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It also establishes the likelihood of wider as generously as concurrent entrance to data.


implication, it comes to be easier to admission someone's private data by more species. On the

additional pointer, an individual can be prohibited from essential data in electronic configuration

by compromises of a variation of safety gauges such as signals and passwords.

Using technology is slowly becoming a necessity instead of an option because many people have

become addicted[ CITATION Maa11 \l 4105 ]. Technology on its part is creating significant

automation of tasks thus lowering the use of human resources and time aspects. With the

excitement it brings, a majority of people believe that the direction that technology has taken is

the best for the current generation and era.

However, from an in-depth analysis, it is evident that while technology through the use of

internet has enhanced communication between different individuals, there is equally a concern

on the element of privacy, especially of the information shared online either willingly or

unconsciously, and its safety.

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