Cooperative Lesson Plan Format

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Magali Macias

Professor Nancy Webb

Edu 220/ Spring 2018

March 3, 2018


Describe the Class

3rd Grade multicultural class of 20 students, one is learning disabled, four are gifted and 5 are

second language learners.


Word skill: writing poems using nouns, verbs and adjectives.


The learning objective is to have the students successfully work in groups. The students will be

required to write a poem with the application of nouns, verbs and adjective’s by reading and

reviewing poems by Dr. Seus, 80% of the students will demonstrate mastery use of words.

IV. Procedures: For a Cooperative Lesson

1. The teacher will inform the students that they will be paired up in groups of four and they will

be required to create a group poem using nouns, verbs and adjectives and then they will be asked

to read the poem in front of the class. Before the students begin their assignment, the teacher will
read Dr. Seus Green Eggs and Ham to the whole class to give them a general idea of what a

poem is.

2. What the students need to already know to be successful in this lesson is the ability to be able

to work in a group. The students should also have learned the meanings of nouns, verbs and

adjectives in prior lessons. The anticipatory set will be the teacher will go over nouns, verbs and

adjectives with the students to help them remember and retain information. The purpose of this

lesson is to have the students identify nouns, verbs and adjectives in any written text and

enhanced writing skills.

3. The teacher will hand each group one book from author Dr. Seus, after reading the Cat in the

Hat to the whole class the teacher will begin to explain the process of using the books handed to

each group as a reference to get a general idea of a poem.

4. The teacher will write sample nouns, verbs and adjectives on the board and will then write a

short poem on the board with all requirements for the students to understand.

5. Independent Student Practice: The students will be working independently in groups, they

will brainstorm ideas and the teacher will go around observing and asking questions about the

student’s ideas for the poem.

V. Materials: Materials needed for the Cooperative Lesson Plan are five books from author Dr.

Seus, paper, pencils and erasers.

VI. Grouping Structures:

 Take the students to the library.

 Ask the librarian in advance to pull out a few books on Dr. Seus for the

 Direct each student to pick a title from Dr. Seus.

 Ask the students to go with their groups of four and work on their poems in a

spot of their choice in the library.



The teacher will modify the lesson to differentiate the instruction for English Language Learner,

learning disable and gifted learners. During independent practice the teacher will approach the

English Language Learners individually to go over the assignment and procedures of the poem.

The teacher will have a modified lesson plan for the learning-disabled student, the teacher will

individually go over the lesson plan and approach the student more frequently than the rest of the

class to go over any questions or concerns. The gifted students will be assigned group leaders of

the cooperative lesson to help their fellow classmates and complete the lesson with them.

VIII. Assessment

6. The teacher will have the student groups read out loud their poems with the participation of

the whole class, the students will identify the nouns, verbs and adjective and evaluate the

structure of the poem (if it rhymes). The students will be required to individually read out loud

for the next lesson, to evaluate their listening skills and improve speech. The students may ask

what the poem can be about? The poem can be about any school appropriate material. The

teacher will know if the students have met the lesson objectives by asking the students to identify

the nouns, verbs and adjectives and rhyme of their peers’ poems and successfully having a strong

7. Distributed Practice and Review: The students will be required to create a three-sentence

poem for homework and recite it in front of the mirror.

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