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VxWorks and Engineering Debug Commands

Command Listing

VxWorks and Engineering Debug Commands

This appendix provides a convenient reference to VxWorks and Engineering debug commands supported on the
MGX 8260 media gateway. These commands can be entered at the command line via a console, modem or
telnet session.

Note VxWorks and Engineering debug commands are available only to root users, and are shielded from all
other users, including those with MGX 8260 node access level = 1 (SuperUser).

The operating system for the MGX 8260 is VxWorks. VxWorks is similar in command structure to UNIX with
one exception. All non-numeric argument values are taken as strings and hence, must be enclosed in double
quotes. For example, suppose command foo takes two arguments, arg1 and arg2, where arg1 is a character
string and arg2 is a hexadecimal numeric value. This command would be entered as follows:

POPB.9.ACTIVE-> foo "arg1" 0xarg2 <CR>

A value or string is returned when the command is entered. A value of 0x0 means the command was executed
successfully. A value of 0xffffffff (all ones) means the command failed to execute properly. If "undefined
symbol:" is returned, the command was improperly typed or does not exist.

Command Listing
Table B-1 lists the VxWorks commands most commonly used on an MGX 8260 node. Table B-2 lists the
Engineering debug commands employed by technicians servicing the MGX 8260 media gateway.

Complete information on VxWorks commands is contained in the VxWorks documentation available in

downloadable PDF files from Wind River Systems, Inc. ( Document titles include:

VxWorks Network Programmer's Guide

VxWorks Programmer's Guide

VxWorks Reference Manual

Note The commands listed in Table B-1 and Table B-2 do not appear in the listing generated by
typing help while you are logged in as root.

Table B-1: VxWorks Commands

Command Variables Description

cd "directory" Changes working directory from the current directory to the

specified subdirectory. An instance of ".." (double periods)
indicates one level up in the directory tree.

cnfkey "String"(6-digit key) Sets the 6-digit security key required for tftp file transfers.
copy "file1","file2" Copy one file to another file.

dspbimif Line (1-4) Displays IP packet counts on SCC broadband interface module
(BIM) ports. If the Line variable is not provided, the values shown
are concatenated from all lines.

dspkey None Displays the current 6-digit tftp security key. See also cnfkey.

i None Displays a listing of all active processes.

Most of the processes will show a status of "PEND", "DELAY" or

"READY". These are all normal and valid states. It is abnormal for
even a single process to display a "SUSPEND", "PEND+S",
"DELAY+S", or "READY+S" status.

Moreover, the existence of multiple tMRPSxxx or tDbmSxxx tasks

indicates a problem. If a process such as tMGCP or tMRPC are
suspended, there is a serious problem with the SCC.

lkAddr address (Ox prefix to Displays addressing information for an exception address detected
hexadecimal number for a suspended task.
from ti output)
Note The ti command outputs the INSTR address only when an
exception has occurred.

lkup "string" Causes the MGX 8260 to output a list of all commands containing
(alphabetical the specified string in their name.

ll None Displays a "long list" of the current directory's contents (similar to

the Unix ls -l command).

ls None Displays the contents of the current directory.

ping "IPAddress", x (IP Sends a packet to a specified IP address and monitors its return. It is
address of target identical to the UNIX ping command except that the IP address is
device in dotted considered a string and must be enclosed in double quotes.
notation; x = number
of pings to send to The ping will be initiated out of the SCC back card's Ethernet
the target IP address) Mgmt Port.

Caution Always enter a number for x. If no number is

specified for x, a continuous ping is assumed. The ping will
continue endlessly until a ping failure is detected.

pwd None Displays the current working directory

remove "filename" Deletes the specified file.

Caution Exercise extreme caution when deleting a file. Only

delete files you are certain do not need to reside on the SCC
flash disk.
rename "filename" "new Renames the specified filename to the new filename.

td "taskname" Kills the specified task. The taskname can be derived from the
listing displayed for the i command.

ti "taskname" The task information command should be implemented for a

suspended task. Verifies that an exception has occurred and helps
determine the cause of the exception. If an exception has occurred,
obtain the memory location (32-bit hex address) following the
INSTR field in the output of the ti command and issue the lkAddr

tt "taskname" Prints the stack trace of a task. Task trace allows you to investigate
a suspended task or a task suspected of hogging CPU resources.
The taskname can be derived from the listing displayed for the i

Table B-2: Engineering Debug Commands

Command Variables Description

arpShow None Lists all the devices as well as their MAC addresses
which have responded to the MGX 8260 address
resolution protocol (ARP) requests.

checkStack None Prints a summary of each task's stack usage.

cntmgmusage None Shows the maximum available and current utilization of

management messages.

dbmdispdb None Displays the table structures in the node database.

dbmdisptab None Displays the structure of Table 0 in the node database.

dispL2 Slot (0-based slot Displays the MRPC layer-2 configuration and counters
number of the for the specified card.
card = 0-7, 10-15)
Only the active SCC circuit card will respond to this
command. This command would typically be used when
a circuit card is suspected of not properly processing all
information—for example, transmitting in one direction

The command would be issued to obtain a baseline of

information. As new messages enter the node, it is
expected that both the MRPC transmit and receive
queues would show increments. The command would
then be re-issued and a difference in the counters would
be noted. If a counter shows no incremental values, the
circuit card may be failing.

dispServices None Displays all the services registered with MRPC. A

service is commonly referred to as "port" or "port
number" in MRPC event logs.

The output of dispServices displays the service in the

left column and either an SIW message queue id or
server function address in the right column. If it is a
server function pointer, one can identify which circuit
card registered the service by issuing the lkAddr
command for address shown in the right-hand column
against the service.

dispTransactions None Displays all outstanding transactions on the card where

the command is executed. That is, this command can be
entered on a session directly connected to any card on
the MGX 8260 chassis. Refer to telnet command.

dspbimif Line (1-4) Displays IP packet counts on SCC broadband interface

module (BIM) ports. If the Line variable is not provided,
the values shown are concatenated from all lines.

dspkey None Displays the current 6-digit tftp security key. See also

ibpmuxPrtOff None Turns D channel debugging off.

ibpmuxPrtOn Num (2, 3 or 4) Turns D channel debugging on. A single parameter

value (2, 3 or 4) scales the amount of debug info to
print. A value of 2 will display the least amount of
debug info, 4 the most.

Note The chidletm command should be used to

lengthen the timeout interval before ending the active
session when using the ibpmuxPrtOn command.

ibpmuxPrtSts Set (set ID Displays ISDN backhaul session statistics for the
number = 1-6) specified session set.

ifShow None Displays the current state of all configured Ethernet

management interfaces. Includes the two 10BaseT
Management ports as well as any configured in-band
Fast Ethernet ports.

The output of this command identifies the management

ports as follows:

lnPci (unit number 0) = Mgmt Port 1

lnPci (unit number 1) = Mgmt Port 2

lnAtm (unit number 0) = in-band management

ipbmuxPrtDChan None Lists the status of D channels per DS1 line.

memShow None Shows the memory status (current and cumulative) for
the active SCC.

Note If the number of free bytes in the CUR field is

close to 0, a memory leak has occurred.

mgcpPrtOff None Turns MGCP debugging off.

mgcpPrtOn Num (2, 3 or 4) Turns MGCP debugging on. A single parameter value
(2, 3 or 4) scales the amount of debug info to print. A
value of 2 will display the least amount of debug info, 4
the most.

Note The chidletm command should be used to

lengthen the timeout interval before ending the active
session when using the mscpPrtOn command.

Caution This command hogs CPU time and

could severely slow processing of active calls. The
effect varies in direct proportion to the number of
active calls within the node. Use this command
only when the number of calls is fairly low (<
200). The mpcDispNumActCalls command
shows the number of active calls in the node.

mgcpPrtSts None Displays MGCP message statistics. Initialized only

during a reboot of the SCC.

mpcDispBusyEp None Displays all busy endpoints.

mpcDispCalls None Displays details on all active calls.

mpcDispCard Slot (starting slot Displays detailed MGCP platform control (MPC)
number 0-15) information for individual circuit cards.

Num (number of
cards to be

mpcDispCardReqs None Displays counts of messages sent to the resource

manager (RMG), per service circuit card. These
messages support flow and congestion control. Counters
can be reset by the mpcZeroCardSts command.

mpcDispEp Slot (0-15) Displays MPC information for the specified endpoint(s).

Line (line number)

Endpoint (starting
endpoint number
Number (number
of endpoints to be

mpcDispEpFsmCount Num (2, 3 or 4) Displays finite state machine (FSM) statistical

information associated with endpoints. A single
parameter value (2, 3 or 4) scales the amount of debug
info to print. A value of 2 will display the least amount
of debug info, 4 the most.

The counters are reset to zero by the mpcZeroSts


mpcDispFlcQs None Displays statistics for the MPC flow control queue.

mpcDispFsmCount Num (2, 3 or 4) Displays finite state machine (FSM) statistical

information. A single parameter value (2, 3 or 4) scales
the amount of debug info to print. A value of 2 will
display the least amount of debug info, 4 the most.

The counters are reset to zero by the mpcZeroSts


mpcDispLines None Displays MPC information for all lines.

mpcDispNumActCalls None Displays the total number of currently active calls.

mpcDispSizes None Displays size information for all MPC data structures.

mpcDispSts None Displays MGX 8260 platform control (MPC) statistics.

Statistics include minor/major alarms, MPC messaging,
resource management (RMG), tone detection, and
memory status. Counters can be reset to zero by the
mpcZeroSts command.

mpcZeroCardSts None Resets service circuit card RMG message counters.

mpcZeroSts None Resets MGCP platform control (MPC) statistics to zero.

mscpPrtOff None Turns IPDC debugging off.

mscpPrtOn Num (2, 3 or 4) Turns IPDC debugging on. A single parameter value (2,
3 or 4) scales the amount of debug info to print. A value
of 2 will display the least amount of debug info, 4 the

Note The chidletm command should be used to

lengthen the timeout interval before ending the active
session when using the mscpPrtOn command.

Caution This command hogs CPU time and

could severely slow processing of active calls. The
effect varies in direct proportion to the number of
active calls within the node. Use this command
only when the number of calls is fairly low.

mscpPrtSts None Displays IPDC message statistics.

prtOff None Turns off printing of MPC and RMG debugging


prtOn Num Turns on printing of specified debugging messages:

(14 = turn on
RMG debug MPC = MGCP platform control
24 = turn on TCG RMG = resource manager
debug printing,
30 = turn on TCG = telephony control group
MPC debug
31 = turn on
Caution This command hogs CPU time and
MPC error
could severely slow processing of active calls. The
effect varies in direct proportion to the number of
active calls within the node. Use this command
only when the number of calls is fairly low.

routeShow None Displays the MGX 8260 routing table for the Ethernet

The first (NET) table shows all the subnets to which the
MGX 8260 can connect and which interface it will use
to connect to those subnets. The entry is the
default gateway.

The second (HOST) table shows all the host devices the
MGX 8260 has located and which interface it used to
find those hosts.

The output of this command identifies the Ethernet ports

as follows:

lnPci (unit number 0) = Mgmt Port 1

lnPci (unit number 1) = Mgmt Port 2

lnAtm (unit number 0) = in-band management


rudpv1ShowFailureStats None Displays RUDP failure statistics.

rudpv1ShowInternalStats None Displays RUDP connection statistics.

rudpvlprtOff None Turns off the display of RUDP debug statements.

rudpvlPrtOn None Turns on the display of RUDP debug statements.

SccClearCfg None Clears the configuration database of existing
information from the active SCC. SccClearCfg should
followed by the resetcd command.

Caution All card provisioning information will

be lost and must be reentered.

SiwFuncTraceDisable None Disables all system traces.

SiwMsgQShow None Displays the status of various internal message queues.

SiwTracePrint None Displays the contents of the system trace file. The trace
file is cleared using TraceDump.

SmClearCardCfg Slot (0-based slot Clears the card configuration of the card in the specified
number of the slot.
card = 0-7, 10-15)

SmDispCardInfo Slot (0-15) Displays the current operating state and other
operational parameters of the targeted card.

spy n, m <n = interval Starts a process which monitors and lists the CPU usage
seconds> <m = of individual tasks within a specified interval. This
number of process runs until turned off.
samples collected
within interval>

spyStop None Turns off the spy task.

SysDynMemShow None Displays the current state of dynamic memory on the


TraceDebugSet "MPC",1,0,1 Enables debug tracing of the specified code modules.

(enables MGCP These commands must be issued to allow trace
platform control messages to be sent to the system trace log.
tracing only)

"RMG",1,0,1 Caution This command hogs CPU time and

(enables resource could severely slow processing of active calls. The
manager tracing effect varies in direct proportion to the number of
only) active calls within the node. Use this command
only when the number of calls is fairly low.

TraceDump None Clears the contents of the system trace log.

upgradeflash x, " Upgrades the flash PROM on the targeted circuit card.
<filename>.fls" (x Refer to the MGX 8260 Release Notes for the filenames
Note This command = 0-based slot for specific circuit card types.
has been superseded by number of the
card = 0-15;
the updatefls command filename = PROM The upgradeflash command must be initiated once for
described in Table A-1. image for the each circuit card in the system.
target card)
Caution Special care must be taken when using
this command. Placing an NSC flash file in the
SCC (or vice-versa) will render the card
unbootable and a physical replacement of the
PROMs would be the only way to recover.

Posted: Sat Sep 28 22:27:30 PDT 2002

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