Cooperative Learning Lesson Plan

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Angelina Maisano

Professor Richardson

EDU 220-1005

21 March 2021

Cooperative learning- LESSON PLAN

I. Describe the Class This class is a fourth grade class. There are 14 boys and 17 girls,

there are two children in this class with special needs.

They are in groups 6. Each table has 3-4 girls and 2-3 boys per

group. The students with special needs are dispersed amongst

the classroom as usual, they are not isolated.

II. Subject/Skills Incorporating Figurative Language in Writing

III. Objectives ● Students will be able to use similes, metaphors,

personifications, and alliterations in their writing

● Students will be able to collaborate with classmates and

write a well written story using figurative language

IV. Procedures 1. The students have gone through the figurative language

lesson plan last class.

2. They have begun to get in their groups of six (table

groups) and get ready for their group writing project.

3. One student from the group got a final draft paper from

the bin.

4. They are to brainstorm ideas together to write about in

their fictional stories.

a. Encourage them to use bubble maps or circle

maps to draw out their ideas.

5. Once a group has decided what they want to write about,

they can now do a flowchart that will encourage them to

think about the four different paragraphs they need to


a. In the flowchart they should have their first box

introduce their characters.

b. The second box should introduce a problem.

c. The third box should have a climax.

d. And the last paragraph should be a resolution.

6. The flowchart should be bullet points and not paragraph


7. The students can write their ideas of figurative language

in the flowchart.

8. The groups are going to include different types of

figurative language at least 8 times in their flowcharts.

(at least 1 of each, they can use any one of them more

than once)
9. Once they finish their flowchart, they will bring it to the

instructor for approval.

10. When approved they will start writing a rough draft,

taking turns writing sentences that flow.

11. If they finish the rough draft all of them will revise and

edit it together.

12. In the rough draft, they need to underline and label all 8

of their figurative languages they used.

13. After the rough draft has been looked over and reviewed

by each groupmate, they will bring it to the instructor to


14. Finally, after the teacher has reviewed it, then they can

start writing on the final draft paper. Making sure each

kid writes at least two to three sentences.

15. When the final draft is complete they can turn it into the


V. Materials ● Pencil

● Lined pieces of paper

○ Circle/bubble chart

○ Flowchart

○ Rough draft

● Red pen (edits and revisions)

● Final draft papers

● Group corporations

VI. Grouping Structures ● Students will work together to create a fictional story

using 8 different uses of figurative languages.

● The students are already grouped by their desks, in

groups of 6.

● They will brainstorm and collaborate their ideas to create

one piece of work.

● They will finalize their stories and create one final draft.

VII. Modifications ● English language learners can use their peers to help

them with their writing skills and help them edit or


● Kids with special needs can help with story


● Students can work together to create a great final project

VIII. Assessment ● The students will be able to read their final projects and

see the 8 different uses of figurative language in their


● They can identify similes, metaphors, personification,

and alliteration in their writing.

● They can work together with the classmates and add all

of their ideas together.

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