Environmental Science Cambil JR Ronald S. Activity Frida

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Instruction: Discuss the following questions briefly

1. Define Ecosystem.

An ecosystem is defined as the association and interrelationship between the living

environment such as plants, animals, and organisms and the non-living community like soil, air,
and water in relation to each other. As a result, an ecosystem is a biosphere's structural and
functional unit. It is made up of living and non-living organisms, as well as their physical

Furthermore, Ecosystems are a kind of natural ecosystem that consists of a group of

living things and their physical surroundings, which are continuously exchanging materials and
resources. It is a function of nature or the sum total of the environment.

2. What are the three (3) categories of Living organisms in the ecosystem?

First is the Producers which are living organisms that are able to make their own food
through a process called photosynthesis. Plants use sunlight, carbon dioxide, and water to
make food. This process takes place inside of the plant, so they do not have to relocate to find
their food source. Look around you.

Second is the Consumers which are living organisms that are not capable of creating
their own food. Consumers are broken down into three categories: primary consumers,
secondary consumers, and tertiary consumers. 

Last is the Decomposers that break down materials by consuming dead plants and
animals. Some people refer to them as nature's cleaners because they clean up the dead
remains that no other organisms want. 

3. Discuss Ecological Succession:

The mechanism by which the composition of a biological society varies over time is
known as ecological succession. Many vegetation can be comprised of a combination of plants
and animals that maximizes the commodities such as rainfall and nutrients the atmosphere will
offer if succession is able to occur without a significant interruption. So, Ecologists refer to an
assemblage of living organisms as a climax population when the biological community of a
particular ecosystem becomes increasingly stable.

a. Primary

The mechanism by which plants and animals colonize a sterile landscape is known as
primary succession. Seeds blown by the wind can lodge in crevices on a newly formed volcanic
island, for example, after the rock cools. They will germinate and take hold there. Weedy
species, such as fast-growing grasses, are often the first colonizing plants because they do not
grow tall but multiply rapidly. Following their germination and development, these plants die and
decompose, leaving pockets of soil for other plants and fungi to flourish in. Seeds from other
plants arrive over time as habitat occupies more and more of the island can possibly transported
by birds that begin to use the island as a stopover during migration. Hardier, taller-growing
plants shade out the early colonizers and gradually take control of the plant population. With
each new arrival of plants and animals then the habitat improves. When colonies of various
species become established over many decades, the ecosystem's composition becomes more

b. Secondary

Secondary succession varies from primary succession in that it occurs after a large
disturbance takes out a portion of a landscape, such as a catastrophic flood, explosion, tsunami,
lava flow, or human. In Secondary succession follows a similar pattern to primary succession in
that insects and weedy plants are among the first to recolonize the disturbed environment, and
these species are gradually replaced by hardier plants and animals. The emerging biological
environment will once again achieve a robust ecological system if this ecosystem is left
undisturbed for a long enough period.

4. What are the factors influencing succession?

Abiotic topographical influences, which are mostly concerned in secondary succession,

are caused by extreme circumstances. Landslides and mudslides are examples of this kind of
factor when they transform the landscape dramatically. Landslides and mudslides provide
enough disturbance for disturbance-tolerant wildlife to repopulate the ecosystem.

An environment's soil, which is an abiotic component, has a significant impact on

ecological primary succession. Different plant species necessitate different soil conditions. In
this part of the ecological succession, trees are usually the largest driving organism. The pH
levels of the soil are often influenced by the presence of trees and dictate the types of plants
that can grow there. The type of trees that live in a given area is determined by the amount of
moisture in the soil. Trees with higher pH level requirements thrive in swampy environments,
while trees with lower pH level requirements thrive in drier soils.

Climate, an abiotic element that plays a major role in both primary and secondary
succession, is a key factor in deciding the course of succession in a given context. When there
is a time of low precipitation, the atmosphere becomes more vulnerable to lightning-caused
fires. As a result, secondary succession occurs, with fire-resistant and tolerable species
flourishing while the others perish. Winds will also stoke flames, causing even more havoc.
When an area gets a lot of rain, however, it becomes more desirable for those plants that can
tolerate a lot of rainfall, which is an example of climatic influence on primary succession.

5. Discuss the different types of Ecosystem.

The term "terrestrial ecosystem" only applies to the ecosystems of various land types.
The terrestrial environment has a very different climate from the marine ecosystem. Land,
desert, rain forest, grassland, tundra, savanna, and mountain habitats are the most common.
Ecosystem of the Rainforest

The rain forest areas have a very charming feel. This landscape is surrounded on both
sides by lush green views. The rain forest biome benefits from the abundant rainfall because it
creates a thick climate. This is why the rain forest biome has such a diverse range of plants and

The desert ecosystem has a diverse range of flora and fauna. Nearly 17% of the Earth's
atmosphere is covered by the desert biome. Extreme heat, intense sunlight, a scarcity of water,
and other factors make it impossible for a diverse range of plants and animals to thrive in a
desert ecosystem.

In the forest ecosystem, a wide range of flora and fauna coexist in a small region. Land
habitats are classified according to their climatic environments, such as tropical, temperate, or

Ecosystem of the Tundra. Due to the harsh climate of this area, life in the tundra biome
is limited. The tundra corresponds to the polar regions' lower altitudes. The ground in this area
is shrouded in snow for the majority of the year, making life very difficult; this is the explanation
for the restricted flora and fauna present in this type of habitat.

Ecosystem of the Savanna. The majority of people believe that savannas are close to
deserts. Because of the amount of rainfall in savannas, the ecology differs somewhat from that
of the desert. In comparison to the desert biome, savannas get more moisture, which helps the
life of the flora and fauna.

The grassland ecosystem, as its name implies, is dominated by grasses, with some
shrubs and trees thrown in for good measure. Grassland is an ideal habitat for animals that
graze. The grassland biome has a nice climate, and the climatic conditions are close to those in
semi-arid areas.

The mountain ecosystem is home to a diverse range of plants and animals. However,
alpine vegetation makes life in the mountain habitat difficult. To shield themselves from the cold,
creatures at higher altitudes have long and dense hair. The species of the mountain ecosystem
must also hibernate for a long time.

The marine ecosystem occupies about 70% of the Earth's atmosphere, making it one of
the largest types of habitats on the planet. Water is the most important part of the aquatic
ecosystem, since it contains dissolved minerals and salt. Sharks, cephalopods, brown algae,
echinoderms, corals, dinoflagellates, and other species all contribute to the aquatic

A freshwater ecosystem is a kind of aquatic ecosystem that is smaller than a marine

ecosystem. Nearly 0.8 percent of the Earth's atmosphere is covered by the freshwater











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