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Role and Responsibilities

Human Resources and Labor Relations in Public Service

HRM 330
Role and Responsibilities

Identifying organizational roles and responsibilities is a key component to building a

strong work ethic in a healthy environment. Developing good work relationships and

collaboration builds a cohesive environment, superb teamwork, and excellent leadership. These

attributes are inclusive to a successful company. However, to accomplish good working

relationships between employees and managers, one clearly must define goals and expectations

at the beginning of a project or at the time of hire.

Previously noted was ABS’s inability to retain employees in its IT department.

Employees were leaving the nonprofit organization to go work for private organizations. It is

difficult to retain employees in not-for-profit organizations because of unions, and

noncompetitive wages with the private sector. Nonprofit organizations are dependent upon

contracts and donations to assist with daily operations.

Moreover, the consulting team has determined that ABS’s HR department has not played

an effective role in preparing the organization for change. Therefore, the consulting team must

examine the roles and responsibilities of ABS’s HR department and also determine the steps that

ABS should take in order for its HR department to manage effectively change within the


Examination ABS Roles and Responsibilities in HR

The roles and responsibilities of human resources may far exceed the traditional functions

most often expected from this department. Many of the functions that come from human

resources stem from ensuring that employees receive the correct compensation and benefits, and

ensuring that company polices are enforced. Such functions are clearly advantageous to both the

employee and the company. Another important function that must come from human resources
is preparing the company for change. Change is inevitable with economic and global challenges,

and regardless of the reason for change within a company human resources must provide a clear

pathway to ensure a successful transition. Therefore, change management is a function from

human resources that must be administered with care. Change from the point of execution

represents a project that must come to pass for improvement to have arrived. Conversely, change

can be somewhat daunting for employees on the receiving end of the transition.

Moving forward, ABS must break the ice to company employees by explaining the intent

of the change. Motivating employees is step one in gaining support. The second process is

demonstrating vision, as employees see the intent of the change they will become more

comfortable. Successfully motivating staff, and demonstrating company vision facilitates

support. Thereafter, managing the change through sustainability completes the transition

(Exploring HR management, 2012). ABS must incorporate change management within the

human resources department better to establish the managerial and staff support required to be

successful. The intent is to provide for better sustainability within the IT department, but this

change will benefit every department within the company.

Determination Steps in Organization for Effectiveness

According to, information regarding ABS and changes essential to aid the retention rate

of employees, ABS is not doing an effective job of implementing what is needed. Changing a

system within an organization is not an easy task, requiring proper detail and employee input to

run smooth and effectively. In earlier papers the need for implementing an employee reward

system were introduced to reduce employee dissatisfaction however taking this cannot be

concluded quickly and must obtain planning for approach. Employee dissatisfaction can lead to
low morale within an organization and create behavioral issues. The reward systems discussed

previously were to stimulate motivation, raise morale, and lesson behavioral issues. Motivation

is a key factor for a successful operation of any organization and over time companies have

sought new ways of inducing motivation to enhance performances.

Different organizational purposes require designs and methods that can identify different

levels and dimensions of culture and also produce results at different costs and different time-

frames (Condrey, 2005). It is vital to remember that change is always resisted. To enhance

motivation toward creating the change that ABS desires, there are steps required to effectively

manage the changes implemented. One step is to decide which level of culture needs

investigation for the change to take place.

This starts of the process, such as dismissing regulatory print material that was used for

rules that employees believes hindered by or understanding where the change needs to

implemented first. Also, according to Condrey, S. (2005) “Management must be willing to give

up the command and control management style based on the hierarchical management structure

in favor of leadership based on ideas, data, and collaborative decisions which reflect best-

interests rather than power and position.” Other components of manage changes may include;

management support for the change, case for the change (much like the investigation), employee

involvement, communicating the change (a structured system), implementation (preparation of

roll-out), follow-up (assess employee feedback), and remove barriers (offering proper training

and equipment needed).

Managing Change Within Organization

Although ABS is a not for profit organization, it has employees which are paid salaries

and employees which are volunteers. In an effort to have the organization ran successfully, the
HR department would need to manage employees in the same manner. Those employees which

provide a poor performance must be addressed in such a way that the other employees would feel

that they would be treated the same and not differently because of their volunteerism or paid


Training is an essential component for the success of nonprofit organization. ABS

managers need to implement training activities not just for volunteers but for those salaried

employees to enable team building. Employees are furnished with the opportunity to ask

questions and receive answers that may assist them in their performance. Organizations can also

learn from volunteers and employees by recognizing their strengths and weaknesses and using

them to place workers in areas that would be more productive.

The HR department could conduct an evaluation of the organizations current and future

needs. By assessing the work history, changes in the economy, operational budgets, and cost,

and the quality and quantity of the workers workload would give the HR department the ability

to make decisions based on the objectives set forth by the organization and focus on the mission.


In conclusion, the HR department is responsible to a smooth transition into any

changes that the company may be going through. As a not for profit agency ABS needs to ensure

that the employees and volunteers are receiving the training, support, and guidance they need to

perform their duties and experience a smooth transition. HR will also need to ensure that the staff

working in HR are well adapted and trained to handle a huge change to the company if that were

to happen. As a not for profit agency, ABS relies on our volunteers and employees to do an

excellent job, and HR has to ensure that the employees are well cared for. This will allow us to

always avoid a disgruntled employee and smooth transition into the new change. When an
organization is changing its structure, HR will know which employees are qualified in each

position, it will be best for HR to handle the change in employee structure. Despite all of the

roles and responsibilities that HR has, each responsibility is vital to the organization and the

employees. ABS’s value in their mission carries over to our employees and volunteers. The HR

department has the full support of the organization in ensuring that all employees and volunteers

are trained and given the tools they need to perform their job.

Condrey, S. E. (2005). Handbook of Human Resources Management in Government. New York,

NY: John Wiley & Sons Inc.

Exploring HR Management, (2012), Five Steps for Effective Change Process, Retrieved from


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