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Quiz for Chapter 6 Types of Epidemiologic Studies

By Genevieve M. Nangit
Instruction: For each blank, select one entry from the choices below. Fill all blanks in the way
that best completes the text.
Noncompliance Double-blind studies Recording
Individual-level Independently Extraneous factor
Randomization Control Cause no harm
1. Experimental epidemiology is limited by definition to topics for which the exposure
condition can be manipulated. Because the subjects of these manipulations are human,
experimental epidemiology is further limited ethically to studies in which all exposure
assignments are expected to _____.
2. Ideally, the experimental groups are identical with respect to _____ that affect the outcome
of interest, so that, if the treatment had no effect then identical outcomes would be observed
across the groups. This objective could be achieved if one could _____ all the relevant
conditions that might affect the outcome under study.
3. It is almost universally agree that _____ is the best way to deal with concerns about
confounding by unmeasured baseline characteristics and by personnel manipulation of
treatment assignments.
4. Studies in which both the assessor and the patients are blinded to the treatment assignment
are known as _____ studies.
5. _____are inert treatments intended to have no effect other than the psychological benefit of
receiving a treatment, which itself can have a powerful effect.
6. _____ with assigned treatment could result in a discrepancy between the assigned treatment
and actual treatment received by trial participation.
7. Because the control group is used to estimate the distribution of exposure in the source
population, the cardinal requirement of control selection is that the controls must be sampled
_____ of their exposure status.
8. The central feature of a study design that defines it as prospective and retrospective is the
period of time between the _____ of exposure data and outcome data.
9. When exposure varies across individuals within the ecologic groups, the degree of
association between exposure and disease need not reflect _____ associations.

Answer of End-of-Chapter Quiz

1. Cause no harm 4. Double-blind studies 7. Independently
2. Extraneous factor, control 5. Placebos 8. Recording
3. Randomization 6. Noncompliance 9. Individual-level

Modern Epidemiology, 3rd Edition
Rothman, Kenneth J.; Greenland, Sander; Lash, Timothy L

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