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Research Title: Impacts of Mobile Devices and Computer Usage during Online Class on the Academic

Performance of Grade 12 Humility Students: A Comparative Analysis

Research Problem: What are the impacts of mobile devices and computer usage during online classes
on the academic performance of Grade 12 Humility students?

Research Questions:

1. What are the students' atttitude towards the use of mobile devices or computer for online learning?

2. What are the percieved usefulness of mobile devices or computer in students' academic activities? 3.
What is the relationship between computer usage during online classes and the academic performance
of Grade 12 HUMSS Students?

4. What is the relationship between mobile devices usage during online classes and the academic
performance of Grade 12 HUMSS Students?

5. What are the impacts of mobile devices or computer usage to students' academic performance?

Research Survey Questionnaire

Due to the increasing number of active cases of COVID-19 patients for almost a year, the educational
institutions in the country are forced to implement a new way of educational system, which is known as
remote learning. Because of this new system, many factors affect the teaching-learning process. One of
which is the context of how students cope with the changes and what are the impacts of mobile devices
and computer usage in their academic performances in attending both online synchronous and offline
and online asynchronous learning.

We are grade 12 students under Humanities and Social Sciences strand at the Bernardo College- Las
Pinas City. We are currently conducting this survey to obtain information on the impacts of the usage of
mobile devices and computer in the learning and academic performance of the students.

Rest assured that all the information you provide will be used in this research study only and will be
treated with absolute confidentiality.

Thank you very much!

1. How do you feel overall about distance education?

 Excellent
 Very Good
 Good
 Fair
 Poor

2. Do you have access to a device for learning online?

 Yes
 Yes, but it doesn’t work well
 No

3. What device do you use for distance learning?

 Laptop
 Desktop
 Tablet
 Smartphone
 Other (Please specify):__________________

4. How effective has remote learning been for you?

 Not at all effective

 Slightly effective
 Moderately effective
 Very effective
 Extremely effective

5. Do you enjoy learning remotely?

 Yes, absolutely
 Yes, but I would like to change a few things
 No, there are quite a few challenges
 No, not at all

6. Last semester, having experience remote learning, what general weighted average (GWA) did you

 Did not meet Expectations ( Below 75)

 Fair Satisfactory ( 75-79)
 Satisfactory ( 80- 84 )
 Very Satisfactory ( 85-89)
 Excellent/Outstanding (90-100)
7. In any case (synchronous or asynchronous learning), are you being disrupt in learning/studying?

 Yes
 No

8. If you say No to the last question you answered skip this question and proceed to the next one. If Yes,
what factors do you consider that affect your learning process? Choose all possible answer.

 Distracting learning environment

 Facebook ( notifications, memes, posts, comments, etc.)
 Twitter
 Instagram
 Online games
 Messenger App
 Others (Please Specify): ____________

9. If your answer to question 7 is No, what do you perceive usefulness of mobile device/computer usage
in your online classes?

 Very useful
 Useful, however distracts me as well in learning
 Not useful at all

10. How do you cope up in various learning activities your are having every online class?


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