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According to Laupacis, the new innovative technologies that cost greater than $20,000/QALY

are more favorable as well as universally accepted as applicable[ CITATION Lau92 \l 4105 ].

From the standpoint of the Department of Health Organization, the study question arises whether
the new vaccine of influenza called "NuvoVax" is more cost-effective than the old vaccine called
"PaleoVax" or using the placebo injection of saline and the final results can be concluded within
the time period of 6 months or not? As in economic evaluation, the main step is to select the
audience. DHO is willing to hire some healthy people from a big organization of 2000, these
workers will be tested twice in one month and the whole process may take up to 6 months. As
the sample evaluation may take time. The age group of workers that will be used to form
economic evaluation of healthy age peoples who may deal with influenza or flu. The results of
the evaluation will be measured with cost analysis and the results of workers. I think the time
frame for testing is enough to calculate the results.

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