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History timeline

(case studies)
By- Angelina Maisano
EDU 201-1003
12 APRIL 2019
Brown Vs Board of Education- 1954
● During Civil rights movement
● Supreme court case about segregated schools
● “Separating children in public schools on the basis of
race was unconstitutional”
● Overruled the “Separate but Equal” Act
National Defense Education Act- 1958
● During Eisenhower’s presidency and during the “Space
● Provided money and funding for education/loans in higher
● Expanded science, math, history, geography, foreign
language, english, etc.
● Also, it provided better assistance to teachers of
special education classrooms.
Title IX- 1972
● This law prohibits any discrimination towards any
federally funded activity or educational program against
● It makes sure that all sexes get to participate and
should not be excluded from participation
● This created female sports, it allowed women to receive
scholarships and funding for supplies, facilities, etc
for women participating in the NCAA
Education of Handicapped Children Act- 1975
● This law made it possible for all children with
disabilities to get equal education
● Children with disabilities are required create an
educational plan
Public Law 94-142- 1975
● To go along with the Education for Handicapped Children
Act, this law made it possible for schools to receive
federal funds for all handicapped students with special
● Provided them with fair and equal access to education
IDEA- 1990
● Makes public education free to eligible children
throughout the nation with disabilities or special
● Grants and funds are able to be accessed for schools and
Title i- 2015
● Serves any kids at risk to failing with programs to help
them get back on track
● Helps children achieve proficiency and academic standards
● Assist parents, staff, and programs to meet the needs of
their students
“A Nation at Risk”- 1983
● During Ronald Reagan's Presidency
● Since test scores were decreasing, teachers had lower
salaries, and there were poor training
● Became massive media attention
Elementary and Secondary Education Act
● Provides equal opportunity for all students and is also
similar to No Child left behind act enacted in 2002
No Child Left Behind Act- 2001
Helps children with disadvantages to get equal opportunity to
“Brown v. Board of Education (1954).” Our Documents - Brown v. Board of Education (1954),

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