

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Step 2 Create an MA.

Step 3 Create an MEP.

Step 4 Create a remote MEP.

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Step 5 LB test.

Perform an LB test by considering the MP whose ID is 1 as the source MP and the MP whose
ID is 2 as the sink MP.

l If the value of LossRate in Result is 0, the test is successful.

l If the value of LossRate in Result is not 0, handle the problem based on the procedures
in the following table.

Cause Handling Procedure

Connecting to the peer end fails within Check whether services are interrupted.
the specified period.

Packets are lost. Check whether the service traffic is

higher than the transmission bandwidth.

Check the link for bit errors.


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Commissioning and Configuration Guide 7 Configuring Networkwide Service Data End-to-End Configuration Procedure (Configuring Service Information)

This section describes the procedure for configuring Ethernet service information.

This section describes the procedure for configuring an Ethernet service between NodeB 1
and the RNC in end-to-end mode. The procedure for configuring an Ethernet service between
RAN 1 and the RNC is similar.

Data Preparation
Data Value in This Example Planning Guidelines

Service information Service information l Set names for

configured on NodeB 1: networkwide E-Line
l Service name: services according to the
NE1toNE4 network plan.
l Source: NE1 (P&E) l Set the same VLAN ID
for the source and sink
l Sink: NE4 (P&E) NEs.
l VLAN ID: 100
Service information
configured on RAN 1:
l Service name:
l Source: NE1 (P&E)
l Sink: NE2 (P&E)
l VLAN ID: 200

Port information l Encapsulation Type: l Enable ports.

802.1Q l For a port that carries
l Working Mode: VLAN-based E-Line
Autonegotiation services, set
Encapsulation Type to
l It is recommended that
you set Working Mode
to Autonegotiation.

Ethernet fibers/cables and microwave links have been searched out in the operation of 7.4
Configuring the Network Topology.

Step 1 Create a VLAN-based E-Line service.
The RAN 1 service is used as an example.

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----End End-to-End Configuration Procedure (Configuring QoS)

This section describes the procedure for configuring QoS in an end-to-end manner.

Data Preparation
Data Value in This Example Planning Guidelines

Mapping between packet See the following figure. l The DiffServ

priorities, PHBs, and queue configuration should be
scheduling modes the same for each service
l When the type of packets
trusted by each service
port in a DiffServ
domain is DSCP, you can
disable the demapping
function at the egress
ports of the DiffServ
domain. This can prevent
the DSCP value from
being changed.

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Step 1 Create a DS domain profile.

Step 2 Create a port policy profile.

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Step 3 Create a port WRED policy profile.

Step 4 Download a QoS policy profile to an NE or port.


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Commissioning and Configuration Guide 7 Configuring Networkwide Service Data End-to-End Configuration Procedure (Verifying Service Configurations)

This section describes how to verify Ethernet service configurations.

In this example, ETH OAM is configured during the service information configuration.
Therefore, you can perform an LB test to verify service configurations.

Step 1 Verify Ethernet service configurations.
The service NE1toNE2 is used as an example.


7.6.6 Configuration Example (IEEE 802.1D Bridge-based E-LAN

This section provides an example of how to configure an IEEE 802.1D bridge-based E-LAN
service according to the plan. Networking Diagram

This section describes the networking of NEs.
Configure Ethernet services according to 7.3.3 Microwave Ring Network and the following

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Table 7-73 Service requirements

Requirement Description Requirement Satisfaction

Servic Support the backhaul of one l Configure IEEE 802.1D bridge-based

e GE electrical signal from Ethernet local area network (E-LAN)
access NodeB 1 and NodeB 2 services.
capaci respectively. The port mode is l Configure Ethernet ring protection switching
ty auto-negotiation. (ERPS).
Servic Configure protection for
e Ethernet services on ring
protec networks.

Servic Ethernet services from NodeB

e 1 and NodeB 2 need to be
separa transparently transmitted.

Qualit The priorities of Ethernet Configure DiffServ and perform service

y of services transmitted over a scheduling and forwarding based on DSCP
servic microwave network are values.
e identified by DSCP values. All
(QoS) the NEs on the microwave
network have the same
mapping between PHBs and
DSCP values for Ethernet

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Figure 7-38 Networking diagram for IEEE 802.1D bridge-based E-LAN services


l On the NMS, the logical port of a microwave port is 1-MXUF4-1(IF).

l On the NMS, the logical port of a P&E port is 1-MXUF4-2(P&E).
l On the NMS, the logical port of a COMBO port is 1-MXUF4-3(COMBO).
l On the NMS, the logical port of a COMBO port that functions as the 1+1 cascading port is 1-
MXUF4-3. This port applies only when the DCN is configured.
l On the NMS, the logical port of a GE optical port is 1-MXUF4-4(GE(o)).
l On the NMS, the logical port of a GE electrical port is 1-MXUF4-5(GE(e)). Per-NE Configuration Procedure (Ethernet Protection)

This section describes the procedure for configuring Ethernet protection.

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Data Preparation

Step 1
NE2 is used as an example.

----End Per-NE Configuration Procedure (Service Information)

This section describes the procedure for configuring service information.

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By default, IEEE 802.1D bridge-based E-LAN services are configured on OptiX RTN 380. Therefore, you do
not need to configure IEEE 802.1D bridge-based E-LAN services.

Step 1 Creating an IEEE 802.1d Bridge-based E-LAN Service.
NE6 is used as an example.

----End Per-NE Configuration Process (Configuring QoS)

This section describes the process of configuring QoS on a per-NE basis.

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Data Preparation

Step 1 Modify the mapping for a DS domain.

Step 2 Change the ports that use a DS domain and their trusted packet types.
Delete a port that uses the DS domain.

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Add a port that uses the DS domain.

Modify the packet type trusted by the port.

Step 3 Create a WRR policy.

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Step 4 Create a port policy.

Step 5 Create traffic.

Step 6 Set the port that uses the port policy.

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----End Per-NE Configuration Procedure (Ethernet Service Verification)

This section describes the procedure for verifying Ethernet service configurations.

Data Preparation
This section describes how to test the connectivity of the Ethernet service over the microwave link between
NE1 and NE2.

Step 1 Create an MD.

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Step 2 Create an MA.

Step 3 Create an MEP.

Step 4 Create a remote MEP.

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Step 5 LB test.

Perform an LB test by considering the MP whose ID is 1 as the source MP and the MP whose
ID is 2 as the sink MP.

l If the value of LossRate in Result is 0, the test is successful.

l If the value of LossRate in Result is not 0, handle the problem based on the procedures
in the following table.

Cause Handling Procedure

Connecting to the peer end fails within Check whether services are interrupted.
the specified period.

Packets are lost. Check whether the service traffic is

higher than the transmission bandwidth.

Check the link for bit errors.


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This section describes the procedure for configuring Ethernet protection.

Data Preparation

Step 1

----End End-to-End Configuration Procedure (Service Information)

This section describes the procedure for configuring service information.

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By default, an IEEE 802.1D bridge-based E-LAN service is configured on the OptiX RTN 380. Therefore,
you only need to search out this service to add it.

Step 1 Search for the IEEE 802.1D bridge-based E-LAN service (native Ethernet service).

Step 2 Creating an IEEE 802.1d Bridge-based E-Line Service.

----End End-to-End Configuration Procedure (Configuring QoS)

This section describes the procedure for configuring QoS in an end-to-end manner.

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Data Preparation

Step 1 Create a DS domain profile.

Step 2 Create a port policy profile.

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Step 3 Create a port WRED policy profile.

Step 4 Download a QoS policy profile to an NE or port.


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Commissioning and Configuration Guide 7 Configuring Networkwide Service Data End-to-End Configuration Procedure (Ethernet Service Verification)

This section describes the procedure for verifying Ethernet service configurations.

In this example, ETH OAM is configured during the service information configuration.
Therefore, you can perform an LB test to verify service configurations.

Step 1 Verify the Ethernet service configuration.
The service NE1toNE2 is used as an example.


7.6.7 Configuration Example (IEEE 802.1Q Bridge-based E-LAN

This section uses an IEEE 802.1Q bridge-based E-LAN service as an example to describe
how to configure Ethernet services according to the service plan. Networking Diagram

The section describes the networking of NEs.
Configure Ethernet services according to 7.3.2 Microwave Chain Network and the following

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Table 7-74 Service requirements

Requirement Description Requirement Satisfaction

Servic Configure a port working in The OptiX RTN 380 provides an electrical P&E
e auto-negotiation mode for port for receiving services.
access receiving a channel of
capaci electrical GE signals from
ty NodeB 1.
Configure a port working in
auto-negotiation mode for
receiving a channel of
electrical GE signals from
RAN 1.

Servic No -

Servic Separate services from NodeB Configure IEEE 802.1Q bridge-based E-LAN
e 1 and RAN 1 from each other services for NE1, NE2, NE3, and NE4.
separa using VLAN IDs:
tion l VLAN ID of NodeB 1: 100
l VLAN ID of RAN 1: 200

QoS The priorities of Ethernet Configure DiffServ and perform service

services transmitted over a scheduling and forwarding based on DSCP
microwave network are values.
identified by DSCP values. All
the NEs on the microwave
network have the same
mapping between PHBs and
DSCP values for Ethernet

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Figure 7-39 Networking diagram for IEEE 802.1q bridge-based E-LAN services


l On the NMS, the logical port of a microwave port is 1-MXUF4-1(IF).

l On the NMS, the logical port of a P&E port is 1-MXUF4-2(P&E).
l On the NMS, the logical port of a COMBO port is 1-MXUF4-3(COMBO).
l On the NMS, the logical port of a COMBO port that functions as the 1+1 cascading port is 1-
MXUF4-3. This port applies only when the DCN is configured.
l On the NMS, the logical port of a GE optical port is 1-MXUF4-4(GE(o)).
l On the NMS, the logical port of a GE electrical port is 1-MXUF4-5(GE(e)). Procedure of Configuration on a Per-NE Basis (Service Information)

This section describes the procedure for configuring service information.

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Data Preparation

Step 1 Deleting an E-LAN Service.

Step 2 Creating an IEEE 802.1Q Bridge-based E-LAN Service.

NE2 is used as an example.

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----End Per-NE Configuration Process (Configuring QoS)

This section describes the process of configuring QoS on a per-NE basis.

Data Preparation
Item Value in This Example Planning Principle

Mapping between DSCP See the following figure. l DiffServ configuration

values, PHBs, and queue should be the same for
scheduling modes each service port.
l If the type of packets
trusted by service ports is
DSCP, enabling DSCP
demapping function for
egress ports of a DS
domain is not required,
as the DSCP demapping
function may change
DSCP values.

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Step 1 Modify the mapping for a DS domain.

Step 2 Change the ports that use a DS domain and their trusted packet types.
Delete a port that uses the DS domain.

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Add a port that uses the DS domain.

Modify the packet type trusted by the port.

Step 3 Create a WRR policy.

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Step 4 Create a port policy.

Step 5 Create traffic.

Step 6 Set the port that uses the port policy.

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----End Procedure of Configuration on a Per-NE Basis (Ethernet Service

This section describes the procedure for verifying Ethernet service configurations.

Data Preparation
This section describes how to test the connectivity of the Ethernet service over the microwave link between
NE1 and NE2.

Step 1 Create an MD.

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Step 2 Create an MA.

Step 3 Create an MEP.

Step 4 Create a remote MEP.

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Step 5 LB test.

Perform an LB test by considering the MP whose ID is 1 as the source MP and the MP whose
ID is 2 as the sink MP.

l If the value of LossRate in Result is 0, the test is successful.

l If the value of LossRate in Result is not 0, handle the problem based on the procedures
in the following table.

Cause Handling Procedure

Connecting to the peer end fails within Check whether services are interrupted.
the specified period.

Packets are lost. Check whether the service traffic is

higher than the transmission bandwidth.

Check the link for bit errors.


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This section describes the procedure for configuring service information.

Data Preparation

Ethernet fibers/cables and microwave links have been searched out in the operation of 7.4
Configuring the Network Topology.

Step 1 Delete the existing E-LAN service.

Step 2 Create an IEEE 802.1Q bridge-based E-LAN service.

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----End End-to-End Configuration Procedure (Configuring QoS)

This section describes the procedure for configuring QoS in an end-to-end manner.

Data Preparation
Data Value in This Example Planning Guidelines

Mapping between packet See the following figure. l The DiffServ

priorities, PHBs, and queue configuration should be
scheduling modes the same for each service
l When the type of packets
trusted by each service
port in a DiffServ
domain is DSCP, you can
disable the demapping
function at the egress
ports of the DiffServ
domain. This can prevent
the DSCP value from
being changed.

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Step 1 Create a DS domain profile.

Step 2 Create a port policy profile.

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Step 3 Create a port WRED policy profile.

Step 4 Download a QoS policy profile to an NE or port.


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Commissioning and Configuration Guide 7 Configuring Networkwide Service Data End-to-End Configuration Procedure (Verifying Service Configurations)

This section describes the procedure for verifying Ethernet service configurations.

In this example, ETH OAM is configured during the service information configuration.
Therefore, you can perform an LB test to verify service configurations.

Step 1 Verify service configurations.
The service NE1toNE2 is used as an example.


7.7 Configuring CPRI Services

The OptiX RTN 380 supports transparent transmission of CPRI services.

7.7.1 Configuration Process (CPRI Services)

The configuration process comprises configuring and verifying CPRI services.
Figure 7-40 shows the process of configuring CPRI services.

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Figure 7-40 Flowchart


Delete Ethernet
Optional Services

Configure CPRI

Verifying CPRI



l This document describes the CPRI service configurations only for the OptiX RTN 380.
l Before configuring CRPI services, you must have finished configuring proper microwave links for
the CPRI services.

The operations in the configuration flowchart are described as follows.

Table 7-75 Flowchart for configuring CPRI services

Step Operation Remarks

1 Deleting E-Line Services Optional.

or Deleting E-LAN An NE can only transmit CPRI services or
Services Ethernet services at a time. Delete the existing
Ethernet services before you configure CPRI

2 Configuring CPRI Required.


3 Verifying CPRI Service The test result should show that the microwave
Configurations link correctly transmits the CPRI services.

7.7.2 Configuration Example (CPRI Services)

In this example, the microwave link data has been configured.

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This section describes the networking of NEs.

On a network shown in Figure 7-41, the OptiX RTN 380s need to transparently transmit one
1.25 Gbit/s CPRI service. A hop of microwave link with 1+0 protection is already configured
between the two OptiX RTN 380s. For the microwave link, the channel spacing is set to 500
MHz, the modulation scheme is 16QAM, and the AMAC function is disabled.

Figure 7-41 Networking diagram (transparently transmitting CPRI services) Configuration Procedure

This section describes the procedure for configuring data.

Data Preparation

Figure 7-42 Microwave link configurations for transmitting CPRI services

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Step 1 Optional: Delete E-LAN services.

l An NE can only transmit CPRI services or Ethernet services at a time. Delete the existing Ethernet
services before you configure CPRI services.
l If network conditions permit, you can delete E-LAN services by referring to instructions in the
following animation, or delete E-Line services by referring to instructions in Deleting an E-
Line Service.

Step 2 Configure CPRI services.

Step 3 Verifying CPRI service configurations.


7.8 Configuring Clocks

To ensure that clocks of all the nodes on the transmission network are synchronized, configure
the clocks for these nodes according to a unified clock synchronization policy.

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7.8.1 Configuration Process (Configuring a Clock)

This section describes the process of configuring the clock source, clock protection, and
output clock.
Figure 7-43 shows the flowchart for configuring a clock.

Figure 7-43 Flowchart for configuring a clock

Required Start

Configure clock sources.

Configure standard SSM or

extended SSM protection.

Configure a clock source


Query the clock

synchronization status.


The steps in the configuration flowchart are described as follows:

Table 7-76 Process of configuring the clock

Step Operation Remarks

1 Configuring the Required. Set parameters as follows:

System Clock Source Set Clock Source according to clock
source planning information.

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Step Operation Remarks

2 Configuring Required when the SSM or extended SSM

Protection for Clock protection is used. Set parameters as
Sources follows:
l Set Protection Status according to the
used protocol type.
l If the clock uses the extended SSM
protection, set Clock Source ID for the
following clock sources:
– Internal clock source of the NE that
connects the intersecting ring and
chain or connects the intersecting
– Line clock source that is accessed to
the ring through the NE that
connects the intersecting ring and
chain or connects the intersecting
rings and is configured with the line
clock source on the ring
The values of Clock Source ID for
these clock sources should be different.

3 Configuring a Optional.

Clock Source Group

4 5.7 Checking the Clock Optional.


7.8.2 Configuration Example (Clock on a Microwave Chain

This section describes how to configure clocks on a microwave chain network. Networking Diagram

This section describes the networking of NEs.
Configure the clock for the network shown in Figure 7-44 according to 7.5.2 Configuration
Example (Microwave Links on a Chain Network) and the following requirements:
l Synchronize the microwave chain network with the clock of the RNC.
l Provide clock signals to NodeB 1 and RAN 1 through P&E ports.

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Figure 7-44 Networking diagram for a microwave chain network


l On the NMS, the logical port of a microwave port is 1-MXUF4-1(IF).

l On the NMS, the logical port of a P&E port is 1-MXUF4-2(P&E).
l On the NMS, the logical port of a COMBO port is 1-MXUF4-3(COMBO).
l On the NMS, the logical port of a COMBO port that functions as the 1+1 cascading port is 1-
MXUF4-3. This port applies only when the DCN is configured.
l On the NMS, the logical port of a GE optical port is 1-MXUF4-4(GE(o)).
l On the NMS, the logical port of a GE electrical port is 1-MXUF4-5(GE(e)). Configuration Procedure

This section describes the procedure for configuring clock on a microwave chain network.

Data Preparation
Item Value in This Example Planning Principles

Clock source information See the following figure. You need to configure an
Ethernet clock source for
each link.

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Item Value in This Example Planning Principles

Clock protection Not in use. In this example, a chain

network is set up. Therefore,
only priority-based clock
source protection is used
and the standard SSM or
extended SSM protection is
not used.

Figure 7-45 Data Planning


The following procedure takes configuring clocks on NE1 as an example. Configuring clocks on other
NEs is similar.

Step 1 Configure the clock source.

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Step 2 Query the clock synchronization status.

NE Clock Mode must be Tracing Mode for all NEs.


7.8.3 Configuration Example (Clock on a Microwave Ring

This section describes how to configure clocks on a microwave ring network. Networking Diagram

This section describes the networking of NEs.
Configure clocks according to the following requirements. Figure 7-46 shows the networking
l The microwave ring network is directly synchronized with the clock of the radio network
controller (RNC).
l Clock synchronization signals are transmitted to each NodeB through the P&E port.

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Figure 7-46 Networking diagram (clocks on a microwave ring network)


l On the NMS, the logical port of a microwave port is 1-MXUF4-1(IF).

l On the NMS, the logical port of a P&E port is 1-MXUF4-2(P&E).
l On the NMS, the logical port of a COMBO port is 1-MXUF4-3(COMBO).
l On the NMS, the logical port of a COMBO port that functions as the 1+1 cascading port is 1-
MXUF4-3. This port applies only when the DCN is configured.
l On the NMS, the logical port of a GE optical port is 1-MXUF4-4(GE(o)).
l On the NMS, the logical port of a GE electrical port is 1-MXUF4-5(GE(e)). Configuration Procedure

This section describes the procedure for configuring clocks.

Data Preparation
Item Value in This Example Planning Principles

Clock source information See the following figure. –

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Item Value in This Example Planning Principles

Clock protection Standard SSM In this example, a ring

network is set up. Therefore,
the standard SSM or
extended SSM protection is

Figure 7-47 Data Planning


The following procedure takes configuring clocks on NE1 as an example. Configuring clocks on other
NEs is similar.

Step 1 Configure the clock sources.

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Step 2 Configure protection for the clock sources.

Step 3 Query the clock synchronization status.

NE Clock Mode must be Tracing Mode for all NEs.


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7.9 Common Service Configuration Operations

This section provides hyperlinks to common service configuration operations.

7.9.1 Configuring the Network Topology

This section provides hyperlinks to common operations of network topology configuration. Creating an NE by Using the Search Method

The U2000 can find all NEs that communicate with a specific gateway NE by using the IP
address of the gateway NE, the network segment of the gateway NE IP address, or the NSAP
addresses. In addition, the U2000 can create the NEs that are found in batches. Compared
with the method of manually creating NEs, this search method creates NEs faster and more

l You must be an NM user with NE operator authority or higher.
l The network management system (NMS) is communicating with NEs properly.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials

This task can also be performed on the Web LCT, but the steps are different from those on the U2000.

The following procedure:
l Creates an NE by using the search method.
l Creates an NE by using the NE Search method (only on the Web LCT) if the NE is the
gateway NE and belongs to the same network segment as the NMS server.

Step 1 Create an NE by using the search method (U2000).

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Step 2 Create an NE by using the NE Search method (Web LCT).

----End Creating an NE Manually

If you create NEs manually, you can create them one by one instead of in batches.

l You must be an NM user with NE operator authority or higher.
l The network management system (NMS) is properly communicating with the NE to be
l If the NE to be created is a non-gateway NE, the corresponding gateway NE has been

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Web LCT also supports this operation and the steps are the same as those on the U2000.

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If new NEs are created manually on the Web LCT:

l SSL is recommended for communication with NEs. Set the port number to 5432 and perform the
following steps to replace the SSL certificate:
l Delete the WebLCT\conf\certificate directory on the Web LCT.
l Copy the server\etc\ssl\nemanager\default directory on the U2000 to the path WebLCT\conf on the
Web LCT. Rename default to certificate. Note that the installation path on the Web LCT should not
contain Chinese characters, spaces, or special characters.
l Restart the Web LCT.
l Install the SSL certificate to the NE using the U2000. For details, see the Security Configuration
Maintenance & Hardening.

The following procedure creates NE1 manually.

Step 1 Creating an NE manually

----End Changing an NE ID
Change the NE ID according to the engineering plan to ensure that each NE ID is unique.
This task does not interrupt services.

You must be an NM user with NE maintainer authority or higher.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Web LCT also supports this operation and the steps are the same as those on the U2000.

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The following procedure changes an NE ID to the planned value listed in the following table.

Parameter Value

New ID 1

New Extended ID 9

After changing the NE ID, you need to relog in to the NE.

Step 1 Changing an NE ID

----End Changing an NE Name

For easier identification of an NE in Main Topology, name the NE according to its
geographical location or the device to which it is connected.

You must be an NM user with NE operator authority or higher.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Web LCT also supports this operation and the steps are the same as those on the U2000.

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The following procedure changes an NE name to the planned value listed in the following

Parameter Value

Name NE1

Step 1 Changing an NE Name

----End Setting the VLAN ID and Bandwidth for an Inband DCN

The VLAN ID used by an inband data communication network (DCN) must be different from
the VLAN ID used by services. The bandwidth of an inband DCN must meet the
requirements of the transmission network for managing messages.

You must be an NM user with NE operator authority or higher.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Web LCT also supports this operation and the steps are the same as those on the U2000.

The following procedure sets the VLAN ID and bandwidth to the planned values listed in the
following table for an inband DCN.

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Parameter Value

VLAN ID 4094

Bandwidth(Kbit/s) 512Kbit/s

Step 1 Setting the VLAN ID and Bandwidth for an Inband DCN

----End Configuring Access Control

When an NE is connected to the network management system (NMS) using an Ethernet
service port, you must configure access control.

You must be an NM user with NE operator authority or higher.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Web LCT also supports this operation and the steps are the same as those on the U2000.


l Do not use the default IP address of an access control interface to access the public network (for example,
l The default IP address is a temporary address and is only used for the DCN plug-and-play of the NE.
Users must modify the default IP address in a timely manner.

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The following procedure configures the access control function for the port P&E according to
the planned parameter values listed in the following table.

Parameter Value

Enabled Status Enabled (default value)

IP Address

Subnet Mask

Step 1 Configuring Access Control

----End Creating a Fiber/Cable by Using the Search Method

The network management system (NMS) can find the fibers connected to a specified
microwave port or Ethernet port by using the search method. This method is the most
common method for creating microwave links.

You must be an NM user with NE operator authority or higher.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials



The Web LCT does not support this operation.

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The following procedure creates a microwave link or an Ethernet link on the RTN subnet
using the search method.

Step 1 Create a microwave link on the RTN subnet using the search method.

Step 2 Create an Ethernet link on the RTN subnet using the search method.

----End Creating a Fiber/Cable Manually

You can create a fiber by specifying the ports connected by the fiber. This method can be used
to create both microwave links and Ethernet links.

You must be an NM user with NE operator authority or higher.

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Tools, Equipment, and Materials



The Web LCT does not support this operation.

The following procedure creates a fiber manually according to the planned parameter values
listed in the following table.

Parameter Value

Fiber/Cable Type Radio Link

Name l-1

Source NE NE1

Source NE Subrack-Slot-Board Type-Port 1-MXUF4-1(IF)

Sink NE NE2

Sink NE Subrack-Slot-Board Type-Port 1-MXUF4-1(IF)

Automatically Allocate IP Address No

Step 1


7.9.2 Configuring Microwave Links

This section provides videos to common operations of microwave link configuration.

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Commissioning and Configuration Guide 7 Configuring Networkwide Service Data Creating a Microwave 1+1 Protection Group

If microwave links are configured with 1+1 hot standby (HSB) protection, you need to create
a corresponding microwave 1+1 protection group.

l You must be an NM user with NE operator authority or higher.
l For 1+1 protection in LAG mode, you must configure E-LAG first.
l The GE ports connected by a cascade port must be configured with the same port type.
For example, both are configured with "COMBO".

Tools, Equipment, and Materials



Web LCT also supports this operation and the steps are the same as those on the U2000.

The following procedure creates a microwave 1+1 protection group according to planned
values provided in the following table.

l Create a microwave 1+1 protection group in LAG Mode according to planned values
provided in the following table.
Parameter Value

Service Protection Type LAG Mode

Reversion Mode Revertive Mode

WTR Time (s) 600 (default value)

Enable Reverse Switching Enable

Working/Protection Unit Type Working Unit

IF Port IF

Service Port P&E and GE(e)

cascade Port COMBO

l Create a microwave 1+1 protection group in Split Mode according to planned values
provided in the following table.
Parameter Value

Service Protection Type Optical Splitter Mode

Reversion Mode Revertive Mode

WTR Time (s) 600 (default value)

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Parameter Value

Enable Reverse Switching Enable

Working/Protection Unit Type Working Unit

IF Port IF

Service Port GE(o)

cascade Port COMBO

Step 1 Create a microwave 1+1 protection group in LAG Mode.

Step 2 Create a microwave 1+1 protection group in Split Mode.


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Commissioning and Configuration Guide 7 Configuring Networkwide Service Data Managing a Hop of Microwave Link

This task helps you manage microwave links by hop.

l You must be an NM user with NE maintainer authority or higher.
l The NEs at the two ends of a microwave link hop are communicating properly.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Web LCT also supports this operation and the steps are the same as those on the U2000.

The following parameters of the NEs on a hop of microwave link are automatically
synchronized: Link ID, IF Channel Bandwidth, AMAC, Guaranteed AMAC Capacity,
Full AMAC Capacity, Modulation Mode, T/R Spacing(MHz), and ATPC. That is, if one
of the preceding parameters is modified on an NE, the modification is automatically
duplicated on the peer NE.

Background Information
The following procedure configures basic information for the hop of microwave link shown in
the following figure by configuring NE1.
Parameter Link

NE ID 9-49316(Local Radio Terminal)

9-49317(Opposite Radio Terminal)

Link ID 2

IF Channel Bandwidth 250MHz

AMAC Enabled

Guaranteed AMAC Capacity QPSK Strong

Full AMAC Capacity 16QAM/737Mbit/s

TX Frequency(MHz) 73500

ATPC Disabled

TX power (dBm) 10

Power to Be Frequency(dBm) -40

TX Status unmute

Antenna Polarization Direction V

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Step 1

----End Synchronizing Data Between Main and Standby NEs (1+1)

This section describes how to synchronize data between the main and standby NEs in a 1+1
HSB protection group.

l You must be an NM user with NE operator authority or higher.
l The GE ports connected by a cascade port must be configured with the same port type.
For example, both are configured with "COMBO".
l You can initiate configuration synchronization only on a main NE in the working state.
l If both NEs are in the working or protection state, you cannot initiate configuration
l If an NE is being upgraded or works in CPRI mode, you cannot initiate configuration

Tools, Equipment, and Materials



Web LCT also supports this operation and the steps are the same as those on the U2000.

Step 1

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----End Creating a PLA Group

When physical link aggregation (PLA) is required to improve Ethernet service bandwidth or
reliability on microwave links, you need to create a PLA group.

l You must be an NM user with NE operator authority or higher.
l No Ethernet service has been configured on the slave NE if a group without NE-level
protection will be created.
l The cascade ports on the two NEs to be configured as the master and slave NEs in a
group are configured with no Ethernet service.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


The following procedure creates a PLA group according to the planned parameter values
listed in the following table.

Parameter Value

Protection Type No NE-level protection

NE Role Master

IF Port IF

Service Port P&E

Cascade Port COMBO

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Step 1 Create a PLA group.


7.9.3 Configuring Ethernet Services on a Per-NE Basis

This section provides hyperlinks to common operations of configuring Ethernet services on a
per-NE basis. Creating a LAG

If the bandwidth or availability of the Ethernet link between two NEs needs to be improved,
create a link aggregation group (LAG).

You must be an NM user with NE operator authority or higher.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Web LCT also supports this operation and the steps are the same as those on the U2000.

The following procedure:
l Create a non-load sharing LAG to protect the Ethernet link from a UNI-side equipment
to an NE, according to the planned parameter values listed in the following table.
Parameter NE

LAG No. Assign Automatically


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Parameter NE

LAG Type Static (default value)

Load Sharing Non-Sharing

LAG Priority 32768 (default value)

Packet Receive Timeout Period Long period

Main Ports P&E

Standby Ports GE(e)

l Create a load sharing LAG to increase Ethernet bandwidth of Ethernet links, according
to the planned parameter values listed in the following table.
Parameter NE

LAG No. Assign Automatically


LAG Type Static (default value)

Load Sharing Sharing

LAG Priority 32768 (default value)

Packet Receive Timeout Period Long period

LAG Min Active Link Threshold 2

Main Ports P&E

Standby Ports COMBO


l Create a LAG for configuring 1+1 protection according to the planned parameter values
listed in the following table.
Parameter NE

LAG No. Assign Automatically (default value).

LAG type Static (default value)

Load sharing type Non-load sharing (default value)

LAG priority 32768 (default value)

Main port P&E

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Step 1 Create a non-load sharing LAG.

Step 2 Create a load sharing LAG.

Step 3 Create a LAG for configuring 1+1 protection.

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----End Creating an ERPS Instance

Ethernet ring protection switching (ERPS) is configured by creating ERPS instances.

You must be an NM user with NE operator authority or higher.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Web LCT also supports this operation and the steps are the same as those on the U2000.

The following procedure creates an ERPS instance according to the planned parameter values
listed in the following table.

Parameter Value


East Port GE(o)

West Port IF

RPL Owner Ring Node Flag RPL Port

RPL Port GE(o)

Control VLAN 4093

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Step 1

----End Setting Protocol Parameters for an ERPS Instance

Protocol parameters set for an ERPS instance take effect only to the ERPS instance.

l You must be an NM user with NE operator authority or higher.
l Ethernet boards and IF boards have been added to the NE Panel.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials



Web LCT also supports this operation and the steps are the same as those on the U2000.

In this task, you can set Compatible_Version, Virtual Channel Status, Virtual Channel VLANs, and
Major ERPS Ring ID, and query or modify other ERPS instance protocol parameters.
l For multi-ring networks, Compatible_Version for all ring nodes must be ver2.
l Only the sub-ring node on an interconnection node supports Major ERPS Ring ID, which associates the
sub-ring with the major ring.

Step 1

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----End Creating a Point-to-Point Transparently Transmitted E-Line Service

By creating point-to-point transparently transmitted Ethernet line (E-Line) services, you can
transparently transmit all packets received at the source to the sink.

l You must be an NM user with NE operator authority or higher.
l The service to be created does not conflict with existing services.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Web LCT also supports this operation and the steps are the same as those on the U2000.

In point-to-point transparently transmitted E-Line services, Layer 2 protocol packets are
transmitted as common services. Therefore, Layer 2 protocol packets cannot be transmitted
first in the case of link congestion.

The following procedure creates the point-to-point transparently transmitted E-Line service
shown in the following figure.

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Step 1

----End Creating a VLAN-based E-Line Service

By creating VLAN-based Ethernet line (E-Line) services, you can transmit service packets
from the source to a sink based on the VLAN IDs carried by the packets.

l You must be an NM user with NE operator authority or higher.
l The service to be created does not conflict with existing services.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials



Web LCT also supports this operation and the steps are the same as those on the U2000.

The following procedure creates the VLAN-based E-Line service shown in the following

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Step 1

----End Creating an IEEE 802.1D Bridge-based E-LAN Service

An IEEE 802.1D bridge is a transparent bridge and functions as a switching domain.

l You must be an NM user with NE operator authority or higher.
l The service to be created does not conflict with existing services.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials



Web LCT also supports this operation and the steps are the same as those on the U2000.

l In IEEE 802.1D bridge-based Ethernet local area network (E-LAN) services, Layer 2
protocol packets are transmitted as common services. Therefore, Layer 2 protocol
packets cannot be transmitted first in the case of link congestion.
l By default, the NE carries an IEEE 802.1D bridge-based E-LAN service that is mounted
to all the ports of the NE.

The following procedure creates the IEEE 802.1D bridge-based E-LAN service shown in the
following figure.

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Step 1

----End Creating an IEEE 802.1Q Bridge-based E-LAN Service

An IEEE 802.1Q bridge is a virtual bridge (VB), which can be divided by VLANs into
several switching domains.

l You must be an NM user with NE operator authority or higher.
l The service to be created does not conflict with existing services.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials



Web LCT also supports this operation and the steps are the same as those on the U2000.

IEEE 802.1Q bridge-based Ethernet local area network (E-LAN) services can be configured
to transparently transmit Layer 2 protocol packets as packets with a per-hop behavior (PHB)
of CS7.

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The following procedure creates the IEEE 802.1Q bridge-based E-LAN service shown in the
following figure.

Step 1

----End Changing Logical Ports Mounted to a Bridge

This section describes how to change the logical ports mounted to a bridge and how to modify
the attributes of the ports.

l You must be an NM user with NE operator authority or higher.
l Ethernet local area network (E-LAN) services have been configured.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials



Web LCT also supports this operation and the steps are the same as those on the U2000.

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The following steps remove port GE4, that is, a GE(o) port, from the ports mounted with E-
LAN services and delete VLAN 100 from the VLAN list of microwave ports.

Step 1

----End Deleting an E-Line Service

When an Ethernet line (E-Line) service is not used, you need to delete the service to release
Ethernet resources.

l You must be an NM user with NE operator authority or higher.
l An E-Line service has been configured.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials



Web LCT also supports this operation and the steps are the same as those on the U2000.

The following procedure deletes the E-Line service whose ID is 1.

Step 1

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----End Deleting an E-LAN Service

When an Ethernet local area network (E-LAN) service is not used, you need to delete the
service to release Ethernet resources.

l You must be an NM user with NE operator authority or higher.
l An E-LAN service has been configured.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials



Web LCT also supports this operation and the steps are the same as those on the U2000.

The following procedure deletes the E-LAN service whose ID is 1.

Step 1

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----End Creating a DS Domain

By creating a DS domain, you can create the mappings relationship of a new DS domain and
configure the ports that use this mapping relationship.

l You must be an NM user with NE operator authority or higher.
l On the NE Panel, you have added the board where the Ethernet port resides.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials



Web LCT also supports this operation and the steps are the same as those on the U2000.

The following procedure creates a DS domain according to the planned values listed in the
following table.

Parameter Value

Mapping Relation ID 2

Mapping Relation Name Diffserv

Inbound Mapping Relationship Default values

Outbound Mapping Relationship Default values

Board 1-MXUI5

Available Port 1-MXUI5-3(COMBO)

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Parameter Value

Packet Type cvlan

Enable Outbound Mapping Enable

Step 1

----End Modifying the Mapping for a DS Domain

This section describes how to modify the mapping between packet priorities and per-hop
behaviors (PHBs) in the ingress or egress direction of a Differentiated Services (DS) domain.

You must be an NM user with NE operator authority or higher.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Web LCT also supports this operation and the steps are the same as those on the U2000.

OptiX RTN 380 has a default DS domain whose Mapping Relation ID is 1 and Mapping
Relation Name is default map. The default DS domain can be modified but cannot be
deleted. Other DS domains can be deleted or modified.
The following procedure modifies the mappings for a DS domain according to the planned
values listed in the following table.
The following table describes parameters on the Inbound Mapping Relationship tab.

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Default value Default value 0-7 BE

8-15 AF11

16-23 AF21

24-31 AF31

32-39 AF41

40-47 EF

48-55 CS6

56-63 CS7

Step 1

----End Changing the Ports Applied to a DS Domain and Their Trusted Packet
This section describes how to set the packet type trusted by a port.

You must be an NM user with NE operator authority or higher.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


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Web LCT also supports this operation and the steps are the same as those on the U2000.

The following procedure changes the packet types trusted by the Ethernet ports and
microwave port to the planned value listed in the following table.

Parameter Packet Type

IF cvlan

Step 1 Delete a port that uses the DS domain.

Step 2 Add a port that uses the DS domain.

Step 3 Change the packet type trusted by the port.

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----End Enabling/Disabling DSCP Demapping at an Egress Port

If DSCP-based Diffserv is enabled and if you do not want the DSCP values to be changed by
demapping at egress ports, you can disable DSCP demapping.

You must be an NM user with NE operator authority or higher.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Web LCT also supports this operation and the steps are the same as those on the U2000.

The following procedure sets Egress DSCP Mapping Status to Disabled.
The following procedure sets Egress DSCP Mapping Status to Enable.

Step 1

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----End Enabling/Disabling Outbound Demapping at the Egress Port of a

DiffServ Domain
You can disable Outbound demapping at an egress port on an RTN NE to forbid the NE
modifying packet priorities.

l You must be an NM user with NE operator authority or higher.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


The following procedure sets the enable status of outbound demapping at the Egress port of a
DS domain according to the planned value listed in the following table.

Parameter value

GE Disable

Step 1

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----End Creating a WRR Policy

This section describes how to create a WRR policy.

You must be an NM user with NE operator authority or higher.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Web LCT also supports this operation and the steps are the same as those on the U2000.

The following procedure creates a WRR policy according to the planned values listed in the
following table.

Parameter Value

Policy ID Assigned automatically

Policy Name WRR

CS7 Scheduling Weight 0

CS6 Scheduling Weight 0

EF Scheduling Weight 0

AF4 Scheduling Weight 25

AF3 Scheduling Weight 25

AF2 Scheduling Weight 25

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Parameter Value

AF1 Scheduling Weight 25

BE Scheduling Weight 0

Step 1

----End Creating a Port WRED Policy

This section describes how to create a port WRED policy (WRED stands for weighted
random early detection).

You must be an NM user with NE operator authority or higher.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Web LCT also supports this operation and the steps are the same as those on the U2000.

The following procedure creates a WRED policy according to the planned values listed in the
following table.

Parameter Value

Policy ID 2

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Parameter Value

Policy Name WRED

Lower Drop Threshold(256 bytes) 32, 32, 400

Upper Drop Threshold(256 bytes) 64, 64, 460

Drop Probability(%) 100, 100, 1

Step 1

----End Modifying the Port Policy

This section describes how to change the parameter values of a created port policy.

l You must be an NM user with NE operator authority or higher.
l The port policy must be created.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials



Web LCT also supports this operation and the steps are the same as those on the U2000.

The following procedure modifies a port policy according to the planned values listed in the
following table.

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Parameter Value

Bandwidth Limitation Enabled

Port WRED Policy 1-default port wred

Step 1

----End Creating a Port Policy

This section describes how to create port policies, including scheduling, shaping, packet
dropping, and WRR policies for egress queues.

l You must be an NM user with NE operator authority or higher.
l The board of the Ethernet ports must be added onNE Panel.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Web LCT also supports this operation and the steps are the same as those on the U2000.


Web LCT also supports this operation and the steps are the same as those on the U2000.

The following procedure creates a port policy according to the planned values listed in the
following table.

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Parameter Value

Policy ID 6

Policy Name Policy

WRR Scheduling Policy 1-WRR Default Scheduling

Enable Bandwidth Restriction Enabled

Port WRED Policy 1-default port WRED

Step 1

----End Creating Traffic

By creating traffic, you can configure ACL, CoS, CAR and shaping for a specified traffic
stream on a specified port.

l You must be an NM user with NE operator authority or higher.
l The Ethernet board must be added on the NE Panel.
l The port policy must be created.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials



Web LCT also supports this operation and the steps are the same as those on the U2000.

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The following procedure creates traffic.

Step 1

----End Setting the Port That Uses the Port Policy

This section describes how to set the port that uses the port policy.

l You must be an NM user with NE operator authority or higher.
l The Ethernet board must be added on the NE Panel.
l The port policy must be created.

Tools, Instruments, and Materials



Web LCT also supports this operation and the steps are the same as those on the U2000.

The following procedure sets the port that uses the port policy.

Step 1

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----End Setting Egress Queue Scheduling Policies

This section describes how to set queue scheduling policies for an egress port.

You must be an NM user with NE operator authority or higher.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Web LCT also supports this operation and the steps are the same as those on the U2000.

The following procedure configures queue scheduling policies for a microwave port
according to the planned parameter values listed in the following table.

Parameter Grooming Policy After Reloading





AF3 WRR(weight=25)

AF2 WRR(weight=25)

AF1 WRR(weight=25)

BE WRR(weight=25)

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Step 1

----End Creating a DS Domain Profile

A global DS domain profile can be created and applied to multiple NEs or ports on a network.

l You must be an NM user with NE maintainer authority or higher.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Web LCT also supports this operation and the steps are the same as those on the U2000.

The following procedure creates a DS domain profile.

Parameter Value

Policy Name DIS

IP DSCP 8-15




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Parameter Value




Step 1

----End Creating a Port WRED Policy Profile

A global port WRED policy profile can be created and applied to multiple NEs or ports on a

l You must be an NM user with NE maintainer authority or higher.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Web LCT also supports this operation and the steps are the same as those on the U2000.

The following procedure creates a port WRED policy profile.

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Step 1

----End Creating a WRR Policy Profile

A WRR policy profile can be created and applied to multiple NEs or ports on a network.

l You must be an NM user with NE maintainer authority or higher.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Web LCT also supports this operation and the steps are the same as those on the U2000.

The following procedure creates a WRR policy profile.

Parameter Value

Profile Name WRR

CS7 Scheduling Weight (0-100) 0

CS6 Scheduling Weight(0-100) 0

EFScheduling Weight(0-100) 0

AF4 Scheduling Weight(0-100) 25

AF3 Scheduling Weight(0-100) 25

AF2 Scheduling Weight(0-100) 25

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Parameter Value

AF1 Scheduling Weight(0-100) 25

BE Scheduling Weight(0-100) 0

Step 1

----End Creating a Port Policy Profile

A global port policy profile can be created and applied to multiple NEs or ports on a network.

You must be an NM user with NE maintainer authority or higher.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Web LCT also supports this operation and the steps are the same as those on the U2000.

The following procedure creates a port policy profile.

Parameter Value

Profile Name port

WFQ Scheduling Policy WFQ Default Scheduling

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Parameter Value

Bandwidth Limitation Enabled

CIR(kbit/s) 64

PIR(kbit/s) 64

CBS(bytes) 64

PBS(bytes) 64

Port WRED Policy Default port WRED

Step 1

----End Downloading a QoS Policy Profile to an NE or Port

You can apply various QoS policies to specified NEs or ports.

l You must be an NM user with NE maintainer authority or higher.
l A policy profile has been created.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials


Web LCT also supports this operation and the steps are the same as those on the U2000.

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The following procedure downloads a DS domain profile to an NE or port.

This topic describes how to download a DS domain profile to an NE or port. The method of downloading
other profiles is similar.

Step 1

----End Releasing the QoS Policy Bound to an Interface

This operation releases the QoS policy bound to a port.

You must be an NM user with NE operator authority or higher.

Tools, Instruments, and Materials


Web LCT also supports this operation and the steps are the same as those on the U2000.

The following steps release the QoS policy bound to a COMBO port.

Step 1

Issue 03 (2018-03-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 281

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7.9.4 Configuring Ethernet Services (in End-to-End Mode)

This section provides hyperlinks to common operations of configuring Ethernet services in an
end-to-end mode. Searching for Native Ethernet Services

By searching for native Ethernet services, you can synchronize the configured native Ethernet
service data from the NE layer of the NMS to the network layer.

l You must be an NM user with NE operator authority or higher.
l Native Ethernet services have been correctly configured.
l Configuration data on the NMS is the same as that on NEs.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials



The Web LCT does not support this operation.

l Verify that cables have been created between the NEs on the topology.
l This task searches for native Ethernet services that have been correctly configured but
for which no topologies have been created at the network layer of the NMS. For native
Ethernet services for which topologies have been created at the network layer of the
NMS, skip this task.

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The following procedure synchronizes the native E-LAN services in a specified area to the
network layer of the NMS.

Step 1

----End Creating a Transparently Transmitted Point-to-Point E-Line Service

This section describes how to configure a transparently transmitted point-to-point E-Line
service in an end-to-end manner.

l You must be an NM user with NE operator authority or higher.
l Fiber/Cable connections have been created between NEs in the main topology.
l Configuration data on the NMS is the same as that on NEs.
l The service to be created does not conflict with existing services.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials



The Web LCT does not support this operation.

The following procedure creates a transparently transmitted point-to-point E-Line service
according to the planned parameter values listed in the following table.

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Parameter Value

Service name NE1toNE2

Source NE NE1

Source port P&E

Sink NE NE2

Sink port P&E

Step 1

----End Creating a VLAN-based E-Line Service

This section describes how to create a VLAN-based E-Line service in an end-to-end manner.

l You must be an NM user with NE operator authority or higher.
l Fiber/Cable connections have been created between NEs in the main topology.
l Configuration data on the NMS is the same as that on NEs.
l The service to be created does not conflict with existing services.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials



The Web LCT does not support this operation.

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The following procedure creates a VLAN-based E-Line service according to the planned
parameter values listed in the following table.

Parameter Value

Service name NE1toNE2

Source NE NE1

Source port P&E

Source C-VLAN 200

Sink NE NE2

Sink port P&E

Sink C-VLAN 200

Step 1

----End Creating an IEEE 802.1D Bridge-based E-LAN Service

This section describes how to configure an IEEE 802.1D bridge-based E-LAN service in an
end-to-end manner.

l You must be an NM user with NE operator authority or higher.
l Fiber/Cable connections have been created between NEs in the main topology.
l Configuration data on the NMS is the same as that on NEs.

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l The service to be created does not conflict with existing services.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials



The Web LCT does not support this operation.

The following procedure creates an IEEE 802.1D bridge-based E-LAN service according to
the planned parameter values listed in the following tables.

Table 7-77 Basic information

Parameter Value

Service Type E-LAN

Service Name E-LAN-00001

Table 7-78 Information about mounted ports

Parameter NE1 NE2 NE3 NE4

Ports mounted 1- 1- 1- 1-
to a bridge MXUF4-2(P&E MXUF4-1(IF) MXUF4-1(IF) MXUF4-1(IF)
) 1- 1- 1-
1- MXUF4-2(P&E MXUF4-4(GE( MXUF4-2(P&E
MXUF4-1(IF) ) o)) )

Step 1

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----End Creating an IEEE 802.1Q Bridge-based E-LAN Service

This section describes how to configure an IEEE 802.1Q bridge-based E-LAN service in an
end-to-end manner.

l You must be an NM user with NE operator authority or higher.
l Fiber/Cable connections have been created between NEs in the main topology.
l Configuration data on the NMS is the same as that on NEs.
l The service to be created does not conflict with existing services.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials



The Web LCT does not support this operation.

The following procedure creates an IEEE 802.1Q bridge-based E-LAN service according to
the planned parameter values listed in the following tables.

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Table 7-79 Service information

Parameter NE1 NE2 NE3 NE4

Ports mounted 1- 1- 1- 1-
to a bridge MXUF4-2(P&E MXUF4-1(IF) MXUF4-4(GE( MXUF4-1(IF)
) (VLAN ID: (VLAN ID: o)) (VLAN ID: (VLAN ID:100)
100,200) 100,200) 100) 1-
1- 1- 1- MXUF4-2(P&E
(VLAN ID: o)) (VLAN ID: (VLAN ID:100) 100)
100,200) 100)

Step 1


7.9.5 Configuring CPRI Services

This section describes how to configure CPRI services. You must delete Ethernet service
configurations before configuring CPRI services.

l You must be an NM user with NE operator authority or higher.
l Microwave links have been configured.

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Web LCT also supports this operation and the steps are the same as those on the U2000.

1. Configure CPRI services for the end that is remote from the NMS before configuring
CPRI services for the end that is close to the NMS, to prevent the remote NE from being
unreachable to the NMS when a link interruption occurs due to inconsistent link types.
2. When deleting the Ethernet port, delete services and the QoS policy configured for
services on the port first.
3. If the rate of the CPRI port is set, the channel spacing and modulation scheme must be
set based on the Table 7-80.

Table 7-80 Air-interface capacities required by OBSAI services at different rates

Service Rate (Mbit/s) OBSAI Transmission Required Air-Interface
Mode Capacity (Mbit/s)

1536 Transparent 1546

3072 Transparent 3082

4. The NE will be cold reset when the CPRI port is activated.

The following procedure:
l Configure CPRI services for NE1. The port rate is 1.25 Gbit/s.
To switch the port rate between 1.25 Gbit/s and 2.5 Gbit/s in CPRI mode, the operations are similar to
those in CPRI service configuration.
l Change the CPRI mode to a non-CPRI mode.

Step 1 Configure CPRI services.

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Step 2 Change the CPRI mode to a non-CPRI mode.


7.9.6 Configuring Clocks

To ensure that clocks of all the nodes on the transmission network are synchronized, configure
the clocks for these nodes according to a unified clock synchronization policy. Configuring the System Clock Source

If OptiX RTN 380 is used to transmit CPRI services, there is no need to configure clock

You must be an NM user with NE operator authority or higher.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials



Web LCT also supports this operation and the steps are the same as those on the U2000.

The following steps configure IFinterface as the clock source with the highest priority, the
next is GE(o).

Step 1 Configuring the system clock source.

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----End Configuring Protection for Clock Sources

This section describes how to configure protection for clock sources. For a simple network
(such as a chain network), protection for the clock sources is not required or the clock sources
are protected according to the clock source priority table. For a complex network (such as a
ring network, a ring with chain network, or a network consisting of intersectant rings), clock
sources need to be protected by using the standard Synchronization Status Message (SSM)
protocol or the extended SSM protocol.

l You must be an NM user with NE operator authority or higher.
l Clock sources have been configured.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials



Web LCT also supports this operation and the steps are the same as those on the U2000.

The following procedure:
l Enables the standard SSM protocol.
l Enables the extended SSM protocol and sets the IDs of the clock source IF, GE(o) and
the internal clock source to 1, 2 and 3 respectively.

Issue 03 (2018-03-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 291

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l It is recommended that you enable the standard SSM protocol for a simple ring network and enable the
extended SSM protocol for a complex network (for example, a network consisting of intersectant rings,
which may provide the network with multiple clock sources).
l If the extended SSM protocol is enabled, set IDs for the following clock sources:
l Reference clock sources for a ring network
l Local clock source of an NE that traces a clock source outside the ring network
Each clock source ID must be unique and is unrelated to priorities.

Step 1 Enable the standard SSM protocol.

Step 2 Enable the extended SSM protocol.

----End Configuring a Clock Source Group

If multiple links between two NEs form a ring, clock source groups must be configured on the
two NEs to prevent clock loops.

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l You must be an NM user with NE operator authority or higher.
l Clock sources have been configured.
l Standard SSM protocol have been configured.

Tools, Equipment, and Materials



Web LCT also supports this operation and the steps are the same as those on the U2000.

The following steps configure two clock sources as a group.

Step 1


Issue 03 (2018-03-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 293

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

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