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1. Mean - When people talk about statistical averages, they speak of to the mean. To
calculate the average, just add all of your numbers together. Then, divide the sum of the
total numbers you added, you will get the mean. For example, (10 + 15 + 2) / 3 = 27 / 3 =
2. Median - The median is the value present in the center of the data set. To calculate the
median, put all numbers in increasing order. If you have an odd number of integers, the
following step is to find the middle number in your list. For example we 6, 8, 10, 12, 14,
here 10 is the median as it is present in the center of list. In case of even data points, we
get the two middle numbers as median[ CITATION Deb19 \l 4105 ].
3. Mode - The mode in the number list indicates integers that occur frequently. Unlike the
median and mode, the situation revolves around the frequency of occurrence. For
example, we have 2, 3, 5, 6, 4, 3, 5, 3, and 9. In this number list, 3 is the mode as it occur
most frequently.

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