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Learning Guide
Week 10
March 15 – 19, 2021

Course Intended Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of evidence-based teaching-

Learning Outcomes learning approaches, strategies and methodologies in designing student-
centered learning experiences that use Mother Tongue, Filipino and English
in developing literacy and numeracy skills, and critical and creative thinking.

Expected Outputs 1. Accomplished Worksheet 4

2. Accomplished Reflection Notepad 4 on Week 10
3. Input # 4 to your Microteaching Plan

Essential Questions 1. What strategies and techniques prepare students to learn?

2. When are they most applicable?

Learning Tasks

Read Read about the week’s topic.

You may begin by studying the materials in the Reading Texts that are provided in the
TIP: It would help if you try to create a concept organizer to synthesize the ideas that you have
encountered in your readings.

Share Accomplish your Worksheet 4 that is provided in the toolkit as Worksheet 5.

Join the Small Group Synchronous Learning Session on Tuesday, March 23, 2021
beginning with LT # 1 at 9:00AM via our Google Meet link
Share your insights on, or clarify difficult concepts encountered in the activity, etc.

Value Accomplish your Reflection Notepad to log what you think is most valuable to you about
this session. Focus on the dynamic interconnection of the essential elements and their
effect on the teachers’ roles on successful learning.
The Reflection Notepads are available at your class’ ePNU Room and FB Group.

Produce Do your Project-building Page to prepare your Input # 4 to your team’s Microteaching
1. Accomplish the Input form to assist you in designing learning experiences for your
Microteaching Plan Part III A. Preparatory Activities.
2. Discuss with your Learning Team your suggested Input # 4.
Your Project-building Page is available at your class’ ePNU Room and FB Group.

MRMR 2020 Faculty of Education Sciences . PHILIPPINE NORMAL UNIVERSITY

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