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Created by: Carmen Chávez
Highlight the correct answer A B or C

1.- He didn’t eat __________ food.

A.any B. some C. a
2.- How ___________ bread do you at a day.
A.many B much C. any
3,. She’s _____________ now than she was a teenager.
A. happier B more happy C happyer
4.- Machuppicchu is ___________ beautiful place in Cusco.
A. more B. the most C. the more
5.- We ____________ to Moquegua next month.
A. are going B. going C are go
6.- He speaks ___________________
A. very slowly B. very slower C very slow
7. I’d like _____________a Ferrari.
A drive B. to drive C. driving
8.- We love __________ cats.
A. a B. - C the
9.- ___________ children are playing in the garden.
A. - B. The C. A
10.- Rafael is ______ architect and his brother is _____ lawyer.
A. a/a B. an/ an C. an/ a
11.- We _____________ to Lima
A. has been B ‘ve been C. been
12.- __________ Manuel ever ___________ a truck ?
A, Have /drive B. Has/ driven C driven
13. I ________________ a poem.
A. haven’t written B hasn’t writen C, haven’t wrote
14.- They _______________in a hotel before.
A. did never worked B. has never worked C. haven’t worked
15. Jorge _________ to the bank. He isn’t at home.
A has gone B has been C gone
16. Maria bought a ______________ of jam.
A. bottle B.jar C box
17.- Use this ________of tuna for the salad.
A. carton B bottle C can
18.- The population is about ___________________
A. three million B three millions C three milion
19.- That new is great.
A. department mall B. department store C department
20.- Where is the main ___________ station?
A. Train B hall C post
21.- Let’s have a drink at one of those snack bars in the ________
A bridge B church C square
22.- We do a lot of shopping ___________
A. online B attachment C login
23.- __________ with your users name and password.
A Skype B login C. wifi
24. I can _________ the song for you tonight.
A upload B download C search
25. I’m going to be late. I’ve _____________ the car keys.
A lost B. hear C. won
26.- Have you ever ____________ long hair?
A made B had C bought
27. She’s ___________a lot of wáter today because it’s so hot.
A eaten B drunk C met
28. Have you ever seen a film ______________ subtitles
A with B. in C. on
29.Don’t open an ________when you don’t know who is it from.
A. login B wifi C. attachment
30. We have _____at home so I can send emails from my
A. social network B. website C wifi
Read the interview and choose the correct answer.
Interview with Paul Mason
Last week Paul Mason, author of the novels Silence, Who
did it? and Go Away, agreed to be interviewed by one of
our journalists.
Lifestyle & Experience
I live in New York with my second wife and our three
children. I wasn’t always a writer. When I left school, I got
a job in a library. In my free time I read murder novels, but
one day I decided to write one. I was lucky because people
liked it. I earned a lot of money, so I left my job at the
library and began to write all the time. I get up at 6 a.m., go
to the gym for an hour, then go to my office. I buy
breakfast on the way and eat it while I check my emails.
After I’ve answered my emails, I start writing. I can easily
spend 9 or 10 hours writing.
After work I have dinner with my family. Sometimes we
go out to parties or to the theater, but most evenings I
prefer to relax at home and listen to jazz or read. My
favorite author is Agatha Christie, and at the moment I’m
reading a book she wrote about her life. My cat usually sits
next to me while I read, and the rest of the family likes to
watch TV.
One of my favorite places is Maine on the east coast. We
have a small house near the beach. It isn’t very far from
Vermont, where we go skiing in the winter. In the summer,
we usually go to Venice, where my wife’s family lives. It’s
probably the most beautiful city I’ve ever seen. I stayed in
Venice when I wrote my third book, and that’s where I
learned to speak Italian and to play the guitar. I hope to buy
a house there one day. Then I’d like to retire and learn to
31. Paul Mason agreed to be interviewed ______________
A next week B. last year C. last week
32. He earns a little money .
A. True B. False
33.- He has 4 children.
A. True B. False
34. He goes to the gym at night
A. True B. False
35, Her favorite author is Agatha Christi.
A True B False
36. He doesn’t have a cat.
A. True B. False
37. He never goes to parties.
A. True B. False
38. He has a house near the beach.
A. True B. False
39. He speaks Italian
A, True B. False
40.- He goes skiing to Vermont
A. True B. False

Listen and choose the correct answer
41.- The tour takes place in New Zealand
A True B. False
42. The tour leaves Christchurch at 8 am.
A True B. False
43. And returns at 6pm
A True B. False
44.- You can see clear lakes and blue rivers.
A. True B. False
45. For lunch there is a picnic.
A. True B. False


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