Potenciales de Tallo

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Vertigo and Imbalance: Clinical Neurophysiology of the Vestibular System

Handbook of Clinical Neurophysiology, Vol. 9

S.D.Z. Eggers and D.S. Zee (Vol. Eds.)
282 # 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved


Brainstem auditory evoked potentials (BAEPs)

and intraoperative BAEP monitoring
Alan D. Legatt*
Department of Neurology, Montefiore Medical Center and Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY 10467, USA

Evoked potentials are the electrical signals produced a sensory discrimination task (Linden, 2005). They
by the nervous system in response to a sensory input. have therefore been used as probes of cognitive pro-
Following a transient acoustic stimulus such as a click cesses, but their variability and the requirement for
or tone pip, a complex series of auditory evoked the subject to cooperate and perform a task limits their
potentials (AEPs), with latencies ranging from several utility for neurologic diagnosis. Long-latency AEPs
milliseconds to several hundred milliseconds, can be are suppressed by anesthesia, and thus are not useful
recorded from the surface of the head. These signals for IOM. Middle-latency AEPs are small, subject to
can be used to assess the function of the auditory sys- contamination by myogenic signals, and variable
tem, and also for intraoperative monitoring (IOM) of from subject to subject, which limits their clinical
the ear, the eighth cranial nerve, and the brainstem utility. They are also markedly affected by surgical
auditory pathways. anesthesia. This anesthetic sensitivity has led to appli-
Loud acoustic stimuli can also elicit neck muscle cation of the middle-latency AEPs as an indicator of
contractions, which are thought to be mediated by the depth of anesthesia (Schneider et al., 2005), but
the saccule and vestibular nerve. The electromyo- their anesthetic-related variability impedes their use
graphic signals produced by these muscle contrac- as a monitor for auditory pathway compromise during
tions, called vestibular-evoked myogenic potentials, surgery.
are discussed in Chapter 15. Most of the components of the short-latency
AEPs are generated within the brainstem. There-
23.1. Types of auditory evoked potentials fore, they are usually called ‘‘brainstem auditory
evoked potentials’’ (BAEPs), even though part of
The earliest electrical signals produced in response to the waveform is generated in the cochlear nerve;
auditory stimulation are generated in the inner ear. there may also be a contribution from activity in
These signals, labeled the electrocochleogram, are the thalamocortical auditory radiations. BAEPs
discussed in Chapter 22. The AEPs generated in the (Fig. 1) are the most useful AEPs both for diagnos-
brain can be classified as short-latency AEPs, with tic purposes and for IOM. This is because they are
latencies < 10 ms, long-latency AEPs, with latencies relatively easy to record, their waveforms and laten-
> 50 ms, and middle-latency AEPs, with intermedi- cies are highly consistent across normal subjects,
ate latencies. and they are relatively unaffected by surgical anes-
Middle-latency and long-latency AEPs are gener- thesia. They can be used to identify inner ear dys-
ated within the cerebral cortex. The long-latency function, eighth nerve dysfunction, or brainstem
AEPs are profoundly affected by the degree to which dysfunction in patients presenting with vestibular
the subject is attending to the acoustic stimuli and symptoms.
extracting information from them, e.g., by performing BAEPs are almost identical in the waking and
sleeping states (Campbell et al., 1992), and sedation
Correspondence to: Dr. Alan D. Legatt, MD, PhD, Depart- (Loughnan et al., 1987) produces only minor
ment of Neurology, Montefiore Medical Center, 111 East changes in them; the differences may be due to var-
210th Street, Bronx, NY 10467, USA. iations in body temperature rather than state-related
Tel.: þ1-718-920-6530; fax: þ1-718-920-8509. BAEP effects per se (Litscher, 1995). Sedation can
E-mail: ALegatt@montefiore.org (A.D. Legatt) therefore be employed during BAEP recordings,




0.2 µV
1 ms

Fig. 1. Brainstem auditory evoked potentials recorded simultaneously from three different recording electrode linkages following monaural
stimulation in a normal subject. The vertical dashed lines indicate the peak latencies of waves IV and V in the Cz-Ai waveforms; these peaks
are more widely separated in the Cz-Ac waveforms. An electrical stimulus artifact is present at the beginning of each waveform. Recording
electrode positions: Cz ¼ vertex, Ai ¼ ear ipsilateral to the stimulus, Ac ¼ ear contralateral to the stimulus. Positivity at the first input is
displayed as an upward deflection in these and all other BAEP waveforms shown in this chapter. (From Legatt, 2005, with permission.)

though the use of sedation for evoked potential [ISOFLURANE]A = 2.0% BP 94/55 TNP = 35.9⬚ C
recordings has been markedly reduced due to con-
cerns about monitoring and care of patients during FP1-C3
conscious sedation (American Academy of Pediat-
rics Committee on Drugs, 1992). Surgical levels of C3-O1
anesthesia also produce relatively minor changes
in BAEPs (Stockard et al., 1992; Legatt, 2002; FP2-C4
Banoub et al., 2003) (Fig. 2), which may be more
attributable to changes in body temperature than C4-O2
to direct anesthetic effects (Markand et al., 1987;
Litscher, 1995; Rodriguez et al., 1999). T3-CZ

23.2. BAEP recording techniques

The American Clinical Neurophysiology Society has EMG/ECG

published guidelines for clinical (American Clinical 15 µV
Neurophysiology Society, 2006a, b) and intraopera- 1 sec
tive (American Electroencephalographic Society, II III
1994) BAEP recordings. I IV V VI

23.2.1. Acoustic stimulation CZ +
0.25 µV
Since BAEPs are affected by stimulus parameters,
BAEPs recorded during extraoperative diagnostic 60 dBHL
studies should be evaluated using normative data 2 4 6 8 10 12
acquired with the same stimulus parameters. During ms
IOM, each patient serves as his or her own control; Fig. 2. Brainstem auditory evoked potentials recorded during sur-
BAEPs recorded when portions of the auditory path- gery in a patient anesthetized with isoflurane at a concentration
ways are at risk are compared to those recorded ear- sufficient to render the electroencephalogram isoelectric. The com-
ponent amplitudes were reduced somewhat, but the latencies of
lier during the same operation. Therefore, BAEP waves I through V were not significantly different from those
stimulus parameters should be held constant during recorded in this patient in the unanesthetized state. (From Stockard
IOM. et al., 1992, with permission.)

Clicks, produced by delivering 100 ms-duration intensity is the same as that which was used to acquire
electrical square pulses to the acoustic transducer, the normative data. The stimulus intensity should be
are the stimulus most often used to elicit BAEPs; brief loud enough to elicit a clear BAEP waveform without
tone pips can also be used. Since the responses to rar- causing discomfort or ear damage; 60–65 dB HL is a
efaction and compression clicks may differ (Emerson typical level. If hearing loss is present, the stimulus
et al., 1982; Schwartz et al., 1990), extraoperative intensity may be adjusted accordingly, so that stimula-
diagnostic BAEP studies should employ a single click tion is at 60–65 dB SL. This facilitates recording of a
polarity in a given run, and the BAEPs should be com- clear BAEP waveform so that neural conductions
pared to normative data that were acquired with the within the auditory pathways can be assessed.
same stimulus polarity. Rarefaction clicks are gener- Reduced stimulus intensities are also useful during
ally preferable because they tend to yield BAEPs with BAEP recordings, when wave V latency-intensity
better definition of the components (Legatt, 2005). functions are being assessed (Fig. 3). Examination of
Reversal of the stimulus polarity may be useful in dis- latency-intensity curves may help to classify a
tinguishing the cochlear microphonic from wave I of patient’s hearing loss (Arnold, 2000). A shift of the
the BAEP (see below). BAEP waveforms also contain curve to a higher intensity level without a change in
an electrical stimulus artifact that is synchronous with its shape suggests conductive hearing loss, while a
square pulse delivered to the acoustic transducer change in the shape of the curve with an increased
(Fig. 1), and arises from it by magnetic induction slope suggests sensorineural hearing loss. Latency-
and/or capacitive coupling. During IOM, when arti- intensity curves may also reveal abnormalities that
facts are often problematic, recording BAEPs to trains are not demonstrated by BAEP recordings at the stan-
of stimuli with alternating polarities may be useful to dard, relatively high stimulus intensity typically used
cancel the stimulus artifact, at least in part. in BAEP studies performed for neurologic diagnosis
Extraoperative diagnostic BAEP testing is most (Legatt et al., 1988b).
often performed using headphones. The use of stan- Since headphones are impractical for IOM, the
dard audiometric headphones ensures that the stimulus acoustic stimuli for intraoperative BAEP monitoring

dB nHL


65 7.5
Wave V latency (ms)




0.1 µV 35 5.0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
1 ms
Stimulus intensity (dB nHL)


Fig. 3. Generation of a latency-intensity curve. Brainstem auditory evoked potentials were recorded at progressively lower stimulus inten-
sities (left). Wave V latencies (arrows) were measured and then plotted as a function of stimulus intensity to give the latency-intensity curve
shown on the right. These recordings are from a 35-year-old woman with dizziness and tinnitus; her BAEPs and magnetic resonance imaging
were normal. (From Legatt, 2005, with permission.)

are most often delivered using ear inserts that are III V
connected to the acoustic transducers with segments
of plastic tubing. The ear insert typically includes a II
foam cylinder that is compressed before insertion I
and then gradually expands to achieve a tight fit with
the ear canal. The time required for the acoustic signal
to propagate through the tubing typically prolongs the
latencies of all BAEP components by approximately
0.25 mV
0.9–1.0 ms. This causes no problems in the evaluation A
of the BAEPs during IOM, since each patient serves V
as his or her own control and the acoustic propagation
delay is constant, but it should be taken into account if
ear inserts are used for extraoperative diagnostic
BAEP studies. During IOM, the acoustic stimulus B
intensity may be difficult to control precisely due to
variability in the positioning of the ear insert, but this
again is not a problem because each patient serves as
his or her own control. The intensity setting chosen
should be loud enough to produce clear BAEPs but
not loud enough to cause ear damage.
BAEPs can also be elicited by bone-conducted C 5 ms
stimuli (Yang et al., 1993; Cone-Wesson and Ramirez, Fig. 4. BAEPs to monaural stimulation from a patient with one
1997). This is most useful for testing patients with con- nonfunctioning ear. (A) Stimulation of the good ear elicits a nor-
ductive hearing loss. mal BAEP. (B) When contralateral noise masking is not used,
stimulation of the nonfunctioning ear produces a delayed wave V
A stimulus rate of approximately 10/s is typical for due to air- and bone-conduction of the stimulus to the good ear.
both intraoperative and extraoperative BAEP studies, (C) When masking noise is delivered to the good ear, stimulation
but a rate of exactly 10 Hz or another submultiple of of the nonfunctioning ear does not elicit any reproducible BAEPs.
the power line frequency should be avoided. If the (From Chiappa et al., 1979, with permission.)
stimulus rate were such a submultiple, signal averag-
ing would not reduce the inevitable line frequency Acoustic crosstalk also occurs with ear-insert
artifact, which might then obscure the BAEPs. Since transducers, though the signal reaching the opposite
timing circuits can drift, if artifact at a harmonic of ear is attenuated to an even greater extent, typically
the line-frequency appears in the averaged BAEPs 70–100 dB (Roeser and Clark, 2000). During IOM,
during IOM and examination of the raw data does acoustic crosstalk would not prevent recognition of
not show increased line frequency artifact, the stimu- the development of new auditory pathway compro-
lus rate should be altered slightly. mise when a functioning ear is stimulated. Moreover,
Acoustic stimuli should always be delivered mon- most current IOM equipment can deliver interleaved
aurally, so that a normal BAEP to stimulation of one left- and right-sided stimuli and sort the responses
ear does not obscure the presence of an abnormal or into separate averages, in effect acquiring averaged
absent response to stimulation of the other ear. BAEPs to left-ear and to right-ear stimulation con-
An acoustic stimulus delivered to one ear via head- currently without actually stimulating both ears
phones can reach the other ear via air and bone con- simultaneously. Stimulus interleaving is not compat-
duction with a volume attenuation of 40–70 dB ible with continuous white noise masking of the
(Chiappa, 1997; Roeser and Clark, 2000) and gener- nonstimulated ear. For these reasons, white noise
ate an evoked potential via stimulation of the contra- masking is typically not used during IOM.
lateral ear, even if the ear ostensibly being stimulated The BAEPs to click stimulation are generated pre-
is deaf (Fig. 4). To prevent acoustic crosstalk, the dominantly by the region of the cochlea responding to
contralateral ear is masked with continuous white 2000–4000 Hz sounds (Gorga et al., 1985; Van der
noise at an intensity 30–40 dB below that of the Drift et al., 1987); wave V may also receive contribu-
BAEP stimulus during extraoperative diagnostic tions from lower-frequency regions of the cochlea. In
BAEP studies. order to probe specific parts of the cochlea, BAEPs

have been recorded to stimulation with brief tone pips. addition to the recording montage (American Clinical
The pip is a brief burst of sine waves. It cannot be Neurophysiology Society, 2006b).
abruptly stopped and started; because an audible Most of the BAEP components are far-field
‘‘click’’ containing many frequencies would be pro- potentials at the skin surface, which means that small
duced. Instead, the sine wave stimulus is amplitude- displacements of the recording electrodes do not signif-
modulated with a rise time, plateau, and fall time to icantly alter the BAEP waveform. The exceptions to
reduce (although not eliminate) the energy content of this are wave I and part of wave II, which are generated
the stimulus at other frequencies. Acoustic masking in the distal cochlear nerve (see below) and are there-
can also be used to obtain frequency-specific infor- fore recorded as near-field potentials in the vicinity of
mation from BAEPs, such as by presenting the tone the stimulated ear. Changes in the location of the Ai/
pips while simultaneously administering continuous Mi recording electrode can substantially alter these
notched noise. The latter is white noise that has been components and therefore may be useful to make them
notch-filtered to remove the basic frequency of the tone clearer. Ear insert stimulators used for IOM may be
pip. BAEP audiograms produced with such stimuli are covered with metal foil to serve as near-field recording
similar to behavioral audiograms in the same subject electrodes for wave I, thereby yielding a larger wave I.
(Stapells et al., 1990). Wave V is broader in the fre- If the cochlear nerve is at risk during surgery, such
quency-specific BAEPs elicited by the lower frequen- as during resection of an eighth nerve tumor, and the
cies; reducing the low-cut (high-pass) analog filter in surgical exposure permits it, an electrode can be
the evoked potential averager to 30 Hz in these record- placed on the proximal eighth nerve to record a
ings may yield clearer wave Vs and more reliable near-field compound action potential (Mller and
results (Arnold, 2000). Jannetta, 1983; Legatt, 1991) (Fig. 5). This signal is
typically much larger than the far-field BAEP, permit-
23.2.2. Recording electrode positions ting signal averaging using fewer data epochs and thus
providing more rapid assessment of the cochlea and of
Brainstem auditory evoked potentials are most often the cochlear nerve distal to the near-field electrode.
recorded between a scalp surface electrode at the vertex
(position ‘‘Cz’’ of the International 10–20 System for 23.2.3. Amplification, filtering, and signal
EEG electrode nomenclature) and electrodes at both averaging
earlobes (labeled ‘‘Ai’’ ipsilateral to the stimulated
ear and ‘‘Ac’’ contralateral to it) or at both mastoids The raw analog data should be amplified by high-input
(labeled ‘‘Mi’’ and ‘‘Mc"). Duplicate or ‘‘backup’’ elec- impedance differential amplifiers with a common
trodes are useful during IOM because it is usually diffi- mode rejection ratio of at least 80 dB (10,000:1)
cult or impossible to replace an electrode that becomes (American Clinical Neurophysiology Society, 2006a).
unusable in the middle of an operation, when the
patient is positioned and draped.
A vertex-to-ipsilateral-ear (Cz-Ai) channel should
always be included in the recording montage. The
vertex-positive peaks in this BAEP waveform are
typically displayed as upward deflections and labeled Direct nerve recording
with Roman numerals according to the convention of
Jewett and Williston (1971) (Fig. 1). The downward- +
10.0 uV
pointing peaks are labeled with the suffix N according 0.5 uV

to the peak that they follow; for example, downward 1 ms
peak IN follows upward wave I. The downward
deflection following wave V labeled VN, which has
Far-field, Cz - A2
also been termed the slow negativity (SN), is typically
wider than the positive components and the earlier Fig. 5. Auditory evoked potentials to right ear stimulation
recorded directly from the right cochlear nerve (top) and simulta-
negative peaks. Additional recording channels, such
neously from the scalp (bottom) during a selective vestibular nerve
as Cz-Ac and Ac-Ai, may assist in the identification section in a 26-year-old man with Ménière’s disease and intractable
of BAEP components (Legatt, 2005). The Cz-Ac vertigo. Note the differing vertical scale factors; the near-field
channel is the most useful and is a recommended response is about 80 times larger than the far-field BAEP.

The analog gain depends on the input window of the (2  3,000 Hz) in each channel to avoid aliasing.
analog-to-digital converter; a value of approximately Sampling rates higher than that are required for accu-
100,000 is typical. rate reproduction of the BAEP waveshape and precise
A typical analog filter bandpass for BAEP recording measurement of peak latencies. If a 15 m epoch is
is 100–3,000 Hz or 150–3,000 Hz (3 dB points), sampled using 256 points per epoch, the sampling
though low-frequency filter settings of 10–30 Hz have frequency will be approximately 17,000 Hz, which is
also been recommended (American Clinical Neuro- sufficient for good waveshape reproduction with a
physiology Society, 2006b). While line-frequency high-frequency-filter setting of 3,000 Hz.
‘‘notch’’ filters should not be used for somatosensory Far-field BAEPs are too small to be visible in
evoked potential recordings, they can be used for unaveraged raw data; thus, signal averaging is required
BAEP recordings (Legatt, 2005). (Fig. 6). The improvement in the signal-to-noise ratio
For analog-to-digital conversion, the Nyquist crite- is proportional to the square root of the number of data
rion requires a sampling rate of at least 6,000 Hz epochs included in the average. Automatic artifact

0.5 µV
1 ms









Fig. 6. Averaged BAEP waveforms with a progressively increasing number of data epochs included in the average (N), showing how signal
averaging improves the signal-to-noise ratio of the BAEP waveform. (From Legatt, 2003, with permission.)

rejection is used to exclude epochs with high- Wave II is typically the first major upward deflec-
amplitude noise from the average. During extra- tion in the Cz-Ac waveform, since wave I is mark-
operative diagnostic BAEP studies, at least two separate edly attenuated or absent there. When present, wave
averages should be recorded and superimposed to II is usually of similar amplitude in the Cz-Ai and
assess reproducibility of the BAEP waveforms. Cz-Ac channels (Fig. 1). However, wave II may be
An averaging epoch duration of 10 ms is often small and difficult to identify in some normal
used for extraoperative diagnostic BAEP recordings subjects.
in adults. However, a longer analysis time of 15 ms A recognizable wave III is usually present in both
may be required for recording pathologically delayed the Cz-Ai and Ac-Ai channels. Wave III in the Cz-
BAEPs, BAEPs to lowered stimulus intensities (as Ac waveform is usually substantially smaller than
when recording a latency-intensity study), and that in the Cz-Ai waveform (Fig. 1). This difference
BAEPs in children, especially infants. An epoch helps to distinguish it from wave II, which is similar
duration of at least 15 ms should be used during in amplitude in these two channels. A bifid wave III
IOM because BAEP component latencies can be pro- is occasionally observed as a normal variant; the
longed by preexisting pathology, hypothermia, or wave III latency in such waveforms can be scored
intraoperative compromise of the auditory system. as midway between the peak latencies of the two
The choice of the number of epochs per average subcomponents. Rarely, wave III may be poorly
depends on the signal-to-noise ratio of the raw data. formed or absent in a patient with a clear wave V
A total of 1,000–2,000 epochs per average is typical and a normal I–V interpeak interval; this finding is
for extraoperative diagnostic BAEP studies, but more best interpreted as a normal variant waveform.
epochs may be required if the raw data are noisy and Waves IV and V are often fused into a IV/V com-
the BAEPs are small. During IOM, near-field recording plex with a morphology that varies from one subject
from the proximal eighth nerve (Fig. 5) may permit to another (Fig. 7), and may differ between the two
averaging using a much smaller number of epochs, thus ears in the same subject. The IV/V complex is often
providing more rapid feedback to the surgeons. the most prominent upgoing component in the Cz-
Ai BAEP waveform. It is usually followed by a large
23.3. The normal BAEP waveform negative deflection that may last for several milli-
seconds and often brings the waveform to a point
The first major upgoing peak of the Cz-Ai BAEP below the prestimulus baseline. In distinguishing
after the electrical stimulus artifact is wave I. It between a totally fused IV/V complex and a single
appears as an upgoing peak of similar amplitude in wave IV or wave V, Epstein (1988) notes that the
the Ac-Ai waveform and is markedly attenuated or former has a ‘‘base’’ that is greater than 1.5 ms in
absent in the Cz-Ac waveform (Fig. 1). The cochlear duration, whereas the width of a single wave is less
microphonic may be visible as a separate peak pre- than 1.5 ms.
ceding wave I, and can be distinguished from wave When waves IV and V overlap in the Cz-Ai wave-
I by reversing the stimulus polarity, which will form, the wave V latency measurement used for
reverse the polarity of the cochlear microphonic. BAEP interpretation should be taken from the second
Wave I may show a latency shift, but will not reverse subcomponent of the IV/V complex even if this is not
in polarity, as a result of this change in the stimulus. the highest peak (in contrast to the amplitude mea-
A bifid wave I is occasionally present and repre- surement used to calculate the IV/V:I amplitude ratio,
sents contributions to wave I from different portions which is taken from the highest point in the complex).
of the cochlea. The earlier of the two peaks, which Measurement of the peak latency of wave V may be
reflects activation of the base of the cochlea, corre- inaccurate if V appears only as an inflection on the
sponds to the single wave I that is typically present falling edge of wave IV (Fig. 7D) and impossible if
in the Cz-Ai waveform. Reversal of stimulus polarity they are smoothly fused. Two approaches may be used
can be used to distinguish a bifid wave I from a in such cases (Legatt, 2005). The first involves mea-
cochlear microphonic followed by (a single) wave I. surement of wave V latency in a Cz-Ac recording
In contrast to wave I, wave IN is present at sub- channel. The overlapping peaks are more clearly sepa-
stantial amplitude in the Cz-Ac channel (Fig. 1). This rated there because the latency of wave IV is typically
downgoing deflection is usually the earliest BAEP earlier, and that of wave V is later, than in the Cz-Ai
component in that waveform. waveform (Fig. 1). However, because of these latency








5 ms
Fig. 7. Various morphologies of the IV–V complex in Cz-Ai BAEP waveforms recorded in normal subjects. (From Chiappa et al., 1979,
with permission.)

shifts, wave V latency values measured in a Cz-Ac evaluated because it is minimally affected by
waveform should be compared with normative data changes in stimulus intensity. Wave V is the BAEP
in which the latency of wave V was also measured component most resistant to the effects of both
in a Cz-Ac recording. decreasing stimulus intensity and increasing stimulus
The other approach is to reduce the stimulus rate. If either of these stimulus modifications is per-
intensity to attenuate wave IV relative to wave V formed progressively until only one component
and permit accurate measurement of the peak latency remains, that peak can be identified as wave V and
of wave V. That latency value cannot be compared then traced back through the series of waveforms to
with normative data obtained at a higher stimulus identify wave V in the BAEP recorded with the stan-
intensity, but the I–V interpeak interval can be dard stimulus.

It is important to distinguish wave V from wave (Legatt, 2005). Since wave I is a near-field potential
IV. If wave V were abnormally delayed but an earlier around the stimulated ear, repositioning of the Ai/Mi
and larger wave IV that dominated the IV/V complex recording electrode can substantially alter it; alter-
was mistaken for wave V, the BAEP abnormality nate Ai electrode positions, or an electrode within
might be missed. If the latency of an apparent wave the internal auditory canal, can be used to obtain a
V is abnormally short, efforts should be made to clearer wave I. Because wave I arises from the most
determine whether this peak is in fact a dominant distal portion of the cochlear nerve, it may persist
wave IV. Lesions that affect wave V almost always after the nerve is sectioned at a more proximal loca-
also affect wave IV (Starr and Hamilton, 1976; tion, such as during surgery for eighth nerve tumors
Stockard and Rossiter, 1977; Stockard et al., 1977), (Raudzens and Shetter, 1982; Legatt et al., 1986)
but rarely wave IV may be unaltered (Fig. 8). (Fig. 9).
Although some authors have suggested source
23.4. Generator sources of the BAEPs models in which each BAEP component arises from
a single generator, research has shown that Jewett
Wave I of the BAEP is generated by the first volley and Williston (1971) were correct in their assertion
of action potentials in the cochlear nerve in the most that most of the BAEP components are composites of
distal portion of the nerve (i.e., at its cochlear end) contributions of multiple generators. The complexity
(Legatt et al., 1988a). It arises from the same electri- of the generators of human BAEPs (Fig. 10) derives
cal phenomenon as the N1 component of the eighth in part from the complex anatomy of the ascending
nerve compound action potential in the electro- auditory pathways, with fibers both synapsing in
cochleogram, as confirmed by simultaneous BAEP and bypassing various relay nuclei (Strominger and
and electrocochleogram recordings (Gersdorff, Strominger, 1971; Strominger, 1973; Strominger
1982). This generator produces a surface negativity et al., 1977). It also reflects the presence of at least
in a circumscribed area around the stimulated ear two bursts of activity in the cochlear nerve
(Hughes and Fino, 1985; Grandori, 1986); this nega- (corresponding to the N1 and N2 components of the
tivity at Ai appears as a positive (upgoing) peak in eighth nerve compound action potentials in the elec-
the Cz-Ai BAEP recording. An Ac-Ai recording trocochleogram), which can drive the more rostral
channel can yield a somewhat larger wave I because pathways. Because of both of these factors, several dif-
its dipole source has a horizontal component that ferent structures within the infratentorial auditory
projects a small positivity to the contralateral ear pathways may be active simultaneously, with their
contributions summating to yield the far-field BAEPs.

0.1 µV 0.1 µV
1 ms
1 ms

Fig. 8. BAEPs to left ear stimulation recorded during surgery for a
basilar artery aneurysm. The aneurysm ruptured and the basilar
artery was transiently clipped to control the bleeding. The patient Fig. 9. BAEPs to left ear stimulation recorded during surgery for
suffered a brainstem infarct. (A) Clear waves I through VI were left vestibular schwannomas in two different patients, showing per-
present in these BAEPs, recorded just before the aneurysm rup- sistence of wave I (arrows) but loss of later BAEP components
tured. (B) BAEPs recorded after the clip was removed show a loss after transection of the intracranial eighth nerve. The nerves were
of waves V and VI. Waves I through IV were unaffected. (Modi- intentionally sacrificed to permit total resection of the tumors.
fied from Legatt et al., 1988a, with permission.) (From Legatt, 2002, with permission.)


8th Nerve N
Cochlea II

Fig. 10. Diagram showing the probable generators of the human brainstem auditory evoked potentials. SN, slow negativity after wave V;
AC, auditory cortex; AR, auditory radiations; BIC, brachium of the inferior colliculus; CN, cochlear nucleus; IC, inferior colliculus; LL,
lateral lemniscus; MGN, medial geniculate nucleus; SOC, superior olivary complex. (From Legatt et al., 1988a, with permission.)

Wave II originates, in part, from the first (N1) vol- to the stimulated ear. In patients with asymmetrical
ley in the cochlear nerve that has propagated from the lesions of the brainstem, wave III abnormalities are
distal nerve to its proximal end and to the cochlear usually most pronounced following stimulation of
nucleus. However, the activity at this point in the the ear ipsilateral to the lesion (Brown et al., 1981;
auditory pathway occurs simultaneously with the sec- Oh et al., 1981; Faught and Oh, 1985), though occa-
ond cochlear nerve volley, the N2 component of the sionally they are more pronounced following contra-
eighth nerve compound action potential, in the distal lateral stimulation (Stockard and Rossiter, 1977).
nerve (Gersdorff, 1982). The latter contributes to the Waves IV and V are often fused into a IV–V com-
scalp-recorded BAEP in the same manner as the N1 plex, and their anatomical generators are most likely
component did when it was at the same location. This in close anatomical proximity or overlapping, since
can cause persistence of a wave II in cases where the they are usually either both affected or both unaf-
proximal eighth nerve has been destroyed (Legatt, fected by brainstem lesions (Starr and Hamilton,
2005). With regards to the more proximal generator 1976; Stockard and Rossiter, 1977; Stockard et al.,
of wave II, the relative contribution of activity in 1977). They may, however, be differentially affected
cochlear nerve fibers within the proximal nerve and (Stockard and Rossiter, 1977; Legatt et al., 1988a;
of activity in cochlear nucleus neurons has been a sub- Hirsch et al., 1996), including by intraoperative brain-
ject of controversy (Legatt et al., 1988a). stem damage (Fig. 8). Wave IV appears to reflect
Wave III predominantly originates in the caudal activity predominantly in ascending auditory fibers
pontine tegmentum, including the region of the supe- within the dorsal and rostral pons, just caudal to the
rior olivary complex, though a contribution from inferior colliculus, while wave V predominantly
continued activity at the level of the cochlear nucleus reflects activity at the level of the inferior colliculus,
cannot be ruled out (Legatt, 2005). Ascending pro- perhaps including activity in the rostral portion of
jections from the cochlear nucleus are bilateral, so the lateral lemniscus as it terminates in the inferior
wave III may receive contributions from brainstem colliculus (Legatt, 2005). As is the case with wave
auditory structures both ipsilateral and contralateral III, wave V abnormalities due to unilateral brainstem

lesions are usually most pronounced following stimu- I II

lation of the ear ipsilateral to the lesion (Brown et al.,
1981; Oh et al., 1981; Faught and Oh, 1985; York,
1986; Scaioli et al., 1988), though there are exceptions
(Zanette et al., 1990; Fischer et al., 1995).
Waves VI and VII are absent in some normal sub-
jects. While they may in part reflect activity in more
rostral structures such as the medial geniculate 0.5 µV

nucleus, they also receive contributions from activity 1 ms

in the inferior colliculus (Legatt, 2005); the latter 1.54 3.62 5.36
generator may cause persistence of these waves in
patients with auditory pathway damage rostral to
Fig. 11. BAEPs recorded in a 27-year-old woman with probable
the inferior colliculus. Therefore, BAEPs cannot be multiple sclerosis. The IV–V/I amplitude ratio is 0.28 (normal is
used to assess or monitor the auditory pathways ros-  0.5); all absolute latencies and interpeak intervals are normal.
tral to the mesencephalon. The stimulus intensity was 65 dB nHL. (From Legatt, 2005, with

23.5. Interpretation of extraoperative diagnostic

BAEP studies 23.5.1. Significance of specific BAEP abnormalities

BAEP component amplitudes vary considerably Because wave I originates in the distal portion of the
across subjects, whereas latencies are highly consis- cochlear nerve, abnormalities (delay or absence) of
tent. Also, waves I, III, and V are identifiable in wave I usually reflect peripheral auditory dysfunc-
almost all normal subjects, whereas the other compo- tion, either conductive or cochlear, or pathology
nents are more variable. Therefore, the interpretation involving the most distal portion of the eighth nerve.
of extraoperative diagnostic BAEP studies is based If there is no cochlear nerve volley, the brainstem
predominantly on the latencies of waves I, III, and auditory pathways will not be activated. Therefore,
V (American Clinical Neurophysiology Society, a BAEP waveform in which all components, includ-
2006b). Once these peaks have been identified and ing wave I, are absent (Fig. 12E) provides no infor-
their latencies measured, the I–III, III–V, and I–V mation about the status of the brainstem auditory
interpeak intervals are calculated. The I–V interpeak pathways.
interval has been called the central transmission time Cochlear dysfunction may reflect intracranial
(CTT). Asymmetries of component latencies and pathology because the cochlea receives its blood sup-
interpeak intervals (i.e., the differences in these mea- ply from the intracranial circulation via the internal
sures between left ear and right ear stimulation) are auditory artery. This vessel, which is usually a
also calculated. The values in the patient’s study branch of the anterior inferior cerebellar artery
are compared to those from a control population of (Kim et al., 1990), passes through the internal audi-
neurologically and audiologically normal subjects, tory canal alongside the eighth nerve. Cochlear
in whom the BAEPs were recorded using the same ischemia or infarction may result from compression
stimulation and recording parameters as those used of the internal auditory artery within the canal or
for the patient’s study. from occlusion of its parent vessel (Eggermont and
Although the individual component amplitudes Don, 1986; Ferbert et al., 1988; Legatt et al.,
are not used as criteria of abnormality, one amplitude 1988b). Thus, wave I may be delayed or absent in
ratio that has proved to be of clinical utility is the IV/ patients with basilar artery thrombosis or other poste-
V:I amplitude ratio. The amplitudes of waves I and rior circulation vascular disease (Stern et al., 1982;
the IV/V complex are measured, each with respect Ferbert et al., 1988; Rao and Libman, 1995;
to the most negative point that follows it in the wave- Yamasoba et al., 2001; Shimbo et al., 2003), acoustic
form (I to IN and IV/V to VN), and their ratio is cal- nerve tumors (Rosenhall, 1981; Raudzens and Shet-
culated. An excessively small IV/V:I amplitude ratio ter, 1982) (Fig. 12D, E), or brain death (Starr,
can identify as abnormal some BAEP waveforms in 1976; Goldie et al., 1981; Steinhart and Weiss,
which all component latencies and interpeak inter- 1985; Facco et al., 2002) due to interference with
vals are normal (Fig. 11). the blood supply to the cochlea.

shifts of wave V mirror those of wave I (Legatt,

III V 2005). The latency-intensity curve may normalize fol-
lowing resection of a small vestibular schwannoma
(Fig. 13), thereby demonstrating the reversibility of
the cochlear ischemia that had been caused by com-
2.92 ms 2.00 ms
pression of the internal auditory artery by the tumor.
A A prolonged I–III interpeak interval (Fig. 12A),
I either absolutely prolonged (beyond the normal lim-
its for this interval) or relatively prolonged (with an
excessive right-left difference) in the presence of a
prolonged CTT (I–V interpeak interval) reflects an
B 6.78 ms abnormality within the neural auditory pathways
V between the distal cochlear nerve on the stimulated
side and the lower pons. Absence of waves III and
V (Fig. 12D) carries the same significance. Rarely,
wave III may be absent despite the presence of a
clear wave V with a normal I–V interpeak interval;
C 7.30 ms
this should not be interpreted as an abnormality.
When the CTT is normal, the interpretation of a
prolonged I–III or III–V interpeak interval is less
clear. Owing to the complexity of the brainstem audi-
tory pathways, the neural activity that generates
wave V may not arise from propagation of the same
0.2 µV neural activity that generates wave III; the III-V
D 1.74 ms interpeak interval may therefore not actually measure
1 ms
propagation of neural signals in a brainstem tract.
Thus, it is prudent to refrain from interpreting a pro-
longed III–V interpeak interval as an abnormality in
E the presence of a normal CTT. In contrast, the I–III
interpeak interval does reflect propagation of neural
Fig. 12. BAEPs recorded in five patients with vestibular schwan-
nomas following stimulation ipsilateral to the tumor, showing var-
signals from the generator of wave I to the genera-
ious patterns of BAEP abnormalities that can be caused by these tor(s) of wave III, since all auditory afferent activity
tumors. The stimulus intensity was increased to 85 dB nHL in all must pass through the distal cochlear nerve on its
cases. (A) The I–III interpeak interval is increased. (B) The I–V way to the brainstem. Thus, it is logical to interpret
interpeak interval is increased; wave III is not clear. (C) Wave V a prolonged I–III interpeak interval as an abnormal-
is delayed; earlier peaks are not clear. (D) Only wave I is present,
and it is delayed. (E) All BAEP components are absent. (From
ity, whether or not the corresponding CTT is also
Legatt, 2005, with permission.) prolonged (Legatt, 2005).
Abnormality of the I–III interpeak interval is the
characteristic BAEP finding in eighth nerve lesions
With mild cochlear ischemia, BAEPs may be nor- such as vestibular schwannomas (Fig. 12), although
mal to standard, high-intensity stimuli but become there may be a simultaneous peripheral abnormality
abnormally delayed or absent as the stimulus intensity (Fig. 12D, E) if the internal auditory artery has been
is lowered. Examination of latency-intensity curves compromised. Abnormal I–III interpeak intervals can
may increase the sensitivity of BAEPs for detecting also result from other processes such as demyelinat-
small vestibular schwannomas (Legatt et al., 1988b). ing disease, brainstem tumors, or vascular lesions of
In these curves, the latency that is plotted as a function the brainstem. In a patient with unilateral eighth
of intensity is that of wave V, since wave I rapidly nerve pathology, prolongation of the I–III interpeak
becomes attenuated as the stimulus intensity is low- interval will be found on stimulation of the ear on
ered whereas wave V is the last component to disap- the side of the lesion. In patients with unilateral
pear; because the I–V interpeak interval is little brainstem lesions and unilateral I–III abnormalities
affected by changes in stimulus intensity, latency (abnormal BAEPs to stimulation of one ear and

Fig. 13. Left: Latency-intensity curves to left ear (solid line) and right ear (dashed line) stimulation recorded prior to surgery in a 52-year-
old woman with a left-sided intracanalicular vestibular schwannoma. The wave V latency to 70 dB SL (¼ 85 dB nHL) stimulation of the
left ear was normal, but as the stimulus intensity was decreased the latency-intensity curve went outside the normal range (shaded) and then
the BAEPs disappeared (NR ¼ no response). The tumor was completely resected with intraoperative monitoring of BAEPs and facial nerve
function. Right: After the resection, the patient’s latency-intensity curves were normal bilaterally. Her audiogram was normal and her
speech discrimination score in the left ear was 100%. (From Legatt et al., 1988b, with permission.)

normal BAEPs to stimulation of the other), the ear in and the mesencephalon. As noted above, prolonga-
which stimulation produces the abnormal BAEP tion of the III–V interpeak interval is best not inter-
waveform is most often ipsilateral to the lesion preted as an abnormality if the CTT is normal.
(Brown et al., 1981; Oh et al., 1981; Faught and Abnormalities in the III–V interpeak interval are
Oh, 1985), but there are rare exceptions (Stockard seen in a variety of disease processes involving the
and Rossiter, 1977). brainstem, including demyelination, tumor, and vas-
Prolongation of both the III–V and I–V interpeak cular disease. If the disease process also involves the
intervals, or complete absence of the IV/V complex lower pons or eighth nerve, the I–III and the III–V
in the presence of a wave III, reflects dysfunction interpeak intervals may both be prolonged within the
within the auditory pathways between the lower pons same waveform (Fig. 14). In patients with unilateral


A 1.98 ms 1.98 ms
0.2 µV
III V 1 ms

B 4.04 ms 2.74 ms

Fig. 14. BAEPs to stimulation of each ear in a 35-year-old woman with multiple sclerosis. The I–III and III–V interpeak intervals are both
abnormally prolonged following right ear stimulation (B). BAEPs to left ear stimulation (A) are normal. (From Legatt, 2005, with

brainstem lesions and unilateral III–V interpeak inter- may help to localize that dysfunction, but a normal
val abnormalities, the ear in which stimulation pro- BAEP study does not eliminate the possibility of
duces the abnormal BAEP waveform is most often, infratentorial pathology as the cause of the patient’s
although not always, ipsilateral to the lesion (Brown symptoms.
et al., 1981; Oh et al., 1981; Faught and Oh, 1985; There are many papers describing BAEP findings
York, 1986; Scaioli et al., 1988; Zanette et al., 1990). in specific disease entities that may be associated
An abnormally small IV/V:I amplitude ratio with vestibular symptoms, such as vestibular
(Fig. 11) reflects dysfunction within the auditory schwannoma and multiple sclerosis, but the literature
pathways between the distal cochlear nerve and the on the yield of BAEPs in the evaluation of patients
mesencephalon. Because stimulus intensity affects who present with vestibular symptoms is sparse.
waves I and V differently, the amplitude ratio should Ojala et al. (1988) found abnormal BAEPs in 18%
be measured at the same intensity as was used to of a group of patients with dizziness; 20 of the 21
establish the normative data. Decreasing the stimulus patients with abnormal BAEPs had other evidence
intensity attenuates wave I more than wave V, of CNS pathology. Welsh et al. (2002) evaluated
increasing the ratio; this may cause an abnormality BAEPs in a group of 52 patients with vertigo in
to be missed. Conversely, increasing the stimulus whom the neurologic examination, audiometry, elec-
intensity above the normal level could increase wave tronystagmography, magnetic resonance imaging of
I more than wave V and give a false-positive result. the brain, and magnetic resonance angiography of
Since wave I is recorded as a near-field negativity the cervical and cerebral vasculature were all normal
around the stimulated ear, suboptimal placement of (presbycusis was permitted in the audiogram);
the Ai recording electrode may decrease wave I and approximately 5% of a large patient cohort who had
artifactually increase the IV/V:I amplitude ratio. Var- presented with vestibular symptoms met these cri-
iations in electrode placement are unlikely to give a teria. BAEPs were abnormal in 13 (25%) of this
false-positive result because the IV/V complex is select group of patients, demonstrating dysfunction
predominantly recorded as a far-field potential, and within the infratentorial auditory system that was
small displacements of the Cz recording electrode presumably related to their vestibular dysfunction
will not substantially attenuate the IV/V complex. but was not detected by the other diagnostic tests.
Compromise of the brainstem that attenuates Audiograms can be normal in patients with abnormal
waves IV and V can also impair the function of des- BAEPs because BAEPs only assess a part of the
cending inhibitory pathways within the brainstem, complex brainstem auditory pathways, a subset that
causing an increase in the amplitude of wave I subserves sound localization (Legatt, 2005).
(Musiek, 1986; Legatt et al., 1988a). This may
increase the sensitivity of the amplitude ratio mea- 23.6. Intraoperative BAEP monitoring
surement because the increase in wave I and the
attenuation of the IV/V complex act synergistically As previously noted, BAEPs can be used to assess
to reduce the IV/V:I amplitude ratio. the auditory pathways up through the level of the
mesencephalon; they are not useful for the IOM of
23.5.2. BAEPs in patients with vestibular symptoms the auditory pathways rostral to this. They are most
often used to monitor surgery for eighth nerve
In parts of the vestibular system, such as the eighth tumors such as vestibular schwannomas (formerly
nerve, the neurons carrying auditory information are called acoustic neuromas) and for tumors or vascu-
in close proximity to those carrying vestibular infor- lar abnormalities within the posterior fossa, both
mation, and eighth nerve lesions that cause vestibular extra-axial and within the brainstem parenchyma.
symptoms will most likely affect the BAEPs. Within BAEP monitoring can help to avoid excessive
the brainstem, however, the auditory and vestibular eighth nerve stretch from cerebellar retraction dur-
pathways diverge, and some lesions that cause ves- ing cerebellopontine angle surgery, which could
tibular symptoms may not involve the auditory sys- cause hearing loss.
tem structures that generate the BAEPs. Therefore, Intraoperative monitoring of the electrocochleo-
in a patient presenting with vestibular symptoms, an gram has also been used during cerebellopontine
abnormal BAEP study proves that there is dysfunc- angle surgery. It may be a useful adjunct when com-
tion within the ear, eighth nerve, or brainstem, and bined with BAEP monitoring, because it requires less

averaging (fewer epochs) than the scalp BAEPs and As noted above, interpretation of extraoperative
thus may contribute to more rapid recognition of diagnostic BAEP studies is predominantly based
cochlear dysfunction; also, it may detect cochlear on latency criteria because BAEP component
dysfunction that does not cause BAEP changes amplitudes vary considerably across subjects.
(Ojemann et al., 1984; Levine et al., 1994; Schlake However, amplitudes on repeated testing in the same
et al., 2001). However, the electrocochleogram may subject are usually quite consistent if the recording
not detect cochlear nerve damage that spares its techniques are not altered. Moreover, intraoperative
distal end, and some patients in whom the electro- compromise of neural pathways may cause ampli-
cochleogram is preserved are deaf postoperatively tude changes earlier than, or in the absence of,
(Symon et al., 1988). Therefore, electrocochleo- latency changes. Therefore, both the amplitudes and
graphic monitoring by itself is not sufficient for the latencies of the BAEP components are used in
posterior fossa surgery. the interpretation of intraoperative BAEPs monitor-
If the structures at risk are the cochlea and the dis- ing data. The amplitudes of the vertex-positive peaks
tal eighth nerve, such as during resection of an intra- of waves I, III, and V are measured with respect to
canalicular eighth nerve tumor, near-field recordings the troughs that follow them. Typical threshold cri-
of the compound action potential from an electrode teria for the identification of an adverse BAEP
placed on the proximal eighth nerve (Fig. 5) may change are a 50% decrease in the amplitude of a
permit monitoring with fewer epochs per average, component (most often of wave V), or a 1 ms
providing more rapid feedback to the surgeons. The increase in the absolute latency of wave V or in the
near-field recordings do not assess the eighth nerve I–V interpeak interval.
proximal to the recording electrode or the brainstem
auditory pathways; if the latter are at risk, then far- 23.6.2. Causes of intraoperative BAEP changes
field BAEPs should be monitored.
Near-field recordings of the eighth nerve com- As with any evoked potential, adverse intraoperative
pound action potential can also be used to distinguish changes in BAEPs can be classified into three cate-
the cochlear and vestibular divisions of the eighth gories: ‘‘true positive’’ changes, which reflect com-
nerve during selective vestibular neurectomy, per- promise of the structures that the monitoring is
formed for intractable vertigo. Due to volume- intended to safeguard; changes produced by other
conduction of the evoked potential within the nerve, physiologic mechanisms such as anesthetic effects
this localization is best performed with a bipolar or hypothermia; and changes due to technical pro-
recording electrode, rather than a single near-field blems (Legatt, 2002). These categories will be con-
recording electrode and a distant reference electrode sidered separately.
(Colletti and Fiorino, 1998). Technical problems
23.6.1. Interpretation of intraoperative BAEP data BAEPs may be lost due to technical problems such
as equipment malfunction, dislodged recording elec-
Extraoperative diagnostic BAEP tests are evaluated trodes, disconnected or broken wires, or operator
by comparing the BAEP measurements to normative error (the use of incorrect protocols or settings).
data obtained from a control population. In order for The acoustic stimulus may be reduced or eliminated
this comparison to be valid, the techniques used and if the plastic tubing through which the acoustic
the state of the subjects in the patient’s study and stimuli reach the ear becomes kinked or dislodged,
the control studies must be identical. This is difficult or if liquids such as scrub soap, blood, or irrigation
to ensure during IOM, where the anesthetic regimen, fluid get into the external ear canal. This may mimic
the body temperature, the delivered stimulus inten- the effects of peripheral auditory dysfunction.
sity, and other factors will differ from patient to Artifacts can obscure the BAEPs and prevent their
patient. Therefore, during intraoperative BAEP moni- identification and measurement. Automatic artifact
toring each patient serves as his or her own control; rejection and avoidance of a stimulus repetition rate
BAEPs recorded at a time when elements of the audi- that is a submultiple of the line frequency can help
tory pathways are at risk are compared to those to reduce artifact in the averaged BAEPs. However,
recorded earlier during the same operation (Legatt, monopolar cautery and cavitational ultrasonic surgi-
1991). cal aspirator (CUSA) devices can block recording

of BAEPs without triggering automatic artifact rejec- their values at normal body temperatures (Markand
tion, and may require manual intervention to pause et al., 1987). The latency changes are reversible upon
the average until their effects have cleared (see rewarming, but there is hysteresis — latencies at the
Legatt, 1995 for more details). If data epochs without same temperature may differ between the cooling
BAEPs are incorporated into the average, they will and rewarming phases (Markand et al., 1990). BAEP
cause an apparent amplitude attenuation of the component amplitudes may show an initial increase
BAEPs that mimic auditory system compromise. as the core temperature is lowered to the 25–30 C
range, but then decrease as the patient is cooled fur- Physiologic effects ther (Kusakari et al., 1984; Markand et al., 1987;
Anesthetic agents in the usual concentrations pro- Rodriguez et al., 1995). If the temperature is lowered
duce only minimal changes in BAEP amplitudes enough, the BAEPs may disappear completely; the
and latencies (Stockard et al., 1992; Legatt, 2002; longer-latency components usually disappear before
Banoub et al., 2003), but BAEPs do change in wave I does.
response to hypothermia. Both the interpeak intervals Irrigation with cold fluids can cause localized
and the latency of wave I progressively increase as hypothermia within the surgical field, producing
the patient is cooled. Component latencies and inter- BAEP alterations in the absence of tissue damage
peak intervals increase by about 7% for each 1 C (Fig. 15). Irrigation with cold fluids is also undesir-
drop in temperature, and at 26 C are about double able during posterior fossa surgery because it can

09:27, 36.6°C, starting operation

10:38, 37.0°C, opening dura

11:02, 37.3°C, retracting cerebellum

11:45, 37.3°C, resecting tumor

13:05, 37.4°C, resecting tumor

13:34, 37.6°C, irrigating

14:03, 37.5°C, irrigating

14:15, 37.3°C, irrigating

14:23, 37.3°C, stopped irrigating

0.25 mV 15:07, 37.4°C, closing

1 ms

Fig. 15. BAEPs to right ear stimulation recorded during surgery for a meningioma in the right cerebellopontine angle. The BAEPs were
stable during cerebellar retraction and tumor resection. After the tumor had been removed, copious irrigation of the surgical field with cold
fluids produced a transient prolongation of the I–III interpeak interval, reflecting slowing of the conduction velocity within the eighth nerve
due to local cooling. The peaks latencies of waves I, III, and V are marked by the small diamonds, and the clock times, esophageal tem-
peratures, and surgical procedures corresponding to each of the BAEP waveforms are noted at the right. (From Legatt, 2002, with

produce neurotonic facial EMG discharges resem-

bling those caused by facial nerve injury (Kartush 0.2 mV
and Bouchard, 1992). 2 ms
Drilling of bone, such as the drilling of the roof of
the internal auditory canal during resection of an
eighth nerve tumor, will produce high noise levels in
both ears via bone conduction, and can alter the
BAEPs due to acoustic masking (Levine et al., 1994).
This should be considered when evaluating BAEPs
acquired during drilling of bone. Alternatively, BAEP
averaging can be suspended during drilling. Localized auditory system dysfunction

Auditory system dysfunction and damage can be
caused by mechanical forces such as compression
or traction, by thermal injury from cauterization, or
by ischemia due to compromise of the blood supply
to the tissue. The pattern of BAEP changes that occur
depends on the location of the dysfunction (Legatt,
Cochlear dysfunction will cause delay and attenu-
ation of wave I (and of the proximal eighth nerve
compound action potential, if this is being moni-
tored). As wave I becomes delayed, the latencies of
later components increase in parallel, with little Fig. 16. Consecutive BAEPs to left ear stimulation (earliest wave-
change in the interpeak intervals. Cochlear dysfunc- form at the top) recorded in a patient undergoing surgery for a left
vestibular schwannoma. A clear wave I and a poorly-formed wave
tion may also decrease the amplitude of wave I to
V were initially present and were stable during the initial dissec-
the point where it is not identifiable, resulting in a tion, but all BAEP components disappeared simultaneously during
BAEP waveform with a delayed wave V, a delayed dissection within the internal auditory canal and remained absent
or absent wave III, and an absent wave I. With more through the end of the operation. This was most likely due to inter-
severe cochlear dysfunction, all BAEP components ruption of the blood supply to the cochlea via the internal auditory
artery. (From Legatt, 2002, with permission.)
are lost (Fig. 16).
The cochlea receives its blood supply from the
intracranial circulation via the internal auditory have been correlated with dissection of cerebellopon-
artery, which is usually a branch of the anterior infe- tine angle tumors off the eighth nerve (Levine et al.,
rior cerebellar artery and passes through the internal 1984). Wave I may also become delayed or disappear
auditory canal alongside the eighth nerve (Kim if there is concurrent cochlear dysfunction due to
et al., 1990). Nadol et al. (1987) wrote that damage compromise of the internal auditory artery. If the
to this artery probably accounts for most cases of cochlea and the most distal portion of the cochlear
sudden loss of all BAEP components, including wave nerve are unaffected, however, wave I may persist,
I, during surgery for cerebellopontine angle tumors if even if the eighth nerve is completely transected
(Fig. 16). (Fig. 9). Wave II could also persist in this situation
Compromise of the cochlear nerve proximal to its due to its contribution from the distal cochlear nerve.
distal (cochlear) end will cause a prolongation of the Retraction of the cerebellum to gain access to the
I–III interpeak interval (Figs 15, 17), attenuation of cerebellopontine angle also moves the brainstem
waves III and V, or both. The latencies of waves III away from the internal auditory meatus and stretches
and V increase in parallel, with relatively little the eighth nerve, which may cause hearing loss.
change in the III–V interpeak interval unless the Intraoperative BAEP monitoring may serve to notify
auditory pathways within the brainstem are also the surgeons when the eighth nerve is being stretched
affected. If the damage is severe enough, waves III (Fig. 17) and the retraction needs to be reduced or
and V will be lost (Fig. 9). Changes such as these readjusted (Mller and Jannetta, 1983).

1.68 4.20 6.06

2.52 1.86

0.2 µ

2 ms

3.54 2.13

1.83 5.37 7.50 ms

Fig. 17. Intraoperative BAEPs to right ear stimulation recorded during surgery for a right vestibular schwannoma, showing two runs
recorded prior to (top) and after (bottom) retraction of the cerebellum. The most prominent change in the BAEPs was an increase in the
I–III interpeak interval of more than 1 msec, reflecting stretching of the eighth nerve. The smaller change in the III–V interpeak interval
may reflect effects of the retraction on the brainstem. (From Legatt, 2002, with permission.)

Complete resection of eighth nerve tumors may postoperative hearing, even if wave V remains absent
require scraping fragments of tumor off the nerve, through the end of the operation (Friedman et al.,
which may cause BAEP changes either due to direct 1985; Radtke et al., 1989; Levine et al., 1994; Harner
cochlear nerve damage or to the effects of the trac- et al., 1996). Neu et al. (1999) suggest that patients
tion on the nerve. At its distal (cochlear) end, the with preserved postoperative hearing despite the loss
cochlear nerve breaks up into fine fascicles that enter of wave V may be at high risk for a delayed postop-
the bony modiolus. These fascicles are mechanically erative hearing loss.
fragile, and may be avulsed if the traction on the BAEPs assess only part of the brainstem, and may
nerve is from the ear towards the brainstem, whereas remain unchanged during surgery that causes brainstem
traction on the nerve from the brainstem towards the damage if the damage spares the auditory pathways
ear is relatively benign (Sekiya and Mller, 1987). (Little et al., 1987). Thus, preservation of BAEPs dur-
The hearing loss with excessive cerebellar retraction ing surgery on the brainstem does not guarantee a good
and eighth nerve stretching may also reflect distal outcome. However, patients with significant BAEP
cochlear nerve avulsion. changes that persist to the end of the operation almost
Damage to the lower pons, around the area of the always have new postoperative neurologic deficits (Lit-
cochlear nucleus or the superior olivary complex, tle et al., 1983; Manninen et al., 1994).
will delay waves III and V or cause them both to
be lost; wave I will be preserved if the ear and
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