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Student : 20410775 Student Name : Abdul Hakam Hasani
Subject : Private law Exam Date : 30 April 2021
Class : Law ip class B Exam Starting : …… . …… (Indonesian Western Time)
Lecturer : Exam Finished Time.......................(Indonesian Western Time)

1. In simple terms, legal pluralism exists as a criticism of centralism and positivism in the
application of law to the people. There are several ways in understanding legal pluralism.
First, legal pluralism explains the relationship between various legal systems that work in
society. Second, legal pluralism maps various laws that exist in a social field. Third,
explaining the relationship, adaptation, and competition between legal systems. Fourth,
legal pluralism shows the choice of citizens to use certain laws when in conflict. In
summary, we can say that legal pluralism is a reality in people's lives.
a) Articles 108 and 110 concerning the authority of a wife to commit legal acts and to
appear before the court without the husband's permission or assistance. Another
example, article 284 paragraph (3) BW regarding the recognition of children born
out of wedlock by a native Indonesian woman. These two articles are irrelevant
because they are not suitable with today's society.
b) In my opinion, it is time to revise the Civil Code because many articles are no
longer relevant
3. It could be because these assets are personal assets. And transactions can be carried out
from inside the prison through a family broker or trusted person
a) Not yet, because it hasn’t been legalized yet.
b) Remains legally binding because it includes a sale and purchase agreement or
trade ... But PT MAJU MUNDUR KENA is not yet an official legal entity

Ujian Tengah Semester Ganjil 2020/2021 PSHPS FH Hlm. 1 dari 2

a) Yes, because the marriage contract has not yet occurred. And not signing the
marriage certificate
b) Lusi canceled the marriage in district court pasal 25 ayat 2
c) there is no change in status in the child, this means that the child still has a mother
and father even though the marriage has been canceled pasal 28 ayat 2

Ujian Tengah Semester Ganjil 2020/2021 PSHPS FH Hlm. 2 dari 2


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