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Assalamualaikum wr wb my name is jaka haerul as first author in this paper and the paper

title is Analysis of student’s mathematical reasoning ability based on florence littauer

personality types on solid geometry flat side materials and this is our study looking it
Lets get start.

As a basis of science, mathematics is inseparable from the development of science and

technology. The presence of mathematics is born from the results of human thought and
experience. It made mathematics that often intersected with various areas of life. Because
of that, many mathematical concepts are used to solve problems faced in daily life.
The large role of mathematics in life has made it a subject that must be studied by students, both at
the elementary level to higher educations. Based on permendiknas stated that every student who is
in elementary and secondary education level must take math lessons. One of the competencies that
must be emphasized in mathematics learning is reasoning ability. According to NCTM stated that
reasoning and proof as fundamental aspects of mathematics. That indicates that, reasoning is the
basic asset for learners in solving mathematical problems.

But the fact is, the ability of junior high school students in Indonesia is still very low when compared
to other countries. Based on data released by TIMSS it can be known that the score in reasoning
ability by junior high school students in Indonesia are 388. Based on the results, the reasoning
ability of junior high school students in Indonesia is still below the international benchmark and
belongs to the low category of reasoning abilities. This is why the study related to reasoning ability
needs to be done.

as unique individuals, students have different characteristics in solving mathematics problems given
in school. Because of that, personality has a great influence on the learning process of students. In
line with this, Florence Littauer explained that personality can affect one's attitude and behavior in
adjusting to the environment, including in learning. The results of Isaksen, and Lauer study, it can
be found that there is a correlation between personality and the way a person receives and
processes information. Based on the study, indicates that personality is very closely related to the
process of one's reasoning because it involves taking one's information and then processing it so
that a conclusion is obtained.

As describe by sobur, the study related to human personality has been conducted by experts since
time immemorial. Hippocrates and Galenus stated that based on the state of liquid substances in his
body, humans were grouped into four types, that is melancholic, sanguine, phlegmatic, choleric.
Florence Littauer was one of the people who developed the personality theory of Hippocrates-
Galenus. In her book, she described the four personality types, that is sanguine, choleric,
melancholiy, and phlegmatics.

based on these the researchers were encouraged to conduct the study on Analysis of Students
Mathematical Reasoning Ability Based on Florence Littauer Personality Types on Solid Geometry
Flat Side Materials.


This study conducted using qualitative research. According to moleong defines the qualitative
research method is research to understand the subjects studied, that is behavior, perception, actions,
etc., by describing them in the form of words in a natural context. This study was conducted on nine
of the VIII grade students who had obtained geometry flat side materials and domiciled in the
environment where the researcher lives . The study subjects were selected based on the highest
mathematical reasoning ability of each personality type group. The selection of this subject is to
obtain in-depth information and to get information as much as possible.
Research instruments used in this study include questionnaires, tests, and interviews. In this
research, the questionnaire contained questions containing indicators of personality type adopted from
Florence Littauer's book entitled Personality Plus. The goal was to classify the personality type of the
research subject based on his personality type. Meanwhile, a mathematical reasoning ability test in the
form of an essay is compiled based on indicators of mathematical reasoning ability. This test aims to
find out the students' mathematical reasoning skills on solid geometry flat side materials. Other
instruments used are interview guidelines. The interview guidelines in this study were used to explore
more about students' mathematical reasoning skills on solid geometry flat side materials. After the
data collected, the next step is data analysis consisting of personality type questionnaires,
mathematical reasoning ability tests, and interview results. In this study, data analysis used is
qualitative data analysis of Miles and Huberman model in sugiono which consists of several
components including data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing. The validity of the data is
carried out by credibility test, transferability, dependability, and confirmability


In this study, the researcher chose each subject from each group of personality types with the
highest mathematical reasoning ability in his group and then conducted in-depth interviews to obtain
more detailed information related to students' mathematical reasoning ability. Data were obtained in
this study are the results of tests, questionnaires, and interviews which would be a measurement to
conclude students' mathematical reasoning ability.

Reasoning ability of students with sanguine personality type

Based on the answers and interviews, it can be known, that the mathematical reasoning ability of
subjects with sanguine personality type, in general, can achieve integrated indicators, that is by
making the association of mathematical ideas in the form of the use of the concept of cuboid edges
know the length of wire needed to create a cuboid frame. While the indicators that have not been
achieved, that is analyzed, generalize, justify, and solve non-routine problems.

Reasoning ability of students with choleric personality type

Based on the results of the answers and interviews, it can be known that the mathematical
reasoning ability of subjects with choleric personality types, in general, has been able to write down
the information contained in the problem given (analyze). This is indicated by the ability of students
in making statements in the form of images even though the description of the information contained
in the question is not written clearly and in detail. In integrated indicators, students have been able to
connect mathematical ideas by associating the concept of cuboid edges with the length of wire needed
to create a cuboid frame. But during the computational process, there is an error in summing the
length of the cuboid edges, so that the results obtained are incorrect. Because of that, integrated
indicators have not been achieved perfectly. While other indicators that have not been achieved by
students of choleric personality type are to generalize, justify, and solve non-routine problems.

Reasoning skills of students with melancholy personality types

Based on the results of the answers and interviews, it can be known that the mathematical
reasoning ability of subjects with melancholy personality types, in general, has been able to write
down the information contained in the given problem (analyze). this is indicated by the students'
ability to make statements related to what is known and asked on the question. Other than that,
integrated indicators are shown by interconnecting mathematical ideas using the concept of cuboid
edges to find out the length of the wire to be used to create the cuboid frame. In the justify indicator,
students can also achieved this by proving that if the pool is filled with 4/5 of its part, then the volume
of water inside contains 140 m3. The justification for this argument is also accompanied by clear and
systematic evidence. While the indicators that have not been achieved by students of melancholy
personality type are generalized and solve non-routine problems.

Reasoning skills of students with phlegmatics personality types

Based on the results of the answers and interviews, it can be known that the mathematical
reasoning ability of the subject with phlegmatics personality type, in general, has been able to write
down the information contained in the given problem (analyze). This is demonstrated by the
student's ability to make statements related to what is known and asked about the questions given.
Other than that, integrated indicators are shown by interconnecting mathematical ideas using the
concept of cuboid edge to find out the length of the wire to be used to create the frame of the
cuboid. the student calculates the number of wires to be used to make the frame of the cuboid by
summing the length of each cuboid edge. While the indicators that have not been achieved by
students of phlegmatics personality type, that is generalized, justify, and solve non-routine


Students with Sanguine personality type, students can achieve integrated indicators, that is by
connecting mathematical ideas in the form of the use of the concept of cuboid edges, this is done to
find out the length of the wire needed to create a cuboid frame. While the indicators that have not
been achieved, that is analyzed, generalize, justify, and solve non-routine problems. Students with a
choleric and phlegmatics personality type can describe information from the problem given (analyze)
and also integrated. Students with melancholy personality types, in general, have been able to
achieve analyze, integrated, and justify indicators. While the indicators that have not been achieved
are generalized and solve non-routine problems.

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