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International University

School of Electrical Engineering

Principles of Communication Systems Lab



Submitted by
Nguyễn Lê Thiên Kim - EEEEIU17020
Bùi Bảo Trâm – EEEEIU17021
Phạm Huy Hoàng – EEEEIU17054

Date Performed: 20/04/2021

Date Submitted: 27/04/2021
Lab Section: Lab 3
Course Instructor: M. Eng Trang Kien
Number Content Score Comment
Format (max 9%)
- Font type Yes No
- Font size Yes No

- Lab title Yes No

- Page number Yes No

- Table of contents Yes No

- Header/Footer Yes No

- List of figures (if exists) Yes No

- List of tables (if exists) Yes No

- Lab report structure Yes No

2 English Grammar and Spelling (max 6%)

- Grammar Yes No

- Spelling Yes No

3 Data and Result Analysis (max 85%)

Total Score


Table of Contents

Table of Contents ............................................................................................................................. I

List of Figures ................................................................................................................................... I
Nomenclature ................................................................................................................................ III
Discussion of Fundamentals ........................................................................................................... 1
1. MODULATION BASICS..................................................................................................................... 1
2. AMPLITUDE MODULATION............................................................................................................. 2
3. PERCENTAGE MODULATION .......................................................................................................... 4
4. EQUIPMENT REQUIRED .................................................................................................................. 4
Experimental Procedure ................................................................................................................. 5
1. AN AM SIGNAL................................................................................................................................ 5
2. PERCENTAGE MODULATION .......................................................................................................... 8
Experimental Results .................................................................................................................... 11
1. AN AM SIGNAL.............................................................................................................................. 11
2. PERCENTAGE MODULATION ........................................................................................................ 20
Discussion of Results ..................................................................................................................... 25
1. AN AM SIGNAL ................................................................................................................................. 25
2. PERCENTAGE MODULATION ............................................................................................................ 25
Review Questions ......................................................................................................................... 25
1. AN AM SIGNAL ................................................................................................................................. 25
2. PERCENTAGE MODULATION ............................................................................................................ 27

List of Figures

Figure I-1. A typical AM signal..................................................................................................... 2

Figure I-2. The AM Modulation index .......................................................................................... 4
Figure II-1. Suggested Module Arrangement ................................................................................ 5
Figure II-2. Waveforms of the modulating sine wave and modulated signals. ............................. 6
Figure II-3. Waveforms of the modulating square wave and modulated signals .......................... 6
Figure II-4. The frequency spectrum of an 1100-kHz carrier modulated by a 10-kHz sine wave 7

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Figure II-5. The frequency spectrum of an 1100-kHz carrier modulated by a 10-kHz square
wave ......................................................................................................................................... 8
Figure II-6. The AM signal waveform ........................................................................................ 10
Figure III-1. Modules set up like in Figure II-1. ......................................................................... 11
Figure III-2. Adjustments for 10kHz modulating signal of Dual Function Generator ................ 11
Figure III-3. Adjustments for the 1100-kHz carrier wave........................................................... 12
Figure III-4. The 1100-kHz carrier wave displayed on channel 1 of oscilloscope ..................... 12
Figure III-5. Set up of subjecting 10kHz modulating signal (message signal) to the 1100kHz
carrier signal ........................................................................................................................... 13
Figure III-6. Waveforms of 10kHz modulating sine wave and its modulated signals as in Figure
II-2 .......................................................................................................................................... 13
Figure III-7. Waveforms of 10kHz modulating square wave and its modulated signals as in
Figure II-3 .............................................................................................................................. 14
Figure III-8. Check AM signal by varying frequency of modulating signal, f=0% .................... 14
Figure III-9. Check AM signal by varying frequency of modulating signal, f=4% .................... 15
Figure III-10. Check AM signal by varying frequency of modulating signal, f=14% ................ 15
Figure III-11. Check AM signal by varying Output level of modulating signal, level=0% ....... 16
Figure III-12. Check AM signal by varying Output level of modulating signal, level=20% ..... 16
Figure III-13. Check AM signal by varying Output level of modulating signal, level=50% ..... 17
Figure III-14. Check AM signal by varying Output level of modulating signal, level=100% ... 17
Figure III-15. Disconnecting everything before doing spectrum analyzer. ................................ 18
Figure III-16. Setting up of 1100kHz Carrier before performing Spectrum Analyzer ............... 18
Figure III-17. The frequency spectrum of a 1100-kHz carrier modulated by a 10-kHz SINE
wave as in Figure II-4 ............................................................................................................ 19
Figure III-18. The frequency spectrum of a 1100-kHz carrier modulated by a 10-kHz SQUARE
wave as in Figure II-5 ............................................................................................................ 19
Figure III-19. Setting up of 2.1.................................................................................................... 20
Figure III-20. Modulating signal on channel 1............................................................................ 21
Figure III-21. Set up of creating 1100kHz carrier signal ............................................................ 21
Figure III-22. Both message signal and carrier signal are displayed on the oscilloscope. .......... 22
Figure III-23. Carrier signal displayed clearly on the oscilloscope for a better measurement.... 22

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Figure III-24. Setting up to subject modulating signal into a carrier signal ................................ 23
Figure III-25. The AM signal waveform as in Figure II-6. ......................................................... 23
Figure III-26. Resulting AM that satisfy percentage modulation index of 50% ......................... 24
Figure IV-1. Effects on Envelope of AM signal when increase the Modulation Index m .......... 26


VDD = DC Voltage Source

Vdd = AC Volatge Source
Iref = Reference Current

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Discussion of Fundamentals


Frequency of an RF channel is best understood as the frequency of a carrier wave.

A carrier wave is a pure wave of constant frequency like a sine (cosine) wave.

The process of imposing an input signal onto a carrier wave to deliver speech/data information is
called modulation. In other words, modulation defines the shape of a carrier wave to encode the
transmitting information.

Any wave has three basic properties: Amplitude (the height), Frequency (the number of
occurrences of waves in a second), and Phase.

Tweak the height of the carrier. If the amplitude (height) of an input voice signal is varied and then
added to the carrier, the carrier’s amplitude will change corresponding to the variation of input’s
amplitude. This is called Amplitude Modulation or AM.

When we use changes of frequency to carry speech information, it is called Frequency

Modulation or FM. Frequency of an input signal can also be changed when it is added to the pure
carrier wave which results in a change of the carrier wave’s frequency.

Any process of encoding useful information by combining an input signal with a carrier wave is
called a modulation scheme, and this can be analog or digital. An analog modulation scheme has
an input wave that varies continuously like a sine wave. In digital modulation scheme, voice is
sampled at some rate and then compressed and turned into a bit stream – a stream of zeros and
ones – and this in turn is created into a particular kind of wave which is then superimposed on the

To keep communication cheap and convenient and require less power to carry as much
information as possible, carrier systems with modulated carriers are used.

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In AM, the height of the carrier is

varied corresponding to the message
signal. The waveform of a typical AM
signal is shown in Figure I-1. It
represents a high frequency carrier
modulated by a sine wave. The curve
drawn through the peaks and valleys
of the AM waveform is called the
envelope, and it is identical to the
waveform of the message signal.

Figure I-1. A typical AM signal

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100 % modulation: μ = 1

Overmodulation: μ > 1: It causes phase reversals and envelope distortion.

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The modulation index is an important parameter in AM. It is defined as the ratio between the
amplitudes of the message signal and the unmodulated carrier. The AM modulation index is
measured using a single-tone sine wave as the message signal.

Figure I-2 shows how the modulation index is defined and measured. The figure shows a sine
wave message signal with a peak amplitude of 200 mV, while the peak amplitude of the
unmodulated carrier is 600 mV. The modulation index is therefore 0.2 / 0.6 = 1/3 and the %
modulation is 1/3 × 100% = 33.33 %.

Figure I-2. The AM Modulation index


Accessories 8948
Power Supply / Dual Audio Amplifier 9401
Dual Function Generator 9402
Frequency Counter 9403
Spectrum Analyzer 9405
AM / DSB / SSB Generator 9410
AM / DSB Receiver 9411
Oscilloscope ----

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Experimental Procedure


1.1 Set up the modules as shown in Figure II-1. Make sure that all OUTPUT LEVEL
and GAIN controls are turned fully counterclockwise to the MIN position, and
power up the equipment.

Figure II-1. Suggested Module Arrangement

1.2 Adjust the channel A controls on the Dual Function Generator as follows:
FUNCTION: Sine wave
FREQUENCY knob: Adjust for 10 kHz
OUTPUT LEVEL knob: ¼ turn cw

1.3 On the AM/DSB/SSB Generator module, turn the CARRIER LEVEL and RF
GAIN (amplifier A2) controls to the MAX position.

Adjust the RF TUNING knob on the module to measure a carrier frequency of

1100 kHz at the AM/DSB RF OUTPUT (terminal 6) with the Frequency Counter.

1.4 Disconnect the Frequency Counter and connect the AM/ DSB output to channel 1
of the oscilloscope. Set the VOLTS/DIV control at 0.5 V. Describe the waveform
now displayed on the screen.

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1.5 Use a BNC T-connector to connect the modulating signal from the Dual Function
Generator to both the AUDIO INPUT on the AM/DSB/SSB Generator and
channel 2 on the oscilloscope. Set the VOLTS / DIV control at 0.1V.

Set the oscilloscope to trigger on the modulating signal and set the TIME / DIV
control at 50 μs. Sketch these two waveforms in different colors in Figure II-2.

Figure II-2. Waveforms of the modulating sine wave and

modulated signals.

1.6 Select the square wave FUNCTION for channel A of the Dual Function
Generator. Sketch the waveforms in Figure II-3.

Figure II-3. Waveforms of the modulating square wave and

modulated signals
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1.7 Depress once again the sine wave FUNCTION switch for channel A on the Dual
Function Generator. Vary the FREQUENCY control knob for channel A in both
directions to confirm that the AM waveform responds to this change in the
information signal. Readjust the control to obtain 10 kHz and describe the effect
produced by varying the frequency. ❑ Yes ❑ No. Explain?

1.8 Vary the OUTPUT LEVEL control for channel A slightly in both directions, and
then return it to the ¼ turn cw position.

How does the AM waveform change to reflect the variation in the amplitude level
of the information signal? Why? Return both controls to the MAX position and
vary the frequency of the sine wave between 1 kHz and 10 kHz. What change
does this cause in the AM waveform?

1.9 Disconnect channels 1 and 2 of the oscilloscope.

1.10 Turn the RF GAIN (amplifier A2) of the AM/DSB/SSB Generator to the 1/2 cw
position, and connect the AM / DSB output to the INPUT of the Spectrum

Depress successively the 200, 50, and 10 kHz / V FREQUENCY SPAN switches,
and retune the Spectrum Analyzer as necessary to keep the 1100-kHz carrier in
the center. Sketch the resulting frequency spectrum in Figure II-4.

Figure II-4. The frequency spectrum of an 1100-kHz

carrier modulated by a 10-kHz sine wave

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1.11 Select the square wave FUNCTION on the Dual Function Generator and describe
the resulting frequency spectrum. Sketch the waveform and give comment.

Figure II-5. The frequency spectrum of an 1100-kHz

carrier modulated by a 10-kHz square wave


2.1 Adjust the channel A controls on the Dual Function Generator as follows:

FUNCTION: Sine wave

FREQUENCY knob: Adjust for 10 kHz
OUTPUT LEVEL knob: ¼ turn cw

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Disconnect the Function Generator and the AUDIO INPUT on the AM generator
Connect the modulating signal to channel 1 of the oscilloscope, and measure its
peak-to-peak amplitude.

Am = _________V p-p

2.2 On the AM/DSB/SSB Generator, turn the CARRIER LEVEL and RF GAIN
(amplifier A2) controls to the MAX position.

Adjust the RF TUNING control on the module to measure a carrier frequency of

1100 kHz at terminal 6 with the Frequency Counter.

2.3 Disconnect the Frequency Counter and connect the AM/DSB output to channel 2
of the oscilloscope. Measure the peak-to-peak amplitude of the carrier.

AC = _________ V p-p

2.4 Using the values obtained in steps 2.1 and 2.3, determine the percentage
modulation that should be obtained for the AM signal.

2.5 Use a BNC T-connector and a BNC / BNC cable to connect the modulating signal
to the AUDIO INPUT on the AM generator.

Set the oscilloscope controls to obtain the largest usable display and sketch the
resulting AM waveform.

Measure A and B.

A = ____________ B = _____________

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Figure II-6. The AM signal waveform

Determine the modulation index and the percentage modulation.

2.6 Adjust any button to obtain percentage modulation index reaching 0.5 or 50%.

Measure A and B as shown in this case.

A = ____________ B = _____________

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Experimental Results


1.1 Modules set like in Figure II-1. Make sure that all OUTPUT LEVEL and GAIN
controls are turned fully counterclockwise to the MIN position, and power up the

Figure III-1. Modules set up like in Figure II-1.

1.2 Adjustment for modulating signal in channel A of the Dual Function Generator:

Figure III-2. Adjustments for 10kHz modulating signal of Dual Function Generator

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1.3 Adjustments for the 1100-kHz carrier wave in the AM/DSB/SSB Generator.

Figure III-3. Adjustments for the 1100-kHz carrier wave.

1.4 Display the 1100-kHz carrier wave in the AM/DSB/SSB Generator to channel 1
of the oscilloscope with 0.5 V/div control.

Figure III-4. The 1100-kHz carrier wave displayed on channel 1 of oscilloscope

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The wave form of this carrier signal on the oscilloscope can be seen as a static Sine wave, with a
Vpp of 1.4V (0.5V/div x 2.8div = 1.4V)

1.5 Set up for connecting the modulating 10kHz sine signal of the Dual Function
Generator to the 1100kHz carrier signal of AM/DSB/SSB Generator to create a
modulated signal which then displayed on channel 2 of the oscilloscope. Set the
VOLTS / DIV control at 0.1V. The message signal is displayed on channel 1.

Figure III-5. Set up of subjecting 10kHz modulating signal (message signal) to the 1100kHz
carrier signal
Set up on the oscilloscope with time division of 50 μs/div, an adjustment of
0.5V/div and 0.1V/div control on channel 1 and 2 respectively to display both
modulating and modulated signal in different colors as in Figure II-2.

Channel 1: Modulated
Channel 2: Modulating, 10kHz, sine

Figure III-6. Waveforms of 10kHz modulating sine wave and its modulated signals as in Figure II-2

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1.6 Displaying 10kHz modulating square wave and its modulated signals as in
Figure II-3.

Channel 1: Modulated
Channel 2: Modulating, 10kHz, square

Figure III-7. Waveforms of 10kHz modulating square wave and its modulated signals as in Figure II-3

1.7 Verify the resulting effects on AM waveform correspond to the adjustments of

information signal by varying its FREQUENCY control knob on channel A of the
Dual Function Generator.
Channel 1: Modulated
Channel 2: Modulating
f (0%) = 7.64kHz

Figure III-8. Check AM signal by varying frequency of modulating signal, f=0%

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Channel 1: Modulated
Channel 2: Modulating
f (4%) = 12.18kHz

Figure III-9. Check AM signal by varying frequency of modulating signal, f=4%

Channel 1: Modulated
Channel 2: Modulating
f (14%) = 22.98kHz

Figure III-10. Check AM signal by varying frequency of modulating signal, f=14%

Varying the frequency will result in these effects:

+ When frequency increases, wave period decreases -> More cycles appear on the
oscilloscope. It means the waveform is compressed horizontally.
+ When frequency decreases, wave period increases -> Less cycles appear on the
oscilloscope. It means the waveform is stretched horizontally.

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1.8 Verify the resulting effects on AM waveform correspond to the adjustments of
information signal by varying its OUTPUT LEVEL knob on channel A of the
Dual Function Generator.

Channel 1: Modulated
Channel 2: Modulating
Out Level= 0%

Figure III-11. Check AM signal by varying Output level of modulating signal, level=0%

Channel 1: Modulated
Channel 2: Modulating
Out Level= 20%

Figure III-12. Check AM signal by varying Output level of modulating signal, level=20%

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Channel 1: Modulated
Channel 2: Modulating
Out Level= 50%

Figure III-13. Check AM signal by varying Output level of modulating signal, level=50%

Channel 1: Modulated
Channel 2: Modulating
Out Level= 100%

Figure III-14. Check AM signal by varying Output level of modulating signal, level=100%

The variation in the amplitude level of the information signal results in a noticeable effect on AM
waveform: Output Level increases -> Amplitude of modulating increases -> Amplitude of
modulated increases. This is also true for vice versa.
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1.9 Disconnect channels 1 and 2 of the oscilloscope.

Figure III-15. Disconnecting everything before doing spectrum analyzer.

1.10 Setting up module of 1100kHz Carrier before performing Spectrum Analyzer

with 50% of its RF Gain.

Figure III-16. Setting up of 1100kHz Carrier before performing Spectrum Analyzer

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Displaying 10kHz SINE wave message signal that modulates the 1100kHz carrier
signal on the Spectrum Analyzer as in Figure II-4.


Figure III-17. The frequency spectrum of a 1100-kHz carrier modulated by a

10-kHz SINE wave as in Figure II-4

1.11 Displaying 10kHz SQUARE wave message signal that modulates the 1100kHz
carrier signal on the Spectrum Analyzer as in Figure II-5.


Figure III-18. The frequency spectrum of a 1100-kHz carrier modulated by a

10-kHz SQUARE wave as in Figure II-5

Describe the resulting frequency spectrum:

The resulting AM signals of both cases have 3 frequency peaks represent these 3 components:
Carrier Frequency (ωc), Upper Sideband (ωc + ωm) and Lower Sideband (ωc - ωm). The Carrier
Frequency is the highest peak which located in the middle of both LSB and USB.

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2.1 Adjust the channel A controls on the Dual Function Generator as follows:

FUNCTION: Sine wave

FREQUENCY knob: Adjust for 10 kHz
OUTPUT LEVEL knob: ¼ turn cw

Disconnect the Function Generator and the AUDIO INPUT on the AM generator
Connect the modulating signal to channel 1 of the oscilloscope, and measure its
peak-to-peak amplitude.

Figure III-19. Setting up of 2.1

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Figure III-20. Modulating signal on channel 1

Am = 0.1V/div x 3.4div = 0.34 Vpp

2.2 Setting up to create a 1100kHz carrier signal at the AM/DSB/SSB Generator with
both MAX position of CARRIER LEVEL and RF GAIN control.

Figure III-21. Set up of creating 1100kHz carrier signal

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2.3 Disconnect the Frequency Counter and connect the AM/DSB output to channel 2
of the oscilloscope. Measure the peak-to-peak amplitude of the carrier.

Figure III-22. Both message signal and carrier signal are displayed on the oscilloscope.

Figure III-23. Carrier signal displayed clearly on the oscilloscope for a better measurement.

Ac = 0.5V/div x 2.8div = 1.4 Vpp

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2.4 Using the values obtained in steps 2.1 and 2.3, the percentage modulation that
should be obtained for the AM signal is:
𝐴𝑚 0.34
%Mod = m × 100% = × 100% = × 100% = 0.2428 × 100% = 24.28%
𝐴𝑐 1.4

2.5 Use a BNC T-connector and a BNC / BNC cable to connect the modulating signal
to the AUDIO INPUT on the AM generator.

Figure III-24. Setting up to subject modulating signal into a carrier signal

Set the oscilloscope controls to obtain the largest usable display and sketch the
resulting AM waveform.

Figure III-25. The AM signal waveform as in Figure II-6.

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Measure A and B.
A = 0.5V/div x 4div = 2 V B = 0.5V/div x 1div = 0.5 V

Determine the modulation index and the percentage modulation.

A − B 2 − 0.5
m= = = 0.6 %Mod = m × 100% = 60%
A + B 2 + 0.5

2.6 Adjust any button to obtain percentage modulation index reaching 0.5 or 50%.

Measure A and B as shown in this case.

m = 0.5 → = 0.5 → A = 3B

Therefore, A should be A=3B to obtain percentage modulation index of 50%

Figure III-26. Resulting AM that satisfy percentage modulation index of 50%

A = 0.5V/div x 2.9div = 1.45 V B = 0.5V/div x 0.9div = 0.45 V

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Discussion of Results

The purpose of this whole lab is to introduce a way of demonstrating an AM communications

system using the AM/DSB/SSB Generator and the AM/DSB Receiver. We will also be familiar
with determining the percentage modulation of an AM signal by using an oscilloscope.


Amplitude modulation (AM) is a modulation technique used in electronic communication, most

commonly for transmitting messages with a radio carrier wave. In amplitude modulation, the
amplitude (signal strength) of the carrier wave is varied in proportion to that of the message signal,
such as an audio signal. This technique contrasts with angle modulation, in which either the
frequency of the carrier wave is varied as in frequency modulation, or its phase, as in phase


Multiplying the modulation index (m) by 100 gives the percent modulation. When the peak voltage
of the modulating signal is equal to the peak voltage of the unmodulated carrier, the percent
modulation is 100%. An unmodulated carrier has a percent modulation of 0%.

Review Questions


1.1 If the modulation index of an AM signal is increased, what effect does this have
on the envelope of the AM waveform.
When the modulation index increases within the range [0,1], the effects on the envelope can be
described as in the following Figure IV-1. However, when the modulation index exceeds the value
1, it is called Overmodulation. This Overmodulation results in a distortion of the AM signal’s
envelope, and since the envelope holds the information, the recovered information signal is also

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Figure IV-1. Effects on Envelope of AM signal when increase the Modulation Index m

1.2 What happens to the envelope of the AM signal when the frequency of the
modulating signal is increased?
If the modulating frequency increased, the spacing between spectra increases. It means that an
increasing in the message signal’s frequency will lead to a compression in AM’s envelope
horizontally (time axis).

1.3 When the message signal frequency increases, does the modulation index increase
or decrease?
When the message signal frequency increases, the modulation index stays the same as increasing
frequency does not affect the message’s amplitude, and modulation index is dependent on
amplitude of signal only.

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2.1 What is percentage modulation?

Percentage Modulation M is simply the Modulation Index m expressed in percentage by

multiplying Modulation Index m by 100. The Modulation Index m is defined as the ratio between
the amplitudes of the message signal Vm and the unmodulated carrier Vc.
Thus, Percentage Modulation M (%) = m × 100% = × 100%

When the peak-to-peak amplitude of the modulating signal is equal to the peak-to-peak amplitude
of the unmodulated carrier, the carrier is said to be 100 percent modulated

2.2 Determine the modulation index in each case.

Let the division scale be a V/div

A = a V/div * 6div = 6a V
B = a V/div * 2div = 2a V

A − B 6a − 2a
m= = = 0.5
A + B 6a + 2a

A = a V/div * 6div = 6a V
B = a V/div * 0div = 0 V

A − B 6a − 0
m= = =1
A + B 6a + 0

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