Camino Vs Atty

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Magusara vs Rastica The administrative case should be dismissed for lack of

Courts can only exercise its disciplinary powers after
observing due process and upon showing of the lawyer’s The acts complained of arose from the respondent’s
administrative guilty by clear, convincing and satisfactory performance of his official duties as public prosecutor. The
evidence. authority therefore to investigate and discipline respondent
pertains to his superior, the SoJ. The authority may likewise
This norm is aimed at preserving the integrity and reputation pertain to the office of the Ombudsman, which similarly
of the law profession and at shielding lawyers due to their exercise disciplinary jurisdiction over public prosecutors as
being officers of the court. public officials.

Further, the filing of multiple petitions and complaints The respondent’s accountability as an official discharging his
constitutes abuse of court processes which degrades the official duties is always to be differentiated from his
administration of justice. accountability as a member of the Philippine Bar.
IBP has no jurisdiction to investigate respondent as such is a
The public must be mindful that lawyers are bound to observe government lawyer.
and follow the strictest ethical cannons. Subjecting them to
frivolous and unfounded charges would not only cause
disservice to the ideals justice but also disregards the Medado
constitution and other laws to which they vow their enduring
fealty. While honest Mistake of fact could be used to excuse a person
from the legal consequences of his acts, mistake of law cannot
be used as lawful justification, because everyone is presumed
Palad vs Solis to know the law.

Since petitioner has already become a public figure upon his While MEdado may have first operated under an honest
involvement in the highly-publicized controversy concerning mistake of fact, when he thought that what he signed was the
his client, then, the disciplinary case filed against him has roll of attorneys. However the moment that he realized that
already become a matter of public interest. The media, what he signed was a mere attendance record he can no longer
therefore, has the right to report the disciplinary case as claim an honest mistake of fact.
legitimate news. He should have known that he is not yet a full-fledged lawyer.
The fact that there is no evidence showing that respondents When, in spite of his knowledge, he continued practicing law
published the article to influence the Courts in its action to the without taking the necessary steps to complete all the
disciplinary case nor to deliberately destroy his reputation, the requirements for admission to the bar, he willfully engaged in
confidentiality rule shall not be deemed violated. the unathorized practice of law.

Chua vs De Castro
Violated the Code of Professional Responsibility by constantly
maneuvering ways to successfully delay the disposition of the Meling:
case against his client.
He effectively impeded the administration of justice and The practice of law, whether under the sharia or regular courts,
inflicted injury and prejudice to NCRC. is privilege bestowed upon those who are not only learned in
law but also those who are known to possess good moral
character. Possession is not only condition precedent but its
continued possession is likewise essential in remaining in the
practice of law.
Z vs Z
The standard form issued in connection with the application
The dismissal of all the other charges against him, coupled requires the disclosure of the cases filed or is pending against
with the various certifications of good moral character, is the applicant.
sufficient for the court to conclude that he possesses the moral The disclosure requirement is for the court to determine
qualifications required of lawyers. whether there is satisfactory evidence that he is of good moral
While it is true that the practice of law is not a right but a The failure to disclose the pending cases speaks of his lack of
privilege, it cannot be unjustly withheld from a person who good moral character and forfeits his privileges bestowed upon
had clearly shown that he is intellectually and morally him as member of the Sharia bar.
qualified to join the legal profession.
The use of the word attorney is reserved only upon those who
have obtained the degree in the study of law and have passed
Segura vs Fabila the bar examinations and remain members in good standing.
Rule 15.07
A lawyer shall impress upon his client compliance with the
Distrito laws and principles of fairness.

He was less than honest when he did not declare that he had
pendng cases filed against him. Atty. Mendoza’s improper advice only lessens the confidence
of the public to the legal system.
Rule 7.02 requires of every applicant candor and truthfulness. Judges must be free to judge, without pressure or influence
Every applicant should lay before the court all his involvement from external forces or factors.
in any cases, pending or otherwise to enable the court to
determine his moral character. Her careless remark is uncalled for.

It is a person’s duty to disclose a material fact which could A lawyer’s duty is not to his client but to the administration of
affect his application for admission to the bar. justice. His client’s success is wholly subordinate.

It is not the commission of the crime but the concealment that His conduct must always be scrupulously observant of the law
makes one morally unfit to become a lawyer. and ethics.

The unauthorized use of the appellation may render a person Any means, not honorable, fair and honest, which is resorted
liable for indirect contempt of court. The court may deny the to by the lawyer, even in the pursuit of his devotion to his
applicant’s petition to take the lawyer’s oath for grave client’s cause, is condemnable and unethical.
2 months suspension is excessive.
Camino vs Atty. Pasagui
While her remark was inappropriate and unbecoming, her
 Atty. Pasagui violated their agreement for him to faciliate comment is not disparaging and reproachful fo as to cause
and secure a loan to finance the necessary expenses for dishonor and disgrace to the Judiciary.
the transfer of the property under the name of complainant
 He was able to secure a loan using the title as collateral
but he arrogated the proceeds to himself Zalamea vs Atty De Guzman

purchase by a lawyer of his client's property or interest in

Respondent was guilty of DECEIT, MALPRACTICE, and litigation is a breach of professional ethics and constitutes
GROSS MISCONDUCT for converting the money of his malpractice.
client to his own personal use without her consent.
The persons mentioned in Article 1491 are prohibited from
By violating their agreement, purchasing said property because of an existing trust
 He not only betrayed the trust and confidence reposed relationship.
upon him
 but he is guilty of engaging in dishonest and deceitful A lawyer is disqualified from acquiring by purchase the
conduct property and rights in litigation because of his fiduciary
 degraded himself and besmirched the name of an relationship with such property and rights, as well as with the
honorable profession client.

penalty: The very first Canon of the Code of Professional

 disbarment Responsibility5 provides that "a lawyer shall
 return the loan proceeds with interest  uphold the Constitution,
 obey the laws of the land and
 promote respect for law and legal process."

Canon 17 states that a lawyer owes fidelity to the cause of his

Arreola vs Atty. Mendoza client and he shall be mindful of the trust and confidence
reposed in him, while
Atty. Mendoza made irresponsible advices to her clients in
violation of Rule 1.02 and Rule 15.07
Canon 16 provides that "a lawyer shall hold in trust all moneys
Rule 1.02 and properties of his client that may come into his possession."
A lawyer shall not counsel or abet activities aimed at defiance
of the law or at lessening confidence in the legal system. Further, Section 3, Rule 138 of the Revised Rules of Court
requires every lawyer to take an oath to obey the laws as well
as the legal orders of the duly constituted authorities. And for
any violation of this oath, a lawyer may be suspended or
disbarred by the Court. All of these underscore the role of the person who is seeking to be admitted to the Philippine bar
lawyer as the vanguard of our legal system. The transgression must know that and must also shown proof that he has all the
of any provision of law by a lawyer is a repulsive and qualifications and none of the disqualifications to be admitted
reprehensible act which the Court will never as prescribed by law
2. lawyer shall not support unqualified applicants to the
Here, the accusation against De Guzman stemmed from his bar. unqualified with respect to character and
wife's purchase of the Speaker Perez property from BDO education
when Manuel Enrique did not have the means to buy it. The 3. a lawyer should conduct himself ethically and
Zalameas claim that De Guzman, as their counsel, could not morally
acquire the property, either personally or through his wife, - can uphold the integrity and dignity of the
without violating his ethical duties. De Guzman therefore has profession by engaging in conduct that reflects
breached the same when his wife purchased the subject his fitness to practice law
property. 4. live a life that would reflect your fitness to practice
However, the prohibition which the Zalameas invoke does not a. to give credit also to the legal profession,
apply where the property purchased was not involved in b. to inspire the confidence the respect the trust of
litigation. De Guzman clearly never acquired any of his your clients and the community
client's properties or interests involved in litigation in which
he may take part by virtue of his profession. There exists not gross immorality - is reflective of unfitness to practice law
even an iota of proof indicating that said property has ever
been involved in any litigation in which De Guzman took part grosslyt immoral act is one that is so corrupt and false as to
by virtue of his profession. True, they had previously sought constitute a criminal act
legal advice from De Guzman but only on how to handle their
mother's estate, which likewise did not involve the contested Grossly Immoral Act - is one that is so corrupt and false as
property. Neither was it shown that De Guzman's law firm had to constitute a criminal act, or so unprincipled and disgraceful
taken part in any litigation involving the Speaker Perez as to be reprehensible to a high degree.
The prohibition which rests on considerations of public policy lawyer shall not divide fees with non-lawyers –
and interests is intended to curtail any undue influence of the
lawyer upon his client on account of his fiduciary and three exemptions.
confidential relationship with him. 1. when there is a pre-existing agreement - when
there is our pre existing agreement with a partner or
associate that upon the latter's death, money shall be
Mercullo vs Ramon paid over a reasonable time to his estate or the person
specified in the agreemnet.
A lawyer shall not neglect the legal matters entrusted to her.
2. where a lawyer undertakes to complete the
A laywer shall not engage in an unlawful, dishonest, immoral unfinished business of a deceased lawyer.
and deceitful conduct.
3. where a lawyer or a firm would include non
lawyers who are employees in their firm in a
Lenhert vs Dino retirement plan
A lawyer shall uphold the constitution, obey the laws and aside from preventing unauthorized practice of law,
promote respect for the law and the legal processes maintaining good relations with your fellow fellow lawyers
and maintaining the integrity of the profession
Canon 7, 8, and 9. Duty to the legal profession. SOLICITATION AND ADVERTISING
A lawyer shall not advertise his services, similar to what a
1. The first one is to uphold the integrity of the profession. merchant would do, like advertising his wares and his
- A lawyer at all times shall uphold integrity and products.
dignity of the legal professional and support activities
of the integrated bar. lawyer shall not solicit legal business.
A lawyer shall charge lower rates to attract business
Integrity - This is the quality of being honest or having strong
moral principles or moral uprightness. a lawyer shall make clear whether he's acting in another
capacity other than by being a lawyer
A person initially shall make no false statements in his petition
to take the bar exams lawyer shall not use false or misleading name
IBP - national organization of lawyers in the Philippines is the A lawyer shall not engage in conduct which adversely reflects
mandatory Bar Association for Filipino lawyers, when you on his fitness to practice law, nor shall he, whether in private
pass the bar exams or public life, behave in a scandalous manner to the discredit
of the profession.

Rustia vs Bancolo Lawyers should behave in a professional and dignified manner

before the general public.
Rule 9. A lawyer shall not directly or indirectly assist in the
unathorized practice of law. The hurling of invectives fails to meet the high standard of
A lawyer shall not delegate to any unqualified person the morality expected from a lawyer. It is contrary to the dignified
performance of any task which by law may only be performed manner by which a lawyer should conduct himself.
by a member of the bar in good standing.
His behavior shows arrogance and abuse of authority as a
The lawyer’s duty to prevent or at the very list, assist in the lawyer.
unauthorized practice of law.
Public policy requires that the practice of law is limited to
those individuals found qualified in education and character. The practice of law is a sacred and noble profession. The right
to practice law presupposes integrity, legal knowledge,
Preparation and signing constitute legal work involving the educational attainment and public trust.
practice of law which is reserved exclusively to members of He should not use his knowledge as an instrument to harass a
the legal profession. party or misuse judicial processess.

Arnado vs Adaza

Bar Matter no. 850 requires all members of the IBP to undergo
continuing legal education to ensure that throughout their
a. they keep abreast of the law and jurisprudence
b. maintain the ethics of profession
c. enhance the standards of the practice of alw

 declared delinquent member of the bar

 suspended from the practice of law for
a. 6 months or
b. until he has fully complied with the MCLE
requirements for the 4 compliance periods
whichever is later and and
c. he has fully paid the required non-compliance
and reinstatement fees.

Carlos vs Linsangan
Art 1491(5) forbids lawyers from acquiring by purchase or
assignment, the property that has been the subject of litigation,
in which they have taken part by virtue of his profession.

Failure to return the money of his client gives rise to the

presumption that he had misappropriated it for his own use, to
the prejudice and violation of general morality as well as of
professional ethics.

The relationship of a lawyer and his client is one of special

trust and confidence. A lawyer must always therefore exercise
utmost good faith and fairness in all his relationship with his

A lawyer shall not divide his attorney’s fees with non-lawyers.

SSS vs Duran

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