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Nama :M Septian Dwi Wirawan

NIM :191910301095
Kelas :Geometrik Jalan Raya (A)

Tugas Resume International Guest Lecture

An Updates On The Road Safety Status

Where Are We at The End of Decade of Action
Presented by :
Dr Siti Zaharah Ishak on 25 November 2020

Based on WHO in 2009 there are few facts about Road Safety like over 1.3 milion
people died every year due to road traffic crashes and more than 20-50 milion injury. The
accident mostly happen at low income nad middle income countries. WHO predict if
there’s no action,there will be 1.9 milion people die because of traffic crashes in 2020.
In 2011 to 2020 there is safe systems approach that made by First Global Ministerial
Conference in 2009. It was hosted by Government of the Russian Federation. The aim of
safe system approach is to develop a road transport system that is better able to
accommodate human error and take into consideration the vulnerability of human body.
The goal of it is to ensure that accidents don’t result in serious human injury.
Based on 2017 to 2020 Malaysia has reduced almost 50% of road fatality trend.
Mostly fatalities occur by motocylce user around 16 to 25 years of age. Most likely careless
riding,spedding,traffic light violations and dangerous turnis are the major issues if we look
into statistical report road accident that PRDM made in 2017.
There are 5 pillars that Malaysia applied in their road safety program. The pillars
 Road Safety Management
 Safer Road and Mobility
 Safer Vehicle
 Safer Road User
 Post Crash Response
Malaysia is using International Road Assessment Program(IRAP) to give their
contribution to pillar 2. IRap tells us the currrent condition of our road infrastructure,the
safety of the road environment,things we can do to improve the current conditions. The
assesment that have done will give a great overview so it will easier to fix and increase the
grade of the road.The higher the grade,the safer it will be.
There are seven issues that becoming more serious in Malaysia. The issues are:

 Driver fatigue,inattention
 Losing control due to excessive speed
 Driving under the influence of alcohol or drug
 Avoiding something
 Skidding due to poor pavement condition
 Failure on vehicle mechanical system
 Poor visibility
There are so many people have died from hitting barriers. We can fix this situation
by reducing the likelihood of vehicle leaving the roadway.But this solution is pretty hard
to implimented since the role of road transportation for human being. The other solutition
that can we do is to minimize the impact severity in the event of crash,and this is our duty
as a road engineer by designing road as safety as we can. For example,we can installing
guardrail and fixing poor barried end. A safety barrier will reduce the risk of death or
serious injury almost 5 times lower compare to the unprotected barrier end.
2nd Decare of Action for Road Safety 2021-2030 has a goal of reducing road deaths
and serious injuries by at least 50% between 2021 and 2030.
Urban Rail Transit Technology Roadmap and East Java Railway System
Presented by :
Dr.Ing. Joewono Prasetijo and Dr. Ir. Dadang Supriyatno on 26 November
Urban Rail Transit Technology Roadmap
Malaysia has a master plan in order to improve their public transport to the next
level. Land Public Transport Act mandates SPAD (APAD) to develop a 20 year National
Land Public Transport Master Plan (NLPTMP). The role of this master plan is to guide
decisions on future land public transport. Beside that, this master plan will drive vision and
a series of national objectives and it will make easier to determine targets and progress
monitoring. The outcome of NLPTMP are higher mobility and livability level so it will grow
the economic of the country.
There are 6 subsidiary plans in NLPTMP. There are :
 Urban Rail Development Plan
 Bus Transformation Plan
 Taxi Transformation Plan
 Interchange and Integration Plan
 Land Use Planning
 Travel Demand Management
In Sarawak state, there is SCORE( Sarawak Corridor of Renewable Energy). It it a
320 kilometre railway track between Similajau in Bintulu Division and Tanjung Manis in
Mukah Division. This railway is design to improved accesibility, connectivity and business
opportunities for all stakeholder in that area.
Malaysia also has KTM (Kereta api Tanah Melayu). The network of KTM consists
two main lines, West Coast and East Coast, and it also has several branch lines to connect
the sub area around it. KTM route length is about 1.700 KM and the track gauge is
1000mm. It also has 103 stations that spread along the track.
KTM ETS(Electric Train Service) is one of train that provided in KTM. The
rolling stock of KTM ETS is Hyundai Rotem and CSR Zhuhzou which has 5 six-car trainset
of KTM class 91 and 10 six-car trainset of KTM class 93.
The line length of KTM ETS is 755 km and it will increase to 952 km after the 197
KM remain track done constructed. The track gauge is 1000mm and it can operate around
140 km/h speed.It also has 37 stasion along the track.
Rail Industry can be defined as those activities Involved in design,development,
integration, manufacture, assembly, restoration,maitenance,repair,and overhaul of rail
transportation systems. Rail industry development for Malaysia should focus on both the
passenger and freight market segments.
With a number of projects to be undertaken in rail industry,there is an urgent need
to provide adequate manpower. In the other word, we need workers which has a great
competency. That’s why there are university programs that can help the academic learn
from the industry itself directly. It will give a great overview for the academic before jump
into the rail industry.
The remaks that can be concluded are transportation infrastructures and investment
ae important elements on the nation development agenda with the basis of economic
transformation. Thrre are 4 fundamentals for public transport system and infrastructures
that might strengthen the good quality development and human resources;
operation,design,maintenance,and human resources. University –industry likage could be
the fundamental pilla for the preparation of high quality human resources with regards to
the railway industry.
Peningkatan Infrastruktur Jalur Kereta Api Lintas Utara Jawa dalam Mendukung
Angkutan Logistik
Moda trasnportasi berbasiskan rel merupakan trasnportasi perkeretaapian yang
mempunyai banyak keunggulan disbanding transportasi jalan antara lain kapasitas angkut
besar(massal)cepat,hemat energy,dan ramah lingkungan serta membutuhkan lahan yang
relative sedikit dengan semakin kuatnya isu lingkungan maka kenunggulan keunggulan
kereta ap dapat dijadikan sebagai salah satu alasan yang kuat untuk mengembangkan
trasnportasi perkeretaapian diwilayah provinsi jawa timur sehingga terwujudnya
transportasi perkeretaapian berart ikut serta
 Kondisi konstruksi atas dan bawah track jalur lintas Surabaya-solo
Problematika kondisi balas setelah terpasang dalam kurun beberapa tahun,maka
akan terjadi proses penuruanan balas karena asanya gesekan antar partikel yang
mengakibatkan keausan dari balas dan berakibat berkurangnya sifat kenyal dan
permeabilitas dari lapisan balas.
Dengan jalur tunggal yang ada sekarang sering terjadi penundaan kereta yang
menyebabkan keterlambatan kedatangan maupun keberangkatan kereta oleh karena itu
pemerintah berencana untuk pengembangan jarngan jalan rel di Jawa Timur dengan
program double track atau jalur ganda antara lain pengembangan jalur ganda.
-Lintas utara=Bojonegoro-Surabaya(telah selesai dibangun)
-Lintas selatan=Surabaya-Malang (rencana)
-Lintas tengah=Madiun-Kedunggalar(berjalan).Jombang-Madiun(berjalan)
-Lintas timur=Surabaya-Jombang (rencana)

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