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ECE 260 - 3001 Urrea 1

Short Form (All Genres)

Your Name: Carol-Rose Urrea

Title: Henry’s Freedom Box: A True Story from the Underground Railroad

Author: Ellen Levine

Illustrator: Kadir Nelson Publisher/Year: Scholastic Press / 2007

Genre: Historical Fiction

Summarize the content of the book –

A. For Fiction Form Genres—Explain the characters, the setting, theme and plot of the

• This book is about Henry Box Brown who during slavery was married and had children, but
when their master struggled with money they were sold to a different owner. He escaped
slavery by being shipped in a box to Philadelphia.

Explain how the book appeals to children, their interests, developmental levels, fun
illustrations etc. Give specific examples from the book:

• The illustrations a wondeful compliment to the story, and explain everything that is being said
in the story. This story is easy for young readers to follow and It may not have a ton of depth
but it spares some of the reality of how brutal or hard things were, and the children will learn
so much from this story.

Rate the book 1 2 3

Explain your rating.

ECE 260 - 3001 Urrea 2

• I rate this book a 3 because it was phenomenal and told the story of Henry Box Brown in a
way young readers will understand.

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