Human Resource Syllabus

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School of Business, Economics, & Technology

BA614: Human Resource Management

Instructor Information
Name: Dr. Chuck Crain SHRM-CP, PHR
Office Location: Online
Telephone: 502-694-4764 x6103

Recitation Leader
Mr. Joe Tucker

Required Textbook
Textbook for this course will be available for free via OpenLib. In Moodle, look in the
Course Resources section for instructions on downloading Human Resource
Management. ISBN: 978-1-946135-11-7

Suggested Material
Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association - 6/e 9781433805615

Course Description
This course deals with the complex issues associated with the employment of individuals
in organizations including management practices, labor relations, compensation and
benefits, training and development, and the legal environment.

Course Objectives
The student should be able to discuss the nature of Human Resource Management (HRM),
staffing the organization, training and developing human resources, compensating human
resources, and employee relations.

Also, at the end of the class, the student should be able to identify and discuss:
 The four goals of Human Resource Management.
 The main components of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (1991)
 The repercussions associated with unethical decision-making practices within the
organization (for example; hiring, firing, promoting, and harassing employees)
 The repercussions associated with unethical decision-making practices outside the
organization (for example; corporate social responsibility, and environmental
 Explain strategic recruiting decisions regarding employment branding, outsourcing,
and other related issues.
 Identify key concerns that must be addressed when designing work unit/team variable
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pay plans.

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Classroom Performance
The appropriate administrative offices will be notified if your attendance, progress, or classroom
conduct becomes unsatisfactory or unacceptable. Cheating is strictly prohibited, and anyone
caught cheating will be subject to sanctions set out in the Code of Student Conduct. Cheating is
defined by its general usage. It includes, but is not limited to, wrongfully giving, taking, or
presenting any information or material by a student with the intent of aiding the student or
another on any academic work. Plagiarism is cheating.

Classroom Rules and Course Requirements

1. Students may be required to complete a series of assignments. These assignments will
consist of a set of practice exercises and/or questions located at the end of each text
chapter, handouts, and/or any other exercises that the instructor may deem
2. Students must submit assignments which meet the following requirements
when applicable:
a) on time
b) typewritten in Times New Roman size 12 font
c) double-spaced
d) professional in appearance
e) title page with course name, student name, and instructor’s name & date the
assignment is due
3. Late work is subject to refusal/penalty by the instructor.

Grading Sale
Each test and graded exercise will be assigned a point value. The total points you earn during
the course will be divided by the total possible points. The resulting percentage will be
converted to a letter grade according to the following scale:

90 - 100 = A
80 - 89 = B
70 – 79 = C
60 – 69 = D

Assignment Point Value

Discussions (4 x 40 points each) 160 points
Annotated Bibliography (3 x 80 point each) 240 points
Group PowerPoints (5 x 100 points) 500 points
Total 900 points
Course Work for this Class
Discussion Forums
For discussion questions in modules 1, 3, 5 and 7, topics for discussion will be found in the
discussion forum of the course. In- depth discussion is an essential part of online learning and is
also an important factor in your grade as well. posts per week.

The discussion forum will require one (1) initial post and one (1) secondary post to your
classmates. The discussion forums will be worth 40 points apiece—25 points for the initial post
and 15 points apiece for the secondary posts for each discussion forum. If you submit more
than two posts per week (1 initial and 1 secondary), you will lose 40% of the 40-point
discussion total.

You are to complete two (2) posts only for each discussion forum. Each post is required to be
a significant post. Just agreeing or disagreeing with a student is not a post. Neither is asking a
question. Discussion 1 initial post is due by Wednesday night at 11:59pm (EST). Your
secondary post is due Sunday at 11:59pm (EST).

Initial Posts

Significant posts are at least 200 words and require some information from the text,
academically reviewed papers, some significant commentary that requires knowledge of the
subject, a web link to an article or other source in order to be accepted. Initial posts are worth
25 points a piece

Secondary Posts

Significant posts on all your responses to your classmates’ postings should be at least 150
words and require some information from the text, academically reviewed paper, some
significant commentary that requires knowledge of the subject matter, a web link to an article or
other source in order to be accepted. Secondary posts are worth 15 points apiece

Grading for discussions:

 All discussions must be completed on time and must include in-text citations and
references in APA style formatting. If you do not use in-text citations or they are not in
APA format you will lose 3 points. If you do not have references or if they are not in APA
format, you will lose 5 points. (You do not need citations and references for secondary
 You will lose 10% based on word count if your posts are too short. For example, your
initial post is 300 words, if you have 250 words you will lose 5 points…50 words short
times 10% (50 x .10 = 5).
 If any part of your post is copied and pasted (ANY POST), you will receive a “0”. I will
not ask you about it and you will not have a chance to resubmit the post.
 If your post is late, you will lose 2 points per day late (up to one week). No points
will be given for any assignment posted after the class ends.
Coping and pasting an article or copying the information and changing a word or two is
not a significant post. If you do this, you will receive a 0 for the assignment—no
questions asked.
 If your posts are less than the minimum word count, points will be taken off.
 Provide appropriate APA in-text citations and references.
 You must participate in all discussion topics.

PowerPoint Presentation
Each group is to prepare a PowerPoint presentation consisting of 5 slides per student not
including the cover slide and the reference slide. The topic of your PowerPoint presentation
will be given in our Moodle weekly modules. You are required to write 100 words in the notes
section of each slide. Please put all team member names on the cover slide. If you have team
members who do not participate, highlight their names in RED.

Annotated Bibliography (AB)

You will have an annotated bibliography assignment (AB) in week’s 1, 4, & 8. You are to
research two peer-reviewed articles from the CU Library and complete two (2) annotated
bibliographies. You can find the directions to accessing the library at the top of our Moodle
page. You are to complete two annotated bibliographies for each week’s assignment (week’s
1, 4, & 8). Your AB’s should be 1 to 1.5 pages long. It should be double-spaced, and you are
to use Times new Roman 12 font.

For your AB, you must have:

 Your name, date, course, and AB number at the top (see example)
 APA Reference before the information (see example)

Annotated bibliographies must be written in manner, in which, they are understandable. You
must describe all-important data such as:
 The participants
 The reason the study was conducted
 What research design was used (surveys, interviews, case study, etc.)
 Which research analysis was used (MANOVA, ANOVA, Kruskal Wallace, etc.)
 The results of the study along with any conclusions of the author(s)

Your study must include all of these (if applicable). Your AB MAY NOT be copied and pasted
directly from the source. There MUST NOT be any form of plagiarism in your annotated
bibliography (or any other assignment). You are required to write this assignment in your own
words. You should pick the topic for your AB from the objectives listed at the beginning
of each week’s module or from the syllabus.

Your AB’s will be worth 40 points apiece. That means the weekly total for the assignment is 80
points with a total of 240 points overall (80 points for week 1, 80 points for week 4, and 80 points
for week 8).

Attendance and Participation Policy

You are expected to participate actively in class discussions and class activities. If you fail to
complete your work for an entire week, I will turn your name in to the office of academic affairs
and you will receive a warning. If you fail to work another week, you risk being removed from
the class with a grade of “WA”. A “WA” is the same as an “F”. This could cause issues with
your immigration status. International students do not receive a WA. If you do not participate,
you will be dismissed from the class and possibly from the university.

Student Email
Please, check your student email. I may send out emails that contain information about the
class that you need to know or about documents that you need. It is a good idea to check your
email at least 3-4 days a week.

Americans with Disabilities Act Statement

Disability Policy
Campbellsville University is committed to reasonable accommodations for students who have
documented physical and learning disabilities, as well as medical and emotional conditions. If
you have a documented disability or condition of this nature, you may be eligible for disability
services. Documentation must be from a licensed professional and current in terms of
assessment. Please contact the Coordinator of Disability Services at 270-789-5192 to inquire
about services

Title IX
Campbellsville University and its faculty are committed to assuring a safe and
productive educational environment for all students. In order to meet this commitment
and to comply with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 and guidance from
the Office for Civil Rights, the University requires all responsible employees, which
includes faculty members, to report incidents of sexual misconduct shared by students
to the University's Title IX Coordinator.

Title IX Coordinator:
Ed Pavy
1 University Drive
Phone – 270-789-5092
Email –duejpavy@campbellsville.eud

Information regarding the reporting of sexual violence and the resources that are
available to victims of sexual violence is set forth at:
Annotated Bibliography Example

Craig, W. (2015). From Family To Franchising: Five Ways To Start Your Business

Empire. Forbes.

According to this article there are more than half a million new businesses started across the

country every single month (Craig, 2015). There are many ways to become a business owner in

the world today and there are many risks involved with each of those avenues as well. When

starting a business from scratch the most important aspect is having a product that people

actually want. According to this article, nine out of ten startup companies fail and 42% of polled

startup owners claimed their business failed due to lack of need for his or her product (Craig,

2015). A business can also be acquired by inheritance or taking over of a family business. Craig

(2015) also found, only about 10% of family owned businesses will survive long enough to see

the third generation take over. The reasons for this is the perception by younger generations that

the family business will always be available as a backup option if other ventures don’t work out.

Buying an existing business is also an option for those who have a keen insight for opportunity.

Becoming a franchise owner is another way to become a business owner. This step also takes

determination and focus but can be very rewarding. There is a stability that comes with taking

over a location that has an established corporate presence already backing it up with corporate

sponsors that are ready and willing to help get you started on the right track.

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